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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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So u are saying u know that the coms were not supposed to drop so u also exploited the bad code. So is there now levels of exploiting that are ok in ur eyes.


If Bioware calls it an exploit... it's an exploit... if they were to hand out consequences for doing it... I'd accept that... I have run SnV and TfB and received ultimate comms...


I accept responsibility for the actions I take.... and will fully accept the consequences for those actions.


So, if it is deemed an exploit, then I deserve what consequences come... but they haven't called that an exploit have they?

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1. Bioware is just as guilty for letting this exploit happen as the players who actually did it. After all, they let this exploit continue without a hotfix for a month, after having had ample notifications from PTS testing and bug reports, despite knowing full well the lure it provided and the widespread nature of this issue. Be that from ineptitude, inability or unawareness, they let this spread like wildfire out of sheer negligence.


That's crap. That's just like saying someone who leaves the key in their car running whilst they go into a shop deserves to have their car stolen. Sure they shouldn't have done it but the crime is still the crime and they will still be punished accordingly regardless of the ineptitude of the person who left said keys in car.


Also let's not forget that as you said this bug/exploit as you say been around for over a month and many people knew about it and CHOSE not to use it as they knew it was against ToS and even in general chat it was made clear to all that they were running this at their own risk.


As for the PTS I've been reading lately that a few people have tried to trace down any proof that this bug existed on PTS and thus far there is none. At best it may have been the "lootless" boss bug that had to be fixed but nothing about being able to run into the instance and just pickup loot etc.


Look at this exploit more closely. Who did it hurt personally? PvE raiders are not competing against each others like PvP'ers, they are fighting static, scripted enemies. The gear and crafting mats they obtained, while unfair, doesn't put anyone else at a disadvantage. You don't lose out on some exclusive one-time reward. The Ops is there for all to go in and the rewards are there indefinitely.


I and others have addressed this numerous times ( probably in this thread also ) - refer back to those posts.


3. Bioware has been ignoring win-trading in ranked PvP for forever. THAT is an exploit. Why? Because only 3 advanced classes per server can potentially get the one-time, very exclusive rewards. So by doing win-trading, you have the potential to increase your rating to a point, where it will actively hurt honest players and prevent them from obtaining some exlusive reward.


Again this doesn't justify exploiting this exploit. As I've touched on before it's another kettle of fish and much harder to prove or trace. If you have some great idea's on this or have some evidence on people doing so by all means submit it to BW ( or start a thread on tracking ideas ) and then complain if they do nothing with your evidence ( and you can prove they did nothing ).


4. It's a reasonable guess that most people did it only on Story Mode to optimize their gear. Why? Because Bioware made it almost impossible to get proper mods and enhancements from any other source. The commendation gear is not only crap, now the ability to earn commendations was nerfed significantly. The notion that people should be permabanned for getting 192 Story Mode gear is, frankly, ridiculous.


That's not reasonable at all. Cheaters will cheat and go for both types of gear. I doubt most suddenly got morals and thought "oh better not cheat on the HM op, I don't deserve that gear" get real.


Commondation gear is perfectly suited for completing the content it was designed for. I've yet to meet a single person able to show me how they cannot complete the content in the gear that comms gives. Infact comms gear will be enough for you to legally get the gear many people are cheating to get. Just because it's not perfectly min/maxed blah blah etc. has no beering on PVE if you can still do the content.


Considering most people are failing at mechanics and bugs so far for anyone to say the gear is worthless is somewhat ridiculous


5. Come on, both operations were bugged in a BILLION other ways. None of which benefitted the players. Bulo was bugged, Torque was bugged, Coratanni was bugged in another ways, Sword Squadron was bugged, Underlurker was bugged, Revan was bugged....so there's one bug that actually helps the player and you're going to single that one out? I mean even after today's patch, the Underlurker is still ridiculously bugged, harder than ever, after having been out for 1 and 1/2 months already. You even broke the mail system. Plenty of new bugs but I guess it's alright as long as they're hindering the players. By that logic, can I demand the missed loot from the 16man Ops back? Can I demand my commendations because I happened to die during the Ruugar fight and couldn't loot at the end?


