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No more Ultimate comms in 55 operations


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Good, why should get Ultimate comms from easy content? You should ONLY get ultimate comms and elite comms from 60 content.


Then why does the GF for lvl 60 HM FP not award 10 ultimate comms the way it did for 55 HM FP prior to 3.0?


I have given the 60 HM FP a try and found them to be more work than they are worth for the reward. Plus they are just the same content with the challenge moved up, nothing new.

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So... I guess it is time to go play something else?


Google new cooperative mode games and mmo's that are scheduled for this year, you'll find some interesting alternatives, one will be out in a month ;) Ever since 3.0 dev's have been making life of casual pve-ers worse with each patch, about time to step away from this pile of laggy-buggy-nerfed crap

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I would pay $50 a month to Bioware if they could release a SoR level of content each month. I suspect there are a number of people who equally could afford that. The money, frankly, is not material to me... my time is...


I'd be right there with you... but honestly, i think that's an unsustainable goal... 2 Planets, 2 Ops, 2 Flash Points every month... I doubt the pace could be accomplished, even with tripling the staff (if you look at tripling the sub cost to pay for it.).

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So I guess everything should award ultimate comms then. Since more ways of earning them = more playtime right?


Yes, if ALL the ops gave ultimate's then people would be doing all of them = More play time. Now we only have essentially two ops that give ultimate's = LESS playtime. Simple. Logic.


Duh, that's the point. I wasn't working at all. You said doing the ops was work. Hmm.....


It takes work if you PARTICIPATE. If you aren't participating that is on YOU. I would never do what you did, I don't care if it was EV SM, I would play and do my part and my work. You only say " it isn't work" because you CHOSE not to do any.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Allow us to trade up at a 10:1 ratio (discussion starting point). Not saying you should be able to exceed caps any comm, and any purchased comm would count towards the weekly cap.


Good idea, but the ratio is too far off...


The work to earn 100 elite comms to only get 10 ultimates is simply not worth the time.


25 elites to 10 ultimate and 50 basic to 10 ultimate strikes me as better.

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Good idea, but the ratio is too far off...


The work to earn 100 elite comms to only get 10 ultimates is simply not worth the time.


25 elites to 10 ultimate and 50 basic to 10 ultimate strikes me as better.


2 to 1? I think thats a little too enticing (imo)... we'd be pretty close to where we are today... alot of older content being run, few running the new content.


Perhaps 5:1 at each step... 100 Basic = 20 Elite = 4 Ultimate, 100 Elite = 20 Ultimate.


The big thing that needs to be avoided is the farmability of the process... again, the idea is to give some incentive to running the older content... not make it a replacement for the new content.

Edited by Drockter
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Yes, if ALL the ops gave ultimate's then people would be doing all of them = More play time. Now we only have essentially two ops that give ultimate's = LESS playtime. Simple. Logic.


Yeah! Let's give them from the flashpoints, and each of the dailies too. And sub-50 stuff too! Ulties, ulties for everyone!


Because more things that give ulties = better!


It takes work if you PARTICIPATE. If you aren't participating that is on YOU. I would never do what you did, I don't care if it was EV SM, I would play and do my part and my work. You only say " it isn't work" because you CHOSE not to do any.


It would have been the same result if I sat there and hit '1' the entire time. It's stupid-easy content, and as long as you can hold your own head up and keep a pulse then you're golden. Though actually, if you flopped your head on the keyboard instead that might actually be overkill.


Hey, that gives me a great idea! While we're giving ulties like candy we should also reward people an ultimate comm for every 100 times they hit the '1' button, because that's work too. Can't have people doing something without getting their obligatory ultimate reward.


As a matter of fact, for most ppl it is so. I mean it was so.


So, elites mean nothing to them then? Just ultimates?

Edited by MillionsKNives
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If they bother doing something about their gear but are realistic about getting tokens, at least they want the best of what's available for comms, i.e. ultimates. Why is that surprising?


If they want the best then earn the best. Otherwise settle for second best. Old outdated content shouldn't give the best.

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If they want the best then earn the best. Otherwise settle for second best. Old outdated content shouldn't give the best.


I said "the best of what's available for comms" not just "the best".


At any rate, what this really does is add more to the relevance of another post about the future of raids and people's general interest in them that will fade away within swtor now even faster.

Edited by Preston_Violent
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I said "the best of what's available for comms" not just "the best".


At any rate, what this really does is add more to the relevance of another post about the future of raids and people's general interest in them that will fade away within swtor now even faster.


Just add "of what's available for comms" to my reply then, my point still stands. Old outdated content shouldn't give the best "of what's available for comms".


I can hardly see how not handing out the best comm gear is going to make a sensible player avoid ops altogether. God forbid they're actually encouraged to do more challenging content instead of earning it all from simple content. We can't have people striving for things, just give it to them for showing up.

