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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Am i the only one who is tired of this ?


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Hello everyone i do not know about you guy, but ihave played this game on and of for many years and have played the last 8 months a lot, i have lvled 8 chars to 55 5 of them on to 60. i have done all the crafting, most of the operations and what not, and so far i am very happy with the game and think it is awesome.... BUT every single time i want to do something in this game i get punished in som way with a bug that eradicates all the fun this game could give. I myself did the exploit and i am happy i did it since it in no way even begins to pay for the wipes i have had with all the buggy operations and what not.


that is why i have created this petition, i really want to play this game and support the developers to make this game better, but it is not being made easy, if you guys feel the same way, go to my petition and sign it, it's hard to show exactley how many ppl feel dissatisfied on the forums, but on one petition it's something else, sorry this is just how i feel.



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"Petition posts are frowned on." -- STWOR Rules of Conduct.


Edit your post to remove the petition or you might be sanctioned.


Ok thank you, i am now aware of this, but i will continue to leave in my petition since i have tried to make tickets i have tried and waited in a timely manner, and feel like nothing has been done at all, only cause of this i will leave in my post, i have gotten to the point where i feel like this is my final option

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Be ready to be punished for using the exploit. Personally I hope all exploiters get some kind of suspension and have all rewards gained from it removed.


If i was to be stripped of the items i had gained, i would be fine with this and that woould be the appropiat action taken. But if the decide to give me like a weeks suspencion or something like that, i would leave the game no qustions asked. There have been so many bugs and i believe we have waited enough time for a fix, i pay my subscription and expect to recieve a working game for the money.

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As software gets more complex, older and more people work on it, it becomes more prone to bugs. That's just how it works, when personal computers had 64k of memory there were only so many bells and whistles that could be added, it was a lot easier to track everything and fix problems as they appeared.


Over the last 20-25 years computer memory has doubled many times over, and so has the complexity of programs - and with it the bugs have also increased in frequency. A game like this, running over multiple servers and accessed by millions of users every day, is one of the most complex programs ever. Bugs are expected, and most of them are not worth the effort to track and fix, as long as they don't affect every player and don't break the game.


The bugs I have encountered here are merely annoying, and don't really impact the experience too much except for one - when enemies "fall under" the map and continue attacking but I can't target or reach them. If I can't run away quickly enough to reset them my toon will die, which is pretty frustrating when what should be an easy fight ends up with me running around watching my health bar disappear.


It would be nice if they could do something about that, but I'm figuring it has something to do with how the game environment is rendered and is too deep in the system to change without remaking the game from the ground up, so to speak.


Notify them of bugs when you see them, of course. But realize that not all bugs affect all players, and not all bugs can be found and fixed, and some will remain for various reasons. If you can't deal with it, play another game until the bugs there drive you away.

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Ok thank you, i am now aware of this, but i will continue to leave in my petition since i have tried to make tickets i have tried and waited in a timely manner, and feel like nothing has been done at all, only cause of this i will leave in my post, i have gotten to the point where i feel like this is my final option


Your final option is to not play the game. This kind of thing may make you feel better, but it will not in any way motivate anyone at BW to do anything at all. Shouting at your computer would have exactly the same effect.


It's like saying, I pay taxes so I shouldn't be driving on roads that have potholes. It's something that happens no matter how quickly the road crews keep up with repairs, and when they have to set priorities some roads will be tended to faster and more often, a few never at all. People complain about it, but unless you are personally willing to throw large amounts of money at the problem you don't get to make those kinds of decisions.

Edited by Tolunart
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If i was to be stripped of the items i had gained, i would be fine with this and that woould be the appropiat action taken. But if the decide to give me like a weeks suspencion or something like that, i would leave the game no qustions asked. There have been so many bugs and i believe we have waited enough time for a fix, i pay my subscription and expect to recieve a working game for the money.


All games have bugs and not all get fixed immediately, if ever. Just because you pay a sub and feel you waited long enough does not give you the right to use a known exploit to cheat the system. If you get a suspension it is because you deserve it.

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If i was to be stripped of the items i had gained, i would be fine with this and that woould be the appropiat action taken. But if the decide to give me like a weeks suspencion or something like that, i would leave the game no qustions asked. There have been so many bugs and i believe we have waited enough time for a fix, i pay my subscription and expect to recieve a working game for the money.


Sounds like a poor excuse to abuse a bug...

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To be honest, and flay me at dawn before a screaming crowd if you wish, but I think the Devs have done a great job, yes yes there are some silly bugs and glaringly obvious things that need fixing, i'm not saying it is perfect but as regards the game we had two years ago compared to now, they have added a LOT of content in my opinion and seem to be building on it.


I am sure there are those who will disagree but they cannot be expected to please all of the people all of the time, but I for one think they are doing a great job. :eek:

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To be honest, and flay me at dawn before a screaming crowd if you wish, but I think the Devs have done a great job, yes yes there are some silly bugs and glaringly obvious things that need fixing, i'm not saying it is perfect but as regards the game we had two years ago compared to now, they have added a LOT of content in my opinion and seem to be building on it.


I am sure there are those who will disagree but they cannot be expected to please all of the people all of the time, but I for one think they are doing a great job. :eek:


Hey i am not angry at the devs at all, the Devs are doing all they can and have as you say added a LOAD of content that is awesome, but the problem is they should fix the old stuff before adding the new, and the problem here is that the dev team is not big enough since many of them got fired before the game was released, basically i just think what is left of the team are struggeling to keep the game alive and they are doing it to the bedst of their abilities.

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they should fix the old stuff before adding the new


An MMO that doesn't keep providing fresh content will effectively die. The rate at which they add new content is already too slow for some. So at least some of their resources should always be devoted to coming up with new content.


