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Loading screens - really??


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Somehow Blizzard managed to do it 10 years ago. A wizard did it?


Yes and now when you zone into an instanced area you get massive lag and or disconnected, and the instances and what have you still have loading pages, so the only ones blizzard added were outside type instances like the garrison, and we all know how well that works...

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Yup, the Story has me hooked in pretty much forever. But playing any other decent MMO can show how badly optimized this game engine is--for instance, I've been playing PSO2, which looks a lot better, has faster combat, actual physics on stuff like hair, and literally doesn't lag at all even on my friends' bad computers.

How wonderful. Why aren't you playing PSO2 (whatever that is)?

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No, it's your opinion, Mr. Potato Comment.


The Old Republic runs better at medium graphics with shading options off than simply setting everything to 'Low' or 'Off'. There are many, MANY visual glitches that people point out constantly, usually involving clipping or something similar. Finally, there are many games that look better visually yet still run far smoother--and this isn't a computer problem, this computer was built literally a month ago, it couldn't be any newer.


But, sure, it's an opinion.


I'm just gonna abscond from this.

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The Old Republic runs better at medium graphics with shading options off than simply setting everything to 'Low' or 'Off'. There are many, MANY visual glitches that people point out constantly, usually involving clipping or something similar.

What does clipping have to do with performance?

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The Old Republic runs better at medium graphics with shading options off than simply setting everything to 'Low' or 'Off'. There are many, MANY visual glitches that people point out constantly, usually involving clipping or something similar. Finally, there are many games that look better visually yet still run far smoother--and this isn't a computer problem, this computer was built literally a month ago, it couldn't be any newer.


But, sure, it's an opinion.


I'm just gonna abscond from this.


Strange, swtor runs flawlessly for me max everything. Sure my PC is a bit stronger than anyone not doing graphic design would need but meh that's how I do things. Maybe you bought **** parts and a weak card?

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The Old Republic runs better at medium graphics with shading options off than simply setting everything to 'Low' or 'Off'. There are many, MANY visual glitches that people point out constantly, usually involving clipping or something similar. Finally, there are many games that look better visually yet still run far smoother--and this isn't a computer problem, this computer was built literally a month ago, it couldn't be any newer.


But, sure, it's an opinion.


I'm just gonna abscond from this.


If your computer was built a month ago, i could question your pc building skills, i'm running on a 5 year old pc and play on max settings without stutter.

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If your computer was built a month ago, i could question your pc building skills, i'm running on a 5 year old pc and play on max settings without stutter.


There is more to it than raw performance...


The game itself is poorly coded, everything from what is in the computer to the combination of drivers, to what type of Internet connection it has will have an effect.


It isn't as simple as saying, "buy this and perfect!"


But a good computer does help.

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It's 2015. We've managed to put man on the moon. I think we can manage to remove the many loading screens that we have to endure in this game. They are not needed.


Yeah loading screens are so pre 1969.


I would have referenced the The Philae probe myself, or Google cars, or something about Elon Musk.

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Strange, swtor runs flawlessly for me max everything. Sure my PC is a bit stronger than anyone not doing graphic design would need but meh that's how I do things. Maybe you bought **** parts and a weak card?


You clearly don't understand the relationship between software and hardware. Computer A could have superior hardware to Computer B. And yet Game may run more smoothly on Computer B due to Game's coding, optimization, etc.


In other words, don't flap your gums about stuff you don't understand.

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In other words, don't flap your gums about stuff you don't understand.


So, you do realize you are basically saying pretty much everyone on these forums, perhaps even the vast majority of people that open their mouths about any subject on the planet, should all just shut up...


Because the reality of the world we live in allows plenty of people to 'flap their gums' about plenty of things they don't understand. I mean, just look at politicians and news pundits alone, they lead the charge in such 'gum flapping'.

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I wouldn't begrudge a hyperspace cutscene in the place of loading screens...since planet switching is the main source of them. But I also don't mind the tips and concept paintings. And like I said, I got distractions so the load screens aren't really an issue for me.


Honestly I find the whole premise of this thread to be misguided. Who cares about loading screens? You gotta pee sometime.

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time spend doing one thing, is time not spent doing something else.


A static image can be put up and left up with little or no resources. dynamic or animated screens take more resources that would other wise be used for loading/rendering the initial scene.


Meh, Eilte Dangerous masks it just fine with a worm hole animation - a shiny that people like. It works well for the immersion. SWTOR should be using only the cutscenes while loading assets in the background.


Static image is just lazy.

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Meh, Eilte Dangerous masks it just fine with a worm hole animation - a shiny that people like. It works well for the immersion. SWTOR should be using only the cutscenes while loading assets in the background.


Static image is just lazy.


I'm not sure you appreciate how much work this would take. The loading screen right now isn't done in a completely separate thread so unless you want your animation to be played at <2 FPS and be all jittery it would be a considerable amount of work under the hood.


If they was willing to put so much time into working on the engine I'd rather see that time go to cross server, performance improvements and such rather than replacing loading screens with a cutscene.

Edited by MorgenBlue
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If your computer was built a month ago, i could question your pc building skills, i'm running on a 5 year old pc and play on max settings without stutter.


Same I have an old system built around an Asus Crosshair I (590 chipset) but I do have am R9 280 video card. I run on Ultra without a hitch. Loading is longer than I'd like especially between planets but my next rig will have 32GB of RAM minimum and I'll run Unleashed, looking forward to that.


This game leans heavily on your I/O subsystem so a better CPU and hard drive system will help you. SSD's yes and a fast 8-core but even conventional HDD's in RAID will help.


Yes this game was built on a looking-back engine, too bad really but it's still a fine game and very fun. Still very much engaged.

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I'm not sure you appreciate how much work this would take. The loading screen right now isn't done in a completely separate thread so unless you want your animation to be played at <2 FPS and be all jittery it would be a considerable amount of work under the hood.


If they was willing to put so much time into working on the engine I'd rather see that time go to cross server, performance improvements and such rather than replacing loading screens with a cutscene.


That's true, I would rather see them working on other more important issues. But, for the sake of immersion, right from the beginning Bioware should have followed the route of Mass Effect, or reuse the existing video loop. Spawning a parallel thread is not that difficult and most PCs today can run them concurrently. Hell, I play the game and watch a movie on 4 yr i7 860 just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Isn't WoW's world pretty much one big map, like in LotRO, where things can be loaded progressively? I don't see how this could work with TOR's planets.

Ever play Star Trek Online?


They pretty much nailed it when it came to the lack of long-gated loading screens and multiple planetary star systems from warp speed.

Edited by Mavolio
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At this point, I think it's too late. I like to think it's a joke how much time it takes to load Kuat Drive Yards or Alderaan.


The later you pick 'travel now' from group finder, the faster it loads.


The major load time for Kuat is Bioware's bazzillion checks randomization system. The actual level loads in seconds. You've probably heard yourself 'idle pacing' on the bridge while the area loads.


Its not uncommon to be the last person to pick 'travel now' and still be given instance ownership.

Edited by PorkdishSWOR
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