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  1. yeah with jaessa i'm kinda wandering about that myself as with some others
  2. I like the idea but would it just be better to be able to switch from one class to another on the same toon? I mean for example. would love to play as a commando just not fond of just only using a cannon... or are you saying this already
  3. can all the trainers be female wearing the slave outfit? and I would love this idea
  4. honestly I would love that... there are different type of ships guild ships being the big battleships.. why not cruisers and transports
  5. yeah that's what I miss as well.... I love the idea of having a day night cycle on each planet
  6. Dislikes: Koth Every companion wearing the same thing. Not having the gravestone as my flagship. Likes: something for now to kill.
  7. Which is why they need to make an optional chat channel for universal chat
  8. Have a surface level. The take a sub go underneath to another level. You go underneath the house. you're in a house still you go out side and you see a dome covering the house. And you look up and see the sunlight and a whole lotta fishes. That's my idea with the house having two or three levels as the surface will be about as big as the Clift on Tatooine . Same price as tattooine. Don't forget a stairway to the roof of the house or a better view of the ocean and sunlight.
  9. Would love the Gravestone as my stronghold/personal ship... or at least a stronghold.
  10. True lol I hope they bring something out like the Gravestone before the end lol
  11. Yeah same here.. I would move off of tattooine in a heart beat. I rather live on a ship stronghold or a stronghold underneath the waves
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