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SWTOR is a great single player game


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Oh, we have the token doomsayer too. Welcome to the thread. Will you cry when this won't happen?


Sorry but the "I don't like this game, therefore it will fail!" corollary doesn't really work well when paired with reality.


Let me tell you what is going to happen: During the next month this game is going to get stellar reviews from basically every media outlet that counts and most of those that don't count. It will have a metacritic average considerably above 9, and a large number of people previously on the fence will join. A few of those that can't deal with the (very few) problems endemic with a launch of a MMORPG will unsubscribe, but they won't be missed, as their numbers will be completely overwhelmed by those that will join enticed by said stellar reviews.

Doomsayers will cry even more, and no one will care about them, which will make them return to a much lonelier wow to play with their pets.


It's that simple.


We know who drank all the kool-aid! Get off your knees and wipe your mouth.


I like this game man but you're wedged awfully far up this games rectum...

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This game is going to have zero staying power if the tools that MMO players expect to be there in 2011 aren't incorporated soon. For some reason a bunch of people want to pretend that advances haven't helped the genre and want to stick to a 2005 mentality of how things should be done.
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Too bad that when everyone uses that tool, no matter if you want to have some social interaction, people will go down the path of least resistance, and the silent world of "press button, get group" will be in place.


Telling you how things are doesn't equate to "flip out".




If you have to spam a channel for two hours to get a group, then you're obviously doing something wrong. I'd review the way you behave, because something tells me that you're doing something to make yourself less desirable. Complaining on the forums with the use of evident hyperbole may be one of those things.


DPS LFG XXX FP please send me a tell...


is that "something" wrong?

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Man, what did you guys do before LFD came along? :rolleyes: Are you so socially inept that you are incapable of making friends or approaching new people to help?


I'll give you a hint: Spamming general usually isn't gonna cut it. Before LFD, people used to /who and look for people they needed, and whispered them. Not only does it get the attention of the type of class you need, but you're much more likely to get results from a personal request than just throwing it out in general. I personally don't even read general. I learned from the days of the barrens and chuck norris jokes to ignore that cesspool.


Furthermore, if you ran with those people and they didn't suck, well now you have options for future runs and eventually, you'll have your core group of people that are usually on when you are and you don't need to look for anyone.


People make arguments for what kills the community. LFD is by far the biggest culprit. You don't have to get to know anyone, you don't have to worry about your reputation on your server, and the game becomes what you complain about, a solo game with what amounts to a waiting room in call of duty or whatever.

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I don't believe for a second that anybody spammed for a group for a Flashpoint for 2 hours and didn't get one. I think you spammed for perhaps 10 minutes, got annoyed and decided to wildly exaggerate to make your point on the forums.


No, it was in fact 2 hours with no success...

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No bud, that's a sad FACT on some servers. You can stick your hand in the sand and pretend it's other peoples fault all you want. Some irrelevant forum jockey telling everyone else that they are wrong won't change a thing.


And some irrelevant forum jockey telling everyone that something is a FACT (when it isn't) won't change a thing.


As soon as you said the words "instant gratification" it was obvious your purpose was to make yourself feel good by putting people down on a small time message board.


And In fact I didn't say those words. Oops.


Give it up, the instagroup button won't come anytime soon. They said that again and again, and they obviously want to stick with that policy. If you think you have more pull than all those that vouched for it in beta for months and got shot down, you need to get a grasp on reality :rolleyes:


May want to instead use the tools you already have available, like guilds. It's really that simple.

Edited by Abriael
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I don't believe that. I think you're lying. I think you spammed for 10 minutes, didn't get a group and wildly exaggerated to make your point.


ok and?


Its super hard to find group especially during the off peak times, thats a simple fact

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I say something =/= something is fact.


I am just pointing out that its very hard to fund groups for FPs and even more so during off peak times. Why do you have the need to troll so hard?


Not sure why this simple truth makes you so upset. I tried for 2 hours tonight to find a group with no success, its simple just not fun.

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I'm wondering if this is a mixture of issues


1) LFD soured people on PUGs so trying to get one is harder in general

2) LFD caused a lack of patience

3) many people started out guilded and guilded people tend to not PUG.


Personally I only duo with my husband and we skip FP or double back and get them at a higher level. I think I'm going to try and pick up a couple folks tonight and see how it goes. The boards have turned me off as far as community goes but my server seems decent

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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


You need to take steps to play it as a multiplayer game, in order for it to pan out that way:


1) Group early and often. This heroic areas? Get a group, everyone is always looking to do them. And when in the group, talk to the other players. Make friends. Add them to your friends list.


2) When the heroic quest is over, don't break up. Say "Hey guys, wanna keep questing in the zone?" 9 out of 10 times the answer is yes.


3) Form/join a guild with these like minded players.


The rest truly takes care of itself. If you treat it like a single player game, that's what you'll be playing. But if you treat it like a multi-player game, then you'll have everything you're missing.

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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


Fanbois are going to roast you like a chestnut :D

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There is not even anyone around, id love to find a guild that was active during these hours.


What about a euro server? They should have people on during your play time if you play late at night. Just gotta find the right server for you I guess. I have not had any problems finding groups until well... a bit higher level since most are not in the 40s yet. Also being pure DPS makes it hard but if you are a tank or healer I find people are like zomg invite me.


Also, it seems people because of another game forgot that the LFG channel exists. Back in WoW LFG was spammed always with people finding a group for stuff.

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If you are talking about LFD, than this is not the game you are looking for.


No but seriously, no automatic LFD in TOR. I'm enjoying the social interaction.



I'd like the people who disagree with you to uninstall the game to never visit the forums again...or...Stop being Xenophobic and build a nurturing productive community.

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I agree finding a group can be a real pita, I think players have changed as well, I remember back when lotro launched, there were so many complaints about not enough solo content, just seems like so many people these days don't want to group for some reason, I am lucky I have friends and a big guild, I stay grouped about 90% of the time, you can have all the grouping tools you want but if players are not willing to ue them, then I dunno what to do at that point. Find an active guild, can help I suppose, but I know not every one likes guilds, it gets tougher at that point..
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