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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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FIX CREW MISSIONS. The way you increase mat availability (especially high end) is by improving the main source of those mats...crew missions....not by slapping them on conquests, decorations and in cartel packs.

I've asked for this many-many times...


Increase the returns on Mats; I've noticed that a companion with 0-affection and 10k affection will return about the same number of materials on specific missions (I have 21-toons, all but 6 just gather materials)!

Edited by Choloe
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So anyone know if going after the mount would be a major disappointment or a unbelievably gigantic one? I'm still leaning to the latter, which means it's technically a believably gigantic one.


Still expecting the mounts to be Bind on Pickup (or bind to legacy at best.)

Still expecting the vendor trash value to be zero.

Still expecting it to be hideous, but disregarding that, why do they think people would keep playing indefinitely?


The drop rate for the Walker is .01%

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Oh well, at least I can throw that machine out of my stronghold now. It was really fun to have, but now it is just pointless to play, if I look at the drop rates posted by EvenHardNiner (thread link). Who needs hundreds of reputation items?


Congratulations to the few people complaining about it. Do me a favour now: be happy! It would be highly annoying if you keep on complaining about something else now. I got a strong feeling that you will continue though.

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I dont believe for a second, they wanted the certs to drop like they were, I mean, you get like 5 or 6 to a hypercrate if youre lucky, and yet they were dropping like candy from the slots.

IMO, this is why we got the fix for it in a hurry, and the much talked about jawa junk fix was just slipped in to appease the whingers.


You could very well be right.


Which would explain why Erics summary yesterday was absent any comment (one way or the other) about Cert drop rates.


In addition to the very low drop rate on junk now...If they told us they were nerfing Certs too ... even more people would have been heavy hitting on slots ahead of them taking the servers down for the patch. It probably would have crashed the servers... or at least the Stronghold instances. :p

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The drop rate for the Walker is .01%


Corrected that for you...


But those weren't answers.


Would I be able to trade it if I were to get one, cause if not, it's never gonna be worth it.

Still expecting bind on pickup (or legacy at best) with 0 vendor trash value.


To insure that the Slot Machine is still an awesome item to strive for...


Think it's safe to say someone made a serious miscalculation so this looks like an epic fail. Sorry.

Like I wrote in your other thread

Reduce the purple, increase the green, see how that goes. Take it one step at a time and work towards the balance. Tweaking is better than nerfing.

Edited by Lyshar
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But those weren't answers.


Would I be able to trade it if I were to get one, cause if not, it's never gonna be worth it.

Still expecting bind on pickup (or legacy at best) with 0 vendor trash value.


They may well change it, but whats the big deal? Just play the machine on the char that you want the drop for. :rolleyes:

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I dont believe for a second, they wanted the certs to drop like they were, I mean, you get like 5 or 6 to a hypercrate if youre lucky, and yet they were dropping like candy from the slots.

IMO, this is why we got the fix for it in a hurry, and the much talked about jawa junk fix was just slipped in to appease the whingers.

well...why did they program it that way?


the materials affect on the economy...ok....i can get overlooking impacts like that. but you can't say that cert drop rates werent in there by design. unless the coded it wearing a blindfold?

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But those weren't answers.


Would I be able to trade it if I were to get one, cause if not, it's never gonna be worth it.

Still expecting bind on pickup (or legacy at best) with 0 vendor trash value.


Someone else posted that the in-game details are missing on the Walker, but it's BOP.

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The most shocking one to me was bran....bran is rarely if ever annoyed by game changes. This one even irritated him.


And with that.. I think we all can probably agree that Eric role played "Lucy and the Football" exceedingly well this last week. :p


And the cherry on top of all of this... the patch notes are patently incomplete, misleading, and frankly... false representation of changes to something that was popular with players. True, as far as it goes... but it completely mis-represents the changes made to drop % for items in the loot table for the slot. BAD MOVE.


3.0.2a Patch Notes




Cartel Market

•The Contraband Slot Machine’s Jawa Junk drop rate has been reduced and Faction-specific Walker mounts have been added to the potential rewards.



Edited by Andryah
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They may well change it, but whats the big deal? Just play the machine on the char that you want the drop for. :rolleyes:


Don't even know what it looks like. I might want to make a char if I get it, I might want to get it as a gift for a friend.

Or I might not care for it at all but want to sell it if I happen to get it. They should all be acceptable options.


Someone else posted that the in-game details are missing on the Walker, but it's BOP.


Thanks, looks like it's another worthless (unless they decided we can vendor trash it at least for a reasonable amount) & ugly thing anyway.

Edited by Lyshar
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Don't even know what it looks like. I might want to make a char if I get it, I might want to get it as a gift for a friend.

Or I might not care for it at all but want to sell it if I happen to get it. They should all be acceptable options.




Thanks, looks like it's another worthless (unless they decided we can vendor trash it at least for a reasonable amount) & ugly thing anyway.



With the current drop rate... you will, on average, spend 10s of millions of credits for coins just to win a single drop of this mount, which is currently BoP. It's absurd really, and appears much worse then the drop rates for rancors during the casino event.

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And the cherry on top of all of this... the patch notes are patently incomplete, misleading, and frankly... false representation of changes to something that was popular with players. True, as far as it goes... but it completely mis-represents the changes made to drop % for items in the loot table for the slot. BAD MOVE.


I would agree, both the patch notes AND his prior comment about the specific Jawa Junk.


Like telling me my yacht was too big for it's berth and you would give me a smaller one....


...and then give me a rowboat.

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Thank you Bioware for ruining one of the fun things in the game due to a FEW self centered people being loud. People who care more about a fake economy inside a video game than actually HAVING FUN. People who care more about themselves and how THEY play the game or how many credits in a video game they can make.


