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Anybody else out there?


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I am just curious. Is anybody else out there that plays the game strictly for the game? Meaning, never spacebarring, getting immersed fully with the voice acting, the planets, the environments, the music, the scenery blending perfectly with the areas, play for the roleplay and just..relax and let loose knowing you are in the Star Wars galaxy? I'm talking not having crew skills or crafting things at all, don't worry about what damage you will do in operations, raids, flashpoints or showing off to others. You don't do any ops, fps or any of those things. Just collect stuff, get outfits and decorate your stronghold and just..chill out?


Just take in the whole game every time you play. Gives you this great feeling. Not focusing on the negatives or be pessimistic about the game. Just, living in it.


Are there any others out there that just appreciate SWTOR for what it is that don't constantly worry about "What if" and "this needs that"? I'm just curious :) Thanks guys!

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I am just curious. Is anybody else out there that plays the game strictly for the game? Meaning, never spacebarring, getting immersed fully with the voice acting, the planets, the environments, the music, the scenery blending perfectly with the areas, play for the roleplay and just..relax and let loose knowing you are in the Star Wars galaxy? I'm talking not having crew skills or crafting things at all, don't worry about what damage you will do in operations, raids, flashpoints or showing off to others. You don't do any ops, fps or any of those things. Just collect stuff, get outfits and decorate your stronghold and just..chill out?


Just take in the whole game every time you play. Gives you this great feeling. Not focusing on the negatives or be pessimistic about the game. Just, living in it.


Are there any others out there that just appreciate SWTOR for what it is that don't constantly worry about "What if" and "this needs that"? I'm just curious :) Thanks guys!


I do but I also understand that not everyone plays like me. I'm more serious/competitive in other games. In SWTOR I play mostly for the story. I used to be in a very competitive pvp guild back in the day but that's long past. If I want competition I play other games. Still, as mentioned, I don't knock people who do take SWTOR very seriously. Casual is a playstyle. That being said, if I do anything group related, I make sure I'm serious for the group. No need to be so laid back you frustrate everyone around you.


I can't imagine anyone in an ops "Not caring about their damage" or being prepared. You don't defeat operations with that mentality or even flash points.

Edited by Rhyltran
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So if I do ops...I am not enjoying or being immersed in the story? ok...

I thought I was really into exploring planets and rock climbing with guildies, as well as soloing flashpoints at higher levels so it was more "realistic", and collecting stuff for my stronghold, etc. But I guess me doing ops negated all that..

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Why can't I do both? I savored the story the first six times I did it. I watched all the cutscenes the first times I did the ops, and I enjoy being on the various planets. Why does that preclude wanting to enjoy the more, for lack of a better word, "gamier" part of the game, where I seek to improve my gear, my rotation, my progression? I find it very satisfying to see my personal output go up, because it means I'm better at the game. I lead my guild's ops, and I find it very satisfying when I can make a change of tactics and see my players make it pay off; it makes me feel good as a tactician and as a member of a good team. I like discussing plot points with one guildy, like the difference between the Sith code and Sith culture, then discussing star priorities with the next.


The fact is, OP, that whether you admit to it or not, your post contains the subtle accusation that your way of enjoying the game is somehow better than others; that my way of playing is NOT "relaxing", that I am pessimistic, that I cannot chill out.

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I do for the most part. But... I have to include Ops in there. Flashpoints to0... as a means to an end in relation to Operations and ofcourse as they are linked to the broader story as in this last pack.


Ops have a good bit of story and the outcome has an impact to the larger story being told. And... it is so much fun to fight the dread council for example. Yeah, there are mechanics and gear you have to be cognizant of, but in the end, for me, it is all part of the bigger tale being told.

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So if I do ops...I am not enjoying or being immersed in the story? ok...

I thought I was really into exploring planets and rock climbing with guildies, as well as soloing flashpoints at higher levels so it was more "realistic", and collecting stuff for my stronghold, etc. But I guess me doing ops negated all that..

I never said anything close to that nature sir. I never said "if you do ops you aren't being immersed". Please read the post again. I was asking if there is anybody out there that doesn't do ops, flashpoints, raids etc or gets any crew skills and just lets go and plays.

