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Confused about Warzone PVP on my trooper.


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I'm level 60 Trooper/Gunnery with five pieces of pvp gear with roughly around 700 expertise and 109% accuracy. I fully accept I might be doing something wrong but my frustration is getting to me. Starting to second thought this game. So here is my problem. I run into one of a few encounters.


1. My target absorbs every damn thing I use on them.


2. Suddenly my target won't be taking any damage.


3. The damage is low their health barely moves.


When this occurs, I'm getting better at trying to find the healer and attempt to blast them down. Only for someone else to attack me and destroy me in seconds. Not to mention always at the bottom of the chart or at best mid way. The funny thing is if I'm out on a planet somewhere, the fights go completely different. So I'm up for tactics, tips, or anything to stop losing so much.


Should I go all power? Is there a Aim cap? Will things get better when I get a full suit with expertise? I currently have a level 58 barrel(reflex), will a level 60 one do better? Should I follow some sort of set use of abilities in combat? :confused:


Please help! Hopefully I'll get some mature responses.

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Sounds like you're new to pvp.


Firstly you need to know why your target is taking low damage. Are you doing low damage, are they being healed, are they being guarded, are they using a defensive cooldown.


Then you need to know if you can do anything about that.


You can learn dps rotations so if you're on a target for a long time you consistently do high damage, you can learn to manage resources so you don't defeat yourself by running out.


You can learn what healing classes are, what their animations and buffs look like and how they act so you can identify them. Turn on "target of target" on your interface to see who they are healing.


Learn the buff icons for Guard and who is doing the guarding. A guarded target is being protected by a tank class so that damage is shared between them, attacking the guarded target requires you to literally kill both of them which can be extremely slow.


Defensive cooldowns are sometimes visible, sometimes not obvious. Experience or studying other classes will tell you what they are. Attacking someone with a powerful defensive ability up wastes your time.



The above things can hugely weaken what you do and if you can't kill players they'll get round to killing you. In general if you can't do much to a target you find another target. Always protect yourself however, if the bad target is the best you can get without doing something that you might die for then keep working on that target or relocate.


All of this is heavily based on experience, the more you PVP the easier you see these things. At level 60 it's not the best point to get into pvp since that's also where the best equipped players are but you get protected slightly by a bolster system which boosts you automatically so a well geared player isn't miles ahead.


The default gear from the PVP vendor is fine and will not even slightly change your win chance at this stage with any modding but later once you have a full set yes you can tweak it to be better.

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To the OP, welcome to the wonderful world of Gunnery Commando PVP.


I play one myself.


The class is highly disadvantaged in PVP. Check these forums and you will find the primary focus is all Merc. You hardly get any comments dealing with this class because I honestly think hardly anybody plays it. Especially in PVP and talks about it. In my previous posts I might have gotten a few responses, but nothing overly helpful with this class in PVP.


But let me try to give advice where I can.


First of all, your surviveability is low. You bubble is crap, you have no escape, and people know it. In a 4 vs 4 match you will likely always be the first focused target. Because once they have you, they got you.


Two, you likely will be facing a slew of force users in PVP. I bring this up because you have no way to cleanse their DOTs. This is huge as I have died a number of times in PVP simply because of a combination of the DOTs and normal damage. And an ability to counter them with your own DOTS doesn't exist. You excel at applying "tokens" on your enemies or doing AOE damage. You cast "A" which opens the door to cast "B", which inturn means "C" will do more damage. But this requires you to have the flexibility to free cast. You simply aren't going to get that freedom in PVP.


(As for AOE, most of your abilities have limited or no use in PVP. Not even going to talk about that here as this post will be long enough as it is.)


Three, your heals are limited. Your heals are more on the line of toppping off after combat then trying to save your butt during combat. My Commando has gone through more PVP adrenals and medpacs than I care to think about. This is partially due to a lack of healers on the Repub side (at least on Po5) and partially due to you being focused on quite often in PVP. (My Operative on the other hand never even used a single one until I hit 60.)