It was fun while it lasted. Yet ANOTHER thing ruined by the few....


Dude, you're totally right and wrote exactly what I felt when tried some rolls on CSM after the patch. The purpose of the game is the fun, entertainment, friendship. There is no economy or something. There will always be buyers and sellers there will always be, for any type of item. Price range is normal, there is nothing absurd about it. These same whiners who begge to nerf CSM should be those who whine and grumble when they lose a crap and idiot match of WZ or enter in a FP with beginners.

In fact, people forget to do something very important: keep in mind that everything on your PC screen is just a virtual history that will always be virtual and can end at any time, regardless of whether you want to or not. They confound this with real life and make the game the most important thing of all, thats why they try to justify such an economy, crafting, etc.

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I can live with the overnerf, I'm okay with all the changes, honest.


But saying they are going to lower the drop rate on Jawa Junk when what they really means is "We're going to change the entire loot table to make the Slot Machines grant reputation and little else" was just dis-honest...


Had they told us the truth I would have spent yesterday turning my credits into mats to gear my alts or certifcates to decorate my guild stronghold.


What's the bloody point in warning players of upcoming changes, if plan they to lie to our faces?

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well...why did they program it that way?


the materials affect on the economy...ok....i can get overlooking impacts like that. but you can't say that cert drop rates werent in there by design. unless the coded it wearing a blindfold?

I would assume they underestimated just how willing people are to stand in one spot and click... and click... and click... and click...


There projections were probably based on an assumption that the Average Player with access to a machine would play it for [X] amount of time per week. When their value for [X] proved to be grossly inaccurate, they would have to change another variable in the equation (the drop rates) to get the actual number of Certs generated back where they wanted it.


...either that or they didn't actually do any initial projections and just said "yeah, 2% sounds good". Not entirely willing to rule out that possibility these days.

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I would assume they underestimated just how willing people are to stand in one spot and click... and click... and click... and click...


There projections were probably based on an assumption that the Average Player with access to a machine would play it for [X] amount of time per week. When their value for [X] proved to be grossly inaccurate, they would have to change another variable in the equation (the drop rates) to get the actual number of Certs generated back where they wanted it.


...either that or they didn't actually do any initial projections and just said "yeah, 2% sounds good". Not entirely willing to rule out that possibility these days.


I suspect these new values are based on the assumption that people will keep clicking on the machines at the same rate as they were when they were new (and usefull).


So these will also prove to be grossly inaccurate.

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I think that was probably a separate (but related) issue where they realize they had screwed the pooch on setting up those win rates too. They probably took one look at the metrics and saw however many thousand Cartel Certs had been generated last week just from the Machine and had an epic "Oh S---" moment.


If the management in place at Bioware didn't know before the slot machine went live that this would happen, then they don't deserve their jobs.


It should be obvious beyond question that this would happen. That it shocked them tells me that it is amateur night in Austin, TX.

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I would assume they underestimated just how willing people are to stand in one spot and click... and click... and click... and click...


There projections were probably based on an assumption that the Average Player with access to a machine would play it for [X] amount of time per week. When their value for [X] proved to be grossly inaccurate, they would have to change another variable in the equation (the drop rates) to get the actual number of Certs generated back where they wanted it.


...either that or they didn't actually do any initial projections and just said "yeah, 2% sounds good". Not entirely willing to rule out that possibility these days.


This is the same company that thought the launch content would take several MONTHS to burn through for the pre-purchase customers. Months is the word that Bioware actually used...


You could have told them this. I could have told them this.




The past year has been evident of this...



WZ Ranked 8v8?

GSH Hooks?

3.0 launching with two ops, both badly bugged?

Removing Skill trees for "balance", only to have it remain unbalanced?

The Slot machine?


There are more examples, but I won't bother....


What exactly have they done right recently?

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My first post in the forum.


1. Offering a product for sale that has a certain value, collecting money on that sale and then completely removing the value of the item sold strikes me as rather unethical.


2. Announcing an increase in the price of the coins used to operate the slot machine, thereby encouraging people to buy coins in advance and then not being honest about the scale of the upcoming changes to the slot returns - also strikes me as unethical.


3. Offering up a mount with statistically impossible odds to obtain as a substitute for the value taken away seems unnecessarily petty and small. What does it hurt to make the mount or other older Cartel items drop at a higher rate? It is fun to win things. Makes me want to log in and play. Losing over and over at a virtual slot machine makes me want to do yard work instead.


4. The slot machine was rapidly becoming a nice social feature in the game. People were gathering in strongholds to play the slots and chat. People were actually handing out keys to their homes! This game desperately needs more social hooks. Why destroy one of the few aspects of the game that brought people together for casual social interaction?


5. I don't buy cartel packs to get certificates. But it is certainly fun to spend certificates on decorations and on rep items. Having more certificates to use was a blast. I bought crazy amounts of stuff from the rep vendors. Instead of nerfing the drop rate on the certificates - why not give me more stuff to buy with the certificates from the rep vendors? I will have more incentive to max out my rep level to legend for all the upcoming packs. Again - it makes no sense to remove fun from the game.


6. I also don't understand the harm in high levels of material drops. I was very, very excited at the chance to gear out all of my toons instead of just one or two. Low drop levels mean I can really only afford a limited amount of gear. High drop levels via the slot machine had me jazzed about playing all of my toons. Which would translate into more time playing the game. And more fun for me!! The more fun I have playing the game the more likely I am to keep spending money on the game.


Wiping out the original entertainment, monetary, social and gaming value of the slot machine seems short-sighted, counter-productive and more than a bit dishonest.

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