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The Contraband Slot Machine


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it means that they are too stupid to stop pouting and hiding in the corner and do their jobs. they really dont give a damn what anyone thinks. they have a vision of what should be and will ride it down in flames to prove themselves right. and the biofluffers will be right there with them
... or, they made a decision a LONG time ago and have better things to do than rehash this "debate" (which will only open old wounds anyway). I'm not saying I agree with everything they've done, but I'm not wringing my hands waiting for some "response" from the developers ... especially when that response is irrelevant. A response, I add, that is guaranteed to only incite more complaints. Even if Musco knocked on each of our doors to personally apologize for this "debacle," the vociferous few would whine that he didn't visit their house first.


This is like when you forget to send your brother his birthday for a couple of weeks ... then you continue to forget it for a couple of months. Finally, six months after his birthday, you find it in your desk, smack yourself in the forehead, and begin the internal debate over whether to send it now or not. Which is preferable? A woefully late birthday card or remaining mute about it? If you send it, you remind your brother you forgot his birthday (which he knows already, but has probably gotten over by now). EA/BW realizes that they let too much time lapse on any explanations (much less "apologies"). They're riding out the storm. And I don't disagree with that strategy.

Edited by Thoronmir
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It's amazing how many people still forget the "everything is subject to change" or the fact that when someone is looking at one thing that might be wrong they could discover that other things are incorrect/ out of form as well. But let's keep up with the "they only mentioned jawa junk" argument.
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It's amazing how many people still forget the "everything is subject to change" or the fact that when someone is looking at one thing that might be wrong they could discover that other things are incorrect/ out of form as well. But let's keep up with the "they only mentioned jawa junk" argument.


everything is subject to change...to a point. The point when they piss off enough customers that leave and persuade friends to leave that the game is no longer profitable(or profitable enough to satisfy EA). the point that customers stop buying cartel coins for reskinned garbage that the devs cant do reasonably bug free. they have the power to change ANYTHING in swtor. we have the power to stop paying for it. no threats of "im gonna leave" "im gonna hold my breath". just the cold reality of economics. that being said, this event wont "bring down" swtor. it has cost them money. can they live with how much they have lost? only them and EA can tell. now the great unload debate and death of ls/Fq is the issue of the day. will the pvp accounts they keep be worth the pve players they lose? who knows

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Said it before and will say it again. I don't care how many posts I have to make nor anyone QQ'ing about them.


The Cartel Certs got no notification by Musco and no Patch Notes to indicate they changed. In fact we wouldn't even know they nerfed them as well into the ground had you not looked at 3rd Party sources or conducted your own analysis.


Personally, I'm pretty pissed about the whole handling of the event, but at the end of the day they still owe some explanations. WHY was Certs whacked? Nothing stating they had issues with those and it just seemed like a ninja nerf. PUT Cert's back to pre-nerf numbers and call it good.


Right now I wont' spend another dime on cartel packs after this fiasco. In fact it was the only time I've spent CC's on Hypercrates and now the last time I will spend CC's. So I'm speaking with my Wallet on this one. (Free CC's I'll spend, but not going to fork over cash)

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its a slot machine, like all casinos house rules, to be honest though, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the items from the vender of the event like the armor set, weapons, the mounts ETC. seeing as they added the slot machine my bet is the event wont return this summer, which would be unfortunate because that event was a lot of fun! was nice to see Nar Shaddaa with 17 maps all red but 1 :D


PS in all bound items that have 0 value other than what's cosmetic would be a better idea than any type of currency for a big win but that's just my opinion....

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While I agree that the Mat's drop was WAY out in left field other parts of the slot machine didn't require a nerf.


The Cartel Certs are still the biggest "***" moment on this topic. Nothing about them in Eric's post and nothing in the patch notes.


So YES.. people are not going to let this one go as it just has the appearance of "don't respond.. they will go away.."

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I haven't looked at the whole thread, but yeah, for me the real issue from the slot machine is subscribers and cartel certs:


I'm a subscriber.

