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I did the exploit...


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BTW, just like exploiting a bug to gain an unfair advantage:

"Profanity is not acceptable in communications on the forums or anywhere on the Service."

-- SWTOR Rules of Conduct.


Good thing the forums have a profanity filter to censor the words then.

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Good thing the forums have a profanity filter to censor the words then.

But is it not true that you attempted to post profanity, and therefore attempted to violate the ToS, when you typed those filtered words? The fact that the rest of us were not subjected to the foul consequences of your rule breaking because of the filter doesn't excuse your attempt to violate the ToS. You're no better than an exploiter, rule breaker! :p

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BTW, just like exploiting a bug to gain an unfair advantage:

"Profanity is not acceptable in communications on the forums or anywhere on the Service."

-- SWTOR Rules of Conduct.


I would assume that infractions have a degree/scale of seriousness just like out in the real world. Swearing would have a limited level due to the profanity filter and due to the post only affecting those who read the post in question while (from what I understand) the exploit in question has had a noticeable effect on the economy and thus has an impact on a much wider amount of the player base which in turns makes it a more serious infraction.


Nice attempt at obfuscation tho'


all this thread needs now is a strawman argument and a few "THIS IS A SLAP IN THE FACE BW" comments to make this thread complete :)


-=edit=- sorry, I should have phrased that in true SW fashion ...


something something something darkside.... something something something complete

Edited by DasRoach
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I would assume that infractions have a degree/scale of seriousness just like out in the real world. Swearing would have a limited level due to the profanity filter.

But, I keep seeing people post that rule breakers must be punished for breaking the rules, regardless!


And lest anyone think the ban on profanity is inherently less "serious" than the one related to exploits, those who do should consider what might happen if someone posted cuss-word-free all-text explicit child you-know-what on the forums. The ban hammer might be just the beginning of the consequences.

Random fun fact: In at least one U.S. state, possession of child you-know-what is punishable by a minimum sentence of

10 years without possibility of parole per item, each sentence to run consecutively. Don't do it.

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Nice attempt at deflection although I specifically asked for a strawman argument. Last time I checked, there were no comments from the Devs saying there was too much swearing, although if it became an issue I am sure they would address it. The matter at hand is the issue of exploits and that BW is aware of those who partook in them and that they will be addressing those involved.


9 out of 10 for the deflection attempt tho' and feel free to say how this is a slap in the face if you cannot come up with a strawman at short notice.

Edited by DasRoach
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As you start eric "Let’s talk a bit about the Ravager’s exploit."


I'm a founder player and a subscriber since beginning. Once upon a time there was a topic creating by bioware "We are doing everything for you and we will do everything you want (We are not like other MMOs)" That topic buried deep in forum. What changed since lunch.


State of swtor today:

There is a lot of cretid seller yelling on fleet and there is no gm kind bioware employee for stop them. There is tons of bug that samepoint make to game unplayable. Those new operation can not complate untill yesterday for pug raids. Time to time some of them enter bug state that couse can not finished even experianced raids. There was design problem about expantion example ; Traning cost, lockbox credits was funny "aaaah wait for it isn't that an exploit who farm lock box first day ban them they used an exploit :eek:", etc. (patched with first patch)


We have small guild (As we call our small community) your action on the way hurt our community more then once, even our guild master made a visit one of your cantina tour (for us 10.966,04 km / 6.813,98 miles) for inform you about problem what we encounter (your answer was " a lot of people complain about it we are looking").


I'm a subscriber and i demand decant customer services i opened a ticket answer not solved my problem, i open one more inform you then respons the same with first one. I wrote on forum no answer from customer services.

topic here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=788693


There is one more ticket i did not write it ,but i like this topic title



today swtor start to threatening customers. Bravo, if someone will write on forum "BANNED, BIOWARE GET MY CREDITS, SCHEMATIC etc." I will cancel my subscription and will leave from swtor forever.



Edited by tuncu
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It's funny when the only defense on this whole topic people seem to have left is to start citing other area's of possible breach of ToS like that somehow justifies or lessens the infractions in this particular case.