Four, your class is a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. You have a speed run, but its bonus is so light the average player probably wouldn't even notice you used it. You have a bubble, but it does nothing but cut the edge off the damage. You have heavy armor, but this seems to negate very little. You have a knockback, but any class you knock off you has the ability to leap right back on you so all it does it save you for a second or two. You have a 1 min stun, but the two seconds it takes to cast it might as well be an eternity. I hardly ever had an opportunity to use it in PVP because of interupts and stuns (and the constant focus by other players who see you as a easy kill).


In a game of rock, paper, scissors, you are the rock. But sadly all your competition out there are paper.


The sad thing is this class excels in PVE content. Give yourself a healer and you rape and pillage because the NPCs are usually dead before they can CC or do heavy burst damage to you. I actually use my Commando as my "money toon". He can clear dailies so fast, it is sickening to watch. And he can do it, in a fraction of the time some of my other toons can. I truly can't remember the last time I had to reload or use reserve cell. This class has zero downtime outside of healing. Give yourself a healer companion, and you shouldn't even have to do that.


So what is the answer? Switch specialties? I am not sure that is the answer either. Because you are going to have the same problem as a healer. Only it is likely to be worse. Your DPS gets dropped to nothing, and you still don't have an escape, so you still are equally as dead when focused on. You can try Assault, but I haven't done that specialty yet. Can't give you any advice on it.


I wish I could be more optimistic, but the simple truth is nobody on these forums is going to tell you that Gunnery Commandos are OP (unless they want to egg you on and get you riled up). If you go to the PVP section and look at player lists of perspective PVP classes you won't find the Commando listed unless it is listed as classes that are not recommended. With healers, Commandos are also last on anybody's list because of their poor survivability due to lack of escape. They may have a use in PVE end game content, but they are heavily hendered in PVP. Quite often in 8 VS 8, I am the only Commando in match (even in Repub vs Repub). That in itself should say loads.


Your role in PVP is also limited. In Huttball, your job is to keep the center clear ... and that is pretty much it. You won't be able to protect your goal line against force user classes and you sure aren't equiped to be a ball handler. In node control, you make for a horible node defender. Because even though you have the ability to detect stealthers, they always see you and can work behind you and either stun / cap, or stun and rape you. Taking a node is the same situation. The defender(s) see you coming a mile away. No sneak attacks in your future. Your job is too stay with the "group" and help out where you can. It is sad but true.

Edited by ForceWelder
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A little bit pessimistic above.


First, I won't say they are great, but especially in warzones they do well (I play arsenal Merc as one of my alts) and in teamplay it certainly depends on your team and the enemy team. If that's quite even, you will do well.


Take the right utilities! The one with 30% stun and AoE protection is a must, root on rocket punch, moving while unloading....)


You are quite a tank when you get stunned and attacked (if you have energy shield up or the adrenal, you have about 80% mitigation while stunned or vs AoE !)


Learn other classes!


That's probably your biggest problem. Experience.


Tools like power surge + concussion missile

Electro net if someone going to vanish or bubble or a melee sticking on you

Hydraulic away if you are in root ravage....


And so on

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A little bit pessimistic above.


First, I won't say they are great, but especially in warzones they do well (I play arsenal Merc as one of my alts) and in teamplay it certainly depends on your team and the enemy team. If that's quite even, you will do well.


Take the right utilities! The one with 30% stun and AoE protection is a must, root on rocket punch, moving while unloading....)


You are quite a tank when you get stunned and attacked (if you have energy shield up or the adrenal, you have about 80% mitigation while stunned or vs AoE !)


Learn other classes!


That's probably your biggest problem. Experience.


Tools like power surge + concussion missile

Electro net if someone going to vanish or bubble or a melee sticking on you

Hydraulic away if you are in root ravage....


