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SWTOR is a great single player game


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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.

Edited by Reevax
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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


Spot on.


Also get ready for the defense force coming in 3...2...1...

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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


I have been playing the game with friends from the get-go, but a LFD isn't coming for awhile. I suspect this is what you're asking for?

Edited by JediBlazen
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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


Join a guild that has a vent server or something man, I never have any trouble getting groups together to doing anything.

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I realize that having a game doing your social interaction for you got you used to the "instafriend that you'll forget five minutes after" button. But looks like you won't have this option in this game. Welcome to the world of MMORPGs. And I mean real ones, which means not wow.


Now, after the customary snarky (but true) remark. Here's a bit of advice for you:


1: Get a guild.

2: Spamming the chat isn't always the way to go, if it's so aggravating for you, just go about your business, until someone will inevitably look for members for the same instance five minute safter. This game has plenty to do without sitting there to wait for a group.

3: Get a guild.


Corollary: Funny that you'd talk about this being a single player game,when you actually want it to require LESS social interaction. Press a button, get a group. May as well be NPCs, because it wouldn't make a difference.

Edited by Abriael
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2: if it's so aggravating for you, just go about your business, until someone will inevitably look for members for the same instance five minute safter.


I wish people would follow their own advice rather than flip out any time LFD is mentioned. Just because someone hands you a tool does not mean you have to build a house with it. You can put it down and not think twice about it.

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I realize that having a game doing your social interaction for you got you used to the "instafriend that you'll forget five minutes after" button. But looks like you won't have this option in this game. Welcome to the world of MMORPGs. And I mean real ones, which means not wow.


Now, after the customary snarky (but true) remark. Here's a bit of advice for you:


1: Get a guild.

2: Spamming the chat isn't always the way to go, if it's so aggravating for you, just go about your business, until someone will inevitably look for members for the same instance five minute safter. This game has plenty to do without sitting there to wait for a group.

3: Get a guild.


Corollary: Funny that you'd talk about this being a single player game,when you actually want it to require LESS social interaction. Press a button, get a group. May as well be NPCs, because it wouldn't make a difference.


press a button and get a group of real people to run group content with vs spamming a channel for 2 hours and logging off frustrated? hmmm hard choice

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I wish people would follow their own advice rather than flip out any time LFD is mentioned. Just because someone hands you a tool does not mean you have to build a house with it. You can put it down and not think twice about it.


Too bad that when everyone uses that tool, no matter if you want to have some social interaction, people will go down the path of least resistance, and the silent world of "press button, get group" will be in place.


Telling you how things are doesn't equate to "flip out".


press a button and get a group of real people to run group content with vs spamming a channel for 2 hours and logging off frustrated? hmmm hard choice


If you have to spam a channel for two hours to get a group, then you're obviously doing something wrong. I'd review the way you behave, because something tells me that you're doing something to make yourself less desirable. Complaining on the forums with the use of evident hyperbole may be one of those things.

Edited by Abriael
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Too bad that when everyone uses that tool, no matter if you want to have some social interaction, people will go down the path of least resistance, and the silent world of "press button, get group" will be in place.


Telling you how things are doesn't equate to "flip out".


Have fun trying to get a group in a couple of weeks when the free month ends and most MMO players (read MMO players not SW fans) won't continue subbing.

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For flashpoints / group events, just hang out outside the entrance for a while with LFG set (use the time to grind crew skills or something). Fairly shortly, some group will run in, get massacred, and then come back out looking for more players, and you'll conveniently be sitting there right on the doorstep. Edited by CmdrAwesome
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I've never ever spammed a chat lfg in my life. Ever. For over a decade, the instant I wanted a group, it was there. This is the singular only MMOG that it's happened where someone struggled to find a group, therefore, this must be a single player game. Edited by Scar
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Have fun trying to get a group in a couple of weeks when the free month ends and most MMO players (read MMO players not SW fans) won't continue subbing.


Oh, we have the token doomsayer too. Welcome to the thread. Will you cry when this won't happen?


Sorry but the "I don't like this game, therefore it will fail!" corollary doesn't really work well when paired with reality.