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Why can't I do both? I savored the story the first six times I did it. I watched all the cutscenes the first times I did the ops, and I enjoy being on the various planets. Why does that preclude wanting to enjoy the more, for lack of a better word, "gamier" part of the game, where I seek to improve my gear, my rotation, my progression? I find it very satisfying to see my personal output go up, because it means I'm better at the game. I lead my guild's ops, and I find it very satisfying when I can make a change of tactics and see my players make it pay off; it makes me feel good as a tactician and as a member of a good team. I like discussing plot points with one guildy, like the difference between the Sith code and Sith culture, then discussing star priorities with the next.


The fact is, OP, that whether you admit to it or not, your post contains the subtle accusation that your way of enjoying the game is somehow better than others; that my way of playing is NOT "relaxing", that I am pessimistic, that I cannot chill out.


It does not contain it at all. That is how you are interpreting it. Nowhere shape or form am I saying my way of playing the game is better than yours. NOWHERE, do you understand me? Now please stop with these trying to nitpick things out of context.


I am asking if there are others that don't do ops, flashpoints, get crew skills, don't raid or any of that stuff. That is it. Nothing else to be over analyzed here. I NO WAY shape or form did I say the way I play is superior to the way other people play. That's all I'm saying sir. No harm meant and if it came across that way to you I suggest you look in my post again and see I have said nothing that my way to play is superior to others'.

Edited by Sarfux
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You don't do any ops, fps or any of those things.



Without Ops and FPs you would miss out on a lot of the storyline.


Without Taral V/Maelstrom Prison, SoR makes no sense.

Without Boarding Party/The Foundry, SoR makes no sense.


Without Battle of Ilum/The False Emperor, RotHC.

Without KP, RotHC makes no sense.


Without EC and S+V Oricon makes no sense.


Sure, you can skip EV, TFB, Ravagers and ToS without the story being confusing, but some of the environments are gorgeous and "fun to take in" and I love the way the space-time continuum sort of crawls into a shell and dies during Terror from Beyond and Dread Master Calphayus.

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I never said anything close to that nature sir. I never said "if you do ops you aren't being immersed". Please read the post again. I was asking if there is anybody out there that doesn't do ops, flashpoints, raids etc or gets any crew skills and just lets go and plays.


I am just curious. Is anybody else out there that plays the game strictly for the game? Meaning, never spacebarring, getting immersed fully with the voice acting, the planets, the environments, the music, the scenery blending perfectly with the areas, play for the roleplay and just..relax and let loose knowing you are in the Star Wars galaxy? I'm talking not having crew skills or crafting things at all, don't worry about what damage you will do in operations, raids, flashpoints or showing off to others. You don't do any ops, fps or any of those things. Just collect stuff, get outfits and decorate your stronghold and just..chill out?


Just take in the whole game every time you play. Gives you this great feeling. Not focusing on the negatives or be pessimistic about the game. Just, living in it.


Are there any others out there that just appreciate SWTOR for what it is that don't constantly worry about "What if" and "this needs that"? I'm just curious :) Thanks guys!


yes sir in fact you did say it

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yes sir in fact you did say it



You need to brush up on your reading comprehension and how others say things and stop being so defensive about things. Ok let's get this straight here and you stop twisting my words. Once again, NOWHERE did I say in those things I said that the way I play is superior to the way others choose to play. Never, nowhere, nadda, zilch, zip, did I EVER say in those sentences of the words I spoke "my way is superior" or even a hint of something close to that. I never said that you can't get fully immersed if you do ops, flashpoints or raid.. That is how YOU are intrepreting it, not how I said it. Stop trying to twist my words and make it into something it's not.


"Meaning, never spacebarring, getting immersed fully with the voice acting."


"I'm talking not having crew skills or crafting things at all, don't worry about what damage you will do in operations, raids, flashpoints or showing off to others. You don't do any ops, fps or any of those things."


Tell me, in those words I spoke right there, which was simply stating how I play so I can see if others do the same (again not meaning it is superior at all), where did I say anything remotely close that my way to play was superior to others? You must be seeing something much, much different here and over analyzing this thing to the bone to get something like that out of what I said.


Stop trying to create something out of nothing. It was meant to be a curious, fun thread and a curiousness how others play the game as well. Don't assume anything please. Anesvik.