And so on


Comments from the mirror class. I can see how you can see it is debateable but the reality is the game dynamics differ for Repubs vs Imps. If the Commando is playing in a Repub vs Repub match as often as the Imps play Imp vs Imp I might be able to be more optimistic. But as a Repub, you face the Imps Sorc in mass and you don't have your own Sorcs to counter them. Sure the Sorcs have their own mirror class, but you don't see peopel commenting on how the Repubs are ******. You hear thread after thread of sorcs decimating the player field with lightening strikes on top of lighening strikes.


In an Imp vs Imp, the Imps are more concerned about the bigger threats. In a Imp vs Repub, they are more concerned about who are the easy kills. And the commando tops that list.


The Repubs hardly ever play against Repubs. at least on Po5. They universally are going against Imps due to population density on the Imp side. So I can't really say how Repubs react when faced against other Repubs because it happens so seldom. On the Repub vs Imp, it doesn't matter what they think honestly, The Imps tend to be the aggressors regardless and if they see a Commando on the team, that's the target regardless. With no escape, the Imps don't mind burning two stuns because the Commando is dead in that time frame. And once it is 3 vs 4 stuns on colddown don't matter all that much.

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So you mean that playing commando is more difficult because there are more sorc on imp side?


So it's not about commando, it's about team balance. Strangely I often play against pubs with commandos, bunches of them, and I fear them. They have devastating burst. Priming shot, tracer missile, heatseeker, rail shot, blazing bolt is probably the most bursty thing in the game from 30m away. All instant or on the move.


A sorc is a great class but in a 1v1 I am not sure who would win. I am favoring the commando. Why? You can soak up a lot of damage because of heavy armor + 30% AoE , and with energy shield. Against thundering blast, probably the only real threat because it auto crits and is internal damage, you can hit chaff flare, or stun, or KB, or use a power surged concussion missile (Merc terms). And you are well protected against chain lightning and force storm. And your best weapon is electro net before he is going to bubble. Dead sorc!


I only see problems in arenas, but there are other perhaps weaker classes like sniper and marauder. For me, a Merc is a well rounded class, not OP, not UP.

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I'm level 60 Trooper/Gunnery with five pieces of pvp gear with roughly around 700 expertise and 109% accuracy. I fully accept I might be doing something wrong but my frustration is getting to me. Starting to second thought this game. So here is my problem. I run into one of a few encounters.


1. My target absorbs every damn thing I use on them.


2. Suddenly my target won't be taking any damage.


3. The damage is low their health barely moves.


When this occurs, I'm getting better at trying to find the healer and attempt to blast them down. Only for someone else to attack me and destroy me in seconds. Not to mention always at the bottom of the chart or at best mid way. The funny thing is if I'm out on a planet somewhere, the fights go completely different. So I'm up for tactics, tips, or anything to stop losing so much.


Should I go all power? Is there a Aim cap? Will things get better when I get a full suit with expertise? I currently have a level 58 barrel(reflex), will a level 60 one do better? Should I follow some sort of set use of abilities in combat? :confused:


Please help! Hopefully I'll get some mature responses.


1: I am going to assume that you are looking at your expertise while out of a WZ. Take a look at what it is while in one and let us know. If it is still 700 while in a WZ, then you need to take a look at how your non-PvP pieces are being bolstered. You might be using PvE pieces that have too high of an item level and they aren't being bolstered.


You're not using old PvP gear are you?


2: Your accuracy is a bit high. Once again assuming here, but you are looking at your tech accuracy to get the 109% which puts your ranged accuracy at 99%. For PvP you only need a ranged accuracy of 95%, 105% tech, to do well. If possible switch out a few pieces and replace with power/surge.


3: Have you augmented your gear? If you haven't started augmenting yet, you need to and make sure that you augment armor pieces that you want to keep and not ones that have to be traded back in. As for which augments, well, I know some still say augment for main stat, others for power, and other use the augments to fine tune and round out shortcomings in the gear made by other pieces. On this one you might just have to figure out what you like doing best.