As someone mentioned earlier, with the size and complexity of modern software, some minor bugs are almost inevitable. To add to that, video games are arguably one of the largest, most complex types of software projects out there, especially MMO's. Some minor bugs will always come up, and for most of them it's not worth anybody's time or money to hunt down and fix.

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An MMO that doesn't keep providing fresh content will effectively die. The rate at which they add new content is already too slow for some. So at least some of their resources should always be devoted to coming up with new content.


As someone mentioned earlier, with the size and complexity of modern software, some minor bugs are almost inevitable. To add to that, video games are arguably one of the largest, most complex types of software projects out there, especially MMO's. Some minor bugs will always come up, and for most of them it's not worth anybody's time or money to hunt down and fix.


Capes cutting through mounts, mobs dissapearing under terrain and stuff like that, i am a programmer myself and know the perils of code, and these things i just listed are things i dont think about ofc there are bugs and they cant address everything, but stuff like Operations bosses resetting during fight, operations bosses that you cannot even complete, datacrons and other content they want you to use many hours of grinding to get and then it does not work and they will in no way refund your items, forcing you to grind again only to find that the bug stil has not been fixed, THIS is what annoys me and should have been adressed a long time ago.

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Capes cutting through mounts, mobs dissapearing under terrain and stuff like that, i am a programmer myself and know the perils of code, and these things i just listed are things i dont think about ofc there are bugs and they cant address everything, but stuff like Operations bosses resetting during fight, operations bosses that you cannot even complete, datacrons and other content they want you to use many hours of grinding to get and then it does not work and they will in no way refund your items, forcing you to grind again only to find that the bug stil has not been fixed, THIS is what annoys me and should have been adressed a long time ago.


Raids (or "Ops") are only ever seen by a minority of players in the first place, and those who go into a newly released one should expect bugs. They can't delay the release of an expansion for a month or three because 3% of the player base who enter the raid environment within the first month after release might be unhappy. I'm sure the devs don't want to release it in a broken/bugged state in the first place, but the guys who hand out the paychecks are the ones who make the decisions, not the guys who sit at the computer writing code.

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At least people are making it easier by not only full on outting themselves - but outlining their sense of entitlement to the exploit.


"Officer - my bank has been charging me ATM fees for years and the ATM is slow...so when the guard didn't lock the ATM after servicing it - how am I WRONG for taking a few $20 bills? I DESERVE IT!"

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Raids (or "Ops") are only ever seen by a minority of players in the first place, and those who go into a newly released one should expect bugs. They can't delay the release of an expansion for a month or three because 3% of the player base who enter the raid environment within the first month after release might be unhappy. I'm sure the devs don't want to release it in a broken/bugged state in the first place, but the guys who hand out the paychecks are the ones who make the decisions, not the guys who sit at the computer writing code.


that is exactley my point, its BioWare's fault not the people who make the game but those who administrate it

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that is exactley my point, its BioWare's fault not the people who make the game but those who administrate it


It doesn't matter, their job is not to create a perfect product but rather to maximize profit while minimizing expenses. Raiders do not comprise a financially significant part of their target market, so if something needs to be sacrificed to get the expansion out on time it will be raids, which generally cost more to produce than they make for the company.

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It doesn't matter, their job is not to create a perfect product but rather to maximize profit while minimizing expenses. Raiders do not comprise a financially significant part of their target market, so if something needs to be sacrificed to get the expansion out on time it will be raids, which generally cost more to produce than they make for the company.


In my country in Denmark it clearly states that the selling of a broken item is prohibited, this is the same for many countries, and they are advitising that you can do OPS, play PVP and so on where unless you have a computer 10x better than said in the recommended specs you will lag like hell cause the game is so poorly optimised. so explain to me again how this is legit

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Hey i am not angry at the devs at all, the Devs are doing all they can and have as you say added a LOAD of content that is awesome, but the problem is they should fix the old stuff before adding the new, and the problem here is that the dev team is not big enough since many of them got fired before the game was released, basically i just think what is left of the team are struggeling to keep the game alive and they are doing it to the bedst of their abilities.


I agree like I said there are some annoying bugs and yes of course I would agree that they need sorting before they compound the problem by adding more content and introducing newer bugs, but when you balance it all out I think the game is doing ok, but I would like to see the bugs fixed of course.

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"Petition posts are frowned on." -- STWOR Rules of Conduct.


Edit your post to remove the petition or you might be sanctioned.


not trolling, genuine question... really? The front page of every subforum on here has at least 1-2 petitions... I actually find it funny that they're frowned on, I would have never guessed.

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If i was to be stripped of the items i had gained, i would be fine with this and that woould be the appropiat action taken.


Stripping you of your ill-gotten gains would indeed be appropriate action, but don't confuse that with punishment. That's just returning the game to the status quo before the exploit. Many players, me included, feel like there should be punishment, which includes taking something else away from you, most likely your ability to play the game. if that makes you quit, so be it, in my opinion the larger community is better off without rule-breakers.

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Stripping you of your ill-gotten gains would indeed be appropriate action, but don't confuse that with punishment. That's just returning the game to the status quo before the exploit. Many players, me included, feel like there should be punishment, which includes taking something else away from you, most likely your ability to play the game. if that makes you quit, so be it, in my opinion the larger community is better off without rule-breakers.


+1, if the only action taken would be to strip the gains, how on earth would that be a deterrent to future exploiters? If that was the case, it would continue everytime because if you get caught they just take away what gained while if you didn't get caught, you get the gains. There is no downside to exploiting in that scenario.


There has to be a deterrent to prevent someone from trying to exploit again. So while you may not like the bugs the game has in it and use that to justify the actions, the plain truth is you (and other exploiters) agreed to BW TOS, nowhere did they agree to provide a game 100% free of bugs

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