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Slot Machine Nerf wipes out long-standing account


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I agree that this is totally warranted. Crafting is the very most important part of the game and without the ability for everyone to gather crafting materials, there is pretty much nothing else to do in the game. I honestly can't think of anything that is more important to me in an MMO than easy, repetitive access to crafting materials. Without that, what's the point? I'll just go to some other game and collect loads of crafting materials there.


So, what other options are there for me out there? I really need to find a game that makes it easy to do high end material gathering. I don't care about anything else. Just need me some mats.




Also: Its not bait and switch. Do some research. You got exactly what you paid for.


Also: They told us they were changing the drop rates. We all saw this coming.

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Lets face it crafter's have been screwing people for years in this game 200% markups etc etc offering to craft "for you" then keeping proc's and demanding tips, The slot machine leveled the field anyone could now craft with far less farm time... and the crafter's *****ed and QQed so they could get their captive audience back. Dev team Knee-Jerked the machine into oblivion after posting it was "working as intended " and tricked tons of players into buying crates to get this new machine that made crafting easier... This is a classic bait and switch DEV's should be ashamed of this ... where is the appoligy for this where is the we are going to make the odds more reasonable again post. I give them till Tuesday next. I have already pulled all our family's subs so 5 subbed account's 9k in cash shop now on F2p I urge other to voice your anger in the same way. Nothing will get their attention faster then you dropping your sub and telling them why. On Tuesday if there is still no message about how this is being fixed. I will have no choice but to seek a refund through Paypal.
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Lets face it crafter's have been screwing people for years in this game 200% markups etc etc offering to craft "for you" then keeping proc's and demanding tips, The slot machine leveled the field anyone could now craft with far less farm time... and the crafter's *****ed and QQed so they could get their captive audience back. Dev team Knee-Jerked the machine into oblivion after posting it was "working as intended " and tricked tons of players into buying crates to get this new machine that made crafting easier... This is a classic bait and switch DEV's should be ashamed of this ... where is the appoligy for this where is the we are going to make the odds more reasonable again post. I give them till Tuesday next. I have already pulled all our family's subs so 5 subbed account's 9k in cash shop now on F2p I urge other to voice your anger in the same way. Nothing will get their attention faster then you dropping your sub and telling them why. On Tuesday if there is still no message about how this is being fixed. I will have no choice but to seek a refund through Paypal.


It did not make crafting easer, it made crafting a joke.

Edited by Neglience
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Lets face it crafter's have been screwing people for years in this game 200% markups etc etc offering to craft "for you" then keeping proc's and demanding tips

Uh huh.


My solution for crafters charging to much was to (wait for it) learn how to craft and MAKE IT MYSELF. Problem solved.


What's your excuse? Did you unbind the "N" key and couldn't figure out how to open the crew skills panel? :rolleyes:

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It did not make crafting easer, it made crafting a joke.


Crafting is the ability to create items. Nowhere is it guaranteed that pursing crafting is supposed to be a money making venture nor that your goods will fetch a particular price. Did it impede your creation of items?


The slot machine didn't hurt anyone in their capacity as a crafter. Did it hurt people wanting to sell rare mats and products produced from rare mats at exorbitant price?

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Very few people will quit over this nerf, but this is the sort of thing that destroys trust and will be a factor in driving players away long-term.


I just canceled my sub, my wife's sub and my sons sub, we are done as well. Great work on the slots!

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Uh huh.


My solution for crafters charging to much was to (wait for it) learn how to craft and MAKE IT MYSELF. Problem solved.


What's your excuse? Did you unbind the "N" key and couldn't figure out how to open the crew skills panel? :rolleyes:


^^^This right here. People keep saying how bad crafters are and how mad they are at the prices.....yet no one gets off their duff and make it themselves. That's exactly what I did. I was tired of paying prices when I know I could get it 1/4 of the cost if I made it myself. So I decided to level a couple toons. Pretty soon it was so awesome I ended up with 8 toons fully leveled (thanks 12X exp....it made it possible to level from 40-55 on 5 of the 8 toons).


