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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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HAH! Why would I put in a ticket? The last 2 that I put in had valid claims only to be responded with answers that were copy pasted and didnt pertain to the question I had asked at all. Not only do they not read the tickets they don't send there automated bots to send you a copy paste message fast enough either.


Sorry you've had a bad experience with CS. My experiences have been rather good, even in recent reporting of exploiters for investigation who incriminate themselves in game ( bragging isn't always such a great idea ).


I seriously doubt anything happens to anyone who used this exploit(they can't even get rid of the gold spammers) and I'll still be here with what is now subpar gear.


I guess we'll see. After over 300 pages of this raging debate I think something will definitely happen just no one knows what. Hopefully gear removal ( don't really care about bans though I would like to see some ) as even though I didn't and wouldn't have exploited it like you may have I do agree with you it is difficult to be under geared to those that did.

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No amount of ranting is going to absolve you from your wrongdoing. Regardless of what Bioware may or may not have done, you still accepted items that you knew you weren't entitled to. You knowingly broke the rules. You should be held responsible for your actions. Act like an adult, admit your wrongdoings, and accept punishment for your involvement in this debacle.


If you aren't happy with SWTOR you're certainly free to take your $15 /mo and play any game you choose, but you'll still deal with bugs and exploits because no game out there is ever totally bug free.


Quit whining and man up for what you did.


Hey look this is new and different witch hunt, Every one that does not agree with you did wrong right. Makes sense no saying he broke the rules you have no clue if he did or not so don't assume any thing why? Assumption is the mother of all screw ups. He never says hey look i did it.

Edited by Neoforcer
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No amount of ranting is going to absolve you from your wrongdoing. Regardless of what Bioware may or may not have done, you still accepted items that you knew you weren't entitled to. You knowingly broke the rules. You should be held responsible for your actions. Act like an adult, admit your wrongdoings, and accept punishment for your involvement in this debacle.


If you aren't happy with SWTOR you're certainly free to take your $15 /mo and play any game you choose, but you'll still deal with bugs and exploits because no game out there is ever totally bug free.


Quit whining and man up for what you did.


I guess I missed where he said he used it...

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That's right. I missed out of something for weeks, and that does annoy me. I seriously doubt anything happens to anyone who used this exploit(they can't even get rid of the gold spammers) and I'll still be here with what is now subpar gear.
If they don't know the mechanics, who cares what gear they have?
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Hey look this is new and different witch hunt, Every one that does not agree with you did wrong right. Makes sense no saying he broke the rules you have no clue if he did or not so don't assume any thing why? Assumption is the mother of all screw ups. He never says hey look i did it.


You're right, I did assume guilt based upon the abrasive and accusatory tone of his post. I'll certainly apologize if I was wrong.


So, Jayris, what's the deal... did you participate in the exploitation or not? Inquiring minds would like clarification please.

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You're right, I did assume guilt based upon the abrasive and accusatory tone of his post. I'll certainly apologize if I was wrong.


So, Jayris, what's the deal... did you participate in the exploitation or not? Inquiring minds would like clarification please.


According to the forums, only 2 people did. Everyone else didn't, and they are simply defending exploiters because it's their "friend" who did it. You know, like when you were 11 and your "friend" did something?

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So, Jayris, what's the deal... did you participate in the exploitation or not? Inquiring minds would like clarification please.
BioWare would probably prefer people not make public confessions. BW already knows, and public knowledge of who committed the exploit just creates a bad situation for BW where, if that person is not banned, it may anger a lot of people.
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According to the forums, only 2 people did. Everyone else didn't, and they are simply defending exploiters because it's their "friend" who did it. You know, like when you were 11 and your "friend" did something?


Actually, according to the forums, it is someone else's fault, peer pressure is bad, EULA is unenforceable and everything is an exploit.


Oh, and lawsuits will follow.


True story.

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BioWare would probably prefer people not make public confessions. BW already knows, and public knowledge of who committed the exploit just creates a bad situation for BW where, if that person is not banned, it may anger a lot of people.


Doubt it.

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OK, to all of those out there that used the exploit, WE CHEATED! Period. I am relatively new to the online gaming world, (this is my first and only). I guess I am used to solo games where you take advantage when you can to help make things a little easier. I used this exploit unaware of how it actually impacted the game. All was going nice and easy until I was in an ops and saw 3 people removed from the group for having 186 gear. This wasn't even a HM. I started seeing how this exploit harmed the community. The I started reading these threads. I put my old gear back on and shelved my 198s. I wasn't going to take anymore parts of this. I have since actually destroyed (not sold) all the 198 stuff. We must own up to what we did, whether out of ignorance or greed (or both), and take whatever punishment Bioware feels is necessary. Be that banning or otherwise. If I am banned, I will not whine and cry about it. I will learn and apply that knowledge to whatever game I go to. If I am not banned and another exploit occurs, I will try to dissuade others from using it.

Don't just tuck your head in the sand and think that just because this didn't affect you negatively that it didn't affect anyone else negatively. Being a troll from time to time is one thing, being an ******* is another.

