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Request to remove or change Slicing.


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Hey if you want to run around Yavin farming boxes for hours i say you deserve a million credits cause that sounds boring to me. Let it go man :rolleyes:


Hehe I pretty much feel the same way. I pick some up as I go but I don't farm every node. Boring.

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Each time it respawns you get an average of 5k. 5 minute respawn timer. 12x5k = 60k. Approximately.


Edit: For comparison, I can run the non-flashpoint missions of Czerka dailies in about 7 minutes give or take and make about 60k; last I recall.


But everything from "But imagine" on would be a violation of the ToS that can get you banned.

you are forgetting blue credit boxes, which from my experience is 1 in 10.


And if the "But imagine" is so far out in left field and would get people banned, why was it such a big deal for the slots? It was the exact same thing. I am not trying to advocate going back on the slots, just using it as a recent comparison. Players (maybe not you) are playing down people macroing chests, crew skill harvesting etc as "its against the tos and would get people banned" so its not much to worry about points of view with harvesting materials while afk. But the slots was the same thing and people were all "OMG afk macring to gather crew skill items on slots!" Both violations of the ToS, both doing the exact same thing. But with one people are like "Meh, its against the tos so no one will do it and if they do they will get banned" and the other "OMG".


But its the exact same violation, doing the exact same thing, weather sitting on yavin/rishi right clicking or sitting in SH right clicking. The action is exactly the same. With one it was a crime against humanity, the game, the players, ea, god, the flying spaghettii monsters, etc. The other? Meh.


disclaimer: had to highlight the red area as some on the forum would completely miss it while reading this post 3000 times and still not see that little snippit right there. and then the accusations come flowing.


My points being, Slicing should not at all be tied to Synthweaving/Armst/Armorm at all. That and the amount of money in game it brings from thin air is more than any other crafting skill. For an hour sending out crews on UWT I *may* get the mats for 1-2 armoring or mods. For an hour slicing I *will* make x10 what that one piece of armor is worth in raw credits. That is not balanced.

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There is a reason why everyone I talk to has without a doubt told me they have slicing on almost all of their toons. That reason is...


Slicing is the most valuable skill of them all by a long shot. And this should not be the case. Slicing nets more credits than any other skill or even set of skills.


Consider the following.


1. In about an hour I made half a million credits on Yavin 4 gathering Archeology and Slicing. That is half a million in just credits. Not including crafting missions gained. Extend that gather time to what it takes to run UWT for grade 11 artifact mats and it is completely unbalanced in terms of income.

2. All nodes for Slicing are static on Yavin 4 and Rishi. A right click macro can farm the same node while AFK for hours or even days and get rich doing nothing but right clicking.

3. The majority of all complaints pre nerf of the slots were attributed to SLICING being not needed anymore. This shows an issue of relying too heavily on slicing over the others.


So what I propose to regain balance...


1. Take away crafting missions from slicing boxes and have them only drop via sending crews out on missions. Just like Treasure Hunting.

2. REDUCE the amount of credits from a slicing node to that of what a single Silver mob would drop AT MAX. And make it give direct credits, no boxes, so no chance of green/blue/purple boxes.

3. Randomize and REDUCE the number of nodes on Yavin 4 and Rishi by 50%

4. Extend the respawn time on gathering nodes on Yavin 4 and Rishi by 100%

5. Take Adaptive Circuitry off of the slicing loot table and add it to Underworld Trading and Investigation. Since those are the skills required for Synthweaving, Armstech and Armormech.


Lets face it, Slicing alone unbalances crew skills and skews returns in the way crew skills should operate.


Slicing is the only crew skill where it can be totally utilized by itself to make Half to a full Million per hour without crafting anything and only pressing one mouse button.

Oh my god another idiot who is coming to the forum to whine about something.really these people are playing the game or they subscribe just becouse they want to spred their idiot ideas .

Edited by MedveBocs
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Hehe I pretty much feel the same way. I pick some up as I go but I don't farm every node. Boring.


