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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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How about you stream yourselves actually working on the game for a change?


Just pick a random ten issues from the bug reports and have at, Emperor knows you have plenty to choose from.


Alternatively, stream the meetings of whoever's in charge of class balance. New top comedy stream.

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Hopefully your Q/A would be helpful in restoring some trust and even lead to possibly interacting with the community on a more daily basis. Going to quote myself from another thread cause I dont feel like retyping it. Hoping you have more meaningful interaction with the community and maybe actually respond to make it seem like you are actually looking at what people are currently saying rather than say 5 months ago. Still looking for that "transparency" Eric professed to desire in his work.


People expect mistakes...


They do not expect mistakes of the magnitude seen with this expansion and the large lag time in;


A) acknowledging that issues exist

B) not correcting those issues for an extended period of time.


It Should never have taken a 6 week "investigation" to determine that 16 man was not dropping the intended amount of loot. Especially since they have chosen to make 16 man their preferred mode for groupfinder.


Their lack of communications on any issue is the problem more than anything. It gives the impression that they don't care. The community team needs a serious reevaluation of how they comment on issues. Tait does a decent job but tends to only comment on small issues like an armor piece clipping through bodies or items along those lines. The larger issues that prevent or deter people from actually participating in content go unmentioned and ignored. Some amount of acknowledgement would probably be a good first step into repairing relations with the community.


On some of the issues they just pop out some yellow text after they have investigated or it shows up in patch notes. They need to acknowledge them and bring attention to the fact that they are actively investigating how to fix them. I would have preferred to hear that they were solving the issue with loot rather than hear that it took 6 weeks to investigate that the loot was not dropping correctly when anyone with a minuscule ability in basic math could tell that 16 man was dropping 1 token instead of two for double the amount of people as an 8 man. Best way to have noticed was if they actually played their own game or at least tested it, but that is such a novel idea.

Edited by g_land
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IMO drop the stream altogether and actually post on the forums throughout the week when we ask you questions or raise important issues.


Also I would love to see someone from Bioware try tanking something. See how much fun it is to be chain stunned over and over by trash mobs.

Edited by Icebergy
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The more I think about this, the more amusing it becomes.


The house is on fire. What do you think we should do?


Well, lets talk about whether or not you feel water is wet. I wanted your feelings on the matter.


Why do I feel like a few guys in the Bioware office are having a good laugh over this? It has to be a joke, because I refuse to believe that these guys are this "out of touch" with reality.

Edited by LordArtemis
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The more I think about this, the more amusing it becomes.


The house is on fire. What do you think we should do?


Well, lets talk about whether or not you feel water is wet. I wanted your feelings on the matter.


Why do I feel like a few guys in the Bioware office are having a good laugh over this? It has to be a joke, because I refuse to believe that these guys are this "out of touch" with reality.


They're blowing more smoke then that green van of Cheech & Chongs :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Well, this actually silenced my GF. She was so dumbfounded over this she couldn't even bring herself to comment.


Bioware does not seem to understand the concept of mouth > foot.


Really, this wasn't very swift IMO. It was a good move, good topic at the absolute worst time it could have been posted.....lol.


It's like trying to borrow money from a widow at a funeral.

Edited by LordArtemis
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How about communicating when bugs are actually fixed? Apparently, according to a kind poster in the Bugs forum, "Big Guns," the kickoff to the Imp-side Balmorra planetary quest chain is finally fixed. You'd never know it from the lack of communication or the patch notes, though.


I'm wondering how many other silent fixes were made that we don't know about-- because they were never communicated. I get the feeling Bioware's probably working a lot harder than we think on reported problems, but since most of that work isn't ever highlighted, we're all feeling shafted and neglected.


Better communication-- not playing terrible PVP matches on some irrelevant stream -- might reverse some of the toxicity around here.

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Hah many people called this that the streams would be put on hold due to the outrage over the Ravagers exploiter's still seemingly being dealt with and also the fiasco that was the slot machines.


I mean the entire "Q&A" would massive be aimed focused on those 2 points by the community and it seems Eric and co/ have run out of excuses for them.


Even the excuse used here is half baked - nothing is stopping them doing the streams in their current form whilst working on improving them as listed.


Yet another slap in the face to the community really from my perspective until you actually deal with the major issue/complaints at hand - you know the one's that have gained more forum posts in a few weeks than any other issue seems to have managed in the years since release?

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It called PR spin with getting people think of some thing else other then what's been happening. Problem with that is we all know this is a PR stunt.


Total stunt. But I gotta say I'm surprised how many people fell for it.:(

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They have a fairly large list to choose from.


Just in case you are not aware, Bioware, folks around here seemed miffed about a few things....and I am fairly positive one of those things is NOT streaming.


I mean, take your pick....





CSM nerf

Condition of website

Bugs galore

Raid issues

Lack of PVP content

Lack of GSF content


Just a partial list.


I mean, really....just browse the forums. Quite a few topics to choose from.


Now, let me take a look.....