More of this STUPID logic that because other things are bugged or not working as you want them that it somehow entitles people to cheat.


You won't get comms BACK because you never had them to begin with.


6. The entire SoR was a letdown, rushed, half-finished content, unplayable lags, bugs everywhere....early access was essentially beta testing on the live servers. People were massively frustrated with the XPac in general, and the new Ops in particular. You haven't exactly made a stellar example of providing quality product for your playerbase.


I enjoyed it and felt I got my money worth, now hopefully with the comms fix and the exploit fix there will be more pugs and I can begin enjoying the operations too. :)


Don't misunderstand me, I'm not advocating the exploit. But look at the bigger picture and the circumstances surrounding it. Any notion that players should be permabanned, temporarily banned, credits taken away etc is ridiculous. At most, take away the unduly earned gear, crafting mats and schematics. And I have trouble believing even that.


They can't just say that every single negative bug and lag and whatever issue that's plaguing the game is okay, well because, it's not helping the players. But when they smell "exploit", they'll put on their white armor, ride their mighty horses and swing the banhammer with a righteous face? Such hypocrisy.


Maybe look up hypocrisy in the dictionary. Hypocrisy would be saying you aren't advocating the exploit yet making 6 points that seemingly advocate why people should not get punished for using it. ;)

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It's funny as soon as I point out that EVERYONE exploited the broken expansion all the people crying for exploiters heads seem to have disappeared. Wow funny how that works. Also Mr Musco if u can go back and look at everything take a look at all the sm ops done by ur mob here. And please watch where the pitchforks are pointed people.


Actually, most of us simply realized that debating with cheaters on why they are bad (for the game and in general) simply wasn't worth the time. The ToS spells out the fact that exploiting is prohibited and actionable and if you aren't grown up enough to resist the temptation regardless of who else did it or how long it was available maybe you need some time off the game to think about it.


The parable "If everyone else jumps off the bridge, are you going to too?" comes to mind.


I'm in a guild where this exploit was discussed and guild members were told in no uncertain terms that the guild would not participate in this. If guild mates did outside of the guild, that's on them and they'll get what they deserve but I know I have multiple raid teams that won't get banned and so my continued gaming and operations are unfazed.


Regardless of what EA/BW does to cheaters, the saner heads have simply realized that debating false analogies, straw man arguments and the other silliness being displayed by cheaters to justify their cheating isn't worth the time. Besides, it's Ravagers Ops night and I've got places to be.

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Maybe look up hypocrisy in the dictionary. Hypocrisy would be saying you aren't advocating the exploit yet making 6 points that seemingly advocate why people should not get punished for using it. ;)


I didn't say anywhere that it was ok to exploit or if the people who did it shouldn't be punished. I just pointed out for the abovementioned reasons that it's unrealistic to expect draconian punishments and that it's pointless to cry out for blood.;)

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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It's funny as soon as I point out that EVERYONE exploited the broken expansion all the people crying for exploiters heads seem to have disappeared. Wow funny how that works. Also Mr Musco if u can go back and look at everything take a look at all the sm ops done by ur mob here. And please watch where the pitchforks are pointed people.


I'm not sure that even counts as an exploit... I'm certainly not offended by what some people did with Ravagers, either.

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Yudsea ty for saying that because BW will never say that that was an exploit because no one has complained about it they just eat up the coms. It was all bad coding and people took advantage. This call for bans is just sad. But whatever happens happens just hope BW knows that there are repercussions for their actions as well.
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My guess is that people who profited from the exploit (selling the lock out) are the ones who are screwed.


As for Bioware. This exploit was reported to them before 3.0 left the PTS and went live. And has been live for 2 months now. This is their own fault it became so wide spread because they have such a lazy dev team it takes them months to fix bugs (if they ever get fixed at all).