Lol id never get any objective completed if so..


"Ok need to go kill that massa... oooh a box!" -opens box- "Alright what was I doing? Right over there to... Oooh a box!" -rinse, repeat- :D

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People stand in front of the GTN and make millions of credits. Please nerf GTN.


People go around doing cycles of highest credit / hr dailies to make millions. Please nerf dailies.


People spend more time in game than me because I have real world obligations. Please nerf people with more spare time than me.



Glad I'm not the only one that feels that this is what this post is about, lol.

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Bioware should remove mobs from the game. All mobs. When people kill mobs, some times even one shotting them, they drop credits and items that they can sell for credits. This is game breaking. Players could run around and kill mobs all day long and profit off of it. All they are using is their free time and there are no repercussions to them killing all these helpless mobs for profit!


tldr; Nerf mobs. Please remove from game. It interferes with my joy of scenery watching when I know the people around me are profiting from simply spending time murdering things.

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Slicing doesn't need a nerf. Jeez, if you have a problem having credits because you take the time to run around getting the slicing boxes then don't go around gathering them. Why try to take away or have them adjust more parts of the game that don't need adjusting? Why not let the developers focus on continuing to fix things like lag, quests not updating properly, or bugs that cause exploits like what happened here recently with the Ravagers op?
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First off, let me just say that I believe it's a terrible idea to try and add 'price fixing' to the GTN.


A game's economy is pretty much self-regulatory. Supply and Demand are the name of the game.


That said, I'm worried about the impact of having numerous players adding millions of 'brand new' credits to the system on a regular basis. This is how inflation occurs.


We need to balance that, I think, but no easy solutions come to mind. As sad as it would make me, I think there should be something done about the plethora of slicing boxes on Yavin. There's just way too many and I doubt anyone can look at the rest of the game's ratio of boxes per zone and say that Yavin is balanced with the same ratio.


Simply put: There's too many. Why they've let this persist for 'months' now is beyond me.

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Bioware should remove mobs from the game. All mobs. When people kill mobs, some times even one shotting them, they drop credits and items that they can sell for credits. This is game breaking. Players could run around and kill mobs all day long and profit off of it. All they are using is their free time and there are no repercussions to them killing all these helpless mobs for profit!


tldr; Nerf mobs. Please remove from game. It interferes with my joy of scenery watching when I know the people around me are profiting from simply spending time murdering things.


This is the exact reason we should be able to moderate our own threads, when people post but do not contribute to the conversation.


Dont like the topic? Dont agree with the topic?


Dont read the topic.


Not. That. Difficult.

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First off, let me just say that I believe it's a terrible idea to try and add 'price fixing' to the GTN.


A game's economy is pretty much self-regulatory. Supply and Demand are the name of the game.


That said, I'm worried about the impact of having numerous players adding millions of 'brand new' credits to the system on a regular basis. This is how inflation occurs.


We need to balance that, I think, but no easy solutions come to mind. As sad as it would make me, I think there should be something done about the plethora of slicing boxes on Yavin. There's just way too many and I doubt anyone can look at the rest of the game's ratio of boxes per zone and say that Yavin is balanced with the same ratio.


Simply put: There's too many. Why they've let this persist for 'months' now is beyond me.



So apparently there is a such thing as "too much free money"?


Um, ok.

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This is the exact reason we should be able to moderate our own threads, when people post but do not contribute to the conversation.


Dont like the topic? Dont agree with the topic?


Dont read the topic.


Not. That. Difficult.


I'm serious, nerf all the mobs.

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First off, let me just say that I believe it's a terrible idea to try and add 'price fixing' to the GTN.


A game's economy is pretty much self-regulatory. Supply and Demand are the name of the game.


That said, I'm worried about the impact of having numerous players adding millions of 'brand new' credits to the system on a regular basis. This is how inflation occurs.


