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regarding punishment for exploit


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Let me get this straight -- you'd rather see the end of SWTOR than see "too little punishment" of the people who took advantage of this bug?


You bet. If it can't be played with at least some sense of - cheating and exploiting will not be tolerated, I'd rather see the doors shut.


When cheating or exploiting is involved, Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should in a video game or sport. Cheating should be dealt with harshly. Otherwise, why even play.


And that attitude is why I care even less about this whole molehill than I did when the first "OMGBBQFIXNOW THEY'RE RUINING THE GAME ARGABARGLE!!!!" posts first started popping up.


The reaction to this is out of all proportion. OH NO, some players got some pixel-stuff they didn't "earn"... big stinking deal. Unless there's something about this "cheat" that no one is willing to talk about, then there's absolutely no justification for the massive rage and hate in these threads.


The game will go on, and more importantly, the world will go on. Save your outrage for something that actually did some sort of actual harm to actual people. The world is full of real things to get upset about.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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A simple suggestion for something that could be done in addition to whatever suspensions/bans are incoming due to the exploit addressed earlier today by the devs.


Give something fun and exclusive to players who have not used the exploit. A color crystal or a mount, I don't know what specifically and it doesn't matter too much really. The point is to positively reinforce people who chose not to exploit. Give them something special that anyone who exploited cannot get.


That is a nice idea, but it is not enough. At the very least, all gear and achievements people got due to this exploit need to be removed, and I would think a 1-2 week temp ban is definitely in order.

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Im not sure why so many people have it out for the mass effects. I thought they were all very cool, me3 was on of my favorites despite shepard getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the end of the story.


It wasn't just the end of the story.

Back OT


Anyhow they need to make sure they affect only those responsible. I was in a game where there was a roll back due to a exploit. It really ticked off those not part of it. If they do something they need to make sure only those responsible are punished.

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... the game will go on and no one will die. No puppies will catch fire, no cats will drown, no children will cry in the streets. No one will starve, no one will get sick, no one will be hurt.


Get the hell over it.


Why are you still posting about the exploit when you've made it perfectly clear that you lack the knowledge and interest to form an intelligent opinion on the subject?

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I brought it up, because you resented the fact it took them this long to comment on the subject, in addition to a hotfix.
Yeah - over 3 weeks is too long. They should have stemmed the tide long ago.

As if people all around knowing -- FULLY WELL -- it was an exploit should have no weight whatsoever, and it falls to Bioware solely to own up to it.
Wasn't an exploit until yesterday...it was simply a "bug"...and this game has plenty of em. The origin of the bug though, that's another story.

Again, it is called "accountability". Simple as that.
It's called sensibility. It's gear...big freaking deal. If I put you in full BiS 198 gear, do you automatically win the Ops? Of course not...the mechanics are what really matter, not freaking gear that gets passed around in Legacy sets as it is.


Stop acting like this is some massive sploit when it's not. It's GEAR!!! Gear that can already be purchased on top of that lol. I can get 192's and 198's with my comms from running TFB...am I exploiting that?

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Why are you still posting about the exploit when you've made it perfectly clear that you lack the knowledge and interest to form an intelligent opinion on the subject?


Thank you, I needed a good laugh to offset all the wailing and nashing of teeth in these threads.


Your smug little attitude there, this whole "Well if you don't agree with me then obviously you don't understand! This is an outrage and clearly you lack the intelligence to see that!" is why some of us care even LESS about this whole molehill than we did when the first ragey spewage about the whole thing first started popping up.



Stop acting like this is some massive sploit when it's not. It's GEAR!!! Gear that can already be purchased on top of that lol. I can get 192's and 198's with my comms from running TFB...am I exploiting that?


Exactly. It's some extra freaking gear in circulation. Big Whoop.



I'm actually starting to get a goo laugh out of the cybermachismo seeping in here, people outraged because this "trivializes skill" or something. Big stinking deal. It's a video game. A game. Played for fun.


NOTHING anyone does in this game proves anything about their manhood or their "leetness", nothing in this game is an "accomplishment", nothing in this game is "earned". There's no reason to care where someone got their mods or their armor or their mount.