I pay. But I can't get cartel certs - until I got the slot machine - but then that got broken beyond all recognition.


There's been no compensation for this outrageous unannounced change - no one time grant of certs to those who bought the machine in good faith and got screwed over behind the scenes.


As a long term subscriber, why can't I buy cartel certs for CC? Sure f2p and preferred, make them play the pinata pack lottery. But if you're gonna trash the slots, why not let continuously subbed accounts (3 months? 6? a year?) buy certs for CC?

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Because many of us still would like a comment from Eric explaining the whole debacle.

And to show support for the issue.


I dunno. Yesterday marked two months since the last gold post on this thread. If I asked a girl out, and she didn't respond for two months, I'd take the hint.

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I dunno. Yesterday marked two months since the last gold post on this thread. If I asked a girl out, and she didn't respond for two months, I'd take the hint.

That would mean she doesn't like you - so you're saying Bioware doesn't like us?! Got it...they don't care if we stay or go, just like the girls you ask out.

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That would mean she doesn't like you - so you're saying Bioware doesn't like us?! Got it...they don't care if we stay or go, just like the girls you ask out.


That was exactly the point I was going to make. BW doesn't like their subscribers, just the $ they make off of us.



Musco said that the slot machine was broken, I believe that. If you could afford to through several million credits at it you could get a lot of purple mat tokens, lots of rep tokens and a lot of the Certs. Yeah you could potentially make a killing off the rewards from the slot machine. But only if you could afford to throw MILLIONS at it.


My Opinion: Reduce the drop rates of the Mat Tokens, leave the rest the same, call it a day. And that is what they said they were gonna do, then they reduced the drop rates to basically nothing and said we are gonna toss a speeder in here too. Good luck getting it, the Czerka Crate-o-matic has a similar drop rate and we know how common that thing is...

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I still find that they added this in and just totally flubbed it up so badly and just left it as if it was going to be ignored. it honestly stands testament to how poorly things are thought through and actually implemented. with that I think they still could make this a viable part of the game as a money sink.


they need to add more and have a variety of items drop from the various slot machines they add in packs. yes they should add more and they should adjust it such that they drop meaningful things that would yes increase sales of the only thing they actually really care about in the game and that is the cartel packs.


I think they should of course make it a money sink for sure but make it one that makes people drop credits into it. they need to have various mounts, gear, titles, emotes, what have oyu drop from them and not rarely but often enough to keep people pumping credits into it.


and yes they need to still have jawa junk drop of them and at a much increased rate. this is just another example of poor leadership with the development team and a failure to capitalize on a very significant cartel item for real cash.

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Musco said that the slot machine was broken, I believe that.


Actually, he said it was working as intended, but they would re-evaluate the rate of the Scraps drops and make changes if necessary. But it was quite clear in his post that the slot machine was working they way BioWare wanted it to work. Then they decided they didn't want it working that way and changed more than just the Scraps drops without a word about it.

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I still find that they added this in and just totally flubbed it up so badly and just left it as if it was going to be ignored. it honestly stands testament to how poorly things are thought through and actually implemented. with that I think they still could make this a viable part of the game as a money sink.


they need to add more and have a variety of items drop from the various slot machines they add in packs. yes they should add more and they should adjust it such that they drop meaningful things that would yes increase sales of the only thing they actually really care about in the game and that is the cartel packs.


I think they should of course make it a money sink for sure but make it one that makes people drop credits into it. they need to have various mounts, gear, titles, emotes, what have oyu drop from them and not rarely but often enough to keep people pumping credits into it.


and yes they need to still have jawa junk drop of them and at a much increased rate. this is just another example of poor leadership with the development team and a failure to capitalize on a very significant cartel item for real cash.