Let me tell you what is going to happen: During the next month this game is going to get stellar reviews from basically every media outlet that counts and most of those that don't count. It will have a metacritic average considerably above 9, and a large number of people previously on the fence will join. A few of those that can't deal with the (very few) problems endemic with a launch of a MMORPG will unsubscribe, but they won't be missed, as their numbers will be completely overwhelmed by those that will join enticed by said stellar reviews.

Doomsayers will cry even more, and no one will care about them, which will make them return to a much lonelier wow to play with their pets.


It's that simple.

Edited by Abriael
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Like I've said in different posts, you people need to give this game time to actually get up to speed with everything else that has been out for years. You expect everything and the stars at first launch. I mean come on, drop the kid-act and be realistic.
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On which realm are you playing on? On Hydian Way empire side i never had problems finding a flashpoint group. When my guildies are not around i type "Tank LFG [flashpoint]" and i get 3 or 4 whispers to join.


And NO, a cross server LFG tool with a teleport to dungeon feature is NOT the solution. Don't people see what this feature brought to WoW? It transformed it into a lobby game with people standing like zombies in SW and Orgrimmar waiting to get ported into a dungeon / BG together with complete strangers a big bunch of them behaving like utter idiots.


Also, you DON'T have to be on the fleet in order to get a group. I find most of my parties on the plannet i'm questing on and use the shuttle to reach the fleet.

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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


The longest it has taken me to find a group, for ANTHING in game, has been about 3 minutes.


Get on a real server, or join a real guild.



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Oh, we have the token doomsayer too. Welcome to the thread. Will you cry when this won't happen?


Sorry but the "I don't like this game, therefore it will fail!" corollary doesn't really work well when paired with reality.


Let me tell you what is going to happen: During the next month this game is going to get stellar reviews from basically every media outlet that counts and most of those that don't count. It will have a metacritic average considerably above 9, and a large number of people previously on the fence will join. A few of those that can't deal with the (very few) problems endemic with a launch of a MMORPG will unsubscribe, but they won't be missed, as their numbers will be completely overwhelmed by those that will join enticed by said stellar reviews.

Doomsayers will cry even more, and no one will care about them, which will make them return to a much lonelier wow to play with their pets.


It's that simple.


You're just as bad as a doomsayer.


Will YOU cry when that doesn't happen?

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oh, we have the token doomsayer too. Welcome to the thread. Will you cry when this won't happen?


Sorry but the "i don't like this game, therefore it will fail!" corollary doesn't really work well when paired with reality.


Let me tell you what is going to happen: During the next month this game is going to get stellar reviews from basically every media outlet that counts and most of those that don't count. It will have a metacritic average considerably above 9, and a large number of people previously on the fence will join. A few of those that can't deal with the (very few) problems endemic with a launch of a mmorpg will unsubscribe, but they won't be missed, as their numbers will be completely overwhelmed by those that will join enticed by said stellar reviews.

Doomsayers will cry even more, and no one will care about them, which will make them return to a much lonelier wow to play with their pets.


It's that simple.



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Spot on.


Also get ready for the defense force coming in 3...2...1...


Go back to 4chan with that "defense force" crap.


The OP wants an automated dungeon finder... well I'm sorry, but that isn't any better than a "single player game" really. One button and you get a group you didn't have to open your mouth to ask for. That's "social"? In an "MMO"?


WoW's dungeon finder system is honestly the most single-player feature since the solo quest. I know, there are positive stories out there concerning this sort of system... "oh but I met some interesting players!" and whatnot, but the vast majority of people using LFD/LFR do exactly what I do: queue up, wait for a spot, do a dungeon without talking to anyone, get Valor, leave, rinse and repeat x 7 then log off for the rest of the week.


It's soulless, and it's hurting WoW more than it is helping it. I don't want that to come here. Not yet at least.

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Too bad that when everyone uses that tool, no matter if you want to have some social interaction, people will go down the path of least resistance, and the silent world of "press button, get group" will be in place.


Telling you how things are doesn't equate to "flip out".




If you have to spam a channel for two hours to get a group, then you're obviously doing something wrong. I'd review the way you behave, because something tells me that you're doing something to make yourself less desirable. Complaining on the forums with the use of evident hyperbole may be one of those things.