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As a matter of fact, for most ppl it is so. I mean it was so.


I'd have to disagree here... "most ppl" is a pretty blanket statement. Maybe most of the people you run with... sure, I'll give you that.


Its a perspective thing... if you are a raider, you tend to congregate with... other raiders... PvP'er... you hang out with PvP'ers, and so on.


I think we all, me included, have tunnel vision when it comes to "most players/people". We can only rely on our circle of cohorts to reach a conclusion... obviously none of us know most people in the game.

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Simple statements of fact:

1.) This will kill ops and fp runs for the most part. I and my fellow level 60s have been running these ops like mad over the last few weeks. Tons of fun to get through ops that could take 2 hours or more with pugs in around an hour. As a person who knows the mechanics for HM and NiM, I was dragging the great unwashed through these wholesale. I have watched newer players get geared and educated on the runs. I have seen newer 55s get half a dozen gear pieces or more on a single run as the majority of 60s are there for the comms and chuckles only. I have recruited a half dozen runs or more a week and trained dozens on the mechanics. No ultimates = no interest in running. Good luck, have a nice day.


2.) The average gamer has no clue how the HM ops/HM 60 FP run. I have tried multiple HM/NiM pug runs with zero success unless the ops lead screens all players for achievements. I don't support elitist gaming at all, we all have to learn sometime, but the vast majority haven't read Dulfy, went with a guild, or are sober enough to function in HM/NiM.


3.) I'll run Ravagers/ToS with a guild, get my weekly lockout and go home. The guilds I run with can barely assemble an 8 person run of Ravagers or ToS. We have been pugging 1 or 2 slots with success. That is how I learned the runs; Dulfy, YouTube, and running with other guilds. Trying to pug 8 or more slots of uninformed/undergeared folks through, that much pain med is bad for my liver/stomach. Good Luck, have a nice day


Proposed solutions: Bring back ultimates to HM DF/DP and 60s will run them and teach a few newer folks each run, eventually we will educate and gear the community. Allow 6 or 8 to do a HM level 60 FP and I will consider GF. If everyone has to be geared and know their roles, I will sit on the sidelines and read "Weird folks you meet in Group Finder". Or finally, allow me to buy the mats others exploited with basic and elite coms like we did with Isotope 5s and I'll consider continuing to help the newer folks get through ops.

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Frankly prior to knowing what was in 3.0, what I had expected was the lvl 50 ops and lvl 50 HM FP to be upgraded to lvl 60, then being able to queue in GF for lvl 55 and lvl 60HM FP.


That would have given us tons of stuff to do at 60. Award elites for lvl 55 HM and ultimates for lvl 60 HM FP, as was done prior to 3.0.


The lvl 50 ops have been useless for a long time, but they are actually quite good. Redoing them at lvl 60 would bring a whole new group of players who have never done them.




No, it isn't just a script file change to move them to lvl 60, but it is a LOT LESS WORK to move lvl 50 stuff to 60 than it is to create all new content.


It buys them time to get new lvl 60 stuff done.


So that clinches it then. Level 50 Ops should be upgraded to 60s. That makes sense to me.

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Then why does the GF for lvl 60 HM FP not award 10 ultimate comms the way it did for 55 HM FP prior to 3.0?


I have given the 60 HM FP a try and found them to be more work than they are worth for the reward. Plus they are just the same content with the challenge moved up, nothing new.


Oh this is too funny. You do realize the reward for HM 55 FPs were elite comms for over a year and they changed it to Ultimate comms in 2.9 so they could get people geared for 3.0 right? Obviously you don't. Oh and you gave up the 60 HM flashpoints because they are... hard? Wow. No wonder you find nothing to do. Please do some research before trying to argue.

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So that clinches it then. Level 50 Ops should be upgraded to 60s. That makes sense to me.


Speaking from my own experience... I'd have to somewhat agree.


Personally, I never ran the lvl 50 Ops until I had completed the story line. So I was already over geared for the lvl 50 ops. While I can't say for sure, but my feeling is... that most just keep playing the story until there is no more story, and have hit level cap... then look to see what else there is to do.


On any character I level now... I'll probably do the same thing.. level to 60 then start ops. That is not to say that I wont do ops along the way... but not nearly as much as I do them at level cap... I have different objectives while leveling then I do once at cap.


I highly doubt anyone will be in the 55-59 range long enough to grind out 162/168 set gear (if it even still exists).

Edited by Drockter
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Oh this is too funny. You do realize the reward for HM 55 FPs were elite comms for over a year and they changed it to Ultimate comms in 2.9 so they could get people geared for 3.0 right? Obviously you don't. Oh and you gave up the 60 HM flashpoints because they are... hard? Wow. No wonder you find nothing to do. Please do some research before trying to argue.


No, it wasn't... It was changed back on June 10th, 2014 in Patch 2.8.



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