So two options, buy it from people who invested the time or make it yourself using crew missions..........what everyone complaining appears to want is an EASY BUTTON. That's what the slot machine was.....I could watch a movie and "play" the slots getting more mats than I ever did. Sorry the EASY BUTTON was nerfed but I am hopeful they can get something on their that is appealing once you get max rep.

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farewell and can I have your stuff?
Why do people even say this? it was funny the first time but...


Anyway no you cant have my stuff. I didn't say I wasn't going to f2p, I said I cancelled my subscription. In other words I nerfed my payment to Bioware to reflect the slot nerf

Edited by Ryzoul
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Guess you failed to read this part:

"With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly."


Biowart had an opportunity...they could have said "we see that the drop rate of the slot machine is not in line with crafting missions. we have decided to take a deeper look into the crafting system. we are removing the fail mechanism, upping the crit chance by 25%, and lowering the cost of the missions. we will be releasing more info on additional changes in the future"


take a little time to spruce up crafting, make itmore inclusive and actually fun. they chose to insult their playerbase instead.

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There was so much talk on the forums that the slot machines were an exploit that I did not buy any crates until I saw THIS post from Eric. I then spend 2,500 CC and got 2 slot machines. I ONLY bought the packs because of the slot machine that was, as stated by Eric "The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.".


Bait and Switch much Guys...???


So, although I was in beta, although my amazing wife bought me the collector's edition, although I have been a subscriber since the very beginning, although I have 16 level 60 characters and 3 more at 57 or so, I am so unbelievably disappointed by this complete and in-your-face "thanks for giving us your cash, now go play in the mud" about-face.


Throw some more fuel on the fire, I go to my account page and am shocked, but I suppose ultimately not surprised that there is no "Unsubscribe" button. The best I could do was to delete my Credit Card information. Not satisfied that the company that just screwed me for 2,500 CC's would try to charge the card again, I phoned customer service and after a few security checks, they manually unsubscribed me.


This is probably my last post as my sub ends in 15 days and I am so disgusted with EA/ Bioware at the moment that I have absolutely ZERO desire to continue to pay them to screw me, their once faithful customer.


So VERY not cool SWTOR.


So first you believe rumours.


Then you don't read the full post of Eric which already indicated that they would nerf the output.


Then you didn't wait to buy cartel packs before they had actually made the changes to see what you were buying into.


And now it's their fault?


Can you see, BW's screw up aside, why I might think you could have handled this with a little more wisdom from your side?

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Then you don't read the full post of Eric which already indicated that they would nerf the output.


I know you well enough to know even you don't believe what you are writing. Why are you being deliberately selective in how you recap Eric's comments?????


1) Please, go back and read Erics exact statements Tuesday about what they were changing on Wednesday and why.

2) Now go read the patch notes, which echo Eric's Tuesday statements.

3) Now look at the actual loot table changes made with the patch.


1 and 2 are in alignment... but grossly misaligned with 3. Many players are asking for confirmation/clarification comments in the form of gold posts ... and ... are greeted with complete silence.


Don't take my word for it... go and actually carefully read what Eric stated and the patch notes reflect vs. what they actually did in the patch.

Edited by Andryah
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I just deleted my credit card info from my account. 6-month subscription expires in 10 days.

Your move, BioWare.


Bioware's game, Bioware's perogative to change and or tweak things should they choose too. No where did BW state that the slot machine was/is sacrosanct.


Fare thee well. We hardly knew ye.

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well eric said


With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun!


Making excuses using this quote from Eric is quite annoying. He said this on Friday night. On Tuesday (1 business day later) morning the machines were destroyed. He did NOT tell us or update us or inform us once he knew more like your quote states.

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Bioware's game, Bioware's perogative to change and or tweak things should they choose too. No where did BW state that the slot machine was/is sacrosanct.


Fare thee well. We hardly knew ye.


Noted: for later... when you come to the forums to complain about something they do, or how they do it. ;)

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