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Give Infiltration/Deception specs more burst damage and survivability


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I was just making a joke :(. You know my stance on Deception; it's just battling opinions seems a bit fruitless sometimes. Anyway I am serious about a Deception Day event. Think it'd be fun.


Deception, even in all its "faults," is no where near as bad as Madness was before 2.8 :p


Deception's damage is still "there," it just got some moved into spike and low slash for God knows why.

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Wow, it is just so unusual to see you make a joke. Caught me by surprise lol.


What would it be about? deception assassins ganking people on a pvp server?

Figuring this one out still. Need something comparable to live up to MadDay. My guess is that it will be a mixture. MaDDay vid was one of the most fun videos I've done in my life.


Deception, even in all its "faults," is no where near as bad as Madness was before 2.8 :p


Deception's damage is still "there," it just got some moved into spike and low slash for God knows why.

Even during Madness' 'dark ages', some of us topped meters and got the job done. Especially in numbers.

Edited by Xinika
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Figuring this one out still. Need something comparable to live up to MadDay.


If you're gonna do something like it, do it for something Deception's supposed to do: burst.


Step 1: /gquit

Step 2: Make guild

Step 3: Invite only Deception sins

Step 4: Spend an hour or two doing an 8-man superqueue in regs

Step 5: Repeat, but in yolos

Step 6: Repeat, but Team Ranked

Step 7: Do a pre-planned PvP event against Hatred sins.




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Nobody said 10k was a godly crit. It is a painful hit regardless over whether or not other classes can hit harder. 18k is a ridiculous crit and is too high (though most likely someone under geared). Dark stability makes you immune to stun, sleep, lift, and incapacitating affects. That is a very powerful talent. You have a root breaker on a 15 second cooldown with a couple utilities. That is better than what many other classes have. Yes they can be kited by people who are good at kiting, but other classes have it much worse than deception. I know exactly how easier or hard it is to kite deception as I play it often.


You have nothing after discharge, ball lightning, and maul? Really? Are all your powers grayed out? Does ball lightning have a 10 minute cooldown for you? I didn't know it was only usable once per fight. And I suppose duplicity only procs once in a fight for you as well right? Stop with the hyperbole.


Two shrouds are strong yes, but I'm not complaining about that. Shroud proc on force cloak should have been a thing a long time ago.


I am not wearing hatred colored glasses. I know how strong each spec is. Hatred is way over performing. Deception is under performing. I have advocated some tweaks for deception, but I am not the one who is biased here. If most of the sins in this forum had it their way deception would be 3-4 shotting people. Deception had very strong burst before 3.0 and it needed adjusted. They adjusted it too far IMO and need to bring it back up a bit, but it doesn't need to be quite as strong as it was. You shouldn't be comparing burst to AP PT burst as they are broken. It's the same thing I keep saying to operatives. They think they should be performing as well as hatred. No they shouldn't because hatred is broken. Broken specs should not be the standard for comparison.


TL;DR: Deception burst used to be too much and needed adjusted. It was adjusted too far and needs some tweaks upward. That I agree with, but many in this forum are greatly exaggerating deception's woes.


Dec with it is current range and mobility options cannot be a sustain dps spec. So when the burst went down in 3.0 either mobility or ranged options should have substantially improved. Mobility is a bit a head but not enough to stay on target, while range options have not changes. As result, the spec is not a good burst spec and has terrible sustained dps. It offers nothing.


It does not seem BW is planning to shift how the spec operates, so buffing sustain damage does not seem as an option. Only option is to buff burst so it is one of the strongest for melee dps. Otherwise it will continue to be mediocre.

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Deception, even in all its "faults," is no where near as bad as Madness was before 2.8 :p


Madness had its place in PvE. It didn't top the damage charts, but it wasn't the worst either. If I wasn't so attached to it, I honestly wouldn't use deception for anything other than ganking lower level players in the open world (if I was on a pvp server).

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Roots and slows are not the counters to concealment.


This is the only thing I somewhat disagree with in your post. Slows aren't much of an issue for concealment I agree. Between roll and sneak slows aren't a problem really. Roots aren't much of a problem when it comes to kiting the op. He can catch up pretty quickly. Roots are a counter to the roll defense though. Getting rooted at the wrong time can shut down their nice roll survivability. But we have a root breaker with a moderate cooldown so I think that is a good thing. Roll should have a counter. Roots and stuns are the counter to roll. You have to time them right though.

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Dec with it is current range and mobility options cannot be a sustain dps spec. So when the burst went down in 3.0 either mobility or ranged options should have substantially improved. Mobility is a bit a head but not enough to stay on target, while range options have not changes. As result, the spec is not a good burst spec and has terrible sustained dps. It offers nothing.


It does not seem BW is planning to shift how the spec operates, so buffing sustain damage does not seem as an option. Only option is to buff burst so it is one of the strongest for melee dps. Otherwise it will continue to be mediocre.


I agree with that. I thought it was stupid to try shifting it to more sustained. I don't think it needs as much burst as it had before, but I agree it should be improved.

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Well that escalated to a nice discussion :D


Dark stability is a good talent, but it is not needed for us. We don't need to be protected from stuns for 12 seconds, we need root/snare protection. Distance is our enemy. Who gives a f*ck about 12 seconds of immunity against stun when all you need to do is KB root an assassin to get almost the same effect-minus the resolve.


Agree 100% to this. Because Force Speed is our gapcloser AND rootbreaker.

The thing is there are just too many roots in the game now.. you break the fist one with force speed and you are vulnerable for the next 14s. Time for your target to get out of 10 m range and continue with roots or slows.


We just need a bit more mobility and a SLIGHT adjustment to dmg because HP pool got higher.

Absolutely no need to increase survivability. We don't want/need another broken Spec hatred is enough.



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Deception, even in all its "faults," is no where near as bad as Madness was before 2.8 :p


Deception's damage is still "there," it just got some moved into spike and low slash for God knows why.


Madness before 2.8 wasn't half as bad as people made out, if you played it well enough. It was a lot more fun, and in general, only the sins that could beat me as deception could beat me as madness.


Deception now is just a joke the second the other team has a guard/heal

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