(looks around the forum)


Nope, no streaming.


(checks in subforums)


No streaming in here...



Yea. Not one of the pertinent issues at the moment.

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I am absolutely flabbergasted. Stunned at the stones on these guys to post this in light of the forum mayhem of the last week.


I'm guessing cartel market sales are down, many players are feeling let down by the bugs and lack of stuff to do, folks are leaving, the game has taken a PR hit from its too little too late response to outstanding issues. So there's more pressure to get serious again and buckle down. After all, it's human nature to relax when the going gets good and the money's pouring in. Unless you're a medieval farming community working as usual to make hay while the sun's shining in preparation for the upcoming long winter.

Edited by Projawa
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I would like Bioware to stop screwing around and fix the game.


Really, enough is enough. It is beyond hilarious that THIS is what Bioware would believe folks would be concerned with. I know you are just the messenger Eric, but really?


Streaming? You really think this is an important issue that deserves attention and feedback?


Do you ever have something optimistic to say? Or is it all dreary cloudy skies everyday. What is your issue exactly?


Also, thank you BioWare for this :) Really good.

Edited by Sarfux
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I would like Bioware to stop screwing around and fix the game.


Really, enough is enough. It is beyond hilarious that THIS is what Bioware would believe folks would be concerned with. I know you are just the messenger Eric, but really?


Streaming? You really think this is an important issue that deserves attention and feedback?




Really Eric, you think THIS IS THE PROBLEM?


I'm speechless...

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I know this is going to be a rehash of what other's have already said, so count it as my vote.


The things you have already outlined are all good starts! Other suggestions, largely based on streams I have seen CMs form other games do, that I enjoy:


Pick a topic for the stream, and stick too it. When you have a dev on you are pretty good at this, but when its just the Community team, you guys are all over the map.


PvP based streams are fine, but come ready to play and with proper gear.


PvE based streams are fine, but come ready to play and with proper gear.


You should have a person not playing monitoring chat in the same room as you, not down the hall. This person can help you field questions while you play.


More/Better giveaways. Give away Taun Fawn Codes, Give away Cartel Coins, Give away Hypercrates, Give Away some sets of ship gear, Give away a set of Moddable armor. Do it at set and consistent points during your stream, and use tools to pick a winner from chat and give them the codes they need instead of current mass dumping of codes and everyone is on their own.


When an event is running, do that weeks stream on the event.


PUG with players, and not just the top players. If you want to build a community, try to give Joe Average player a chance. This one I talk about from personal experience, as I was on Oricon when you guys ran that with one of the devs.


Have max level characters on every server, and rotate what servers you play on.


Play classes/disciplines you know when you do max level play. If you want to take a foray into the unknown, a Let's Play where you level a new character would be more appropriate.


Show off new Cartel Market items, sometimes. Don't go overboard on this. Maybe you can get a test server for this and show the whole run at one time.


Musco needs to take of his shirt more.


I sometimes feel like when you guys are asked a question you try to answer it, even if you don't really know. Don't do this, its OK not to know, say you don't know, and even better, follow-up and post the answer later if possible.


Sometimes I feel like when someone in stream chat is trying to explain a problem with the game, instead of acknowledging the problem and passing it on to the devs for possible action, you try to find solutions for the player, even if they aren't very good. You are our conduit to the devs, please pass on our suggestions and experiences to them. And example of my own, I was trying one time to explain the poor quality of the mouse controls in the game, and GSF in particular, and was asking about getting some better controls in place, or setting the zero point of Camera Rotation Speed to a lower value, and you suggested I get a gaming mouse. I get you were trying to be helpful, but that's not the type of help customers are looking for from the community team.

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Do you ever have something optimistic to say? Or is it all dreary cloudy skies everyday. What is your issue exactly?


Also, thank you BioWare for this :) Really good.


Clearly you haven't seen his post history, or seen his posts around. He is usually a very level headed, optimistic person who I've never seen really dig into BW. We disagree on a few issues but I generally read his posts as he is someone with an open mind and something constructive to say. The fact that he is fed up is disheartening, along with other long time members of the community who are always level headed. Andrayah and her unsub come to mind. I wish she would have made her own post, though I generally dislike threads of that type, as her goodbye post was an accurate cross section of the issues we face. I'm not going to portend doom and gloom, it's just something that made me take notice.


I would like to believe that this is a good thing, this new streaming idea, and I don't wear a tinfoil hat but it seems to be coming at an odd time, when there are real concerns in the community, and no I am not talking about slot machine drop rates or folks taking advantage of a operations glitch. This is the issue they have chosen to bring to us though, so I hope they hear the ideas posted in this thread and make the new streams awesome, connect with other servers and play with different people. Though I did love the idea of having them put their money where their mouth is and have them run a 16 man group finder ToS, with no voip, just like regular folks would have to do it, and let us know what they think of underlurker, or having the last boss of ravagers not go to her escape pod. Anyway, here is hoping that the new streams are awesome and will make people happy.

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