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Cloaking screen?


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Hey gang, was in a few pvp matches last night and on a few occasions I was simply unable to fire off my cloaking screen and vanish during combat....

Specifically 3 times over the course of my last two matches. 2 on Voidstar and one on CW. It was dark but absolutely NOT on CD. Can't figure out why this happened. This was not an all evening occurrence. Just those last two matches I noticed it happening...


Lag? Any one else have this before? Thoughts?


Thanks gang! :D

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Applies a hindered debuff that stops leaps, stealth outs and force barrier. Can be cleansed with a stun beaker.


Yep, and even then, the dot will persist, a purge doesn't remove it either AFAIK. I sometimes have to break an electronet at low HP > vanish > immediately die to the dot, while having Evasive Screen as a utility.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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I would vote for electronet too. I saw a merc shoot me with it and I had the effects, but no animation of the net was around me. I think this has happened to me a few times with no animation of a net.


Yeah, I've noticed a lot of visuals tend to load in late, dunno if it's related to your graphics card being slow or what, though.

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the sorc KB+FS=indered effect is still here?


I believe so, and I think other classes now also have this ability, but i dont think it effects the ability to use in combat stealths.


Wouldnt be suprised if this is just something I have missed though.

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Yeah it was most likely just electro net. I have been the unlucky recipient of net several time. One time the enemy team had 4 mercs and I was netted like 10 times that match. I think they were seeing how often they could net my op cause they all seemed to save it until I popped out. Net is a nice power for mercs.


I've also had visuals not pop up on my screen before. For example a couple weeks ago I decided to pick up the jarring strike utility (root on backstab from stealth) and pin down (root on sever tendon) so that I would have 3 roots on my concealment op. Loaded into a Voidstar on attacking side. A Merc came all the up to our spawn point so I opened up on it as it was running back toward its door. It didn't even pause with the root, but I though maybe it is quick with a cleanse. So I threw sever tendon at it. Nothing. I though maybe extremely quick and stupid use of stun breaker. So I rolled up to him because he was running pretty fast and used crippling slice. Again no root. But the whole time he didn't have the Orange circle around his feet. It's obvious he had to have been using hydraulic overrides, but the visual didn't show up on him. It happens sometimes.

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Hey gang, was in a few pvp matches last night and on a few occasions I was simply unable to fire off my cloaking screen and vanish during combat....

Specifically 3 times over the course of my last two matches. 2 on Voidstar and one on CW. It was dark but absolutely NOT on CD. Can't figure out why this happened. This was not an all evening occurrence. Just those last two matches I noticed it happening...


Lag? Any one else have this before? Thoughts?


Thanks gang! :D


Just to repeat everyone else it's probably Electronet. I've noticed severe FPS drop in voidstar and this weird animation lag when I'll be hit by something like electronet but the visuals of the abiltity don't actually show up for a second or two, it's probably something similar.

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Ok, sounds logical. I'm on board for the explanations. Thanks for the replies all.


To confirm some of your suspicions of the goings on....

Both matches had at least 2 mercs on opposing side.

I in fact did not see an animation/effect on my char or theirs that would tip me off, other than my inability to perform chosen actions at times.

My frames are floating between 21-31 typically on voidstar :o

I have also run into my CC not working at all on so many foe since returning.(more than I recall there being)

Like an above player referenced, I too burned through all of my hard/soft cc with no results. I recall being pretty miffed the first several times it happened.(ya see for us slow folks it takes "several" times to drive the nail home :p )

So, being irritated, I came to the boards, like a good little pugger, and came to read up on my shortcomings. I discovered many can skate my CC for brief periods.

But the inability to cloak in combat I complained of.....I was unable to find anything that satisfied my concerns.


Thanks again all. Appreciate you. :)

Edited by WickedImage
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I believe so, and I think other classes now also have this ability, but i dont think it effects the ability to use in combat stealths.