Edited by Sarfux
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Without Ops and FPs you would miss out on a lot of the storyline.


Without Taral V/Maelstrom Prison, SoR makes no sense.

Without Boarding Party/The Foundry, SoR makes no sense.


Without Battle of Ilum/The False Emperor, RotHC.

Without KP, RotHC makes no sense.


Without EC and S+V Oricon makes no sense.


Sure, you can skip EV, TFB, Ravagers and ToS without the story being confusing, but some of the environments are gorgeous and "fun to take in" and I love the way the space-time continuum sort of crawls into a shell and dies during Terror from Beyond and Dread Master Calphayus.


I see. Interesting :) I've done a couple but that was a while ago. I'm more a fan of especially the class stories starting from level 1. I also love the side quests and love watching every cutscene all the time. They just connect with me. Like I said I'm not really a fp or op man, should I start doing some flashpoints more Ashla?

Edited by Sarfux
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Yes, OP, there are many players out there who (more or less) fit your description.


But these are not the type of players you will find here on the forumz. These players are out in the game, playing.


Here you find a lot of players who work the game. They don't play it. Either they never did it or they played it all and now only enjoy working it.


I am a mix of both. But whenever I realise that I focused too much on e. g. getting credits, I take one of my various alts and play properly again.


P. S. The player type I personally dislike is the one who first goes to Dulfy's to read up everything about the new content and only then goes to the game and re-plays what they already read and watched. That is sad in my opinion. At least they should try to find out some things for themselves.

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I am a mix of both. But whenever I realise that I focused too much on e. g. getting credits, I take one of my various alts and play properly again.

Playing "properly" is a matter of opinion. For you, it may mean "doing the story." For some, it may mean BiS gear everywhere. For others, it may mean 250 million creds. If someone is having fun, then they are playing the game "properly' (assuming they are not violating any rules).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Well, I record the storylines... And I basically only play it for the storylines.


This. I think it would be even better if SWTOR was a complete singlepalyer game with 8 different storylines (simply KOTOR 3). The main storyline, dialogues and voice acting are the only things the Bioware did right really. The other aspects of the game are pretty meh, since they're the same as in every other MMO.

I'm a new player (2 weeks maybe), and I got super bored with WZ's, flashpoints, crafting, etc super fast. So I'll just finish my Jedi Consular storyline and move on.

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Even after 13 characters to 55 (Been busy wtih work recently) I still don't spacebar, even on the planetary missions. Every new character is a new story, as I never play as dark or light, I have the displays of alignments turned off, I pick dialogye based on the personality of the current character.

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I'm still low lvl on all my toons, due to breaks I've taken, but I play mainly for the story myself. I mean, it's Star Wars after all.


That's really good you play like that Shadokitty. Star Wars is a fascinating galaxy. I like all the fun little stories and everything. Not caring about what gear I have too much or getting to the next level, just chilling out and playing. :) I like your name to lol. Thanks for the reply!

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Yes, OP, there are many players out there who (more or less) fit your description.


But these are not the type of players you will find here on the forumz. These players are out in the game, playing.


Here you find a lot of players who work the game. They don't play it. Either they never did it or they played it all and now only enjoy working it.


I am a mix of both. But whenever I realise that I focused too much on e. g. getting credits, I take one of my various alts and play properly again.


P. S. The player type I personally dislike is the one who first goes to Dulfy's to read up everything about the new content and only then goes to the game and re-plays what they already read and watched. That is sad in my opinion. At least they should try to find out some things for themselves.


I do the same thing to Jatta! When I feel like I'm spending too much time just getting credits for the tons of dailies, I start a new character and just...chill out and play for a little. Or with my other characters to. I think more people need to figure things out for themselves also. I agree. This is what I like in these threads. Just people sharing their experience and seeing if there are those similar that fit that bill.

Edited by Sarfux
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Even after 13 characters to 55 (Been busy wtih work recently) I still don't spacebar, even on the planetary missions. Every new character is a new story, as I never play as dark or light, I have the displays of alignments turned off, I pick dialogye based on the personality of the current character.


Wow Jandi. Bravo! That's how I do it to. I don't worry about alignment. I have those turned off as well and when I start a new character I put my mindset of that character, how I feel about them and such. That's great. :)

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