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Petition: Character Name Purge Part II


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some players like to pretend they are real life females to trick guys into giving them stuff for free.. i actually knew a guy that did that in SWG... and yes people did fall for it :( that is just one reason im sure there are others just as sick


some people have had stalkers harrassing them. some people have had stalkers send death threats to them using their alts to track their play behavior. some people may have a coworker that knows one of their alts that might report if they were on while at work..a lot of reasons

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Just asking, but why wouldn't you want people to know your alts?


A while back there was a player that i used to group with who had the annoying tendency to make alts and level them to 15-20 every other day or so. Then he would delete them and do it all over again, every single time sending me tells asking me to drag his ADD arse through korriban/hutta, dk, and balmorra on my level 50 so he didnt have to work hard...


After the 3rd alt i started hiding on my own alts to avoid the inevitable tells asking to be carried somewhere else.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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A while back there was a player that i used to group with who had the annoying tendency to make alts and level them to 15-20 every other day or so. Then he would delete them and do it all over again, every single time sending me tells asking me to drag his ADD arse through korriban, dk, and balmorra on my level 50 so he didnt have to work hard...


After the 3rd alt i started hiding on my own alts to avoid the inevitable tells asking to be carried somewhere else.


I know a few guildies like that. Help them once and they will continually ask you for help with everything.

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I know a few guildies like that. Help them once and they will continually ask you for help with everything.


I dont mind helping people, within reason, but after the third deletion i started getting irritated because if he was just going to be deleting them he was wasting my time where i could be doing -my own- thing, or helping someone else who would actually make use of my help >_<

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I dont mind helping people, within reason, but after the third deletion i started getting irritated because if he was just going to be deleting them he was wasting my time where i could be doing -my own- thing, or helping someone else who would actually make use of my help >_<


Most of the time, they flock to female members for help. I'm not saying that's why you're being trolled but it's a possibility.

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I'd be fine with that.




Sorry, but no. If you aren't a paying customer, the name should be made available again after no more than 60 days of inactivity. "Safe" names and F2P should not coexist.


Preferred players have paid for the game, I've probably spent $1,000 on SWTOR but if I let my subscription lapse I wouldn't want to lose my names super fast, I think by having made a contribution to the game preferred players have earn more time than f2p. (I don't plan on lapsing my sub but I know friends who leave for 2 months consistently between patches, they always return but are gone longer than 30 days, taking names would effect them I imagine.

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some players like to pretend they are real life females to trick guys into giving them stuff for free.. i actually knew a guy that did that in SWG... and yes people did fall for it :( that is just one reason im sure there are others just as sick

There are some good reasons, too


  • role playing. Some people like to drive consistency a bit farther than others...
  • guild matters. EG You might not want to carry over certain animosities onto all your alts.
  • harassment. Sometimes you really want evade somebody's "attention"
  • real life matter. Your Father/Son/Boyfriend/Girlfriend knows you play as "JoeThePlumber". Which is fine. But you'd rather not tell them every thing you do while playing an alt.


and so on.


Privacy matters.

Edited by ClavisN
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There are some good reasons, too


  • role playing. Some people like to drive consistency a bit farther than others...
  • guild matters. EG You might not want to carry over certain animosities onto all your alts.
  • harassment. Sometimes you really want evade somebody's "attention"
  • real life matter. Your Father/Son/Boyfriend/Girlfriend knows you play as "JoeThePlumber". Which is fine. But you'd rather not tell them every thing you do while playing an alt.


and so on.


Privacy matters.


Under Guild Matters there should also have been another point- Sometimes a person doesn't want to be guilted/dragged into drama/raids at inconvenient times/etc. Etc. Sometimes a person just wants to play the rest of the game as well.

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Under Guild Matters there should also have been another point- Sometimes a person doesn't want to be guilted/dragged into drama/raids at inconvenient times/etc. Etc. Sometimes a person just wants to play the rest of the game as well.

A /hide option for the friends/guild list would be nice to have for these situations.

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A /hide option for the friends/guild list would be nice to have for these situations.


But as it stands ATM, the only way to "/hide" is to be on an alt those people don't know about. Or use /busy I think to just auto-ignore whispers and the like.


