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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Funny thing here... if you actually watched what he said he said they were going to be more open about it and that they were going to take action in this because people thought they could get away with it. No where did he say they were going to tell people what exact actions were going to be taken, and specifically said they were not going to provide any numbers on any action. So for everyone that has been waiting gleefully so they could try to publicly shame people or get off on the punishment of others I hate to break it to you but that stream does not mean they are going to post anything else on the matter. They have already been more open than they have in the past and have already stated they were going to take action against those who exploited.


They dont have to post anything else about what theyve done, you ARENT going to get the exact information you so desperately need to sleep at night, and theyve already done everything he said they were going to do in that stream. Not saying they wont post something along the lines of what they did with the credit exploiters, but those of you demanding they give you numbers as to how many accounts were permabanned or suspended, it isnt going to happen. Musco said that in that stream.


And for everyone claiming they are going to just sweep this under the rug, unless you have proof that they havent already taken action that extends beyond more than I saw a guy online I know did the exploit then you have zero way of knowing what they might have already done or what they are getting ready to do and you really shouldnt know anyways. It means absolutely nothing to you if Joe Schmo on the Harbinger gets banned or suspended or has all his gear removed. Regardless of what they do to those who exploited, youll still be able to play the game. Their decision has zero impact on you unless you were one of the ones that exploited. So stop demanding they appease you by telling you stuff theyve already said they arent going to tell you.


Actually I did listen to it all given the fact that it was me that asked him that question and if you bothered to listen to it all you would have noticed after he said never talking about the numbers he said actually that is up to and then started saying something else so yes they could give out the numbers but Musco is saying that isn't up to him to decide.

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So much misguided white knighting, where's the outrage over win-trading and map exploits in pvp?


Catch up, I tried to raise that with the PVP dev in the PVP season 4 thread and guess what? The PVP community don't care! Otherwise I would have received more than 3 replies to my post. 3 replies vs nearly 400 pages ... yup seems quite in balance to me.

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I have no clue were the devs ever thought that people felt that they could get away with it. It is just having them only protect pve is silly that is what people are talking about. To me this mean the Devs have no clue what were saying Edited by Neoforcer
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Like I said: Desperate and pathetic :eek:

yup, this amount of pettiness is hilarious

Completely agree, Zeta's comments totally are.

good1 the rubber/glue manoeuvre u got him bro


*flashes the lights on and off*


Children! Children calm dawn now!

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Would be nice if the community could get an update on what's going on from Musco.


Given the slot machine mess going on, i dont think he will be very well receieved (or believed) by the disgruntled populace. Hes probably very wisely staying out of the reach of the flamethrowers primed for his arrival.


The problem is, things fester, and even just a glance at the general forum shows that its reached amputation levels around here.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Given the slot machine mess going on, i dont think he will be very well receieved (or believed) by the disgruntled populace. Hes probably very wisely staying out of the reach of the flamethrowers primed for his arrival.


The problem is, things fester, and even just a glance at the general forum shows that its reached amputation levels around here.


My guess is, they waited till people bought the crap out of these cartel packs, and then they will punish them. That'd be just an EA thing to do.

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Would be nice if the community could get an update on what's going on from Musco.


I'm sure Mr. Musco does not have carte blanche to say anything he wants to about the game, the devs, or what they have done or intend to do. He needs to talk to various members of the staff first, to get an idea of what they are doing, and prepare a statement which will then be approved for release by someone above him in the chain of command.


The patch just happened this morning. The devs need to examine what happened, discuss a solution, and communicate that solution to Mr. Musco before he can prepare a statement. That statement won't be posted until it's approved, so even if it's ready now there's nothing he can do with it.


I would imagine they will meet tomorrow to discuss the issue and by the end of the day Mr. Musco will have some kind of statement prepared. Then it will be approved and posted Friday, and if there are further corrections to be made to the code it will be prepared over the next few days and go live next Tuesday.


I understand that some people want *something* done RIGHTNOWNOWNOW!!!! but it doesn't work like that. You can yell about it all you want but the devs went home already and they don't work by your schedule in the first place.

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I'm sure Mr. Musco does not have carte blanche to say anything he wants to about the game, the devs, or what they have done or intend to do. He needs to talk to various members of the staff first, to get an idea of what they are doing, and prepare a statement which will then be approved for release by someone above him in the chain of command.


The patch just happened this morning. The devs need to examine what happened, discuss a solution, and communicate that solution to Mr. Musco before he can prepare a statement. That statement won't be posted until it's approved, so even if it's ready now there's nothing he can do with it.


I would imagine they will meet tomorrow to discuss the issue and by the end of the day Mr. Musco will have some kind of statement prepared. Then it will be approved and posted Friday, and if there are further corrections to be made to the code it will be prepared over the next few days and go live next Tuesday.


I understand that some people want *something* done RIGHTNOWNOWNOW!!!! but it doesn't work like that. You can yell about it all you want but the devs went home already and they don't work by your schedule in the first place.


They sure as hell went RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW with the nerf, without even testing it, getting the patch notes right, or even communicating what the hell they were doing.


Right now Eric looks either clueless, or a damn liar.

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I heard the really bad exploiters (take that as you like, cause I'm not sure what Bioware constituted REALLY bad is) did indeed get banned. Otherwise? I've no idea what happened or to who. But this is from some pug who was in our raid group earlier, so take what the person said with some grain of salt.
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Oh look, I came to see what's up in the thread entitled "Ravagers Exploit Action Update," and the key issue is apparently some nerf of some cartel item.


That makes sense.

Yes, it does, because since the "Action" part of the title is pretty much a farce (what action have they taken?) we might as well ignore the entire title.


Besides, at a broader level, this is a thread about exploits, and the grandest exploit in SWTOR at the moment, and perhaps ever, is BioWare's exploiting there ability to modify items they sold to players for real cash so that the items are no longer anywhere near as valuable as they were when they were sold (the switch) after telling the players that the items were meant to drop mats, were not bugged, and it was not an exploit to funnel credits into them (the bait.)


By comparison, the Ravagers exploit, which netted the exploiters nothing of any real-world value, was of no real consequence.

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I thought it was names wouldn't be named. But we'd know in sweeping brush strokes.


Heard through the grape vine that people who were selling the lockout on fleet chat got banned.


I have not heard of anyone else who was banned: not people who bought the exploit, not people that shared the exploit for free, and not people running every alt they could through both SM and HM every week.

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keeping away the "economy issues with mats", the main reason because the people are so freaking mad it's because they feel scammed for buying cartel coins to get slot machine.


In the ravagers case, the exploit didn't affect direct to customers wallets, and that's why we are seeing so many complains post about Slot Machine than people asking for real punishment for exploiters,

Edited by kysan
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