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Not adjusting the slot machine is the worst thing they can do.


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I am one that supports having different types of options for obtaining any potential item in a game, therefore have no problem with things like the slot machine. However, no one means of acquisition should be inherently better than any other. Did the machine need a nerf? Yeah, kinda (but not to the extreme that it was), but along with that, crew skills need a buff - and a big one at that.


I agree completely.

The slot machine should be an alternative way of getting mats. A more costly way but less time-consuming (at least potentially, since you can't do anything other than use the slot machine) way of getting mats.

There's nothing inherently wrong with multiple avenues to reach the same goal.

The only ones that would complain about such a thing would be the ones who have essentially monopolized one avenue and is afraid of competition.

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Is this really what broke so many people's trust in Bioware... It really wasn't obvious to most of you that that all Bioware and EA does now is milk their playerbase like a herd of cash cows? Seriously, SWTOR is one huge bloated Hutt, always hungry for everything that's in your wallet. I'm only subbed because I like Star Wars so much that I'm willing to deal with Bioware and EA's constant ********.


I'm just genuinely surprised that it took this for so many people to see what I thought was glaringly obvious.

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The only ones that would complain about such a thing would be the ones who have essentially monopolized one avenue and is afraid of competition.


Not necessarily. I complain, but only because I want to increase the rate for everyone. Putting the mats in the machine, conquests or packs means restricted access. Putting those mats in gathering and crew missions means access for all.

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Is this really what broke so many people's trust in Bioware... It really wasn't obvious to most of you that that all Bioware and EA does now is milk their playerbase like a herd of cash cows? Seriously, SWTOR is one huge bloated Hutt, always hungry for everything that's in your wallet. I'm only subbed because I like Star Wars so much that I'm willing to deal with Bioware and EA's constant ********.


I'm just genuinely surprised that it took this for so many people to see what I thought was glaringly obvious.


its a concept of last straw that broke the camel's back. individually a straw is light and inconsequential and just seems to minor. but at that straw to a burden that's near unbearable.. that little tinny bit of weight? is enough to make that burden no longer bearable at all.


or if you prefer a different parable.. wasn't there something about that last drop that overflowed already full glass? I might be mixing my metaphors here, but I hope you get the idea


that said. I'm still waiting for the week to start first. wasn't expecting any replies to be posted over the weekend and to be honest, I doubt we'll see anything before Tuesday.. to give them at least a day to go over this forum storm and figure out a course of action. there may be a post on Monday that they saw and passed this along to the rest of the team, but have nothing concrete to say yet. after that... well... we'll see what happens then

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Well...i can understand most angels of this issue....and tbh, i kinda agree with several opposing oppinions as well.


I think, in the end, i feel that it was the right move to take down the crazyhigh droprate of the purples, but i also agree that it's much too low now - and 1 mount reward isn't filling the gap, nor does it make it an "Awesome machine" as they stated.


Imo there are some ways they could do this somewhat right, for example:

-Up the droprate on purples so that they become rare, but not stupidly so.

-Up the droprate on purples to very rare, but not stupidly so and then implement several other very rare and uniqe slotmachine rewards. Keep the mount as stupidly rare.

-Reimplement Cartel Certificates on the machine on a very rare basis....in fact, let several other highly valued and desirable CM items be part of the reward rotation on a stupidly rare droprate.

-Implement an entire new currency simular to the casino event, and let ppl win tokens to buy rewards off a vendor from. You could even sell the vendor in a CM pack lol..

-Make reputation items more rare and instead let all CM reps drop.

-Make 1 CC a rare reward

-Reward both PvP and PvE currency (in very small values)

-Etc....the concept is; The more variety of rewards - the more interesting will it be to play the slots, as long as most of the rare, very rare and stupidly rare rewards are actually desirable.


Obviously you should remove/alter anything that threatens ppl to stop using crewskills or any other area of the game - but you have to take such moves carefully and with some insight. There are several ways you could have done a change to the machine without upsetting the crowds this much...take away 1 cookie and offer a different one.


Whatever you do, don't try to sit this one out - because if anything is true it is that this move of yours effectivly broke the entertainment and purpose of the original item. You need to do something.

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Whatever you do, don't try to sit this one out - because if anything is true it is that this move of yours effectivly broke the entertainment and purpose of the original item. You need to do something.

I agree completely.


You don't win friends by giving them a nice present, only to snatch it away or stamp on it later!


I baffles my why the concept of 'light touch' is so alien to the Devs. They only seem to have one balancing tool in thier box, a Sledghammer ! :confused:

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The nerf to mats was tough but in my opinion is acceptable. Mats, IMO again, do not belong on the machine in the first place (but also do not belong in packs or conquest....they should instead increase returns on missions and scavenging, and increase crit rate on the former).


My main issue is the cert nerf, which was completely unnecessary and removed most of the appeal of the machine. Without a decent cert rate it becomes a temporary reputation machine. Once you max rep, it is next to useless.


The cert drop rate needs to return to 2%. IMO everything else can stay as it is.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I agree completely.


You don't win friends by giving them a nice present, only to snatch it away or stamp on it later!


I baffles my why the concept of 'light touch' is so alien to the Devs. They only seem to have one balancing tool in thier box, a Sledghammer ! :confused:


Yea, I don't see them building a huge amount of good will at the moment.

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I've made a suggestion in the Suggestions Forum I would like to 'signal boost'. My apologies for putting this post in more than one thread.


Please consider visiting the thread and adding your own thoughts/ideas about changes to the slots that would make them more acceptable and help alleviate community discontent with the v1.1 changes.


Please note: I think we have more than enough general complain threads. Now its more helpful to provide BioWare/The Devs with some ideas and demonstrate we're being reasonable and its too their benefit to consider our suggestions.





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