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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.5 - 1.7 mill DPS?


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It is very possible with certain classes such as sin/sorc/jugg/pt and is mostly a result of roflstomping your opponents and bad matchmaking. Long and even games (voidstar) can also bring up bigger numbers like this but it is not hard to get when the teams are unneven and you are allowed to cast freely.
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With heals on both sides, such high numbers are entirely possible. When you see such high numbers, that means that people likely did not die much, so dps was constant - no breaks between fights. Also if the players are bad and don't stun eachother much, that leaves more time open for dps.


I've hit 2.5k dps (2.1M damage) on my Shadow and 2.6k dps on my Sentinel. Granted. The time I was on my Sentinel was an arena vs a team with 2 heals, no guard, and one was not quite full expertise, so I just wailed on him for about 3 minutes.


The mark of a skilled team is not necessarily in dps or damage done, but in kills. Kills > damage. Yes, it's fun to see big numbers, but some of the lowest DPS games for me is when I'm in a full 4 man premade with a healer and 2 other dps focus firing. Stuff drops ridiculously fast. 2-3 GCDs can kill someone with proper coordination and no guard / reactive healing. At that point you have to go set up burst on another target. In those games, even Shadows aren't really all that useful in the group fights because their dots don't have time to do their work.


TL;DR - High damage over a long warzone is a sigh of a long fight with one or two good players and a bunch of healers on both sides. I get the best "dps" numbers when it's just me and a healer queuing, because that means I don't have assistance killing things, b/c in general PUGS are morons that won't help you focus fire, and hit the wrong targets constantly.

Edited by Aluvi
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It is very possible with certain classes such as sin/sorc/jugg/pt and is mostly a result of roflstomping your opponents and bad matchmaking. Long and even games (voidstar) can also bring up bigger numbers like this but it is not hard to get when the teams are unneven and you are allowed to cast freely.


Uh, it's the complete opposite of what you're saying. High damage numbers come from games being even and less dying, sustained fighting. Teams that get dominated spend more time in the respawn, less damage being done.

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A fully equipped toon's HP increased by about 40% from lev 55 2.10 to lev 60 3.0. Total damage output increases in the magnitude of ~40% are thus REQUIRED in order to keep the same relative balance between attack and defense. We already know that healing output has increased by more than 40% for sorc and operative healers.


The bottom line here is that there has been output inflation with the level cap increase. If your toon is NOT outputting about 40% higher than in 2.10 your subclass either got a (relative) nerf or you have yet to master your new skills.

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A fully equipped toon's HP increased by about 40% from lev 55 2.10 to lev 60 3.0. Total damage output increases in the magnitude of ~40% are thus REQUIRED in order to keep the same relative balance between attack and defense. We already know that healing output has increased by more than 40% for sorc and operative healers.


The bottom line here is that there has been output inflation with the level cap increase. If your toon is NOT outputting about 40% higher than in 2.10 your subclass either got a (relative) nerf or you have yet to master your new skills.


They were not aiming to keep the health and damage numbers similar. They were trying to up the TTK by giving more health and lowering damage output, but they didn't achieve that. Damage scaled with health.

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I just came out of a WZ where 2 players had 1.5 mill and 1.7 mill+ DPS?


Is this the new normal?


Easily achievable now if you actually read your skill tree and utilites... Especially for Juggs, PTs, Sorc and Maras... What about the 2mil plus healing??

Most people playing their classes at the moment aren't taking advantage of the extra damage certain rotations or ability combinations do... They just spam the ability that lights up first

The other reasons these scores are possible is a good healer and not getting focused all game... LoL

The other day I took 1076 damage total !!!... LOL... I was able to pump out 2mil dps and 500k heals on my sage... It was also made easier by the fact that the other teams healers stood in a group together with their tanks the whole match and I just kept my AOE crit rotation on them... As opposed to another sage in our team who did 400k damage because all he did was spam AOE on them... He then accused me of hacking... Didn't help that he didn't LOS all match and took 600k damage... LOL

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With heals on both sides, such high numbers are entirely possible. When you see such high numbers, that means that people likely did not die much, so dps was constant - no breaks between fights. Also if the players are bad and don't stun eachother much, that leaves more time open for dps.


I've hit 2.5k dps (2.1M damage) on my Shadow and 2.6k dps on my Sentinel. Granted. The time I was on my Sentinel was an arena vs a team with 2 heals, no guard, and one was not quite full expertise, so I just wailed on him for about 3 minutes.


The mark of a skilled team is not necessarily in dps or damage done, but in kills. Kills > damage. Yes, it's fun to see big numbers, but some of the lowest DPS games for me is when I'm in a full 4 man premade with a healer and 2 other dps focus firing. Stuff drops ridiculously fast. 2-3 GCDs can kill someone with proper coordination and no guard / reactive healing. At that point you have to go set up burst on another target. In those games, even Shadows aren't really all that useful in the group fights because their dots don't have time to do their work.


TL;DR - High damage over a long warzone is a sigh of a long fight with one or two good players and a bunch of healers on both sides. I get the best "dps" numbers when it's just me and a healer queuing, because that means I don't have assistance killing things, b/c in general PUGS are morons that won't help you focus fire, and hit the wrong targets constantly.


Agreed... Numbers mean nothing if you lose because all your team is worried about is high numbers... So they death match all game... Best Hutt Ball I have played was when the total dps for our whole team was less than 200k... We smashed it 6-0 so fast... While the other team fragmented to dps us... The whole time they are trolling chat about how we won't engage them in a fight... L2P objectives LOL

It amazes me the amount of dps trolls in the game that abuse people in chat about numbers when all they did all match was dps troll people and not play objectives... While the objective players are actually trying to win with tactics... Even if that means suiciding to stop the other team capping... So many games I have seen a stealth who is guarding a node run away and let the other team cap because he didn't want it to upset his stats... Even though the rest of us were on the way and could have prevented the cap if he had faught on... Or the stealth who caps solo... Then runs off to cap another leaving the node unguarded or so he can get his DPS up...

So many supposed good pvp guilds can not play tactics at all... Sure, some are good 1v1 players... But tactical??... No way... I wish they would bring back ranked 8 man so we could sort out the real pvp guilds from the dps pvp troll guilds

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