Whilst any such point is well taken it has no bearing on this breach of ToS in the use of an exploit i.e. cheating.


If I swear at you and abuse you I admit I fully deserve any punishment as a result as per the ToS, does that make me wrong in any way for saying those that cheated using this exploit deserve everything that is coming to them? In my opinion that is stripping of everything that illegally gained including shells that mods etc. are now contained in, temps bans for the more repeat offenders, perm bans for those in a certain guild or two that discovered then proceeded to sell it and spread it throughout the game.


Seems fair.

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It's funny when the only defense on this whole topic people seem to have left is to start citing other area's of possible breach of ToS like that somehow justifies or lessens the infractions in this particular case.


Whilst any such point is well taken it has no bearing on this breach of ToS in the use of an exploit i.e. cheating.


If I swear at you and abuse you I admit I fully deserve any punishment as a result as per the ToS, does that make me wrong in any way for saying those that cheated using this exploit deserve everything that is coming to them? In my opinion that is stripping of everything that illegally gained including shells that mods etc. are now contained in, temps bans for the more repeat offenders, perm bans for those in a certain guild or two that discovered then proceeded to sell it and spread it throughout the game.


Seems fair.


You have your head on straight. Sadly many people will disagree with you and rather keep up the mindless face slamming on their keyboard.


These are two very different issues, and I completely agree that one part of the ToS doesn't justify breaking another. I'll take my forum ban for "profanity" (that the filter censored anyway, so no profanity was ever written) if I must. No problems there.


However, regardless of what action they take for that, it is in no way related to the ingame exploit of this magnitude.

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The fact that the game has bugs or lacklustre support would be a reason to leave the game, not use it as an excuse to cheat.


If you were so unhappy with the customer support and the various bugs (which btw every MMO has) as well as Bioware's dedication to fixing them, why are you still here?


I don't care if you people get banned or have your credits or your schematics removed.

I care that posts like this are an insult to our intelligence - you cheated because you wanted to cheat. All the rest are dumb excuses for your actions for which you don't want to face any consequences.


Tough luck.

That's life.

Edited by TheNahash
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What on earth are you guys dong to NOT get a response from CS? I have had many emails back and forth with CS on a few different situations. In all of last year tho I only have 6 tickets. 4 are from gold sellers spamming me with their in game mail sales pitches. 1 was about the Ravagers bug where whats her name would go to the escape pod and shoot it instead of actually leaving and the other was about the GF bug where we didnt get our 30 Ultimate coms. Since they dont talk about bugs that you report (unless they need more information) I only have the 1 report that merits an actual response.


Guess what? They responded.


If I didnt delete my emails as soon as the issues were fixed I;d have a bunch to show, but unfortunately all I have is this one.


I got an actual response from an actual CS who did actual work and actually reviewed the issue and actually resolved the issue and actually gave me what I was missing. And not only that, but got it within 2 days.



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First i playing game becouse of community, about six month ago swtor lost his privilage in my mind, second they weren't here almost month and after first patch they start storm. btw TheNahash sorry to insult you i did not intent do it.
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All these cheaters using self righteous indignation as a defense tactic are tiresome. You cheated. Bioware has your number. Now you get to wait and see if the banhammer is coming. So uncomfortable to wait, no?


On a related note, I start to wonder at the omniscience Eric touted in his latest post. I wonder if that was said just to get you guys to panic. I mean, they say they don't want to have to track extra data about players but they know exactly who cheated and how many times and what loot they got? They can track all that but can't add little character features? I dunno if I buy it.

Edited by calypsissmexy
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First i playing game becouse of community, about six month ago swtor lost his privilage in my mind, second they weren't here almost month and after first patch they start storm. btw TheNahash sorry to insult you i did not intent do it.


If you are playing just for the social aspect, why cheat?


Man up and take your oil.

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This so called Exploit stuff is all BS. If all these exploits which ARE Really NOT, exploits then why the hell were they put in game by the Devs, and don't give me this BS, that the devs did this by mistake, because ppl cannot do these things by mistake, like all the Treasure boxes on Rishi.


