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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I think I, or even "we" have learned something today.


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Bioware or really EAWare, cannot balance for beans. It's either full on, or full off. There is no dimmer switch.


They can't write patch notes that cover the changes actually made, or can't communicate, or are just crap at math.


I personally learned that my restraint in using the slots was ignorant. I should have gone till I had enough cartel certs to work for ages. That was my mistake. I've now learned from this.


Exploit Early, Exploit Often.

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I think I learned why they don't have casino games on all those sweet barges.


Because once people realized the rewards were so low, they'd wreck them out of anger?


Also before someone compares these to real slots, bear in mind that slots have a 90% win chance. You get something. These, have about a 75% win chance if you count getting your coin back.

Edited by DurdensWrath
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Also before someone compares these to real slots, bear in mind that slots have a 90% win chance. You get something. These, have about a 75% win chance if you count getting your coin back.


Not a 90% win chance. A 90% return rate. Means for every dollar you spend, you win .90 cents. This amount is average for online slots (which is what I would consider the in game slots) but 75% is around normal for physical machines.


Point is, machines are set up to make you lose.

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Not a 90% win chance. A 90% return rate. Means for every dollar you spend, you win .90 cents. This amount is average for online slots (which is what I would consider the in game slots) but 75% is around normal for physical machines.


Point is, machines are set up to make you lose.


I misunderstood. Still 90% return rate is FAR FAR above where we are with this nerf.


I've learned the only way to be heard is to set stuff on fire. We need to set stuff on fire to be heard. Burn the cartel bazaar!


I've learned that people need to mind their own business and not crap on other people's fun. The original whining is what started this s-storm.

Edited by DurdensWrath
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Exactly. People clearly really really really don't like to lose fake currency.

Every single Slot Machine was purchased from BioWare using real cash converted into Cartel Coins.

Some were then resold for credits.


So it's real cash that BioWare scammed the players out of, not credits.

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I learned that if you want to be heard by BW, you need to have about 100 million credits on your ingame account + 10 x 99 stacks of java junk. Then, if you complain that you won't be able to have 150 million credits as planned during the next week (selling grade 11 purple mats from the vendor for the JJ you piled up), you will get heard.


In other words, it is like in real life. :p


Exactly. People clearly really really really don't like to lose fake currency.


I assume that you know that this is not the issue people are complaining about (in masses). But if you really think so, then maybe you should read some of the threads.

Edited by JattaGin
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It is not the return rate peoples are QQ here all the time. It is the win rate actually to be appropriate now for a gambling machine that makes all the cry out.


Gambling machines have up to 99% and as low as 75% win rate FYI! Pre-nerf the machine had a 69% win rate!

Edited by znihilist
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Gambling machines have up to 99% and as low as 75% win rate FYI! Pre-nerf the machine had a 69% win rate!


I am sorry, i should be more specific. It is the profit rate on the gambling machine which makes all the QQ. Before you had a steady and huge profit, now you need luckk on the gambling machine to have huge profit.

Edited by Neglience
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Bioware or really EAWare, cannot balance for beans. It's either full on, or full off. There is no dimmer switch.


They can't write patch notes that cover the changes actually made, or can't communicate, or are just crap at math.


I personally learned that my restraint in using the slots was ignorant. I should have gone till I had enough cartel certs to work for ages. That was my mistake. I've now learned from this.


Exploit Early, Exploit Often.


Actually what you should have learned is your actions will have consequences. It's clear some of you have not learned that in the real world yet. These changes were brought on by the QQing in the forums last week. Now some of the same ppsters are QQing because of the consequences of their original QQING! It's actually rather hilarious.


And btw pretty sure your thread will be deleted because of your last comment...

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I think EAware and their blind allegiance appologist fail to understand that this is a game, where we come to escape reality and the pressures of life. Most of us are tired of dealing with scams and crooks, so we tend to get a bit angered when we pay real money or millions of earned credits for an item in our escape and then a week later it gets tampered with to the point where it is broken and useless.


