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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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When we were going into 3.0.2, we wanted to make Grade 11 materials more accessible to more players than they were at the time. As you know, we simultaneously put in the Contraband Slot Machine, which afforded you a fairly good chance to get Jawa Junk and other Jawa vendor scrap parts.


It sounds as though there were two separate teams working on these changes: one team added Grade 11 mats to the Jawa vendors, and a completely different team produced the slot machine, and the two teams didn't communicate with each other, and nobody anticipated the effect of the combination of changes.

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But with the change to the Slot Machine drop rates, that's a finite supply and then the prices will return to where they were once the JJ stockpiles are depleted.


LOL they won't, cartel whales will keep buying packs and exchanging for Grade 11 purples just as last Tuesday 5 minutes after patch. They crashed the market, not the machine.

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Socialism would get a credit % of the richests players to give to the poor ones, so the disparity can be lowered..

Socialism would make the costs of everything higher for rich players, like 100k to swap a mod out of the armor, up from 10k.

Socialism would tell you that you can't decorate your stronghold on your own, you need someone from the government to tell you what to do.

Socialism would take control over the GTN and you'd buy only the minimal stuff to "survive".

Socialism would not allow you to gather Slicing nodes on Yavin, only if the credits come from rich players.

Socialism would make a law that on your raid group you need 2x feminazi, 2x gay, 2xblack people and the other 2 can be 2 minority group opressor caucasians. And for sure the minority has priority on the loot system.



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LOL they won't, cartel whales will keep buying packs and exchanging for Grade 11 purples just as last Tuesday 5 minutes after patch. They crashed the market, not the machine.


The amounts of JJ that drops from a Hypercrate is next to nothing and won't impact the market.

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The prices on JC have already jumped back up...albeit with a little help. Adaptives are back up to 50k, Mid Crystals back up to 30k.


For now, you'll have a portion of the playerbase selling their JJ-gained artifact mats at below market value and quickly bought up. But with the change to the Slot Machine drop rates, that's a finite supply and then the prices will return to where they were once the JJ stockpiles are depleted.


All I can say is: buy low, sell high.


started happening this weekend. guildmate who is a major player on the GTN, basically gave me the heads up. everyone who has maxed credits were buying up the materials in anticipation of the nerf.

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For now, you'll have a portion of the playerbase selling their JJ-gained artifact mats at below market value and quickly bought up. But with the change to the Slot Machine drop rates, that's a finite supply and then the prices will return to where they were once the JJ stockpiles are depleted.


This is exactly what is going to happen, and most of us know exactly who are going to be buying up those stocks.

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started happening this weekend. guildmate who is a major player on the GTN, basically gave me the heads up. everyone who has maxed credits were buying up the materials in anticipation of the nerf.


JC apparently missed the memo as Adaptives were down to 13k a piece and Mid Crys were down to 7k a pop.


I may not sell all my stuff immediately, but I'll make millions in profit by the time I've unloaded them all.

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That truly is utterly pathetic. So you've pandered to the whiny little girls on the forum when this has only been a good thing for crafting overall?


Pathetic. Roll on Star Citizen.


Yes it has. It was good deal. Because I damn sure aint getting squat from missions as far as Treasure Hunting goes. It made crafting for my own chrs much easier. I didn't mind the price the mats were sold for. I don't have one but I am glad they some did.

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Machine nerf to benefit Cartel whales stockpiling Jawa scraps from packs - 1 week.


Underlurker & Coratanni bugs - 2 months

Well, this should make it obvious that economy issues trump game play issues.


I'm surprised nobody has picked up on this line yet.


Likely an exploit fix or announcement of action taken regards to the previous one.


Thanks Eric!


Any chance 16 man Story Mode LOOT is getting fixed as the last item and dropping 2x Tokens like HM?


I have put several tickets about this and CS has told me that these drop rates are working as intended. Even in 16 man SM.

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As predicted.


Maybe crafters liked it, but it totally sucked for those of us trying to make a little profit off crew missions.


It was also to easy to exploit with a simple click macro.


