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People are using macros on slot machines..


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When I try to talk to them but get no response, when I click on the machine and win the click a few times, stop for a couple of seconds and see them resume clicking. Ermmm the very fact this person told me they are macroing, showed me a print screen of their inventory before & after doing 72 hours of macroing and seeing they haven't been offline in 3 or 4 days...You're right where is the proof?????


submit a ticket with a screenshot that is all you can do......good luck with that.....gold sellers have been botting new mules on ord mantell and hutta for a looong time

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Why are people even questioning this statement? Apparently they don't get around much. Of course they are using macros. The whole mechanic is so simple it is basically an open invitation to marco and bot by even a beginner.


Seen an increase of gold sellers in the game lately?


Any developer would know that and expect it to occur, it was intentionally engineered for that specific purpose like some weird experiment in MMO destruction. Or maybe it was unintentionally engineered that way for a temporary spike in corporate profit generation with all other considerations secondary? IDK but I do wonder how many more exploits are going to be condoned, handed out like candy until people get a clue they don't care what you think?

Edited by DyreMaker
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I spent 30mins at the slot machine and came out with 50 Jawa Junk. This was sharing the slot machine with 2 other guildies and 1 came out with around 30 jawa junk and the other almost 100. Don't think these people are using a Macro. Then again you just put the Idea I their heads. So, I'm sure some will be doing it now. Thank you, now I can stop crafting myself stuff and just by it for cheap on the GTN. Sad thing is I only have 1 more toon to gear up. I suggest getting into ravagers and winning some token gear to RE them crafting them to sell cause that's what I'll be buying next. Prolly the biggest things I'll buy first is the Token REd stuff is the power mods for my DPS and Heals.


im calling shennaigans...180 jj in 30 min..at a 2.6% drop rate....either you guys are master haxors or you are making that up. on 1 slot machine.....

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a character rotating around a set point shooting anything in range with the basic attack as it comes into view.....a character that become the gold spammer of the week a few days later on fleet.....


Bro, I can't think of a problem -less- important to fix than gold spammers.


And I challenge anyone to tell me one.

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Bro, I can't think of a problem -less- important to fix than gold spammers.


And I challenge anyone to tell me one.


Exploiters, I can ignore spammers, exploiters need to feel the way to cheat which pretty much falls below anything

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OMG!!! will these QQing threads about slot machines ever go away:rolleyes: Enough already, we get it, your pissed, get over it, geez grow up and go play something else if you don't like it instead of putting all these pointless threads about it!!!!:mad:
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OMG!!! will these QQing threads about slot machines ever go away:rolleyes: Enough already, we get it, your pissed, get over it, geez grow up and go play something else if you don't like it instead of putting all these pointless threads about it!!!!:mad:


nooooooooooo .... I need moar tears ... im soooo thirsty ...

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Already did that. Next time I will record it and show you.


"B-b-b-b-but what if they're not macroing and are just incredibly consistent with their clicking!!!"


Tbh even if I show a video of that, there will always be defenders. I guess Bioware will have the ultimate proof. Unless of course I can sit there for 4 days and record one person clicking 2 machines with precise consistency, but I'm not going to do that. Even if I do show that as well there will always be people telling me "what if they are using red bull!" or something. :rolleyes:


Perhaps you should run a script to detect their script.


Not to mention anyone with more than one braincell actually using a macro for it, would be doing so alone with their own machine(s) in their own private stronghold




Writing a script for this is hella easy, and I'm sure people are doing it. Only Bioware would be able to detect, based on log in time and time duration of submits, of which could still be easily random spoofed.


Judging by the number of users marco'ing abilities in PVP, I bet Bioware doesn't do jack.

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This is lol, I think Friday afternoon I went through ******* 2,000 chips at least, more on Saturday, and got a ton of Midlithe... A few others did the same thing, and the Midlithe market on Jung Ma has gone down from 28k/ea to under 7k/ea...


Not saying people can't macro this, but odds are they're clicking away while watching Netflix on a second monitor or tablet or something...


I think this is far more likely the truth than "macroing". It's very easy to pass time clicking on a slot machine (or for that matter, leveling a crafting skill, sending crew out, etc), while watching a movie or some other time passing activity. None of which is against the rules, just shows a talent for "multi-tasking" :)

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Just because it's type 4 doesn't make it non sexy. Everyone has different tastes, just no need to be rude about it.

Most people I know who play SWTOR think BT4 is easily the sexiest female body type. Including my wife.

[Edit] ah, the rifle barrel, that was the joke. Not the right place. I have a BT4 female sniper, so I'm familiar with the problem.

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