How would the apologist like it if you bought your tattooine homestead and had a .001% chance of being able to get in it. Or a sweet mount that had a .5% chance of being summoned or a 1% chance to walk.


Exact same situation. Pay for an item that works, a few days later it doesn't. I don't expect these people to understand simple reasoning though. They just go in blindly supporting EAware.

Edited by beasthunt
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Because once people realized the rewards were so low, they'd wreck them out of anger?


Also before someone compares these to real slots, bear in mind that slots have a 90% win chance. You get something. These, have about a 75% win chance if you count getting your coin back.


No you don't. It's not 75%.


You now have a 45% lose chance

You now have 20% chance of getting your token back

You now have 34.4% chance of reputation (only 4.5% of that is worth more than the coin you spent getting it)

You now have a 0.6% chance of any Junk, Certificates or a mount (I have rounded up)

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I've learned the only way to be heard is to set stuff on fire. We need to set stuff on fire to be heard. Burn the cartel bazaar!


Except when the Cartel Bazaar or Market has problems, Bioware are quicker then the Amish rebuilding a barn to get it back up and running.


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Gambling machines have up to 99% and as low as 75% win rate FYI! Pre-nerf the machine had a 69% win rate!



If you have the max in rep, all you are getting is A. your coin back which is not a win, if it were a win you would have to get your coin back plus a extra coin, plus its not as if you can sell coins back to the vender. or B, rep items, which if you already have the max the only thing you can do is sell to a vender. you will never get more than you spend. So in short please tell me where the WIN rate of 99% is or even the low 75% is, I fail to see any win at all. Even if you are lucky to get jawa parts it still don't cover the cost of any credits spent. So once again I don't see any WIN here at all.

So in short the only win is if you get the mount, then again you would spend far less just buying one from the GTN, so not really a win.....

..... and that leaves the certs, now these are valued by the person who gets them, any dec is cheaper to buy from the GTN even before they were being given out like candy. just tacks time to find the deal that you are happy with. so that leaves the rep traders, If they do have items you want the certs are very valuable, if you don't care about that stuff or like me already have any items I wanted they are not worth much at all. Down to individuals point of view I think when it comes to certs. However the drop rate now is so low on them I cannot see any win here either, That's my point of view, sure some of you will disagree on that and that's fine because that's you're valuation on the certs.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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If you have the max in rep, all you are getting is A. your coin back which is not a win, if it were a win you would have to get your coin back plus a extra coin, plus its not as if you can sell coins back to the vender. or B, rep items, which if you already have the max the only thing you can do is sell to a vender. you will never get more than you spend. So in short please tell me where the WIN rate of 99% is or even the low 75% is, I fail to see any win at all. Even if you are lucky to get jawa parts it still don't cover the cost of any credits spent. So once again I don't see any WIN here at all.

So in short the only win is if you get the mount, then again you would spend far less just buying one from the GTN, so not really a win.


Actual gambling machines, like the ones you find in casinos. My comment was probably out of place, but a lot of people were making comparisons to the actual machines and some info about the win rate had to be included.

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Except when the Cartel Bazaar or Market has problems, Bioware are quicker then the Amish rebuilding a barn to get it back up and running.



The Amish wouldn't need to rebuild that barn because it wouldn't break for 100 years. I wish the Amish built this game.

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Actual gambling machines, like the ones you find in casinos. My comment was probably out of place, but a lot of people were making comparisons to the actual machines and some info about the win rate had to be included.


I can see your point, I really do. But giving any win rate implies that the player has won. that win implies profit. If profit is not made its not really a win.


Ok its a gambling machine and as such, should not be an auto win by any means, but you should at least be able to win. OK sure you might buy 10 coins and get the mount, yea that would be a win. Realistically though!


Anyway as I said I do see what you were saying, I just think it gives a very unrealistic impression saying the win rate is between 75% and 99%.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Bioware or really EAWare, cannot balance for beans. It's either full on, or full off. There is no dimmer switch.


Are you talking about the Brains of the Upper Management ;)


Exploit Early, Exploit Often.


Sounds like something a EA Exec would say.

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