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Why? It's pretty easy to figure out from a player's achievements. How many people have a legit clear of the final boss of HM 16 man Ravagers but do not have a clear of Master/Blaster or Torque in that mode?


This is EA/BW we're talking about here, do you not know the power of their incompetence?

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OK, to all of those out there that used the exploit, WE CHEATED! Period. I am relatively new to the online gaming world, (this is my first and only). I guess I am used to solo games where you take advantage when you can to help make things a little easier. I used this exploit unaware of how it actually impacted the game. All was going nice and easy until I was in an ops and saw 3 people removed from the group for having 186 gear. This wasn't even a HM. I started seeing how this exploit harmed the community. The I started reading these threads. I put my old gear back on and shelved my 198s. I wasn't going to take anymore parts of this. I have since actually destroyed (not sold) all the 198 stuff. We must own up to what we did, whether out of ignorance or greed (or both), and take whatever punishment Bioware feels is necessary. Be that banning or otherwise. If I am banned, I will not whine and cry about it. I will learn and apply that knowledge to whatever game I go to. If I am not banned and another exploit occurs, I will try to dissuade others from using it.

Don't just tuck your head in the sand and think that just because this didn't affect you negatively that it didn't affect anyone else negatively. Being a troll from time to time is one thing, being an ******* is another.


I'm not an avid SWTOR player - other MMOs have my attention right now and I do enjoy raiding in those - however a key issue for me is that in any MMO the lowest tier of raiding content is accessible to those who are moving up from solo / small group content, otherwise how on earth to new players and those slightly behind the "gear curve" actually progress.


So reading your points above, if it is true that as a result of this, players are inflating the base gear level required story-mode ops, not because of any issues of difficulty but no doubt because "allows for a smooth run" then those who have cheated the system should be banned. If someone wants to cheat the system and gain better gear without completing content that's one thing, negatively impacting other players who don't cheat is a whole new issue and one that should not be acceptable.


Or put it another way, when I queue next for a SM opps via the group finder on my main who "only" has 186 and a few 192 items then what should I expect?

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Or put it another way, when I queue next for a SM opps via the group finder on my main who "only" has 186 and a few 192 items then what should I expect?

Same as always, this varies according to the raid lead. Most raiders I know would see the presence of over-geared members of the raid as allowing more less geared players to participate, not as an excuse to kick people. YMMV.

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I'm not an avid SWTOR player - other MMOs have my attention right now and I do enjoy raiding in those - however a key issue for me is that in any MMO the lowest tier of raiding content is accessible to those who are moving up from solo / small group content, otherwise how on earth to new players and those slightly behind the "gear curve" actually progress.


So reading your points above, if it is true that as a result of this, players are inflating the base gear level required story-mode ops, not because of any issues of difficulty but no doubt because "allows for a smooth run" then those who have cheated the system should be banned. If someone wants to cheat the system and gain better gear without completing content that's one thing, negatively impacting other players who don't cheat is a whole new issue and one that should not be acceptable.


Or put it another way, when I queue next for a SM opps via the group finder on my main who "only" has 186 and a few 192 items then what should I expect?


expect to get trashed. not by the players. these ops are not really pug friendly. currently there are a lot of lag problems, and buggy mechanics. bioware will eventually get around to fixing most of this. thats the way they work. you will find people trying to inflate the needed gear, I have found the same thing in every mmo I have played for the last 10 years. this really makes no difference.

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You're right, I did assume guilt based upon the abrasive and accusatory tone of his post. I'll certainly apologize if I was wrong.


So, Jayris, what's the deal... did you participate in the exploitation or not? Inquiring minds would like clarification please.


well, since everyone else in this thread is throwing out legal terms I will too. 5th Amendment.

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So are they going to fix Underlurker yet or are they just spending all of their manpower on this? After trying Underlurker again it still appears to be glitched.


Seriously why not just focus on issues that are still present instead of looking over people who took part in a silly bug?

Edited by MonteZedio
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So are they going to fix Underlurker yet or are they just spending all of their manpower on this? After trying Underlurker again it still appears to be glitched.


Seriously why not just focus on issues that are still present instead of looking over people who took part in a silly bug?


Dont you know, they only have 10 people in the office now.

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Hey look this is new and different witch hunt, Every one that does not agree with you did wrong right. Makes sense no saying he broke the rules you have no clue if he did or not so don't assume any thing why? Assumption is the mother of all screw ups. He never says hey look i did it.


I am beginning to think posters like the one you responded to ar eactually exploiters trying to hide their deceitful actions. how better to hide than to be the one pointing fingers?

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And to all this I agree, however there are a lot of elitists in this game. I would want to help those lower geared people through as much as I could if not so there would be a larger, better geared community out there but because that's how friends can be made. Yes, I know that sounds, "awe how sweet" but that's how I have made friends in this game in the past.
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I am beginning to think posters like the one you responded to ar eactually exploiters trying to hide their deceitful actions. how better to hide than to be the one pointing fingers?




Now you're really grasping at straws. Nothing like criminals trying to falsely implicate those of us who still have integrity. Your BS forum games may amuse your fellow exploiting friends, but the rest of us can see right through your veil of deceit.

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