Wouldnt be suprised if this is just something I have missed though.


The knockback hinder effect does stop combat stealth.

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the best part about this post and problem is it quite literally destroys ALL of our defensive cooldowns. Cannot cleanse it properly resulting in still taking damage, cannot cloak or roll. Cloaking after breaking nets us removal of cloak by damage, we can still counterstrike cleanse but still take damage. Evasion cleanse, still take damage.


how perfect is this?


Just add it on to the pile of Operative nerfs BW refuses to admit.


As to your complaint about nearly EVERY class skirting around our CC is insane. As ops we have very very limited mobility when it comes to actually delivering our damage. If we cant cc a target at least as a root or a slow its irrelevant that we can dish out ridiculous amounts of damage if we cant even hit you. Not to mention that EVEN if we DO manage to get to CC you everyone else has so many defensive cooldowns that our damage (if it CAN hit) gets negated to an extreme that its irrelevant.


on more occasions than i can count i have gotten SEVERAL classes (non the least of which are sorcs, jugs and marauders) to within 10% of their life only to be rooted and stunned from 100% health to 0 without the ability to retaliate. Not even to be able to cloak.


Yes there have been many instances where i have done the same but no where NEAR the amount that it has been done to me. I have every possible defensive utility simply because we have next to none and all of the ones that would actually matter are in the heroic tier that would be more useful than some others. 5% less damage is next to useless and i would rather have a cleanse all cooldown lowered than a simple removes movement impairing effects only to be reapplied in the next half second. How about maybe giving us a short lived movement impairment immunity instead? Even that would help out more than a cleanse once to be reapplied instantly.

Edited by AvatarNL
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Actually if I'm 1v1 on my op versus a Merc net doesn't really bother me all that much. If they are close I immediatey flashbang them and /dance. I stand still so damage doesn't stack. If they are far away I do one of two things. I still stand still and put up shield probe and kolto probes. If I need a little more I will cast kolto infusion. Based on their build and my expectations of their rotation I will use evasion instead. A lot of times they will net + tracer + blazing bolts. Evasion will take care of blazing bolts. Net only really bothers me if more than one person is attacking me, but if it's just you and the Merc stand still pop a defense and some probes and laugh at them. Then roll to them and destroy them. :rak_04:
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Actually if I'm 1v1 on my op versus a Merc net doesn't really bother me all that much. If they are close I immediatey flashbang them and /dance. I stand still so damage doesn't stack. If they are far away I do one of two things. I still stand still and put up shield probe and kolto probes. If I need a little more I will cast kolto infusion. Based on their build and my expectations of their rotation I will use evasion instead. A lot of times they will net + tracer + blazing bolts. Evasion will take care of blazing bolts. Net only really bothers me if more than one person is attacking me, but if it's just you and the Merc stand still pop a defense and some probes and laugh at them. Then roll to them and destroy them. :rak_04:


Personally 1v1 a merc i dont even worry about anything. I can kill a merc with little effort.

but when it comes to Sorcs/Jugs/PT and even Marauders and healers are the issues. Healers (with the exception of Sorcs) can pretty much kill you by whittling you down no matter how much damage you can deal.


Sorcs, doesn't matter what spec right now, can solo just about anyone if they know what they are doing.


Everyone keeps saying we are fine because of or damage, but no one seems to understand damage is meaningless if you can either heal through it while dealing ANY amount back, if you have enough cooldowns to counter the damage while dealing it back, or if we simply cant hit you due to range and you're CC overpowers our abilities that deal enough damage to even hurt you.


CC is an ops worse enemy and EVERYONE has insane amounts of it while we have little release from them vs other classes. Cant tell you how many times ive been perma CC'd to death by even just one player, other ops included. I get CC'd, either wait for it or for a bigger one. it breaks and i get rooted then ranged or cant turn or stunned, break out just to be either ultra slowed or rooted again. Wash rince repeat. When I try to do the same nothing even works. I Crippling slice, nothing. wait a couple seconds and Debilitate, nothing. wait a few more seconds and sever tendon, nothing. Try to Cripple again, STILL NOTHING. By that time my health is too low and i either die or have to run away while they are at near full health.

