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Eric, you guys need to learn how a slot machine is supposed to work..


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If you're playing a slot machine that requires you to click in stacks of 99 for fun in an mmo, and youre not having fun. Well I just have no sympathy for you.


I personally don't find it fun either, but I'm not that selfcentered to automatically assume others don't nor dismiss their idea of fun simply because it is different from my own.

You nor me nor anyone else is in a position to know or judge what aspect of the game another player enjoys the most.

If someone primarily enjoys standing and clicking at a slot machine , then that is just as valid as someone else valueing PVP the most, or another person Ops, etc.

Edited by wolfyde
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That mount is a slap in the face. No, it's THREE slaps in the face:


Slap 1: It's an ugly reskin of an ugly mount you can buy for 100K.

Slap 2: It's got a 90% movement speed.

Slap 3: you are probably never going to get it.


:) Normally I think "slap in the face" is WAY overused...


In this case, you're actually correct...

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Go to the local casino, put in some dollars in the slots, and then go ***** at one of the guards when you don't win :p


Actually, most of the time I go to a slot machine anywhere I usually win money... It's the people that don't know when to stop that lose money. As soon as you win, take your money and leave. Otherwise eventually you will wind up where you started or even worse , with less than what you started with.


If these slot machines aren't dropping ****, then why would anyone want to waste their time with them?


They need to change the slot machine, so where you have a good chance at winning something if you buy 100 coins for it. Otherwise people are gonna realize what a waste of time it is and not even bother with them.

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I personally don't find it fun either, but I'm not that selfcentered to automatically assume others don't nor dismiss their idea of fun simply because it is different from my own.

You nor me nor anyone else is in a position to know or judge what aspect of the game another player enjoys the most.

If someone primarily enjoys standing and clicking at a slot machine , then that is just as valid as someone else valueing PVP the most, or another person Ops, etc.


Nobody finds it fun. It isn't fun unless you are gonna win something...

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I have to wonder though. I've seen a number of those mounts already on the fleet that came from the slot machines.


I realise we have a number of upset people here on the forum, as we often do I might add, but at the same time I get the feeling there are still a bunch of people very much willing to throw credits into those machines.


What I don't think is that BW intended this to be as much of a big hit as it became and that's why they hammered it(clearly with a bit of old fashioned panic) so hard.


It's an accepted view that most players don't visit the forum. Do you really know what all those players are really doing with those slot machines? I don't. I have no idea if they leave em alone or use the regulary or sporadically. I really have no idea about those numbers. Do you really think you do know?



Right, and people that were complaining about the slot machine , were only complaining because more and more people were getting access to the mounts that the complainers felt only they should have.


I was actually working on getting me another mount and one of the masks.. I think the Nihilius mask was the one I wanted, but now I see that I wont be able to get those off the slot machines , not with that drop rate. I will spend way more credits trying to get certificates off the slot machine than if I just bought this stuff out right.

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Well, there is on small benefit to this debacle....it has united the community in ways that no single issue ever could to my recollection.


Even the mission cost issue for Disciplines did not unite folks that usually oppose each other this much.


^ That is true...

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Vegas Slot Machine: Red White & Blue Jackpot: 2400 coins Odds:1 in 262,144


Aladdin's Lamp: Aladdin's Lamp Odds: 1 in 2.5 million $118, 385, $227,676 (different play costs.)


Anyways, after looking through most seem to be 1 in 250,000+ in winning the jackpot.


Now when the Cartel Slot Machine came out, I was hitting the jackpot WAY better than those real machines.



So to make them more like real slot machines, you shouldn't win Cartel Certs or Jawa Junk hardly at all (like now.. That would be the jackpot. say 1 in 500,000 odds.) And have a decent chance to win smaller amounts. (Rep items.)


Oh wait.. That's how it is now. They ARE like real slot machines! Wow!

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