To general thread:

I do not want my account name plastered all over my characters. Partially because Lyraine@LyraineAlei would look... Weird. And if I don't want people to even know I am playing at all (unlike STO, as exampled earlier in the thread as having an @username type system, but not actually showing the person as properly "hidden"), I don't want them to start pestering me to play with them.


*shudders* Reminds me of when I faked getting a new number to avoid a creepy kinda-friend who couldn't catch the hint that he was being creepy and to stop texting me, since my lying about having limited texting failed to help.


I wouldn't mind a name purge, as long as the parameters are the same as before. It won't likely open up all the names people keep hoping for, but it wouldn't hurt too much. And if it also meant that the ToS regarding names were also enforced properly as well (Revan s with awful alt codes, I am looking at you), that would be icing on the cake.*


I have alts I haven't touched since I subscribed, wait, no, I have played each one since I've subscribed, but still, it was a long time ago, but I am still playing the game, paying for it even. Edit: Paying for my playing of the game, I mean.


*not that I hate names with those alt-codes, but it does get a little annoying when I see Oby-One and Reeeeevann or something out there, against the ToS/Other whatever document it is with the names policy. Just irks me to see blatant rule-breaking.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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There is still a great deal of players that haven't logged on in quite some time with names that haven't been used in over 6 months to over a year, I think if we got a name purge once a month it would benefit everyone (if you're a lvl 55-60 than you are safe from the purge as long as you're a subscriber), that could possibly put those names into use for a change.


This will keep track to who is playing and who isn't, if you have alts that are under lvl 55-60, then you will be required to log on that alt at least once a month to keep that name, simple as that.

Edited by RaithHarth
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  • 1 month later...
New level requirements-

My recommendations:


Free to play-Logged in past 30 days- safe.




Level 55 -safe

Level 54 or below-must have logged on once in past 4 months to be safe.

Level 30 or below-must have logged in the past 2 months to be safe.


As always paying subs are safe.


This should clear up a lot of awesome names taken up by level 50s at launch.


I would not object to another name purge provided they used the same criteria as the last one.


I doubt that would free up too many names, though. I'm sure that even if they did do another name purge we would only see more threads from people like you, demanding another name purge using different criteria since the name(s) they want are still not available.

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I would not object to another name purge provided they used the same criteria as the last one.


I doubt that would free up too many names, though. I'm sure that even if they did do another name purge we would only see more threads from people like you, demanding another name purge using different criteria since the name(s) they want are still not available.


Which is why I believe they should just allow spaces within names (so you could have Terry [unique but realistic surname] without any special characters or punctuation BS) and be done with it. Generally there's less straining credulity in creating a unique surname than a unique first name. It'd also provide an easy mechanism for characters within the same legacy to have different last names, again, without resorting to extraneous punctuation BS.


Seriously I think that small change would deal with around 90% of the naming complaints, and it's a far more lasting fix than a one-off purge that isn't even guaranteed to free up the name you've been coveting.

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accounts that have not logged on in a year and that are not subscribers....do a year, NOT any shorter.


Subs keep their names for life. they are exempt from the name purge as a bonus for keeping their account current...even if they have not logged on


don't forget those gamers that are currently deployed and unable to login 4-6 months at a time or even longer. damned democrats always want to **** those that actually work for a living :rolleyes:



oh, whats wrong with ASCII codes??


Edited by Liquor
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  • 3 months later...

I'm originally from the Rubat Crystal server before being transfered over to Ebon Hawk and ever since then, my original name has been taken, the player using the name never logs on and remains the same.


So I support another name purge.

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None of my names are ever taken LOL I am just lucky. LOL


not lucky, you just have a good imagination and the ability to think for yourself. I am in agreement with Ratajack on this one...even if they did a name purge these people would still whine because they cant name a character ham solo or fluke skywalker.

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If they did this, they would have to notify people ahead of time that this was going to happen to give them a chance to login and secure their name. For those that just don't care anymore, they'd ignore and move on. Could also get some people who haven't been in game in a while to finally re-install and play again...maybe.
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