We need to balance that, I think, but no easy solutions come to mind. As sad as it would make me, I think there should be something done about the plethora of slicing boxes on Yavin. There's just way too many and I doubt anyone can look at the rest of the game's ratio of boxes per zone and say that Yavin is balanced with the same ratio.


Simply put: There's too many. Why they've let this persist for 'months' now is beyond me.


I liked your entire post, so I am quoting the entire thing. I just highlighted that portion to point out that it was just said


"It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like"


I am highlighting the unfortunate truth here that our markets are not self-regulating. Their statement right there proves it.


"below where we would like"


"below where we would like"


This sentence bothered me when I first read it. Even more so now that you brought up self-regulating. We cannot have a healthy self regulating in game economy if EA is deciding where they would like the prices.


Just want to point out, this is not at all a jab at you with the bolds and highlights. I am doing that so some might see exactly what I and others seem to have seen.

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I admit, I had a level 450 slicer (dropped it to get scav/armor/UT and make armor for alts). It was great, go send comps on the Character level 45-50 range missions for lockboxes, loot boxes in the overworld. Got the first credit achi on Imp Taris using that.


Except my Slice tech mats had a hard time selling (wasn't a very good merchant yet), and we didn't have legacy storage yet, so I dumped it for something I could use and sell.


I like slicing. When 12x came out, I had my cybertech who was running on Pub Bal start making mods and mailing them until he was up on Voss doing nothing but making mods and armorings for alts.


The new alts? At the time I had an Armormech, Cybertech and Biochemist already up and running, so I threw on Slicing/UT/TH to fund their gearing, mailing creds back to the cybertech to get more mats. The Biochemist just went along making her own meds and being awesome by smashing people in the face with the butt of her rifle...


And all the Bio/Arch/Scav mats went to storage.


Slicing makes credits fast, yes, but you still have to invest time to it, running around or waiting for nodes and sending comps to missions that can go up to an hour or more depending on the affection level and CS level.

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So apparently there is a such thing as "too much free money"?


Um, ok.






You're one of the Slicers that regularly roam Yavin, collecting slicing boxes. Hooray, free money.


But, eventually, you go offline to go do RL stuff like eat and sleep.


Other people are there, too. And they're gathering while you're gone. And there's a lot of them now. And that's millions upon millions being pumped into the economy every day that this continues.


So, now you have millions more than you did before. You can now afford more stuff and you buy that stuff from other players, and those millions move into the economy. More players have more money. And all those slicers and yourself are still steadily adding to those millions. More and more players have more and more millions, every day, more players are getting filthy rich.


Now, everyone has millions and so prices for everything start going up. Stims and augments cost more because, hey, we can all afford it. And if people try to bring the price back down, those cheaper items are bought up and relisted at their higher prices.


So, life is good at the top, but people who are new to the game or those who don't have a slicer are stuck with non-inflated credit amounts, so their credits haven't changed a bit, but all of a sudden, those credits don't buy what they used to buy.


And they're left with either leveling Slicing and join the herd of Slicers on yavin, farming boxes and avoiding mobs, or they make due with that substandard play, having do without high end stuff that wasn't so high-end before SoR launched.


Inflation, it's a thing.

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you are forgetting blue credit boxes, which from my experience is 1 in 10.


Not forgetting. Single white credit box: ~2.5k, Double Credit Box: ~5k, Green Credit Box: ~7k, Blue Credit Box: 10k


I said an approximation / average for clicking a single harvest-able for an hour. Let's assume 1 in 10 is correct, you are still going to get an average of 1 blue box per hour. In any case, you are still looking at an good estimate of credits of around 60k-70k per hour for a single node of button mashing.


And if the "But imagine" is so far out in left field and would get people banned, why was it such a big deal for the slots? It was the exact same thing. I am not trying to advocate going back on the slots, just using it as a recent comparison. Players (maybe not you) are playing down people macroing chests, crew skill harvesting etc as "its against the tos and would get people banned" so its not much to worry about points of view with harvesting materials while afk. But the slots was the same thing and people were all "OMG afk macring to gather crew skill items on slots!" Both violations of the ToS, both doing the exact same thing. But with one people are like "Meh, its against the tos so no one will do it and if they do they will get banned" and the other "OMG".


