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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Increase the Certificate win rate back to normal on the Slot Machine.


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My motivation to play the slots was reputation and certificates.


On the one hand - I have to admit, I feel like I made out like a bandit with the original drop rates. I piled up the reputation and certificates very quickly, for very few credits. I would have had no problem with higher token costs, or somewhat lower drop rates.


On the other hand - with what I hear about the new certificate drop rates, I wouldn't bother playing the slots. I don't mind the cost in credits that would now be required (on average) to get a certificate, but all the time standing there cow clicking. It's the same reason I don't open packs - you're pretty much guaranteed to not get what you want, so...no point.


(Also, since often the vendor items require rep and certificates, rep wouldn't do me any good without certificates - so I wouldn't play to get that, either. At least, for some shipments.)

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I suppose so, but to me when I got this from a pack last Tue and placed it then started playing it, 2 things came immediately to mind, the amount of rep, jawa junk and certs dropping must be some kind of mistake.

And this will be patched once they realise.

You cant honestly believe that a rare item(youre lucky to get 5-6 in a hypercrate) that is a part of their main and more importantly, their ongoing income is all of a sudden being given away like 1cent candies?


they are losing subs and possible hypercrate sales as it is. they chose poorly

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they are losing subs and possible hypercrate sales as it is. they chose poorly


Only they know, you also can argue the machine as it was would have cost even more subs, because cleary a P2W Item put into a CM Pack.

Edited by Neglience
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the only thing that needed major adjusting was jawa junk, in the time it takes to get 99 greens on the slots pre nerf you could easily gather 99+ of more than one on the right planet/instance, blues again are pretty much worthless . Lastly and truly IMO cartel cert drop was prob a lil high but again they nerfed it into the ground as well.
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Only they know, you also can argue the machine as it was would have cost even more subs, because cleary a P2W Item put into a CM Pack.


lol explain how its p2w please, no part of crafting is going to make you "da bomb" in PVP outside grenades and augs which don't make or break you, no part of crafting outside of hilts,barrels and augs (which again don't make or break you) make you the leet OPer. Crafting is the go between till you get BiS gear helping people attain it only helps people stay around it can be argued, granted it can be argued many ways ...but BW itself is trying to cater more to the casual crowd as we are a bigger market so the argument leans in our favor, BW is trying to make it easier to get that go between gear.

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lol explain how its p2w please, no part of crafting is going to make you "da bomb" in PVP outside grenades and augs which don't make or break you, no part of crafting outside of hilts,barrels and augs (which again don't make or break you) make you the leet OPer. Crafting is the go between till you get BiS gear helping people attain it only helps people stay around it can be argued, granted it can be argued many ways ...but BW itself is trying to cater more to the casual crowd as we are a bigger market so the argument leans in our favor, BW is trying to make it easier to get that go between gear.


because it did give you millions of credits per hour ? EVERYONE would want that item. It would be the most valuable item in the game and it only comes from CM Packs. The price of this thing will be in the high millions and everyone who can not afford one is left over.


And for the casual player. you do have so many commendations when you hit 60 to nearly get full epic starter gear. That will be totally fine for all solo content.

Edited by Neglience
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When I found out my Redder Crystal that I had been eagerly awaiting for over a year was finally being released but as a CM Rep item, I was happy and sad at the same time.


It takes Champion Rank, 3 Certs and 100k to purchase one.


See this is why, more than complaints on the threads, that the slots got nerfed.. I highly doubt that they wanted the drop rates to be such that people could earn the certs (only gotten from packs) to be earned at the rate the machine was dropping them... it would be a disincentive to buy packs at all. I am not saying thats good or bad... just saying, in general, that didn't make sense to me (have an item that would remove one of the reasons people buy packs at all. Cartel Certs)

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so in that mindset the CZK sandcrawler is p2w? the rancor mount also as well? lots of stuff drives people to spend millions. As for the slots and everyone going on about millions people would have made lolwut, no, just no, as they made those "stockpiles" they made mats pretty much "cost friendly"- free and if it continued well let's just say nobody would be making millions, and tbh why is that a bad thing? I mean come on 2/3 of you supported the exploit that led to so many 37's we see now, why the hate for easy 36's?
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I don't think it needs to go back to what it was, but it does need to be increased. There is a finite amount of stuff that you buy with certificates, and making them too easy to get will decrease their value/desirability. I think 2% made it a little too easy to farm them. With the increase in token cost, I think a 1% chance would be fine.


But the current drop rate is stupid and might as well not exist. I'd rather it go back to 2% than stay at the current rate, although I think the ideal rate would be somewhere in between.

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in general, that didn't make sense to me (have an item that would remove one of the reasons people buy packs at all. Cartel Certs)

Didn't really make sense to me either, but I loved it. :tran_tongue:


I guess the most sense I can make out of it was, it was a really old shipment. But still...

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Only they know, you also can argue the machine as it was would have cost even more subs, because cleary a P2W Item put into a CM Pack.


You need to brush up on what P2W means.


They could add an item to the CM that would give you 1 million credits every 5 minutes and it still wouldn't be P2W.


