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At least 1 player that will no longer support the CM


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Seriously, where have you people been? They have changed the appearance of armor and vehicles before, why would you think a toy (and that's really all the slot machine is) deserves special treatment?


7 pages of threads would seem to indicate that a lot of people are unhappy.

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7 pages of threads would seem to indicate that a lot of people are unhappy.


Nah...we had more before, this is more like the lazy people crying cause they don't want to gain money by crafting anymore but they just want to sit in their SH and farm the whole day...

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7 pages of threads would seem to indicate that a lot of people are unhappy.


I understand that you are unhappy - I'm still annoyed about the two outfits I loved before they had their appearance changed in response to overly demanding whines and posts in the forums. I want to know how anyone could possibly be surprised by this outcome, given the history BioWare has with broken items. They won't make the effort to create a single extra item that they could sell to make a set match the previous appearance. Why in the Maker's name did you think anything would happen besides a giant nerf bat being slammed into the slot machine? I'm just happy they are still interactable.

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This slot machine is a gift from bioware, because it allowed for many people to get cartel reputation. But gift should not break game mechanics. It should NOT replace ALL gathering crew skills. That's what nerf was about. Now it's ok, so don't cry.


I'm sorry, you don't pay cash for a "gift". These weren't handed out in an ingame mail upon login, a lot of cash was needed to be spent. Stop taking those EA marketing classes, they're warping your perception of reality. Don't cry, now.

Edited by Zorvan
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Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

With the certificates.


Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin


Then don't. Take the sense of self-entitlement elsewhere. The CM should never, ever give you an advantage above over players, and certainly should not allow you to bypass one of the game's progress pillars.

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I'm with you OP, I actually just quit and unsubbed. Not just because of the slot machines, they were just the final straw to the devs sledgehammer solution to every balance issue. Enjoy 3.1 when shadows do less damage than a sage healer and vanguards have less burst than a guardian tank.
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I too am upset with the changes to the Contraband Slot Machine. I played both yesterday before the changes and today afterwards. I do agree that the original slot machine had a win margin that was too high by *possibly* 25% , given that it was a homestead decoration, not a casino machine.


What I did not expect is the 50% increase in the cost of the BOUND to PLAYER Cartel Coins, nor that the reputation certificates prizes from the machine are now also BOUND to PLAYER. This means that they are 100% worthless to any Legacy that has reached maximum reputation - you cannot even "use" them to get them out of your inventory, much less sell them or trade them to others. The Contraband Slot Machine has been reduced to a merely decorative item, like the Smuggler's Gambit machine.


Does EA have no understanding of any policy between "exploit" and "non-playable"?

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I'm with the OP here.


I hope Bioware made all the money they wanted to from this, because unless they roll back the nerf - or - refund all Cartel coins used in the procurement of these Slot Machines, I won't buy another Cartel Coin. My purchasing days are done until they make this right.


This was a bait and switch, plain and simple. And that just doesn't fly with this customer.


Fix it, or no more money. Easy decision.

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Disappointed, YES.

Angry, YES, not that changes were made but the reason why it was changed, plus the changes made are far far to aggressive.


I too feel that the few very vocal players are always getting there way, I sub for 2 accounts, buy from cartel a lot, be that packs, cosmetics, weapons and so on.

Like the OP I am still going to sub because at the end of the day I enjoy the game. As for buying from cartel, no longer will except using the 600cc x2 I get monthly as a sub with the security key. These 600cc per account will just be kept back for character cosmetics. These don't come out all that often so will most likely be far longer than two months for me.

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OP I agree with you whole heartedly.

And really agree with the point that I quoted. Typical nowadays political scam. Make noise over here, so you forget about noise over there.

I guess some would say "blowing smoke"?


All it is, this hype has made everyone forget that BW said they'd do "something" to the cheaters/exploiters/whatever you wanted to call them.


So far I'm seeing that the blatant disregard of people on my server saying "BW will do NOTHING to us!" and scoffing at anyone who claimed BW would punish anyone is true so far. Really sad. :(


Why would they need to distract anyone?


Politicians do this because they will be up for reelection and angry voters can cost them a job. If every upset subscriber actually followed through on his threats (spoiler alert: they don't) and unsubs, BW... wouldn't even notice.