After overdoing it the first time they're going to be really cautious about the rewards that can be turned into GTN sales. Jawa scrap (in general, technically, but it was specifically the Jawa Junk (aka purple scrap) that really impacted things) is an overpowered prize so long as the Jawa vendors use a flat pricing scheme where every unit of scrap is a magic super material that can transform into one unit of almost any other material with just a couple exceptions. (They never should have been set up that way to begin with. They should have used scrap as a unit of currency with higher grades always costing more currency than lower grades.)


My idea for an alternative was to add a less flexible materials prize option in the form of Jawa "prize tickets" at all three quality levels. (They could be new Jawa scrap items instead though.) These would be used at the Jawa vendors to buy random material lockboxes. 5 tickets for some random grade 1 mats, 10 tickets for some random grade 2 mats, 15 tickets for some random grade 3 mats, etc. Or something like that. Then those tickets can be fairly common drops like the scrap started at in the contraband machine's first week without generating such a massive influx of high grade materials like the scrap did during that week (and what does get generated will be randomized instead of being able to pick and choose the most valuable item to put up for sale).


I've also been saying that cartel certificates could probably be kept on the rarer side if they add in "contraband prize tickets" (and future machines would instead have their own matching prize tickets) as a more common alternative. These prize tickets would be redeemable at the reputation vendors on fleet as alternative payment for everything that they already carry. (These items are all bind on pickup (or to legacy?) so your purchases would be for your characters only, not for the GTN.)


Of course, additional prizes won directly from the machine would be nice too.


For this and future machines to function as effective credit sinks, people must feel like it's possible to obtain something interesting from the machines. There's nothing interesting in the long term about the slot machines if they're ONLY intended to be rep dispensers. If that's the model that they end up sticking with, they can expect the vast majority of users to completely ignore the machines if they've already got the rep capped (because using the machine now just burns your money for almost nothing in return). But with a fair drop rate for non-rep items and some interesting looking "obtainable" (rare-ish but at a rate that seems possible to ever actually happen) bound prizes to shoot for, that could keep people coming back to the machines regularly even after hitting max rep in the hopes of winning / saving up tickets for something nice. People could start viewing it as a fine way to pass some time while queued for something, and they'd technically be losing on the deal (credit sink) but they'd feel like they're getting something worthwhile in return because of whatever winnings they're saving up while chasing after various high profile jackpots.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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That would mean she doesn't like you - so you're saying Bioware doesn't like us?! Got it...they don't care if we stay or go, just like the girls you ask out.


Okay, I've been happily married for over a decade. There's no need for the ad hominem.

In seriousness though, Bioware DOESN'T like us! They like our money! If they have it, they're happy. End of story. They will always do what they believe is in their best business interest. For whatever reason, they believe that sweeping this under the rug is in their best business interest. If you haven't changed their mind yet, you won't likely ever.

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Okay, I've been happily married for over a decade. There's no need for the ad hominem.

In seriousness though, Bioware DOESN'T like us! They like our money! If they have it, they're happy. End of story. They will always do what they believe is in their best business interest. For whatever reason, they believe that sweeping this under the rug is in their best business interest. If you haven't changed their mind yet, you won't likely ever.

Then why would you ask a girl out? That was your analogy...not mine.


And of course they believe it's in their best interest to just remain silent...eventually it'll go away. I'm not trying to change their mind at all, I know what they are and what this game is...I don't like the reality of it, but I can't change it. I was merely commenting on your analogy.

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Then why would you ask a girl out? That was your analogy...not mine.


And of course they believe it's in their best interest to just remain silent...eventually it'll go away. I'm not trying to change their mind at all, I know what they are and what this game is...I don't like the reality of it, but I can't change it. I was merely commenting on your analogy.


eventually the accounts of those they really pissed off will cease to be subscriber accounts and this thread will go away. but until then people can remind them.

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eventually the accounts of those they really pissed off will cease to be subscriber accounts and this thread will go away. but until then people can remind them.


Yup, and they seem quite content to watch their customers slip away right now. On top of a horrific 3.0, we've had no new content in 3 months and very little communication from Bioware. The bugs remain, the balance sucks, content is used up...the game is absolutely slipping away right now.

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