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People are using macros on slot machines..


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If I accused you of being a hacker/bot user. You wouldn't ask for proof against it? Got it. Move along TUXs.


That would be a personal attack where you named someone Reno. The difference is clear. He brought up that players are using macros on the slots (I have no reason to doubt they are, I assume there are those who will)...he's bringing it up to Bioware so they might address it, not to answer to a few forum bullies who demand proof of it.

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If I accused you of being a hacker/bot user. You wouldn't ask for proof against it? Got it. Move along TUXs.


He is not accusing a specifc person, he only states that it gets abused with macros (or did he add a name ?). He does not need toprovide proof for the first and the second is true without question.

Edited by Neglience
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If the OP is making this contention purely on the basis that it is meant as an FYI to Bioware, I see no issue with it.


Now, if it was posted as something to stand against the machine itself, that is something else entirely.


Which may be the basis for the derision, at least from some of the folks that are offering it.

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That would be a personal attack where you named someone Reno. The difference is clear. He brought up that players are using macros on the slots (I have no reason to doubt they are, I assume there are those who will)...he's bringing it up to Bioware so they might address it, not to answer to a few forum bullies who demand proof of it.


That's where things begin to fall apart. There is an in-game report system, right? That goes directly to the BW staff who handle such matters. Posting on the forums does not, and these posts are primarily directed at other players. So he is wasting his time posting about the issue here if he wants to contact BW. The only real effect this thread has is to draw attention to the OP and give him a reason to argue with other players.


I question his motives for doing so, and his behavior in defending his actions gives me the impression that he hasn't reached the age where a person begins to learn how to use a razor.

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That would be a personal attack where you named someone Reno. The difference is clear. He brought up that players are using macros on the slots (I have no reason to doubt they are, I assume there are those who will)...he's bringing it up to Bioware so they might address it, not to answer to a few forum bullies who demand proof of it.


Those are personal attacks on those players he is accusing of using Macros. The reason he hasn't provided proof yet is because he has none and is upset that he is being undercut. (Which is stated in his original post.) So he is suspicious of their non social behavior (Admits to trying to contact said users with no response.) and thus are accusing them of using Macros out of some personal revenge.

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1 key=1 action, no restriction on the number of times you can spam a button. You can't even macro "incoming" because that's several keys.


Theoretically this is true of course, but something tells me that BW would have less contention with someone macroing "incoming" in this case.

I vaguely remember the 1key-1action part, but where did you get the bolded from? Do you remember it from the same post by BW, or is it an assumption on your part?


EDIT: Nevermind:)

Edited by Knorlac
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1 key=1 action, no restriction on the number of times you can spam a button. You can't even macro "incoming" because that's several keys.




From source:


Sequence clicking

If you have a system set up so that if you hit the same key 4 times likes so: '1, 1, 1, 1' and instead of just firing off whatever 1 is bound to it fires off '1, 2, 3, 4', then as long as you keep it to 'one key == one other key hit' its in that grey area of not true automation. There is a caveat - you can't have the macro determine a minimum time between clicks to work around the global cool down timing and only fire the next button in sequence if the GCD has expired.


If you instead have a system that when you hit 1, it fires of 1, 2, 3, 4 in quick succession or all at once (i.e. one click == many actions) in order to try and fire something that isn't currently in a cool down state then yes, that is against the ToS. Again, one click must always equal one action and only one action within the game.



So, no. One key press, one action, good. One key press, seven actions, bad.

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Wow...you're accusing me now? That's kinda of against the rules and could be considered harassment. Please read the forum rules carefully.


Wait, I'm accusing you of what exactly? Harassment? Because accusing someone of having multiple accounts would constitute as harassment if it's obvious that it's a false accusation.

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That's where things begin to fall apart. There is an in-game report system, right? That goes directly to the BW staff who handle such matters. Posting on the forums does not, and these posts are primarily directed at other players. So he is wasting his time posting about the issue here if he wants to contact BW. The only real effect this thread has is to draw attention to the OP and give him a reason to argue with other players.


I question his motives for doing so, and his behavior in defending his actions gives me the impression that he hasn't reached the age where a person begins to learn how to use a razor.

