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regarding punishment for exploit


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You seem to be one of those weird people who think everyone else is an NPC, and not a real human being just like you in MMO's.


I don't know about you, but when I play GSF or WZ's, I'm competing with real people and when I do OPS, I'm playing with real people and if go around wiping the raid intentionally, many real human beings will get angry.


When you grow up, you'll get it. (nothing to do with age, btw)

im not seeing the correlation between growing up and somehow forgetting that youre just playing a video game with aliens and chess-playing robots. in fact it's probably an inverse relationship.
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/unsubbed /uninstalled


Enjoy your game where exploiting is all OK.


There is no way Bioware, nor any other game company, would ever publicly state who and why and where they banned/took action against accounts. For all you know, people where banned and had action taken against their account, but you will never know as it will be done in private.

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/unsubbed /uninstalled


Enjoy your game where exploiting is all OK.


I round up enough names of ones that exploited the game on various scales over the past week. I'm still waiting to see just what BW does if anything at all.


Just waiting it out. If they do nothing I'll know and that will lead to my decisions on how to handle the game later. If they let everyone off with a pass. To hell with BW and their TOS going forward.

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video game police quraswren on the scene!


welcome to the place we were all in after no one was banned for exploiting nefra. its not a big deal and doesnt affect other players. if youre that personally and morally offended then i cant imagine dealing with many other games or life for that matter.

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Just waiting it out. If they do nothing I'll know and that will lead to my decisions on how to handle the game later. If they let everyone off with a pass. To hell with BW and their TOS going forward.


Well, that may be risky. Demotivator unsubbing may cause BioWare to rethink their enforcement of the ToS. Next time, they may ban everyone who violates the ToS regardless of how much money they lose as a result, just to prevent the loss of players like Demotivator.

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There is no way Bioware, nor any other game company, would ever publicly state who and why and where they banned/took action against accounts. For all you know, people where banned and had action taken against their account, but you will never know as it will be done in private.

Other companies have been very public about actions they take.

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I round up enough names of ones that exploited the game on various scales over the past week. I'm still waiting to see just what BW does if anything at all.


Just waiting it out. If they do nothing I'll know and that will lead to my decisions on how to handle the game later. If they let everyone off with a pass. To hell with BW and their TOS going forward.


You had three years to come to this conclusion with all those pve and pvp exploits. Three years!

Edited by ZiggyTank
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video game police quraswren on the scene!




Id be happy to take that job.


but I'm a video gamer. I know what is an exploit and what is not. No amount of spin or dirtying up the water or time frame of getting fixed or not or pretending it ok because what does it really hurt changes the fact it was an exploit.


If you cheat the game, you deserve punishment for it. All I need is to wait and see what BW does or does not do to decide how I move forward. If their own rules are not held then I have no problem "F"ing them over and joining the crowd of exploiters. If I see they actually care about a certain level of standards in their game, then I'll proceed with a different notion.

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Id be happy to take that job.


but I'm a video gamer. I know what is an exploit and what is not. No amount of spin or dirtying up the water or time frame of getting fixed or not or pretending it ok because what does it really hurt changes the fact it was an exploit.


If you cheat the game, you deserve punishment for it. All I need is to wait and see what BW does or does not do to decide how I move forward. If their own rules are not held then I have no problem "F"ing them over and joining the crowd of exploiters. If I see they actually care about a certain level of standards in their game, then I'll proceed with a different notion.


Look at ESO's #'s since the beginning and about 2-3 months after it was released, cause of the exploit that will tell you how serious it could get, if they dont live to the ToS.

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video game police quraswren on the scene!


welcome to the place we were all in after no one was banned for exploiting nefra. its not a big deal and doesnt affect other players. if youre that personally and morally offended then i cant imagine dealing with many other games or life for that matter.


LOL - Citizens on Patrol "CoP" from Police Acadamy popped into my head reading that... :D


Who had the cupcakes? Can we get some more? See if our witch hunt can hit 2000 posts before its closed as the most unproductive thread in the SWTOR Galaxy of Forums. :p

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There is no way Bioware, nor any other game company, would ever publicly state who and why and where they banned/took action against accounts. For all you know, people where banned and had action taken against their account, but you will never know as it will be done in private.


They dont have to release names... according to their privacy policy. But a general statement that action has been taken would be nice with some stats (i.e. x bans, y suspensions). No names... something to show they took it serious. Otherwise... it is game on for exploits... exploit , or be behind.


Honestly... I don't know if I want to financially support a game developer that encourages and condones this type of behavior. Actions speak louder than words, if they do nothing... then they do approve of it... regardless of the ToS, regardless of any empty threats posted in the community forums. (not looking for a debate on the topic, its just my choice.. you are welcome to your own opinions (not directed at you Ajenir)).


And no Pagy, I am not pissed I didn't get the free toys with no work... I have much more self respect than that. But think what you will.


I haven't seen anything from BW stating that they are, or are not taking action (other than Eric's "that exploit" thread... so quitting is premature. (this is not an I quit post). More of a I don't know if I want to support the game post...

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Other companies have been very public about actions they take.


Other companies have stated they have taken action, you're right. But not to whom, and certainly not with what exactly save "We banned people for doing X. Don't do that again".

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