As for them saying "most of you didn't use the exploit" I call BS. Everybody and their mother took advantage of this.



I didn't and you can tell by looking at my gear. I have 186 only and have only started running hard modes. I have yet to do any operations.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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So u are saying u know that the coms were not supposed to drop so u also exploited the bad code. So is there now levels of exploiting that are ok in ur eyes.


Seriously just give it a rest. I mean it really does sound pathetic to try and compare getting ultimate coms on older HMs to actively taking the specific steps to exploit. It is not like you entered the OP, and it just happened, you had to take specific steps to take advantage of the exploit.


So freaking man up for once, and take what you get. They haven't enforced infractions in the past, you pulled the unlucky number of getting your hand in the cookie jar, when they decided they might enforce penalties this round.


Seriously, this misdirection/projection of guilt is really just lame.

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Hey folks,


Let’s talk a bit about the Ravager’s exploit. There are two stages to the process of removing an exploit and handling actions for players who participated. Stage 1 – fix the issue and ensure players can no longer partake in the exploit. That change is out as of today in patch 3.0.2.


Stage 2 – With the exploit removed, we can work towards finalizing our data review and assigning appropriate actions. We have a lot of information! We know who used it, who they invited, how many times they exploited, when they participated, credits gained, and whether they gained a crafting pattern from reverse-engineering. We are still reviewing the data and determining the appropriate action for those who took undue advantage of the exploit. We won’t be taking action today, but we’ll wrap it up in the next week or so.


On the plus side, most players didn't partake in the exploit at all allowing us to focus on the few who did. It may seem silly to thank you for not using an exploit, but we really appreciate you taking the time to raise our awareness of the issue through a variety of channels. It demonstrates your commitment to the game and to keeping the game fun, and fair for everyone. So thank you for not using the exploit.



from reading this i dont think any thing will happen from reading the stage to part it says how many time they used it and how many times reverse-engineering. so all i get from this is. eg if i went into someone house and stole a tv from the house and someone else stole a 2 tvs should the person that stole 2 tv get worst sentence than the me if i only stole one i think sad that if you use exploit once or more that they should get same punishment either way , but as i say they be nothing done about it, bw doesnt want to lose money by banning subs that be stupid but then they do add bs content so any thing possible. but i be amazed if anything done if anything we never hear about it. anyway i get update those people have dealth according and then that be it nothing. that my 2 cents on this matter, why did it take bw 1 month to fix the issue they were aware of the issue 3 weeks ago. but they wait like with they patches, adding more bugs.

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So taking advantage of other unintended mechanics is ok because it takes slightly more effort than what it took to get the Ravagers thing to work? Everyone knew that the old content was not really supposed to be dropping elite/ultimate comms like it was but they took advantage of it so they could buy higher rated gear. So that means that, while not on the same level, there ARE benefits that those who were doing it were gaining from an unintended event. And how many people were on fleet advertising they were starting groups/looking for groups to go run that old content before the patch today so that everyone could take advantage of the ultimate comm drops while they still could?


There are plenty of bugs/exploits out there that people are perfectly fine with justifying as OK. How many people went and got the datacrons on Rishi whenever it bugged out? That was an unintended bug that allowed people to gain something without having to do any of the steps required to actually earn them. Yet that was constantly advertised/people encouraged to go get those datacrons. Hell I saw a bunch of guilds offering the Guild Ship Summons for people on fleet who might want to go get them before the bug disappeared, some charging.


Speaking of datacrons, what about all of the guilds that were selling pulls to the Fleet Datacrons, using a work around that allowed you to bypass game mechanics to get the fleet daracron, and guilds/people profiting off it? Or what of the ability to completely bypass mechanics on different bosses, some of which exist in current Hardmode FP Content, which people not only know about but will gladly spread how to do it and yet are the same ones crying about how terrible this specific exploit is?