I would argue that the forums get a better response than in-game tickets at times, and I believe in using the forums as a way to communicate...I see no issue with him making a post here about an issue he has with the game.


I have no idea what motivated the OP, nor do I care...but the people demanding he prove it are out of line...as are personal insults.

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Theoretically this is true of course, but something tells me that BW would have less contention with someone macroing "incoming" in this case.

I vaguely remember the 1key-1action part, but where did you get the bolded from? Do you remember it from the same post by BW, or is it an assumption on your part?


EDIT: Nevermind:)


Actually, no:


"Strictly speaking, text macro's are against the ToS. If its for emotes etc and isn't being used as a way to advise others of an impending attack in a Warzone (inc snow! for example), then we will turn a blind eye to an extent. If you fire off emotes too many times in quick succession of course then you will get evaluated for if you are spamming."

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I would argue that the forums get a better response than in-game tickets at times, and I believe in using the forums as a way to communicate...I see no issue with him making a post here about an issue he has with the game.


I have no idea what motivated the OP, nor do I care...but the people demanding he prove it are out of line...as are personal insults.


How is it out of line to ask for proof for a claim being made?

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I would argue that the forums get a better response than in-game tickets at times, and I believe in using the forums as a way to communicate...I see no issue with him making a post here about an issue he has with the game.



I disagree. This isn't an issue for Customer Service, of course - they are not going to discuss the details of another player's account, so attempting to discuss alleged botting/macros by another player is not going to get much of a response beyond "thank you for your report, we will investigate and take the appropriate action."


The point is, the only thing you can do is fire and forget. Report the bot/macro and go on with your game. BW is not going to involve you in the investigation whether you bring it up on the forums or in private. Much time is wasted and tons of popcorn is consumed, and nothing else happens.

Edited by Tolunart
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If the OP is making this contention purely on the basis that it is meant as an FYI to Bioware, I see no issue with it.


Now, if it was posted as something to stand against the machine itself, that is something else entirely.


Which may be the basis for the derision, at least from some of the folks that are offering it.


Well, considering the fact that he himself claimed that he had sent in tickets (as in plural) to bioware already, I'd say that posting on the forums about it is more about stirring up a frenzy than actually getting BW to notice.

Especially considering the fact that the slot machine has been available for less than a week and been on the GTN for even less than that time, and yet he still considers that as taking too long for BW to respond.

Seeing as he has been posting in pretty much every thread about the slot machine since it was first introduced, and not once mentioned macroing in those threads, I would conclude that he didn't hear about this until shortly before this thread was created (if he even heard about it and didn't just make it up).

That means that if (and yes, I still consider it a big IF) he contacted CS about it, then he gave them very little time to respond about it at all.


So no. This is not about getting BW's attention, but more about stirring up a frenzy.


as are personal insults.


Of which the OP has done plenty.

As have you.

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Wait...1 button = rt click, which would be ok...right?!


Of course.


1 button = Rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click...




What is the point of automating the process if you sit there pressing "1" every two seconds instead of the mouse button? The point of someone setting up a macro is to go away and let the computer play the slots for him, which is not "one click = one action."

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That's fine, you're free to. The OP didn't. And I can see his point on this. You didn't need to enter this thread, you came in voluntarily...and are helping to expose the issue.


There's never anything good on TV at this time of day, and my dvr ran out of new stuff to show me.

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As many others have pointed out, it would be just as easy to click away while watching Netflix. Anyone determined to get as much as they can out of the slot machine is not going to be deterred by BW patching out the macro - if they are indeed using one.


I don't think they can "patch out" macro capability, it's not part of the game itself but outside of it, like using a programmable keyboard or mouse to record a series of keystrokes. They may be able to detect it and can technically ban players for violating the TOS, but I wonder if they would bother since if that was a concern they would not have introduced the item in the first place.

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Of course.


1 button = Rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click... rt click...




What is the point of automating the process if you sit there pressing "1" every two seconds instead of the mouse button? The point of someone setting up a macro is to go away and let the computer play the slots for him, which is not "one click = one action."

I would assume the macro would repeat itself indefinitely, since that's generally the purpose of a macro, removing the necessity to actively 'play' the character. And given what they said, "1,1,1,1" is ok, I think you could argue that that's all a player here is doing...spamming 1 key press...like they indicated was OK.

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