Many times i can also get them down to say 5% health just to have them dash away. Or they are SOOO low, i keep attacking while they take little to no damage from everything just to turn around and kill me (aka Marauder's near immunity to damage coupled with 100% armor pen counter)



Kind of the reason Ops are one of the worst classes in team ranked arenas because people just wait for you to come out then blow you up. Then you are down a player in no time flat. next to no way out.

Edited by AvatarNL
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Sorry to hear of your woes friend. In pugs, I am mostly fine right now. I do well most games. Ranked I do die fast. I have not been very effective in the miniscule amount of ranked I've done. But I did feel noticeably less durable in ranked.

I'm not totally geared and I'm still shaking off some rust and learning the nuances of changes. But I'm "mostly" quite effective in pugs. Which is really all I am. Just a little pugger. :)

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I have never had a healer be able to kill me on my concealment op Ina 1v1 situation. If they are very good they can run away, but they can't kill me. They don't have enough damage to overcome my heals and defenses. If they can't run away they will eventually die even if they are good. Concealment is great at taking out healers. They have extremely good single target pressure. Edited by Saikochoro
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Personally 1v1 a merc i dont even worry about anything. I can kill a merc with little effort.

but when it comes to Sorcs/Jugs/PT and even Marauders and healers are the issues. Healers (with the exception of Sorcs) can pretty much kill you by whittling you down no matter how much damage you can deal.


Sorcs, doesn't matter what spec right now, can solo just about anyone if they know what they are doing.


Everyone keeps saying we are fine because of or damage, but no one seems to understand damage is meaningless if you can either heal through it while dealing ANY amount back, if you have enough cooldowns to counter the damage while dealing it back, or if we simply cant hit you due to range and you're CC overpowers our abilities that deal enough damage to even hurt you.


CC is an ops worse enemy and EVERYONE has insane amounts of it while we have little release from them vs other classes. Cant tell you how many times ive been perma CC'd to death by even just one player, other ops included. I get CC'd, either wait for it or for a bigger one. it breaks and i get rooted then ranged or cant turn or stunned, break out just to be either ultra slowed or rooted again. Wash rince repeat. When I try to do the same nothing even works. I Crippling slice, nothing. wait a couple seconds and Debilitate, nothing. wait a few more seconds and sever tendon, nothing. Try to Cripple again, STILL NOTHING. By that time my health is too low and i either die or have to run away while they are at near full health.

Many times i can also get them down to say 5% health just to have them dash away. Or they are SOOO low, i keep attacking while they take little to no damage from everything just to turn around and kill me (aka Marauder's near immunity to damage coupled with 100% armor pen counter)



Kind of the reason Ops are one of the worst classes in team ranked arenas because people just wait for you to come out then blow you up. Then you are down a player in no time flat. next to no way out.

Ops could use more survivability, slightly more, but they're in a pretty good place overall. It would be nice if roll could be use to break roots, but with the immobilizers we have I find that even under geared I can win a lot of 1v1s against better geared players.


Big things for me are rolls to negate the big casts from ranged classes when they've done a knock back/force speed/etc, dropping med probes when I'm not in range to do damage or right before stealthing out, and keeping up every bit of pressure possible with Volatile Substance, Corrosive Dart, etc.


1v1 in an arena I've seen good Ops beat good sorcs by correctly LoSing in close quarters where possible and using heals to increase longevity when having to get back in range of the target. Concealment is much, much better than it was pre-3.0, and while it could still use perhaps the addition of slightly better control of targets or slightly better defense, it's a pretty good spec, and if other specs hadn't been ramped up so much I'd have to say it's about where all classes should be in terms of required skill vs. payout in damage.

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