Macros or just inhuman patience. Either way, if the drop rates are nerfed hard enough, missions will be profitable again.

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Hey folks,

Let’s talk about the changes coming to the Contraband Slot Machine. When we were going into 3.0.2, we wanted to make Grade 11 materials more accessible to more players than they were at the time. As you know, we simultaneously put in the Contraband Slot Machine, which afforded you a fairly good chance to get Jawa Junk and other Jawa vendor scrap parts. This had two effects:

  • It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like
  • It created a situation where it could be more profitable to completely ignore crew skills by use of the Slot Machine

With those in mind, we decided to make the following changes, which will be live tomorrow:

  • The drop rate on all Jawa scraps, has been greatly reduced
  • The drop rate on Contraband Reputation items, has been increased
  • To insure that the Slot Machine is still an awesome item to strive for, we have added a faction specific walker mount as a very rare drop
  • Lastly, we have increased the cost of each Slot Machine coin from 500 to 750 credits. It was always our intent that the coin cost would increase over time as we add more Slot Machines that accept the coin

Thanks everyone!




And these "corrections" are why I never bothered to buy a slot machine.


So much for mats getting cheap enough to bother with crafting certain items.


Oh well.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Hey folks,


  • The drop rate on all Jawa scraps, has been greatly reduced
  • The drop rate on Contraband Reputation items, has been increased
  • To insure that the Slot Machine is still an awesome item to strive for, we have added a faction specific walker mount as a very rare drop
  • Lastly, we have increased the cost of each Slot Machine coin from 500 to 750 credits. It was always our intent that the coin cost would increase over time as we add more Slot Machines that accept the coin

Thanks everyone!




So the drop rate on Cartel Market Certificates will not be reduced.



Perfect, I really wanted to have 50 Rutian Twi'lek dancers in my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, and now I still can:)

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If I got this right they will nerf the drop rate of purple tokens and buff the drop raet on rep items.


what's the point?


What about blue\green tokens?


looks to me like half step...


bioware should decide if they want to return to how it was or stick with the slot machine or go back to how it was right now it's mid step making it worse.

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Hey folks,


First, as Tait alluded to


[*]It created a situation where it could be more profitable to completely ignore crew skills by use of the Slot Machine




We would not have been so quick to abandon crewskills if the drop rates were not so poor for Adaptive Circuitry etc. nerf the machine, increase the crew skill drop rates.

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If I got this right they will nerf the drop rate of purple tokens and buff the drop raet on rep items.


what's the point?


What about blue\green tokens?


looks to me like half step...


bioware should decide if they want to return to how it was or stick with the slot machine or go back to how it was right now it's mid step making it worse.


They're reducing drop rate of ALL jawa scraps. Not just the JJ.

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To be fair, I imagine the price on Slot Machines will drop significantly now that they're not a money-making machine. I'm glad I got out from under mine this morning.

Actually, since I started reading the thread and the while keeping an eye on GTN, I am noticing a surprising rise in sales. Earlier tonight there were still 4 pages of them on offer, with the lowest price already below the 2mill. In the last half hour I've seen at least 10 getting bought and the lowest price is now already over 3mill...


Walker mount?

Edited by LeJarC
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All the arguing is a moot point. What's done is done, ...


I notice you didnt have this exact same attitude when the slots actually were doing good for players. i.e. When gouger profits were being effected.


So why did you post so much against the slot machine if you have this total enlightenment of "Whats done is done"?


So whats done is done is only worthwhile when it effects you in a positive way, if not, complain till EA caves, then take the moral high ground "Lets not argue, whats done is done".


And EA many people have already given very reliable numbers in comparison to what you would receive via companions and all stated it was pretty much on par. Except you cannot actually play the game if youre using slots, with companions, you can.


Sigh, you gave in to the vocal minority of hoarders, price gougers and greedy. i.e. Everyone whom complained over the last few days about the slot machine. Again, this is like a total of not more than 20 people! EA you caved for the crying of 20 people out of thousands who were extremely pleased.

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