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To fix the aoe dotspread hate...


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They can't repeal the changes. That ship sailed the moment they decided to forgo cleanse and use AOE healing as the counter to DOT spread. I'll say that again for emphasis. AOE HEALING is now the counter for DOT spread. For the most part, it is working as intended. The exception is madness / hatred.


The other thing to note is that if you get stuck on a team without any healers and the opposing team has good DOT spread / AOE, your team is going to get destroyed. Healers are more vital now than at any point in this games history.


Meh, a single hatred sin in group ranked isn't even that dangerous, I fear a good ap pt over a good hatred sin any day in group ranked; now two hatred sins... lol.


Class stacking in this game is just broken, but that's not new by any means.

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The real problem with Madness and Hatred dot spread lies in the combination of advatages those specs have in ease of spreading. DF being rotational is definitely one of them. Here's all the reasons:


  1. Spread ability is rotational
  2. Spread ability is range
  3. Spread ability is instant (merc spread is cast or off a grenade)
  4. Spread ability is ground targetable
  5. Spread ability has 8m radius (combined with ground targeting allows utilizing full 16m diameter)
  6. Spread dots are two hard hitting (for dots), long lasting dots.

Exactly this. The spreads of other classes only cover 1-3 of these.

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Madness / serenity dot spread should trigger a weakened version of the primary dots when spread.


/end thread


I think it would be better if instead it only spread Sever Force/Creeping Terror OR Affliction/Weaken Mind (Discharge/Force Breach). Or just get rid of it altogether. No one asked for it. Give Balance/Madness back the ST ability it lost.

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So having several DoTs on you that deal 1k damage per tick (seriously if your healer cant handle that, tell him or her to stop watching movies while playing WZs) is a big freakin problem, but being hit for 10k crit by the same sorc ability 3 times in a row apparently isnt.............I wonder why is that.


And what ability is that? Anything I could think of is really nice rng TB+proc, which is situational, while other classes break 10k w/o sweat, esp mercs or snipers (oh the irony).

As for DoTs - give everyone 30% dr in PvP for them w/o taking points and other crap, while buffing burst a bit where needed.

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There was no need for dot spread provided they left and scaled the damage of dot specs accordingly. As long as sorcs are concerned they didn't ask for it, and we were happy with the way madness played in 2.10. If there should be something spread with death field that would have been some form of utility, which could even be different for different classes. For example death field slows targets for x seconds, or puts an armor/accuracy/etc debuff, heals friendlies, increases speed/alacrity/cleanses/etc friends, whatever.


A lot of the solutions suggested here (like overwriting dots/weaker dots etc) would destroy the dot specs.

Edited by MusicRider
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Having lacerate spread dots doesn't even work thematically and would kill the class in pve on certain bosses hard mode.


You can not be serious? It is my understanding, verified by plenty of high end PvE'rs in these forums, that dotspread in PvE isnt that big of a deal because of how the bosses work. Please dot not refer to hard mode flashpoints.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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FYI, putting the spread on lacerate would be a buff rather than a nerf.

It would stop having a cooldown at the simple cost of being melee (and having a slightly thinner radius, but that's alright since you can now transfer from A to B, and then from B to C the next GCD)


Not only that, it would save us a GCD since we can Demo STRAIGHT after spreading dots.


By all means, put it on lacerate :rolleyes:

Edited by Evolixe
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FYI, putting the spread on lacerate would be a buff rather than a nerf.

It would stop having a cooldown at the simple cost of being melee (and having a slightly thinner radius, but that's alright since you can now transfer from A to B, and then from B to C the next GCD)


Not only that, it would save us a GCD since we can Demo STRAIGHT after spreading dots.


By all means, put it on lacerate :rolleyes:


This however is true, I regress. It would be melee though...


The fix, honestly, should just make all shadow abilities max 10 m range (outside of recklessness mind you) - its absurd that they get to have 30m on such core abilities as a melee class.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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FYI, putting the spread on lacerate would be a buff rather than a nerf.

