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The Contraband Slot Machine


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Whatever, the fact is that your behavior is remarkable similiar to terrorists. My final words on the slot machine.


It is also remarkably similar to librarians. And plumbers. Bus drivers. Sanitation workers?


Your post is remarkably similar to hyperbole.


Then again, so is this one...CAUSALITY LOOP!!!!!

Edited by LordArtemis
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It has become a credit sink. It is not fun playing it at all. So basically player payed real money in order to loose their credits without even having fun. Its a terrible tradeoff. The item has become worhless, but it still costs $. It should be implemented at a npc vendor for 1 credit and everyone who bought it for $ should get their money refunded. You can not change an item totally after it has been bought. Furthermore you can't make an item worthless after selling it.


Yes it changed the market prices. It made collecting crew skills useless. But it didn't destroy economy. It just made everything cheaper. Some ppl critizised the publishing of the item, before it was nerfed. Whether it was the majority or not can only be guessed.


After the nerf, ppl who bought the item criticize the worthlessness of the item. Whether they are the majority or not can only be guessed.


Changing the item back to its former state, would be a loss of reputation for bioware. The same reputationloss they made when they nerfed it after they announced that the item was working as intended.


BW is facing a lot of reputation loss these days. First the Ravager exploit, then the ongoing discussion what would happen to those exploiters. Publishing a bugged addon which has less content than most mmorpgs free monthly addons. Bugged operationbosses that couldnt be fixed in 7 weeks, unbalanced pvp, broken GSF. On the other hands minor bugs, like mailservice and Guildcontest get fixed within a few hours.


They will not unnerf the slot machine to prevent another reputation loss. However, they don't seem to be aware that they might loose contribution by those players who spent a lot of money into the cartell market. Maybe they will even loose those players. The players who like the nerfed slot machine do not spent that much money into the cartell market. Revenue will eventually go down. The good customers loose faith in BW and eventually they'll stop investing $. BW made mistakes and if they can't fix those bugs and restore faith they will lose a lot of players that are not only paying monthly fees but also invest real money into the market.

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143 pages... :) nope...


I imagine they are hoping the issue just "goes away"...


I suspect it'll fade away...along with future Cartel Market revenues.


I read a really good analogy in one of the slot machine threads, though hell if I can remember which one because there were so many of them. So know it's a paraphrase of a source I don't remember, but:


In the airline business, you have economy class and premium classes (business and first). Even though a flight might have 220 economy passengers to 36 business and 12 first, the majority of the airline's revenue and profit comes from the 48 passengers up front, not the 220 in the back. This is why flying is a miserable experience for most of us; most passengers simply aren't worth the investment. The first/business class customers (and especially the frequent ones) receive much, much more attention and much better service; they are the ones the airlines really want to keep instead of seeing them take their business elsewhere.


SWTOR's business model, since the introduction of the Cartel Market, is almost identical. Those of us who just pay our subs are economy class (with f2p/premium being shoved in the cargo hold); we receive a bare minimum level of service required to provide sufficient enjoyment to get us to resub. But Bioware isn't really going to invest heavily in retaining subs alone since it now gets most of its revenue from the Cartel Market--those players who buy a hypercrate (or five) every time a new pack comes out. THOSE--the Cartel Market "whales"--are the customers Bioware really wants to keep, as a single Cartel Market customer (equivalent to business or first class, the difference probably delineated between purchasing one or multiple crates per month) can provide Bioware with more profit than 20 regular subs, for a lot less investment. It's a lot easier to design a new cartel pack than a new raid or warzone, after all.


But since the slot machine misfire, I've noticed quite a few posts from (people who claim to be--only Bioware can know for sure) big Cartel Market customers threatening to withhold their business until Bioware resolves the slot controversy to their satisfaction. This should absolutely alarm Bioware, as (subject to verification of forum accounts to CM purchases) their best customers, their first class customers, are about to dry up. Far from the usual breathless cries of "unsub!" someone buying $300 in hypercrates per month not buying hypercrates anymore is a big Force-choking deal. Worse that disgruntled boycotter is probably letting his/her friends know about his boycott in the hopes of spreading it. By remaining silent and hoping the issue blows over, Bioware angers its best and most loyal customers, and does so at SWTOR's peril.


Could you imagine an airline remaining silent about losing a one-million-mile frequent flyer's luggage? Let alone such a 1KK flyer who makes two first-class roundtrips between North America and Europe (we're talkin' five-figure fares here) per week? Other airlines would just LOVE to snap up that unhappy customer, and trust me the airline who lost that 1KK passenger's luggage would be tripping over itself to make that customer whole--if the luggage could not be found the customer would see it and its contents replaced or reimbursed post haste.