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Mercs are actually a fine class and have been for a long time. People get destroyed on their mercs because they don't understand the mechanics, then they come to the forums to find equally unskilled mercs, and the mass pity party commences.
Did you take a particular class to reach this level of ignorance or was it a "get born and rule the world of the peons" kinda deal?
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Mercs are actually a fine class and have been for a long time. People get destroyed on their mercs because they don't understand the mechanics, then they come to the forums to find equally unskilled mercs, and the mass pity party commences.


you sir have no clue of what you speak, please do not post on this topic again

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A little bit pessimistic above.


First, I won't say they are great, but especially in warzones they do well (I play arsenal Merc as one of my alts) and in teamplay it certainly depends on your team and the enemy team. If that's quite even, you will do well.


Take the right utilities! The one with 30% stun and AoE protection is a must, root on rocket punch, moving while unloading....)


You are quite a tank when you get stunned and attacked (if you have energy shield up or the adrenal, you have about 80% mitigation while stunned or vs AoE !)


Learn other classes!


That's probably your biggest problem. Experience.


Tools like power surge + concussion missile

Electro net if someone going to vanish or bubble or a melee sticking on you

Hydraulic away if you are in root ravage....


And so on


i love these posts that point a rosy picture and say things like "team balance" and other fun little catch phrases that are true of ANY class, but really have no bearing whatever on the individual issues this one class is facing. Yes, its easier if you have a team that know what to do, uses guard swaps, and all those other fun things, but again anyone benefits from that.

This has nothing whatever to do however with the issues Mercs face, with the primary of these being nothing whatsoever to encourage an attacker to attack something else or dissuade them from atacking us as the first target. No other class has that problem, none.

It isnt a L2P issue.. it isnt a mechanics issue, it isnt even a skill issue... its fact, period.

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i love these posts that point a rosy picture and say things like "team balance" and other fun little catch phrases that are true of ANY class, but really have no bearing whatever on the individual issues this one class is facing. Yes, its easier if you have a team that know what to do, uses guard swaps, and all those other fun things, but again anyone benefits from that.

This has nothing whatever to do however with the issues Mercs face, with the primary of these being nothing whatsoever to encourage an attacker to attack something else or dissuade them from atacking us as the first target. No other class has that problem, none.

It isnt a L2P issue.. it isnt a mechanics issue, it isnt even a skill issue... its fact, period.


You did get something wrong. With team balance I meant that your team is not outplayed by the other team because almost every class sucks when the balance is very uneven. So when all about the team compositions is quite fair, a Merc does well in a warzone. That's fact, period.


Being first target in arenas is a different story. I don't know if you play other classes as well, but being first target in a arena round is not funny for almost any class in solo queue.

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You did get something wrong. With team balance I meant that your team is not outplayed by the other team because almost every class sucks when the balance is very uneven. So when all about the team compositions is quite fair, a Merc does well in a warzone. That's fact, period.


Being first target in arenas is a different story. I don't know if you play other classes as well, but being first target in a arena round is not funny for almost any class in solo queue.


Not necessarily, i guess you have to define what you mean by fair. For example, take 2 teams both which have a tank, a healer, a and a sorc... one team has a sin, the other a merc as a the 4th... on the surface that seems fair, but is it really? Who would be the first target for each team? Now of course things like guard and others factor into it but most tanks are lemming and just guard the healer without thinking so... meh.


Now, if for whatever reason we are not focused, yes.. w can do well, i have done very well at times, but ive also been globaled frequently under the same circumstances so...


For the record I play or have played every class in the game and have them all at least at 55 and have done pvp and virtually all of them. But to address your point there is no other class now or at any time i recall in the game that was as automatic a choice for first target which is the real issue.

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So you mean that playing commando is more difficult because there are more sorc on imp side?


So it's not about commando, it's about team balance. Strangely I often play against pubs with commandos, bunches of them, and I fear them. They have devastating burst. Priming shot, tracer missile, heatseeker, rail shot, blazing bolt is probably the most bursty thing in the game from 30m away. All instant or on the move.