Full macros and automation of any kind are a violation of the Terms of Service. Reporting it for a slicing node is just as valid as reporting it for the slots. Any differences in your perception of the community's reaction are inconsequential; the only thing that matters is whether reported and what actions Bioware takes.

Edited by azudelphi
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You're one of the Slicers that regularly roam Yavin, collecting slicing boxes. Hooray, free money.


But, eventually, you go offline to go do RL stuff like eat and sleep.


Other people are there, too. And they're gathering while you're gone. And there's a lot of them now. And that's millions upon millions being pumped into the economy every day that this continues.


So, now you have millions more than you did before. You can now afford more stuff and you buy that stuff from other players, and those millions move into the economy. More players have more money. And all those slicers and yourself are still steadily adding to those millions. More and more players have more and more millions, every day, more players are getting filthy rich.


Now, everyone has millions and so prices for everything start going up. Stims and augments cost more because, hey, we can all afford it. And if people try to bring the price back down, those cheaper items are bought up and relisted at their higher prices.


So, life is good at the top, but people who are new to the game or those who don't have a slicer are stuck with non-inflated credit amounts, so their credits haven't changed a bit, but all of a sudden, those credits don't buy what they used to buy.


And they're left with either leveling Slicing and join the herd of Slicers on yavin, farming boxes and avoiding mobs, or they make due with that substandard play, having do without high end stuff that wasn't so high-end before SoR launched.


Inflation, it's a thing.

Your error is in assuming that these credits are somehow new to the game...they aren't. They're taking the place of OTHER free credits. If not Yavin, the player would be on Ilum or Makeb farming boxes...or just running daily missions.

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I liked your entire post, so I am quoting the entire thing. I just highlighted that portion to point out that it was just said


"It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like"


I am highlighting the unfortunate truth here that our markets are not self-regulating. Their statement right there proves it.


"below where we would like"


"below where we would like"


This sentence bothered me when I first read it. Even more so now that you brought up self-regulating. We cannot have a healthy self regulating in game economy if EA is deciding where they would like the prices.


Just want to point out, this is not at all a jab at you with the bolds and highlights. I am doing that so some might see exactly what I and others seem to have seen.


Well, you're right. They regulate the price by manipulating the drop-rate of the 11 mats in question. I should have emphasized that a bit, I suppose.


To be completely honest, I'm irate about the Slot Machine change, but I was lucky enough to have the credits necessary to snatch up a huge chunk of the undervalued 11 mats before the patch notes became widely known.


I may well make in excess of 15-20mil off of this by the time I finish relisting and reselling the stacks and stacks of 7k Midlithe crystals and 13k Adaptive Circuits that I snatched up.

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Each time it respawns you get an average of 5k. 5 minute respawn timer. 12x5k = 60k. Approximately.


Edit: For comparison, I can run the non-flashpoint missions of Czerka dailies in about 7 minutes give or take and make about 60k; last I recall.


But everything from "But imagine" on would be a violation of the ToS that can get you banned.


admittedly i haven't been to the post50 planets but everywhere else the re-spawn timer on slicing nodes is 20 minutes with other gathering nodes re-spawning at every 7 minutes... i run very specific routes and use a timer set to 19:min so i always return to the first node of my route a minute before it re-spawns, it's important i know the timing in order to make the most of my farming routes, it's how i finance my crafting... the Slicing nodes were already nerfed once by lowering their payout and lengthening their re-spawn to 20 minutes...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Is this discussion really happening?

This stuff is starting to get really stupid...


Hey BW please nerf my boss and buff my paycheck. Also please remove my bills so I can spend all my time and money on video games... :rak_03:

Edited by RiVaN_
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