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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Lol it be fun the exploiter have a particuliar title "Exploiter" and this title become permanent one ( never can choose any other title for the life of the account still get banned anyway) and the toon be on all the tv screen in the game, as game news :) Its just a funny idea :)


then if its a temp ban, everybody know for ever that this player is an exploiter :)

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Totally, any time anything goes wrong in this game it is because of PVP win trading.


In fact did you know the only reason people are angry about the slots is because of PVP win trading? True story.


No kidding. Those slot machines killed the ques in PVP and now that they got nerfed the ques are back up. Therefore I think BW wanted to gear their own toons and instituted the slot machine as a way to clear space so they could win trade without interruption. Why didn't i realize this before?



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No kidding. Those slot machines killed the ques in PVP and now that they got nerfed the ques are back up. Therefore I think BW wanted to gear their own toons and instituted the slot machine as a way to clear space so they could win trade without interruption. Why didn't i realize this before?




Ah! It all makes perfect sense now!

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Heck, I learned my lesson. I got BWs message loud and clear, next time I will be there exploiting it like crazy


Just do not try to sell the exploit through fleet chat, whispers, email, or public media. Stick to voice chats. And do not do a server transfer in order to sell the exploit in a new, non-saturated market.


That's what I hear is getting people banned. Nothing less.


Exploit the game before it exploits you: the lesson of Rava-Slot-Gate.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Exploit the game before it exploits you: the lesson of Rava-Slot-Gate.


Indeed, if what you are saying is true then Bioware has basically given everyone the green light to exploit at will aslong as they are "careful" about it.


I'm generally honest about these sorts of things and didn't bother with ravager's as a result but if Bioware are basically not going to take action against the general exploiter then it's a green light in my eyes and you end up getting punished more by not exploiting than what you would if you do.


I still maintain time will tell but if we've heard nothing at all by next patch I think nothing is going to happen.

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still no action update.... hmmm, think i may have to join in next time :)


And when you get banned, you can come back here and post about how you made a huge mistake thinking BW wouldn't do anything... oh, yeah, if you're banned you're not going to be able to post here.


So you can tell everyone in fleet chat that you got banned and ... nope, can't do that either.


Well, at least you can go to Reddit and post about being banned for exploiting, and everyone will laugh at you... why would you want to do that?


The reason why you don't hear about how many players were banned is because those who get banned are not likely to talk about it. And BW tells you they will ban exploiters, they just don't ring a bell and post to Twitter every time they do it.

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The reason why you don't hear about how many players were banned is because those who get banned are not likely to talk about it. And BW tells you they will ban exploiters, they just don't ring a bell and post to Twitter every time they do it.


The amount of people running around fleet in 198 gear with a 1 boss achievement for the last boss of ravagers is still very high thus nothing has been dealt with properly. A ban doesn't actually fix the original issue for me.


If Bioware want to ban me for a week in exchange for tons of super rare mats, a 198 set piece chest guard, enough 198 mod/enhancements to fit out all my slots on as many toons as I need them for plus all the 192's also to boot. Please ban me now.

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The amount of people running around fleet in 198 gear with a 1 boss achievement for the last boss of ravagers is still very high thus nothing has been dealt with properly. A ban doesn't actually fix the original issue for me.


If Bioware want to ban me for a week in exchange for tons of super rare mats, a 198 set piece chest guard, enough 198 mod/enhancements to fit out all my slots on as many toons as I need them for plus all the 192's also to boot. Please ban me now.


BW decides what actions to take and whom to ban/suspend etc., we don't. If there is an MMO out there where the players run the game I suggest you play it instead.

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BW decides what actions to take and whom to ban/suspend etc., we don't. If there is an MMO out there where the players run the game I suggest you play it instead.


If there is a forum out there where I'm not entitled to my opinion on matters such as this then I suggest you read that instead so we don't have to subject you to our points of views. ;)

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Geezus...slow down Darth...you're talking about a crime, theft from real people...this was a game bug that players found and, of course, used. It wasn't until less than a week ago that it got called an "exploit".

Plus you can also add in taking three weeks for police to start looking or you leaving the door open for 3 weeks after you were robbed.

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The reason why you don't hear about how many players were banned is because those who get banned are not likely to talk about it. And BW tells you they will ban exploiters, they just don't ring a bell and post to Twitter every time they do it.

But there's reddit and other places with big TOR communities which BW doesn't control, and the info is exactly the same. There haven't been any mass banning or punishements Edited by Pietrastor
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