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Everything posted by Kindredlight

  1. ...so what are you going to do when they continue ignoring you? I really want to know how you'll force their hand. Like, do you have some kind of masterful plan that will bring the downfall of bioware? Or...are you just gonna keep bumping an easily ignorable thread? Senpai plz
  2. I run around looking like a space batman thing as an operative with a bowcaster that has purple guidance lazers coming out of it. I'm so in character it kills them. You know, all those mindless NPCs.
  3. Agreed wholeheartedly. Even some non-whales are sitting on piles and piles of credits and controlling the markets through buyouts/resales. This should make things more universally available, and less intimidating to new folks.
  4. You know...this post IS awesome...but I can't help but feel like this guy is typing with a snooty, condescending look on his face, pinky extended, as he chuckles softly to himself about the plebeians. Mmn, yes. Quite.
  5. THIS one i'm not sure about, but in reality, it's like the bolster thing. You can't blame people for USING something they added to the game. An exploit generally involves doing something obviously wrong, or that you have to go out of your way to trigger. This is litterally using a device off the Cartel Market. Regardless of how crazy the rewards are, you're only using an item you put in your house, in a very normal fashion.
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