You don't win by having massive amounts of money.


If that was the case, you already have P2W with anything in the CM since it can all (with a few exceptions) be sold on the GTN for credits.

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so in that mindset the CZK sandcrawler is p2w? the rancor mount also as well? lots of stuff drives people to spend millions. As for the slots and everyone going on about millions people would have made lolwut, no, just no, as they made those "stockpiles" they made mats pretty much "cost friendly"- free and if it continued well let's just say nobody would be making millions, and tbh why is that a bad thing? I mean come on 2/3 of you supported the exploit that led to so many 37's we see now, why the hate for easy 36's?


A CZK Sandcrawler does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A rancor mount does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A machine that produces green, blue, and purple mats does.


Pretty obvious distinction.


And never did the Ravagers Exploit. I am getting my 192 gear the right way.

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A CZK Sandcrawler does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A rancor mount does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A machine that produces green, blue, and purple mats does.


Pretty obvious distinction.


And never did the Ravagers Exploit. I am getting my 192 gear the right way.


The machine never "generated" credits.


In fact it was a credit sink.


It generated items that could be used to buy materials that could then be sold, but it didn't generate credits.


But that doesn't matter anyway.


It could have generated credits out of thin air and it still wouldn't have been Pay-to-Win.

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The machine never "generated" credits.


In fact it was a credit sink.


It generated items that could be used to buy materials that could then be sold, but it didn't generate credits.


But that doesn't matter anyway.


It could have generated credits out of thin air and it still wouldn't have been Pay-to-Win.


Hence I said the affect on the market and the logical qualifier "or", but sure, probably not my best phrasing.


It certainly crosses the line from being purely cosmetic to something overly functional. Something I am not too pleased with being available through Cartel Coins.

Edited by azudelphi
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A CZK Sandcrawler does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A rancor mount does not generate credits or affect the in-game markets in any way.


A machine that produces green, blue, and purple mats does.


Pretty obvious distinction.


And never did the Ravagers Exploit. I am getting my 192 gear the right way.

my point in that was in respone to negligence

because it did give you millions of credits per hour ? EVERYONE would want that item. It would be the most valuable item in the game and it only comes from CM Packs. The price of this thing will be in the high millions and everyone who can not afford one is left over.


And for the casual player. you do have so many commendations when you hit 60 to nearly get full epic starter gear. That will be totally fine for all solo content.


wasn't arguing what the slot did or didn't give, just his logic xD makes sense what I said now. I explained how it didn't give them millions of credits an hour, left as it was it would have crashed market no one would have made thousands let alone millions, but he can tell his self whatever. in any case not p2w

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my point in that was in respone to negligence



wasn't arguing what the slot did or didn't give, just his logic xD makes sense what I said now. I explained how it didn't give them millions of credits an hour, left as it was it would have crashed market no one would have made thousands let alone millions, but he can tell his self whatever. in any case not p2w


P2W? No.


Overly functional for a Cartel item? I think there are grounds to say yes.

Edited by azudelphi
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P2W is to some point a question of definition. For me it starts when you can put real money into a GAME to gain advantages over other players who just PLAY the game. But thats my opinion and to see that you desperatly want something back which had no affect into the gameplay (that is your argument) proofs me right.


An absolutely fair F2P game is Path of Exile. (at least it was at release, i do not know what changed)

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not when BW announces it's working as intended lol....touche tho


Well, in the same breath they said "Working as Intended" they said subject to review and change. They specifically mentioned Jawa Junk, but it is entirely reasonable for them to consider the impact of all drops when reviewing the rate of one drop.


I will say this, it does seem odd that the reported rates don't match the Patch Notes. It almost makes me think that this is a bug. We'll see... I bet we see a yellow post today or tomorrow about it.

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P2W is to some point a question of definition. For me it starts when you can put real money into a GAME to gain advantages over other players who just PLAY the game. But thats my opinion and to see that you desperatly want something back which had no affect into the gameplay (that is your argument) proofs me right.


An absolutely fair F2P game is Path of Exile. (at least it was at release, i do not know what changed)


i have to seriously call into question any "gamer" who's been "around the block", that doesn't give BW major props in the P2W mania that is sweeping all MMOs. They actually do really good considering EA really calls the shots so I give credit where credit is due. As far as your opinion goes I think you confuse p2w item hate and paying money hate, a p2w item is like in STO the new ships they bring out every week that if you don't buy well you don't PVP or even miss content in general, you will never have to worry about BW doing that here, now an item that everyone wants to look cool or improves, speeds up parts of gameplay (time sinks) yea sure. You seem type that feels a player should pay for nothing outside sub, and that having stuff to purchase creates a gap, an unfair gap, between players, that is spending money hate and really two different things. You can't take a term which clearly means something else to everyone and make it your "personal" word and not expect atleast some conjecture, I mean come on lol

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When was the last time the did an increase after a hard nerf?

There is your answer OP. We just got to move on from it. Just another now useless mini game like seeker droids and space combat (the solo stuff).

meh, time to move on, I guess.

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