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create a new 'Purchase Alert' to protect GTN buyers


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The answer is, of course, that:


  • it's the right thing to do, even though it's only a small portion of the player population
  • the consequence of NOT doing so is that that small group of people, if they still choose to venture into the unprotected venue, might meet with a very catastrophic fate as a result of there being no guidance/protection mechanism
  • not doing so would leave the management of the venue with a sense that it's inadequate, because it's obvious that it's the needed change




Let's compare the two things, side by side:


  • GTN buyers buying items that cost 250K+ have to wait 3 seconds before being able to click 'OK' to finalize their purchase
  • GTN buyers who aren't yet familiarized with how easy a mistake can happen on the GTN... end up time and again losing MILLIONS of credits (but not the same person twice) on the GTN on egregiously overpriced items because they didn't realize the price tag was so high



NO MATTER WHAT the actual reason(s) any particular purchase error occurred, the fact of the matter is that the Purchase Confirmation is the last step of the purchase process, and the entire purpose of the Purchase Confirmation is, by definition, to prevent mistaken purchases, and so the Purchase Confirmation failed to do its job in these cases. So it's a no-brainer that the Purchase Confirmation should be enhanced. NO MATTER WHAT the reasons are for the purchase errors.


Yes, of course, you are so right. I totally get it now! Possible maiming and death directly correlate to imaginary money.


The Purchase Confirmation did not fail. the player failed. The Dialog did what it is designed to do, it jumped out and said "Hey, are you sure you wanna buy this?" And the PLAYER clicked in affirmation. The PLAYER.


That said, as part of the CURRENT design, I would have no problem with a total amount being displayed inside that dialog. But no cool-down or other nonsense. "You are about to purchase X Item for Y credits. Are you sure you want to do this?" And if the player has it deselected under options, that's just tough, decisions have consequences.

Edited by ekwalizer
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How about the ability to switch off the redesigned Purchase Confirmation Dialog will be a Legacy unlock that requires the maximum Legacy level, and costs 15M credits to unlock?


Do you see my point or will I have to explain it to you? . . :cool:




There you go again with logical fallacies. YOU are the only person that connects those two dots. How about we just don't implement the redesigned Purchase Confirmation Dialog? I don't know how good at math you are, but you are very deep in the minority on this issue.


I don't want it, I don't believe in pandering to fools. And that is all this is. Those same anonymous players that you claim to champion, even under your proposal, will still screw it up because they have already demonstrated their carelessness. Your/their mistake does not equate to an inconvenience for me. Like many others, I do not accept your proposal because it would negatively impact my playtime, while benefiting me nil.

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There you go again with logical fallacies. YOU are the only person that connects those two dots. How about we just don't implement the redesigned Purchase Confirmation Dialog? I don't know how good at math you are, but you are very deep in the minority on this issue.


I don't want it, I don't believe in pandering to fools. And that is all this is. Those same anonymous players that you claim to champion, even under your proposal, will still screw it up because they have already demonstrated their carelessness. Your/their mistake does not equate to an inconvenience for me. Like many others, I do not accept your proposal because it would negatively impact my playtime, while benefiting me nil.


I'm beginning to think the OP has taken role-playing a Jedi a bit too far.

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