Yes the Ravagers Exploit was bad, and people should have known not to do it. Punishments should be carried out on those that were selling it, either for ig money or rl currency, for those who spread it to other servers specifically to profit off it, and for those who were actively trying to spread its use by advertising it ig and on forums outside the game.


But dont sit there and act like you are so high and mighty. Clamoring for the heads of people who did this, while downplaying or trying to act as if other bugs/exploits are ok because they arent as bad is just hypocritical.

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unrealistic to expect draconian punishments and that it's pointless to cry out for blood.


Beyond the perma banning exactly which punishments are draconian in nature?


I've always been pro for the removal of all gained gear in short. I went as far as to surmise how they could possibly do it but I won't really bother repeating myself in that regard.

Suffice to say is I just wanted the balance restored.


Now based on the outrage shown by those that did cheat and the general attitude of a lot of them I hope the punishment does go further ( but at LEAST includes removal of offending gear to restore balance ) though perma ban would be a bit far except for those in the guild(s) that first discovered this and started selling the lockouts. They should be perm removed from the game.


If they can track anyone that held a lockout open I would imagine those are the ones to get the ban with anyone getting ill gotten gear possibly just facing gear removal.


*shrug* what would I know though, it's all guesswork :)

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But dont sit there and act like you are so high and mighty. Clamoring for the heads of people who did this, while downplaying or trying to act as if other bugs/exploits are ok because they arent as bad is just hypocritical.


See this is the other point of view I don't get. People keep bringing this crap up about "other exploits" but we aren't talking about other exploits, we are talking about the ravagers exploit. I've been quite heavily involved in this discussion in mutliple threads and not ONCE can I remember seeing anyone justify the use of other exploits or ANY exploits.


We can all have our points of view on how much of an exploit those others are and if we expect people to be punished for them or not or what have you they are ideally other topics and should be reported.


In this instance we are dealing with a BLATANT exploit that wasn't just twisting mechanics to suits it was bypassing an entire facet of the game ( beat the boss / earn loot ) which had it's own carry on effects to other aspects of the game. Let alone that BW have admitted this was an exploit, not a bug, an exploit.


So stop pretending like anyone is down playing anything, we're not even talking about other exploits, we're talking about this one. If you have issues about other exploits and you feel it's on this scale or warrants equal attention go start a thread about that and see if you get the 220+ pages of arguments/discussion/debate about it as this one has warranted and we'll see how even they are in the communities eyes.

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You obviously havent bothered to read the entire thread, because other examples WERE brought up and were dismissed by those calling for peoples heads. And again, as I pointed out, I would place a wager that the majority of people here clamoring for peoples heads have either taken a pull to the fleet datacron or offered it to others. As I said, is it on the same level? No but an exploit is still an exploit, regardless of how complicated or easy it is and regardless if the reward is small or large. People foaming at the mouth demanding that people be banned or punished for this specific exploit, while gladly taking advantage of other exploits/bugs are just gigantic hypocrites.
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Proposed reward for those that did NOT participate in the Ravager exploit. Have the art department come up with a snazzy full sized art deco piece, same size as the Imp/Rep banners, something we can put on our walls of our stronghold. It should bind on pickup. We need something to show we didn't get our hands dirty in RavagerGate.


Disclaimer - while this is 95% tongue in cheek, some games have memorialized events that have massively and negatively impacted the playerbase. Two that come directly to mind are Neverwinter, gave a cloak for putting up with something bad (I forget, cloak references Caturday), and the Star Trek Online team created a special commbadge for when the server architecture crashed for a couple days. It was the badge from the episode "Darmok", where the alien captain said the phrase, "Shaka, when the walls fell..." This was before the move to f2p, so anybody subscribed was given this badge in the uniform customizations.

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Glad I don't have or have ever had that datacron on any of my toons then ( never saw the point and if I wanted it I would prefer the challenge of doing it myself if it's even possible ) so yay no hypocrit from your perspective here.


Nefra exploit - nope I didn't do that one, that was rather obviously an exploit too I thought though not on the scale of this one.