Short of posting an official statement like "we don't care if you unsub or not, it's too much trouble to track down the exploiters and ban them" the outrage of the players will pass without effect. To suggest that a product that has been in development for months is part of some plan to manipulate the players in order to avoid solving a problem is simply absurd.

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Then don't. Take the sense of self-entitlement elsewhere. The CM should never, ever give you an advantage above over players, and certainly should not allow you to bypass one of the game's progress pillars.


Really, but its fine for players who run ops to get an advantage in elite gear?? That's an advantage over players who don't want to run ops or do anything group related. Would you be happy if that took the elite and ultimate comms out of the game to make it an even playing field? For those who have Cybertech can then take out that ultimate gear reverse engineer it to then get schematics that other cannot get. these crafted item sell for what? 1 mil+ that's an in-game advantage. Other crafts probably can do similar.



After all I sub for two accounts why should I get punished because I only want to do solo.Its fine for subs to take credits out of guild banks, send credits via mail, have extra slots on GTN, free access to warzones. Why because they pay for that right, Same as paying for cartel items. So there's never really been a level playing field. Note not complaining about that at all or saying you do ops or anything just pointing it out.


As for bypassing a game pillar! well, that's the nature of any game, it changes over time. Same as at one time you could only play if you subbed, now you can play free. So anything in game including game pillars is subject to change, as was the contraband slot machines.

For most its not that they were changed its why it was changed and the fact the changes were far to aggressive.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Really, but its fine for players who run ops to get an advantage in elite gear?? That's an advantage over players who don't want to run ops or do anything group related. Would you be happy if that took the elite and ultimate comms out of the game to make it an even playing field? For those who have Cybertech can then take out that ultimate gear reverse engineer it to then get schematics that other cannot get. these crafted item sell for what? 1 mil+ that's an in-game advantage. Other crafts probably can do similar.



After all I sub for two accounts why should I get punished because I only want to do solo.Its fine for subs to take credits out of guild banks, send credits via mail, have extra slots on GTN, free access to warzones. Why because they pay for that right, Same as paying for cartel items. So there's never really been a level playing field. Note not complaining about that at all or saying you do ops or anything just pointing it out.


As for bypassing a game pillar! well, that's the nature of any game, it changes over time. Same as at one time you could only play if you subbed, now you can play free. So anything in game including game pillars is subject to change, as was the contraband slot machines.

For most its not that they were changed its why it was changed and the fact the changes were far to aggressive.


As someone who thinks bioware went overboard on nerfs. I just have to say i completly agreethis its horribly unfair reward people who play the game people who don't play should get all the best stuff without haveing to do the gameplay to get it. And darn those subs getting more stuff than people who pay to use the severs and game for free.;) they should all be ashamed! SHAME!!!

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Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

With the certificates.


Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin


I think the CM is a scam. It needs to be regulated by a gaming commission. It's gambling and there is no checks and balances. I do not support it either and I applaud you for taking a stand. I wish more people would not spend a penny on it. A vast majority of "stuff" that enters the game is via the CM or has a cartel sign next to it. It's getting absurd- has been absurd.

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Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

With the certificates.


Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin

no one cares, and we didnt need another thread about this
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As someone who thinks bioware went overboard on nerfs. I just have to say i completly agreethis its horribly unfair reward people who play the game people who don't play should get all the best stuff without haveing to do the gameplay to get it. And darn those subs getting more stuff than people who pay to use the severs and game for free.;) they should all be ashamed! SHAME!!!


Really, players who do ops don't do it for the gear, never did, they would do ops regardless, the gear is just an Added benefit. an unfair one at that. They do ops because that's the game they enjoy and nothing wrong in that at all. But please don't make out that its hard work because its not, its just the game style you enjoy. I don't enjoy that so I play solo.


I play the game just as much as you do. I sub just as you do. in-fact I have two sub accounts.


No one is saying you should be ashamed because thats what you enjoy in doing, but you seem to be saying the rest of us are should be ashamed because we don't, well scew you mate.


At least you agree bioware went overboard on the nerfs. Which is the real point of this thread in any case.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

With the certificates.


Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin


Did you sub a Star Wars MMO to click on a slot machine?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

With the certificates.


Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin



You're complaining about material sellers, yet the only thing the was useful from them pre patch was the materials?

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