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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Strongholds on Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Alderaan!


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Five wasn't always the active limit. It probably wouldn't be hard to make it six...


Where ever the new stronghold is, assuming we get one, I hope it has some really interesting feature to make it stand out from existing locations.


* Manaan is awesome because it could be underwater.

* Ilum would be fantastic, because we don't have a night time stronghold and the Ilum sky is amazing.

* Kashyyyk would rock if it was up in giant trees.

* Alderaan could be set high in the mountains with an occasional, light snowfall.


Regardless, I'm hoping for a stronghold that has straight walls without giant floor boards. I hate trying to slide objects up against the walls when the wall is slanted (Yavin 4), the wall is curved (Tatooine), or the floorboard cuts into the item (most SHs). Leaving a gap just looks weird to me. Hopefully it will just have a decorative, FLAT border.


I also hope it doesn't have an elevator. I hate zoning and have a strong preference for stairs.


Finally, I hope they don't escalate the price of the room unlocks above what things already cost. In fact, wouldn't it be awesome if they slightly decreased the prices on existing strongholds when a new one is released?

Edited by Xina_LA
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Regardless, I'm hoping for a stronghold that has straight walls without giant floor boards. I hate trying to slide objects up against the walls when the wall is slanted (Yavin 4), the wall is curved (Tatooine), or the floorboard cuts into the item (most SHs). Leaving a gap just looks weird to me. Hopefully it will just have a decorative, FLAT border.


I also hope it doesn't have an elevator. I hate zoning and have a strong preference for stairs.

I just hope new SH ain't too big. Tatooine and Yavin are enough, they already take ages to decorate (properly).


Medium-sized house like Nar Shaddaa should come next.

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I am just hoping,that they reveal something..anything about new stronghold. And with May 4 around the corner,I really hope that at least on that day,they reveal something (and pleeeeeease let it be Manaan next :D ) Edited by Collec
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I am just hoping,that they reveal something..anything about new stronghold. And with May 4 around the corner,I really hope that at least on that day,they reveal something (and pleeeeeease let it be Manaan next :D )


Yes, let us pray to the SWTOR gods that May the 4th will reveal things. And it would be a good time to do it and a good reason to have kept hush hush up until now.:o

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would absolutely LOVE a Manaan and Alderaan stronghold. Especially if we get a half submerged stronghold on Manaan. Alderaan, I really like the idea of a manor or estate style stronghold. I'm not sure either one needs to be the size of Yavin, but perhaps the size of Nar Shaddaa or -maybe- Tatooine.
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  • 2 months later...

manaan and aldy would be my first choices...kashyyyk is not possible right now if my memory is correct i do believe that around the time the SH expax was announced someone reprsenting bioware

said "strongholds will ONLY be on planets that exist in the game" but i might be mis-remembering that.......

Edited by kaitoichika
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manaan and aldy would be my first choices...kashyyyk is not possible right now if my memory is correct i do believe that around the time the SH expax was announced someone reprsenting bioware

said "strongholds will ONLY be on planets that exist in the game" but i might be mis-remembering that.......


I remember reading that too somewhere. Maybe a Dev Log or something. Since Manaan is in the game and you can travel to it at any time, it only makes sense to make it a place you can visit and give more reasons to go there. There is alos a whole section of it that is there and leads to nowhere. I'm hoping that an Op will appear over there, or perhaps just a bunch of vendors with more decorations from Manaan, like those banners and stuff that aren't yet available, with a console to buy a Manaan stronghold.

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The Kashyyyk, and Manaan are great ideas. I dig the idea of having a stronghold inside an aquarium. However I would like to suggest that we would be able to put hooks underwater. To see these decorations in full detail we could use a manaan sub to view the area.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I like the idea for Manaan especially, and Alderaan could have a nice vista view.

I also think Voth would be a good place for a stronghold.


THERE IS NO VOTH ONLY ZAKUL :p ok i'll be "serious" now VOTH is NOT a planet in game, i think you mean VOSS

however that said voss could be a good idea

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THERE IS NO VOTH ONLY ZAKUL :p ok i'll be "serious" now VOTH is NOT a planet in game, i think you mean VOSS

however that said voss could be a good idea


Or, instead of Voth PERHAPS he means HOTH? It is closer to the spelling then VOSS.

And both planets are in game and be cool strong hold planets....

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I think a manaan stronghold will come.. because there seems to be a lot of ppl that wish to have this... or.. I hope at least.. I would definetely love a manaan stronghold and i would even pay 10m just to buy the sh and 50m more to unlock it.. i love manaan
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These are some great ideas! I personally would love to see a stronghold on Hoth. Some of the ice caves that you can find roaming around Hoth or Ilum are fantastic and would make for a nice basis for a stronghold. I would imagine it being more open (similar to Tatooine).


The second place I would love to see a stronghold on is Yavin 4. I love the planet and certainly brings back memories from the movies. They did a nice job on the planet for the dailies, but I would love to see a more expanded version.


My third choice would be Korriban/Tython, just because they are the starting planets for the sith/jedi and I would imagine many Siths would have a housing on Korriban.