A sorc is a great class but in a 1v1 I am not sure who would win. I am favoring the commando. Why? You can soak up a lot of damage because of heavy armor + 30% AoE , and with energy shield. Against thundering blast, probably the only real threat because it auto crits and is internal damage, you can hit chaff flare, or stun, or KB, or use a power surged concussion missile (Merc terms). And you are well protected against chain lightning and force storm. And your best weapon is electro net before he is going to bubble. Dead sorc!


I only see problems in arenas, but there are other perhaps weaker classes like sniper and marauder. For me, a Merc is a well rounded class, not OP, not UP.


Bunches of Commandos? Seriously, you going to go there? Can you even say that with a strait face? If that was the case I would see them myself. May be on a PVE server, but if there were lots of players picking this class I would see them in my own matches on my own team. Honestly, I think I can count on one hand the number of Gunnery Commandos I have crossed paths with in PVP matches on Po5. And this very forum counters that statement. You see vertually no comments on here dealing with the Gunnery class in PVP or Commandos in general. Universally, the focus instead is on Mercs.


But regardless, when a Gunnery Commando is the focus, he isn't the focus by AOE except in rare occasions. His focus instead by direct damage either by range or melee. He either got pulled by a PT or he got stealth stunned by somebody and as soon as he breaks it, he is stunned again. At most you had a chance to break the stun and pop a shield. A shield that is only negating 25% damage. But either way by focus we assume by definition that more than one player is attacking. In a 4 v 4, the assumption is all 4 are attacking. And without an escape or without a decent shield, the commando is dead as soon as he is focused. His shield can't stop the damage and he has no way to break the focus.


At this point you should ask, you have 3 other team members what are they doing?


The answer is nothing much. Repubs on Po5 tend to lack healers, so in a 4 v 4 the repubs likely won't have one. The Repubs also tend not to be dedicated PVPers. So their gear is under par. While the Commando is dying, they doing what they can to kill somebody but the reality is they can't respond fast enough. They either didn't see you get stunned or they are too far away to save you when pulled.


It literally goes grapple, stun, break stun, apply shield, restun, dead. Or

Stun, break stun, restun, 3/4 health gone, can't heal up while being attacked, and then dead.


And if you ain't dead, you pop your CC, run like hell, and then use your limited heals to heal up which takes you out of the fight anyway. By the time you back in it, one of your team mates is already dead or close to it and you haven't even fired the first shot yet.


But you could say this could happen to anyone in PVP?


But if you have an escape (stealth, burst run, or immunity bubble) or can avoid focus to begin with (stealth) the opposing team isn't going to waste their focus burst on you. Your chances of survival are too high. But be in a class that has no escape and you are the target regardless. And that is the problem with Commando. They lack an escape, can't avoid focus, and don't have tools (like grapple or harpoon) that would make other players avoid focusing on them.

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Well I'd like to say I was seeking help not so much a debate war. But based on the detailed responses, it seems there might be class problem along with me learning the ropes. That sucks. But I will say, I'd rather be on a tough class than a easier class in which you see in every single pvp match like sages.


1: I am going to assume that you are looking at your expertise while out of a WZ. Take a look at what it is while in one and let us know. If it is still 700 while in a WZ, then you need to take a look at how your non-PvP pieces are being bolstered. You might be using PvE pieces that have too high of an item level and they aren't being bolstered.


You're not using old PvP gear are you?


2: Your accuracy is a bit high. Once again assuming here, but you are looking at your tech accuracy to get the 109% which puts your ranged accuracy at 99%. For PvP you only need a ranged accuracy of 95%, 105% tech, to do well. If possible switch out a few pieces and replace with power/surge.


3: Have you augmented your gear? If you haven't started augmenting yet, you need to and make sure that you augment armor pieces that you want to keep and not ones that have to be traded back in. As for which augments, well, I know some still say augment for main stat, others for power, and other use the augments to fine tune and round out shortcomings in the gear made by other pieces. On this one you might just have to figure out what you like doing best.


My pvp gear is new. I've been buying it off the vendor on fleet. I'll have to check my expertise while in a warzone. That number was when I was not in one. As far as my accuracy, you are correct. I was looking at that wrong. But it is at 99%. Should I lower that?


