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Sooo....How much have you made from the slots?


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I haven't made anything...


But it has saved me a bunch (and not just 15% on my car insurance)... mat prices were out of control... as a crafter for my guild... sometimes the purple mats just wont drop (I was no where near a 20% Crit rate when I did the math)...

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I don't know... a few hundred thousand credits maby?


I made some black/red dyes with it and sold the extra ones I got from crits (I get surprisingly many crits on my arifice crafter).


Other than that, I'm basically hoarding for future use in crafting for my guild or my own personal use.


I've got 60 or so certificates (don't worry, I had like 30 before) that I'm gonna use to buy some nice rep-locked items for my characters.



After all, the game isn't about making as much money as possible (unlike what some seem to think)

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I caved in, logged in, bought 4 packs for 450k each, got a slot machine. Spent another 200k on coins, makes 2M spent. Got about 100k+ from selling the rep tokens, saved the 20 or so certificates I got. Put the mats tokens in the bank to use for my crafting. So, altogether I "lost" about 1.9M for now. If the mats go into my crafting business, I'll make about 2M with them, so still no substantial profit. It's nice to have improved my certs cushion though, which I tend to use for rep vendor stuff. I'm not stressing out over making credits with things I don't usually do, so it was fun to play around a bit and have some extra resources for the things I usually do.
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