(Doesn't work that way for the hoi polloi--i.e. regular subs--though. We're expendable.)


Bioware can probably wait out the forum flame wars over slotgate from the masses--but I suspect they will come to regret that as the first-class Cartel Market customers withdraw from the CM and Bioware's main profit center starts to dry up.

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I would say that any impact has likely already occurred, and I hate to admit it, but anything they do at this point is likely too little too late.


I think that very little if any losses occurred directly based on this incident, but they likely did have losses based on the long line of foolish mistakes, this among them. If anything this was the straw. By itself this would not likely have been as big an issue IMO.


It is constant barrage of bad decisions, poor management, lack of quality control and general "no one at the wheel" kind of thing that led to losses if they occurred, and rightly so.

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There are some bigger issues around


There are, but they dont seem to be fixing it. Ravager exploit has been known on PTS but didnt get fixed, Lurker/Coratanni bugs known for 7 weeks, no fix. But Mails and Conquest got fixed. BW has a problem with their priorities it seems. If BW can't fix those big bugs, i guess their inactivity makes the Game die. Its only natural that an addon comes with new bugs. Experienced developers know this and prepare to fix bugs 1 or 2 days later. But BW orders their developers to go on holiday during the first weeks of release. Even after new years eve no hotfix. Still to this day, no patch has really repaired the bossencounters. Still quests are bugged. Bugged skills. Those fixes should've been done far earlier about 1 or 2 days after release. Patches and fixes are services we pay for. But they need far to long. Swtor was #3 mmorpg in January based on amount of players. But the service is the worst i have seen and it got worse after the addon was published. Any ticket needed 2-3 weeks.


I guess BW/EA see's Swtor as a cow they can drain milk off rather than improving it. They dont even want to make it better or improve services, however Swtor is one of their biggest profittitles. They rather invest that money into new games that suck and dont give any profit.

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I have 24 of them in my Stronghold.... some from Cartel Packs the rest bought from the GTN.


To say I am a little disappointed is a huge understatement. If this didn't have lightsabers I would have quit a long time ago but maybe now its time.

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I have no idea. There are some bigger issues around. This slot machine thing likes a fart of a mouse.


Exactly there were bigger fish to fry, but they took the time to "fix" Slot Machines 1st, so clearly this is the most important issue in-game to BW, so trying to have them implement a more decent drop rate seems like a more worthwhile endeavor then have them fix OPs loot tables, lag or ability delays and so on.


At least we know they care about the Slot Machines.

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I have no idea. There are some bigger issues around. This slot machine thing likes a fart of a mouse.


If it wasn't an issue they wouldn't have addressed it to begin with, and not as severely. Clearly it ranks up there with Bioware, or maybe it was a quick fix and decided to quickly address it. Which is how I assumed they addressed it, a clear mind wouldn't have messed up so badly.

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There are, but they dont seem to be fixing it. Ravager exploit has been known on PTS but didnt get fixed, Lurker/Coratanni bugs known for 7 weeks, no fix. But Mails and Conquest got fixed. BW has a problem with their priorities it seems. If BW can't fix those big bugs, i guess their inactivity makes the Game die.


What would be the problem with their priorities in this case ?

How many people are affected by mail not working properly and conquests bugged, as opposed to people affected by bugged bosses on the new operations, specially considering that these new ops even the sm mode are beyond what the average pug/player can deal with ?


Maybe they prioritize what negatively affect the most players first. Can you blame them ?

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I think the ravagers debate may persist longer than this. This will be forgotten within a week or two by the majority who didn't quit ( and whom will return ... mark my words ). That however will have long reaching effects as people will use the lack of action as an o.k. to exploit at will ( just don't try sell it or announce how to do it in chat ).
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I think the ravagers debate may persist longer than this. This will be forgotten within a week or two by the majority who didn't quit ( and whom will return ... mark my words ). That however will have long reaching effects as people will use the lack of action as an o.k. to exploit at will ( just don't try sell it or announce how to do it in chat ).


So now this is the slot machine and exploit thread.



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all I can do is just.. sigh. time to start stocking up on those ops passes from GTN, because between their handling of the machine and their handling of the rest of the game issues and bugs making it into the game that they have had before and fixed before so they knew what to watch out for ( like quick travel points resetting on logout) , I'm starting to lose interest in everything but doing ops with my guilds couple of times a week. (and to be honest, if not for my groups, I would probably jut have moved on more definitively, only to come back few times a year to check out new content, like I do with WoW)
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