My gear is very augmented. Matter of fact, my pve gear is all purple level 58 mods or whatever they are called.. I've been putting level 58 purple reflex augs on each pvp piece I get. As a vet of other actual pvp mmos, I do see some odd and silly design in this game. I still don't get the point of why they created expertise. Just seems extremely silly.


So some questions no one answered.

Right now I use a AC that has a purple level 58 barrel on it. Should I strive to get a level 60 one? Will that help?

Is there a set amount of critical, power, aim, and expertise I should aim at?

I fought a jedi sent last night who was hitting me for 11 to 14k. I sent him a message hen it was over and he said he was all power. Would something like that help me?


Lastly, I would like to say outside of some classes with ignorant amounts of CC, I never have any of these problems outside of arena. Not that it matters I guess.

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Funny how different the servers are


On my server there are a lot of sages, shadows and commandos. And lot of healers on rep side, on both sides. It's almost mirrored, but overall more imps than pubs.

Having warzones with 3 commandos isn't rare.


I hate arenas too. I hate them with my gunslinger, Merc and my marauder. when I see one or more stealthers on enemy team, it's gg .... For them


Balance between PvE , warzones AND arenas isn't possible.

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Well I'd like to say I was seeking help not so much a debate war. But based on the detailed responses, it seems there might be class problem along with me learning the ropes. That sucks. But I will say, I'd rather be on a tough class than a easier class in which you see in every single pvp match like sages.




My pvp gear is new. I've been buying it off the vendor on fleet. I'll have to check my expertise while in a warzone. That number was when I was not in one. As far as my accuracy, you are correct. I was looking at that wrong. But it is at 99%. Should I lower that?


My gear is very augmented. Matter of fact, my pve gear is all purple level 58 mods or whatever they are called.. I've been putting level 58 purple reflex augs on each pvp piece I get. As a vet of other actual pvp mmos, I do see some odd and silly design in this game. I still don't get the point of why they created expertise. Just seems extremely silly.


So some questions no one answered.

Right now I use a AC that has a purple level 58 barrel on it. Should I strive to get a level 60 one? Will that help?

Is there a set amount of critical, power, aim, and expertise I should aim at?

I fought a jedi sent last night who was hitting me for 11 to 14k. I sent him a message hen it was over and he said he was all power. Would something like that help me?


Lastly, I would like to say outside of some classes with ignorant amounts of CC, I never have any of these problems outside of arena. Not that it matters I guess.


The augments are a dance. And quite frankly, I have researched the proper augment setup for commando with the release of 3.0 and I keep getting different answers. Anything before 3.0 was released should be ignored. Too many changes have occured to view this as correct information.


But it also depends on your class and gear makeup. Different classes have different stat focuses on their PVP gear so a response about their augment makeup likely won't pertain to you because they have more / less purge, crit, accuracy, etc. than you do. Some people will tell you that healers don't need accuracy at all. That their heals will land regardless. Although this is likely the case, as some point that healer has got to use a weapon and that means your miss percentage is higher when you do. And for a class that already has limited damage (healer) this could present a problem.


So what do you do for augments? I honestly don't have an answer for you. Most people still swing between main stat and power. What I have seen seems to give just minor differences (fractions of a percent) between the two. As for the other stats, it probably depends on what you think you need. My own limited experimentation in the area seems to lean towards a 1.5% increase in crit or accuracy when you add a purple level 36 augment of that type to one of your pieces of gear.


As for expertise, the max you can get is 2018 I believe. You either have to buy expertise mods and put them into your equipment, or you purchase the PVP gear strait out. But you will need to get an expertise crystal from the PVP vendor for your main / off hand. Those weren't included in the equipment. I believe the highest level expertise crystal is 136.


On a side note, until you meet the equipment requirements, you won't be able to purchase the PVP gear. For tier 1 at 60, this requires you to be 60 and have a sufficient number of PVP commodations. For tier 2 you have to have the tier 1 piece in your inventory (not wearing it) and you have to have a sufficent number of ranked PVP comms to purchase it. Also, you lose the tier 1 in the trade, so be sure to remove any mods and augments you want to keep before buying.