Only idiots/ crybabies said they were an exploit because some ppl weren't able to get these treasure cases, or just watched stupidly by and watched while other ppl got the Treasure from the Treasure cases, and said the only idiotic word they could say about them. Yes, they called Exploit either because they are crybabies who didn't bother to try to get any of the Treasures, or were stupid enough Not to Know that the Devs put in these Treasures for the Good ppl that Pre-ordered SoR.


The other Exploit/ Exploits are also Not Really an Exploit when it is the Devs mistake that made it happen, either by mistake for the other couple, or put there on purpose for just some ppl to be able to use it. All these cryabies need to shut it on these few at least as it did nothing to hurt the playerbase whatsoever, with exception to Ego Butt crying.


I wished I could've gotten' some Treasures as well, as it seems the Devs put them there for a Christmas and Pre-order gift, that I think i'm entitled to. These stupid Ego Elitist that got their player selves hurt think that ppl should be anything fron Suspension for a week, to a full Perma-ban on those ppl. Those same ppl think that they are worth more than other players because they think grinding for a 100 hours or more for things is they only way ppl deserve to get the best of the best of things in game.


I say if ppl want to earn their best Treasure over hundreds of hours then they are the stupid ones, as it is self evident these ppl that think an only way to get the best Treasures in game is to waste these ppls lives that have No meaning, Nor Worth to society, because they are doing nothing good enough for society, nor for getting a Real lives of their own getting out to start getting educated enough to learn. that Life isn't playing a damm Game.


It's a Game ppl, get over it, unless ur only whinning is about not having the chance to get what the so-called sploiters got, when at the time those ppl were not really Exploiting.


If there is anything to be angry about, it should be Hackers, and how they ruin the game. And also Money sellers.

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All these cheaters using self righteous indignation as a defense tactic are tiresome. You cheated. Bioware has your number. Now you get to wait and see if the banhammer is coming. So uncomfortable to wait, no?


On a related note, I start to wonder at the omniscience Eric touted in his latest post. I wonder if that was said just to get you guys to panic. I mean, they say they don't want to have to track extra data about players but they know exactly who cheated and how many times and what loot they got? They can track all that but can't add little character features? I dunno if I buy it.


Look who's talking. Self righteous idiots?? Look who's talking. Me, I have heard of ppl doing exploits all over Fleet, and all the crappy Credit Sellers.


Me, what do I do, I go along my player business without a care in the world. Why????


Because it had Nothing to do with me, and what ppl do in the game is their own damm business unless it has to do with hacking. If a guy buys money, that's his problem, not. That's between him and EAWare.


Exploitiing that isn't really exployting because the Devs put it in-game to use for some of those things. More Power to them unless it's a hack in the game.


Are all you crybabies, former Hall monitors that got made fun of in school or something.

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Look who's talking. Self righteous idiots?? Look who's talking. Me, I have heard of ppl doing exploits all over Fleet, and all the crappy Credit Sellers.


Me, what do I do, I go along my player business without a care in the world. Why????


Because it had Nothing to do with me, and what ppl do in the game is their own damm business unless it has to do with hacking. If a guy buys money, that's his problem, not. That's between him and EAWare.


Exploitiing that isn't really exployting because the Devs put it in-game to use for some of those things. More Power to them unless it's a hack in the game.


Are all you crybabies, former Hall monitors that got made fun of in school or something.


Lol. What's all this jibber jabber?


I'm merely amused at how you cheaters are going on the offensive as if complaining about bugs is going to distract them from your cheating. Spoiler: it's not.

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I'm still trying to figure out why people keep throwing the word "Ban" around so much.


I'd eat my left shoe if the majority of the exploiters got anything more than a temporary account suspension and the removal of their ill gotten loot.


I mean, if you did something crazy to obtain the ability to do the exploit, or perhaps if you made millions of credits from it...then I could maybe see them taking more drastic action.

Edited by KingFink
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