PVP - that's more the lack of proof and the ability to log/prove it than it being any less of an exploit which I've touched on a few times.


Anyway you missed a key point in your rant and that is it's on Bioware to say what is and isn't an exploit, not you, not me. If they said this was as intended I would be ranting at them, not the people using it, for it's stupidity. Heck I would have gone out myself an hour later and done it if they had of said that. They didn't though, they said it was an exploit and an exploit is a breach of ToS.


The Datactron however ... you can still do it, Bioware are aware of it and have never called it an exploit or done anything to change it. Thus one would assume it's working as intended. Maybe not in your eyes but you don't really matter in the scheme of things.


As I said, if you have gripes with other exploits go start your own thread for those, noone is stopping you. You can have your very own soapbox to stand on just like me! If you choose not to however you just come across as yet another of the cheats who are coming up with half assed excuses to try justify why it's not cheating and why they shouldn't get punished.

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So taking advantage of other unintended mechanics is ok because it takes slightly more effort than what it took to get the Ravagers thing to work? Everyone knew that the old content was not really supposed to be dropping elite/ultimate comms like it was but they took advantage of it so they could buy higher rated gear. So that means that, while not on the same level, there ARE benefits that those who were doing it were gaining from an unintended event. And how many people were on fleet advertising they were starting groups/looking for groups to go run that old content before the patch today so that everyone could take advantage of the ultimate comm drops while they still could?


There are plenty of bugs/exploits out there that people are perfectly fine with justifying as OK. How many people went and got the datacrons on Rishi whenever it bugged out? That was an unintended bug that allowed people to gain something without having to do any of the steps required to actually earn them. Yet that was constantly advertised/people encouraged to go get those datacrons. Hell I saw a bunch of guilds offering the Guild Ship Summons for people on fleet who might want to go get them before the bug disappeared, some charging.


Speaking of datacrons, what about all of the guilds that were selling pulls to the Fleet Datacrons, using a work around that allowed you to bypass game mechanics to get the fleet daracron, and guilds/people profiting off it? Or what of the ability to completely bypass mechanics on different bosses, some of which exist in current Hardmode FP Content, which people not only know about but will gladly spread how to do it and yet are the same ones crying about how terrible this specific exploit is?


Yes the Ravagers Exploit was bad, and people should have known not to do it. Punishments should be carried out on those that were selling it, either for ig money or rl currency, for those who spread it to other servers specifically to profit off it, and for those who were actively trying to spread its use by advertising it ig and on forums outside the game.


But dont sit there and act like you are so high and mighty. Clamoring for the heads of people who did this, while downplaying or trying to act as if other bugs/exploits are ok because they arent as bad is just hypocritical.


so doing old content for ul coms gear that exploit Danery?

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2 weeks of beta. just saying.


BioWare Austin's corporate culture really kinda sucks. I'm not talking about the community team here either. The Studios lack of openness with the on going community of this game is pathetic, this is not how you treat people who have given you in many cases $1000.


Honestly I feel like the head of BioWare Austin really needs to be removed, this was a terrible failure of the development process.

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2 weeks of beta. just saying.


BioWare Austin's corporate culture really kinda sucks. I'm not talking about the community team here either. The Studios lack of openness with the on going community of this game is pathetic, this is not how you treat people who have given you in many cases $1000.


Honestly I feel like the head of BioWare Austin really needs to be removed, this was a terrible failure of the development process.

Well there's the problem right there - they are from Austin. What a weird town! Too many weirdos there for my taste. I'll take San Antonio any day, or even my slightly weird city, Corpus Christi.

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Glad I don't have or have ever had that datacron on any of my toons then ( never saw the point and if I wanted it I would prefer the challenge of doing it myself if it's even possible ) so yay no hypocrit from your perspective here.


Nefra exploit - nope I didn't do that one, that was rather obviously an exploit too I thought though not on the scale of this one.


PVP - that's more the lack of proof and the ability to log/prove it than it being any less of an exploit which I've touched on a few times.