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@OP, when you say that your gear is level 58, do you means its rating 58 or requires level 58? When determining how bolster handles gear you need to know the rating of the item. If you mouse over your gear there will be a item rating listed just under item's name on the tooltip. If that rating is over 162 then you will bolster to less expertise than sub 162 rating.


Mercs are actually a fine class and have been for a long time. People get destroyed on their mercs because they don't understand the mechanics, then they come to the forums to find equally unskilled mercs, and the mass pity party commences.



To be fair, mercs do struggle with the number of things, the primary one being a lack of potent DcDs, which makes pugging extremely painful.


Granted the class is nowhere near as bad as some will tell you, I know of a number of team for instance that have achieved success in group 4s with arsenal. Mercs just have crappy QoL when it comes to pugging.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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@OP, when you say that your gear is level 58, do you means its rating 58 or requires level 58? When determining how bolster handles gear you need to know the rating of the item. If you mouse over your gear there will be a item rating listed just under item's name on the tooltip. If that rating is over 162 then you will bolster to less expertise than sub 162 rating.




Requires level 58. Just to be clear an example. My barrel on my AC is a level 58 purple reflex comm or whatever its called.

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I love when people say Merc's are fine or its a L2P issue.


Fact is Merc's are not fine and its a class issue.


Merc's have the most ineffective Defensive cool-downs of any class. They are looked for and targeted because of this. Everyone knows the first target in any 4v4 will always be the a Merc if they are there. The reason for this is even if they blow every single DCD they will still get destroyed in 5 seconds or less.


Now here is a nice example of what happens to a merc in an arena. Mind you I was playing the Op. I was rolling in Conqueror gear with no augs (just started playing my Op again) teamed up with an assassin. It looks like a magic trick where Poof!! The Merc is gone! I personally wish this wasn't the case, but it is more the norm than an exception.


I have nothing up my sleeves! And Abra Kadabra! the merc is Gone!

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I love when people say Merc's are fine or its a L2P issue.


Fact is Merc's are not fine and its a class issue.


Merc's have the most ineffective Defensive cool-downs of any class. They are looked for and targeted because of this. Everyone knows the first target in any 4v4 will always be the a Merc if they are there. The reason for this is even if they blow every single DCD they will still get destroyed in 5 seconds or less.


Now here is a nice example of what happens to a merc in an arena. Mind you I was playing the Op. I was rolling in Conqueror gear with no augs (just started playing my Op again) teamed up with an assassin. It looks like a magic trick where Poof!! The Merc is gone! I personally wish this wasn't the case, but it is more the norm than an exception.


I have nothing up my sleeves! And Abra Kadabra! the merc is Gone!


Please, please, please for the love of Vader. Can we drop this merc nonsense. I posted seeking help on my trooper.


Trooper, not merc. Again this post is about me seeking help on my trooper in pvp.


Not Merc.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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Please, please, please for the love of Vader. Can we drop this merc nonsense. I posted seeking help on my trooper.


Trooper, not merc. Again this post is about me seeking help on my trooper in pvp.


Not Merc.


The fact the Mercs have attempted to hijack the thread all but proves my earlier statement that practically nobody plays gunnery commando and talks about it.


there are some similarities that can be considered between the two, but there are differences as well. I really wish there were more active commandos out there. If anything I am telling you is off the mark, I really would like other experienced Gunnery Commandos to correct me. In that way we both learn something from the conversation.


But if there are many out there, they sure aren't visiting these forums. And what few guides are out there seem to focus on PVE.

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Please, please, please for the love of Vader. Can we drop this merc nonsense. I posted seeking help on my trooper.


Trooper, not merc. Again this post is about me seeking help on my trooper in pvp.


Not Merc.



Aside from the fact that they are the same AC.... and that you should be welcoming the aid in the arguments if you indeed want help.... i dont know what to tell you here if you dont want the other sides help on the matter

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