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Contraband Slotmachine


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You know on Reddit is a post about the percentage to win a specific item on the contraband slot machine?



And my average has been 1 per 99 anyway.


RNG is still RNG.


Anyway, I think in all this discussion people have missed the obvious solution here.

Lower the chance of winning jawa junk to the same as the purple trophy and suddenly the machine stops being that "op".

In fact, they should probably set the chances of getting green, blue and purple jawa stuff to the same chances you get for green, blue and purple rep items.

That would average it out and the machine would still be a viable alternative to missions, but not as bountiful as it is now.

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Yeah, but you average maby 1 cert for every 99 uses on the slot machine.


And in the end, all it will do is lower the prices of those decorations on the GTN.


Closer to 2 per 99, looking across multiple peoples' data, but yeah.

Edited by NimTheRat
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Anyone using them find that they gave out less today than yesterday to me felt like I got a lot less certificates and purples today.


Few hours before daily reset

99 = 4 certificates

After daily reset

495 = 17 certificates

Tried again after latest screenshot and got

First 99 chips = 0 certificates

Required maybe 105 or 107 chips before I got one.

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Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours?

Does everything really have to be an endless grind?

Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7?


Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?

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Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours?

Does everything really have to be an endless grind?

Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7?


Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?


Well said :) I, for one, expect to sink a fair amount of credits into this one (assuming I get one in the hypercrate I just bought).

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Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours?

Does everything really have to be an endless grind?

Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7?


Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?


Because its a broken mechanic. I am all for fun/rewards but this one is basically a money printing machine. Its a little too useful and out of scale with other current mechanics. Wanting a system that works well and is 'fair' doesn't equate to wanting a Korean style MMO Grind. SWTOR is really really far from that even without things like this.


The rate of return is just a bit too high and its best that it gets fixed before we see problems from it that need to be fixed in more drastic ways.

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Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours?

Does everything really have to be an endless grind?

Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7?


Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?


I'm not saying it SHOULD be nerfed. I'm saying it's GOING to be nerfed, and given that, I have suggestions for the particular nerf I'd prefer :)

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Not my experience. I averaged signiciantly higher though my sample size is only about 12-14 stacks of 99.


Closer to 2 per 99, looking across multiple peoples' data, but yeah.


Well, I just got 12 from one stack of 99.

And a total of 23 from 6 stacks of 99 (that one with the 12 is included there).


Moral of the story: Random is random. 2% does not mean you'll get 2 for every 99 stack.

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SWTOR is really really far from that even without things like this.


Ok, let's see what we have in terms of game updates now:

1) No new class/story missions worthy of mention, but instead 2 new areas where the only thing you can do is... guess what? - GRIND.

2) Two new Operations that are bugged to hell and practically unplayable.

3) Old Operations made obsolete with the removal of Ultimate commendation rewards. In addition, those very commendations (and, consequently, the gear you can get with them) are now really hard to obtain because of #2).

4) An even further unbalanced PVP system with a multitude of bugs as well.


So... are we really that far from a grind-oriented game?

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totally agree


that jawa scrap is pretty much ruining the fun for sellers/crafters...mats are going down in price and so are augments etc....


Judging from what people get and numbers from data mining, there's no reason to run missions for purple mats at all

Its not even about 'fun', its a waste of credit to run for mats

even if we treat all other rewards as 0 value, the expected credits per purple mat is now

500/(10%+25%x10%+25%*25%*10%+...) = 3750

and pretty sure thats lower than running missions

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totally agree


that jawa scrap is pretty much ruining the fun for sellers/crafters...mats are going down in price and so are augments etc....


Yes! I agree we should keep it so people that spend tons of real life cash on cm packs get tons of the jawa stuff! Because pay RL $$ = FUN!



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There is one thing that should be taken into account though.

You can't use the machine while "playing the game".

You can't go around playing PvP or PvE or Ops or FP's while using the machine.

You can do that while doing crew missions.


So sure, people could spam the machine (and will, at least initially) but then you wouldn't be playing the game.


Well, you could get a second account and have a second comp handy, and just reach over and right click every so often. Sure it would slow you down a lot, but you could get dozens of extra pulls in per hour while still going about and playing the game.


I can imagine the serious power gamers or gold farmers and their banks of slot machines and computers.

Edited by ptwonline
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I do not think they remembered that the reputation tokens can be vendored for credits back. Even without the cash back the amount of jawa materials you can get for a single stack of tokens (49,500 credits) probably needs to be adjusted.


This is guaranteed max Legendary reputation with Contraband in a single night (although with the 36k weekly cap you might have to wait until next Tuesday to click the extra tokens). On top of that we are getting cartel certificates to boot.

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Well, you could get a second account and have a second comp handy, and just reach over and right click every so often. Sure it would slow you down a lot, but you could get dozens of extra pulls in per hour while still going about and playing the game.


I can imagine the serious power gamers or gold farmers and their banks of slot machines and computers.


And I could get 100 accounts on 100 computers and run missions all day too.


Let's not get into silly far-out theory arguments ok?

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Now everyone ignores the fact that you can get scrap from packs too. And some of us have never used them... I have maybe close to 1500 of blues and between 2000 and 2500 of greens. Not sure about purples, would have to check 25 characters... Not going to do that. How many credits did I pay? 0, yes zero.


Only one companion per character can have critical bonus. That's if you choose optimal crew skills for that class.

Edited by Halinalle
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