It would stop having a cooldown at the simple cost of being melee (and having a slightly thinner radius, but that's alright since you can now transfer from A to B, and then from B to C the next GCD)


Not only that, it would save us a GCD since we can Demo STRAIGHT after spreading dots.


By all means, put it on lacerate :rolleyes:


Pretty sure he meant with a 15s lockout otherwise it would be retarted for the reasons you explained already.

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This however is true, I regress. It would be melee though...


The fix, honestly, should just make all shadow abilities max 10 m range (outside of recklessness mind you) - its absurd that they get to have 30m on such core abilities as a melee class.


it's not the ranged stuff making them "OP" nor is it the dot spread.

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it's not the ranged stuff making them "OP" nor is it the dot spread.


It is the combination of shadows getting to keep their surge talents where sages got them stripped. Its the fact that they have an assassination proc that they do not deserve in the current state of the spec. Its the fact that they have the best utilities in the game providing cc immunity and two purges.


Adding, on top of this, the fact that a melee class have 30m range on core rotational ability - beyond stupid. Now, I get what you're saying but obviously two wrongs dont make a right.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Pretty sure he meant with a 15s lockout otherwise it would be retarted for the reasons you explained already.


That would just be stupid. You'd have to count 10GCD's in your head, that goes too far.


How about you come up with something better than lacerate instead.

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That would just be stupid. You'd have to count 10GCD's in your head, that goes too far.


How about you come up with something better than lacerate instead.


Or you know...time it with cooldowns. (anyway the only other option is Overload. I'm sure nobody wants dotspread on an utility ability)

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That would just be stupid. You'd have to count 10GCD's in your head, that goes too far.


How about you come up with something better than lacerate instead.


They could have it get an ICD on lacerate meaning that it lights up when its "procced" (infinite duration), proc could be 100% on dot-tick.

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They could have it get an ICD on lacerate meaning that it lights up when its "procced" (infinite duration), proc could be 100% on dot-tick.


And then give us a proc that states lacerate would spread the dots with an ICD of X seconds?



At least someone is giving this some thought, rather than random stupid icd's with no tracking.

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And then give us a proc that states lacerate would spread the dots with an ICD of X seconds?



At least someone is giving this some thought, rather than random stupid icd's with no tracking.


Yes. Pre 3.0 when there was no proc tracking it would be a horrible idea but I feel now with the quickbars lighting up like theres no tomorrow - it could work

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It would be nice if cleanses were buffed and simplified, and made a tad more available.


Or make cleanse AOE, too, heh.


Then I'd have much less complaint. But its ridic now. I can't walk around anywhere without my speakers throbbing at me.

Edited by sippelmc
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Yes. Pre 3.0 when there was no proc tracking it would be a horrible idea but I feel now with the quickbars lighting up like theres no tomorrow - it could work


Meh it appearing on your buff bar alone would satisfy for me.


But that's pretty good.

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omg... simple solution... DO NOT STACK TOO MUCH... complaining about that sins and sorc spread to 7-8 targets... your team must be stupid you included... even if you focus down somebody.. i cant belive that everybody in your team is melee and must be in melee range... in soloranked i just love those juggs hugging a sorc whos hugging a sniper whos hugging a pt in the beginning. and even if i pop from stealth stacking dots, popping cdcs they are still stacking... people just need to learn the mechanics...
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And then give us a proc that states lacerate would spread the dots with an ICD of X seconds?



At least someone is giving this some thought, rather than random stupid icd's with no tracking.


If you can't track a 15sec ICD when you have an ability whith 15sec cd exactly maybe you are not as good as you think.

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If you can't track a 15sec ICD when you have an ability whith 15sec cd exactly maybe you are not as good as you think.


Elitisism aside, the game should be accessible to all. Furthermore I'd like to see you track such things whilst in PvP, Mr PvE focus on the durations of everything only boy.

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