There is no housing on Korriban, there is only the academy and the council halls, a few bases for those who are stationed with the defense of korriban. Korriban is 'holy ground' and no one is allowed to set up personal homes/bases there.


As for Tython...Jedi do not have homes, they move from one location to the next wherever they are needed. Anything a Jedi "owns" is technically the property of the Jedi Order as a whole.


I'd rather see Corellia, Alderann (solong as the strongholds don't experience the same frame rate dropping the planet seems to), Voss would be my favorite but lore wise makes no sense, Dantooine.

I would love if KotET would bring us a Zakuul Knight class and a stronghold on Zakuul though.

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THERE IS NO VOTH ONLY ZAKUL :p ok i'll be "serious" now VOTH is NOT a planet in game, i think you mean VOSS

however that said voss could be a good idea


My mistake I had STO-on-the-brain, and typed Voth instead of Voss. DOH! :o

Edited to fix the error.

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All these different planet ideas are great, but they don't matter me to at all.

What I really want to see is a stronghold with an interesting design.


I would love to have a stronghold embedded into a cliff, with a fantastic large balcony, an interior garden courtyard, and a starship landing pad at the top.


I would also love to have a beachfront property with the sight and sound of gently rolling waves, including a sky of dramatic clouds, especially if they give us more variety of un-potted plants.


I also wouldn't mind a room on a space station, especially one with other ships and a cool view of planets outside my windows.


I would really love a stronghold anywhere with time of day and changing weather. I don't care what planet it's on. If the SH is on a space station, it could be virtual time and weather outside a window.


Sadly, none of this would do me any good unless the stronghold limit was also increased. I don't want to give up one of the strongholds that I worked so hard on.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Nice ideas but BW will choose some boring planet like OrdMantell and make there a boring stronghold without any idea behind it. And people will buy it and thus will make BW sure they go right way when they dont bother trying to surprise\make happy their customers. Sad but true.


i honestly wouldn't mind ord mantell

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Living inside of an aquarium sounds like a good time! *One thing I'd like to suggest with the manaan stronghold is that we could go into the ocean. Possibly swim? Or even use a manaan sub. A nice touch would include the Kala Klaw Fish, and the Opee Sea Killer somewhere in the depths :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Here are three locations across the galaxy that I see as perfect choices for Bioware to develop into strongholds next. I will explain my reasoning at the end.


Kashyyyk: Allows for a tree house type of stronghold. More or less like Endor, but far more vast in scale, and is the world the mighty Wookie race calls home. Built around the massive tree trunks that can only be found on Kashyyyk, your tree house and other wookie homes surrounding it are the only sources of light, as the sky above is dark, and below is the even more dark and dangerous shadowlands. The entire stronghold would have a rustic, "everything is made of wood" type of feel. Very nostalgic to the original KOTOR game.


Manaan: Allows for a water based stronghold. You have access to rooms on the peaceful Manaan surface, and below, rooms that display the planet's deep and dangerous underwater depths. Probably unlikely, but an interesting feature idea: have a room that can only be accessed by crossing a small distance across the ocean floor, made possible by a stronghold exclusive set of underwater gear or something. Even if it were a relatively short or controlled path across, the fact that you can walk around and watch the silhouettes of the dangerous Manaan sharks lurking in the distance, among other things, is worth any cost for me.


Alderaan: Allows for a mansion/small castle looking stronghold. Based upon a cliffside, hill, etc, it would provide a magnificent view of Alderaan's beautiful landscape. This would be more of an expensive looking stronghold, with a possible courtyard leading up to what would be a very regal home that fits the style of royalty prevalent across this world. As modest on the interior as it is the exterior, the inside could contain a ballroom, tea room, dining room, and so on (Very classical in design.) I think you get the picture.


I chose these three locations because of their nostalgic value and also because they are very distinct and unique. First, Kashyyyk, the only planet you can have a tree house stronghold on, not mention living with wookies. Second, Manaan, the only planet you can have an underwater stronghold, (Not Naboo, I would rather die than live among Gungans) while keeping the strong sense of nostalgia from the original KOTOR present. A game, by the way, that SWTOR stemmed from. Thirdly, Alderaan, the only in-game established planet on which a castle/manor stronghold would make sense, and the world as a whole is nostalgic for obvious reasons...


I just feel like these would be smart ideas for Bioware to take into account and possibly follow through with once the initial strongholds expansion is released. Housing in this game has literally endless possibilities, and I hope Bioware takes full advantage of this fact! I know I would take these three ideas over that of a Quesh or Voss stronghold or something like that. REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE, BIOWARE!


Thank you for reading, if you agree, support these ideas by leaving feedback. The more people who see it and comment, the more attention it gets, I suppose. Good day.


Problem is? Manaan and Alderaan are already in the game, Kashyyyk is not.

They most likely will not make a small section of the planet just for a Stronghold, when so many people for the last 5 years have been wanting the planet. Which means a story line would have to be developed around and on Kashyyyk before a SH would ever be considered....

Other wise, i do not see a Kashyyyk, any time soon......

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