Anyway you missed a key point in your rant and that is it's on Bioware to say what is and isn't an exploit, not you, not me. If they said this was as intended I would be ranting at them, not the people using it, for it's stupidity. Heck I would have gone out myself an hour later and done it if they had of said that. They didn't though, they said it was an exploit and an exploit is a breach of ToS.


The Datactron however ... you can still do it, Bioware are aware of it and have never called it an exploit or done anything to change it. Thus one would assume it's working as intended. Maybe not in your eyes but you don't really matter in the scheme of things.


As I said, if you have gripes with other exploits go start your own thread for those, noone is stopping you. You can have your very own soapbox to stand on just like me! If you choose not to however you just come across as yet another of the cheats who are coming up with half assed excuses to try justify why it's not cheating and why they shouldn't get punished.


So its fine to do something until/unless Bioware specifically calls it an exploit? By that logic, no one should be banned or punished for their behavior except for those that continued to do it AFTER Bioware came out and said it was an exploit.


An exploit is anything that allows you to gain an advantage by using a flaw or bug in the system. It doesnt matter if Bioware specifically calls it an exploit or not, and if you read the ToS you will also see that an exploit is not defined as requiring Bioware to have called it an exploit or not, only that it is a bug that allows for an individual to gain an unfair advantage.

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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and cries of help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!

Edited by Amithalia
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If you choose not to however you just come across as yet another of the cheats who are coming up with half assed excuses to try justify why it's not cheating and why they shouldn't get punished.


And furthermore, you obviously didnt even bother to read the entirety of my post. You obviously stopped reading when you found out you were just a big hypocrite, because I specifically said that people should be punished for it but I also think that those calling for people's heads when they have engaged in exploitation of other bugs are hypocrites. Any exploitation of a bug or using something to bypass mechanics (such as pulling people to a daracron so mechanics can be skipped) are wrong as well. On the same scale? No. But it is exploitation by bypassing game mechanics or in the case of the bugged Rishi Datacrons, exploiting a bug to get the datacrons on as many toons as possible and advertising/offering free or paid summons to the glitched datacrons. Taking advantage of the bug on the first boss in SnV so it can be done without having to do the mechanics, pulling certain bosses out of rooms to ignore mechanics, etc are also all exploits of bugs. Yet those are downplayed, because they werent or arent as easily done as the current exploit. Any exploitation of a bug to gain benefit for yourself is wrong though, no matter how big or how little the reward

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InB4 "toughen up or get off the internet" :mad:


Seriously... if they know who used the exploit and how badly and who got what out of it, they should have as more than enough detail to deal with crap like the above, and we know they don't.


If they know those details on the exploiters, they know enough to slow the gold spammers down a lot more than they do.


If they know those details on the exploiters, they know enough to scrub out some of the filth from the chat on certain planets.


Stuff that actually hurts people, or makes fleet or DK or Cors chat a cesspool, nothing happens. But someone gets some gear that they "shouldn't", then there are players out in droves demanding "justice" and the jimmies rustle gets turned to 11, and it's time to lay down the "law".



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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InB4 "toughen up or get off the internet" :mad:


Seriously... if they know who used the exploit and how badly and who got what out of it, they should have as more than enough detail to deal with crap like the above, and we know they don't.


If they know those details on the exploiters, they know enough to slow the gold spammers down a lot more than they do.


If they know those details on the exploiters, they know enough to scrub out some of the filth from the chat on certain planets.


Stuff that actually hurts people, or makes fleet or DK or Cors chat a cesspool, nothing happens. But someone gets some gear that they "shouldn't", then there are players out in droves demanding "justice" and the jimmies rustle gets tuned to 11, and it's time to lay down the "law".




Yea, we have people that are constantly typing filth that would make sailors blush and who are acting in ways that are harassing/trolling/etc behavior designed to make the game more difficult or less enjoyable and who have been ignored/reproted tons of times and never had any action taken against them.

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