No bud, that's a sad FACT on some servers. You can stick your hand in the sand and pretend it's other peoples fault all you want. Some irrelevant forum jockey telling everyone else that they are wrong won't change a thing. As soon as you said the words "instant gratification" it was obvious your purpose was to make yourself feel good by putting people down on a small time message board. You're dumb enough to tell some one that they are doing it wrong when you have absolutely ZERO observation experience of what's going on. Your simpleton attitude that the many problems with this game are "their" faults and not design faults easily marks you as having little to no value to this discussion. Feel free to have the last word since you seem to need to feel better about yourself on the internet. I'm got you on forum ignore so you and your ignorant opinions ceased to exist 20 seconds ago.

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The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


See all those people running around? Click one. Press 'invite to group'. :/


Try to group with people for regular quests and you'll have a list of people to play with. It also strikes me as amazing that most of the people never played WoW before LFD. If you did, you'd realise that this game takes 1/10th the time to find a group as WoW pre-summer 2010 did.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Go back to 4chan with that "defense force" crap.


The OP wants an automated dungeon finder... well I'm sorry, but that isn't any better than a "single player game" really. One button and you get a group you didn't have to open your mouth to ask for. That's "social"? In an "MMO"?


WoW's dungeon finder system is honestly the most single-player feature since the solo quest. I know, there are positive stories out there concerning this sort of system... "oh but I met some interesting players!" and whatnot, but the vast majority of people using LFD/LFR do exactly what I do: queue up, wait for a spot, do a dungeon without talking to anyone, get Valor, leave, rinse and repeat x 7 then log off for the rest of the week.


It's soulless, and it's hurting WoW more than it is helping it. I don't want that to come here. Not yet at least.


I don't think you guys comprehend what the word "solo" means. Solo means I can play this game to 50 just by doing my quest which is super easy. BW designed the game so I don't have to interact with anyone. However if I go to a PvP match or run a FP, that is NOT solo. How hard is that to understand? It's so simpleton even a cave dwelling Taliban can figure it out. It's ok for them to let us push a button to group up for PvP but not for flash points? You you guys realize how stupid you look trying to defend that? Whether you put a group together yourself or the game does it for you, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. You guys trying to tell people to go play solo when they are trying to play with others appear so logically inept it make me wonder how you ever get thru life at all. Anyway, continue to discuss your illogical unwavering angst over allowing people on the same server to group up together quickly like they can in PvP to do some PvE. I've lost interest in arguing with those who can't be logical.

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Look no Offense, but LFD is what has killed WoW and other such MMO's.


I know WoW is still going, mostly because there hasnt been anything worth the time and effort and WoW is just an easy appeal.


But the, "Easy gain" method has struck a lot of mmo's because people kept demanding it, after they got it, the game took a turn they DIDNT like at all, because everything was too easy, no challenge and it became boring. Hence some MMO's have gone F2P because of it.


Now i can suggest a few things:


1) You are on a lower POP server and are probably gonna find it hard to get a group for ANYTHING, including the heroics. Move servers.


2) Get a life, bring some friends and have some fun. grouping with Friends makes it go a lot smoother, so if you are a loner in life, dont expect to get the silver platter.


3) Try Asking on the Actual planet you get the FP mission from. The flashpoint courier on each planet has the mission tied to that planet. So if the Space Station spamming isnt working, try going to the planet. Couples times ive spammed in the Station, then gone to planet and gotten a group soon as i landed.


4) Every MMO is single player. You only do groups for Elite quests (heroics) and Dungeons (flashpoints). So dont get all huffy puffy and hate saying its a single player only game. Just cause you had easy PIE from Blizzard doesnt mean every other company is going to follow their poor example.


5) The station is there as your LFD area and PVP queing fun times. Use it, and use it well. No Point spamming on the Station for a FP if there are 30-50 people on there, if you havent checked who is actually on the station in the first place. Check who is on the station, see if they are in the level range you need. If not then dont spend 2hrs spamming.


Many things can be avoid by people with half a brain. Clearly you have no brain and are in fact a Late WoW drone.

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