If someone's self-worth comes from being first to take out a pixel-badguy in a video game, they have bigger problems than this "exploit".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's called sensibility. It's gear...big freaking deal. If I put you in full BiS 198 gear, do you automatically win the Ops? Of course not...the mechanics are what really matter, not freaking gear that gets passed around in Legacy sets as it is.


Stop acting like this is some massive sploit when it's not. It's GEAR!!! Gear that can already be purchased on top of that lol. I can get 192's and 198's with my comms from running TFB...am I exploiting that?


You need two things to successfully complete Operations: Gear and skill. The more you have of one, the less you need of the other. Trivializing gear trivializes the skill needed to complete the Ops.


Your vendor gear point is irrelevant since vendor gear is optimized terribly. For some classes, 186 Ops gear is better than 198 comm gear.

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Yeah - over 3 weeks is too long. They should have stemmed the tide long ago.


Doesn't change the fact players were aware of what it was and even so, took advantage of it. Let us not the delve into the definition of "unintended ""feature"", shall we?


Wasn't an exploit until yesterday...it was simply a "bug"...and this game has plenty of em. The origin of the bug though, that's another story.


Too late I guess.


Also, at this point, I am not sure if you have no interest in being taken seriously, trolling or arguing for the sake of arguing.


It's called sensibility. It's gear...big freaking deal. If I put you in full BiS 198 gear, do you automatically win the Ops?


Then why so many people felt the need to take advantage of such unintended "feature"? :rolleyes:


Of course not...the mechanics are what really matter, not freaking gear that gets passed around in Legacy sets as it is.


Using Legacy shells to transfer gear is NOT an unintended "feature" last I checked.


Stop acting like this is some massive sploit when it's not. It's GEAR!!! Gear that can already be purchased on top of that lol. I can get 192's and 198's with my comms from running TFB...am I exploiting that?


The amount of ridicule you are exposing yourself to is quite an eye-opener.


Again, the only people who can possibly take an issue with this are the same ones who took advantage of it. It is clear on which side of the fence you reside.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I see that vigilante justice is alive and well inside the MMO community.


I certainly do not condone use of exploits in any MMO.


That said.... I guess the posters here are absent any understanding of history when it comes to actions against exploiters. For instance, improper ban actions that have to get reversed manually by CS.... because any game wide action net will be programmatic in nature and may cause false positives.


Active penalties (ban, equipment claw-back, etc) is a two edged sword, so rather then all the player pontificating in the discussion.... I am going to let Bioware do their work and decide how they fix it and what if any penalties they levy.


Why? Because one thing I have observed over the years is that when an MMO applies penalties it generally hurts more people then it helps. It causes many claims of false actions (right or wrong is immaterial), which churns up as much (or more) "negative credibility" feelings with players about the dev team. I have seen it time and time again in MMOs... where some players will claim they did nothing wrong and were wrongly actioned. And again.. it matters not if the claims are real or contrived... because other players will use it as an opportunity to attack the credibility and ethics of the devs.


TL;DR exploitable content is a fact of life in MMOs, because some players are unethical and will cheat their way through anything and everything. Yes, a company should close such exploits as quickly as possible, and take appropriate actions with respect to exploiters. BUT... BUT... there is no way for us as players to prosecute a remedy, and regardless of what the devs do/don't-do they are going to get attacked for it by some players.


Also... keep in mind... it is none of our business as individual players what Bioware does/does-not do in the form of actions upon any identified offenders. Read your EULA.... the company has sole discretion of how they handle violations, and they do not make their actions public other then to make broad generalized statements.


Hmm. Some food for thought.

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Your smug little attitude there, this whole "Well if you don't agree with me then obviously you don't understand! This is an outrage and clearly you lack the intelligence to see that!" is why some of us care even LESS about this whole molehill than we did when the first ragey spewage about the whole thing first started popping up.


My "attitude" is based on your posting history. You've demonstrated it over and over.

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I think you are minimizing a bit TUXs.

Versus over stating how BIG it is? Probably.


But what impact does this actually have on you? There's clearly an impact on some players, like progression players who spend millions in repair bills trying to beat mechanics, but even they'll benefit. I just don't think it's big enough to ban players who did this. Like I said, the loot is already available for purchase with comms you get running 55 Ops...do you think that is an exploit since it clearly seems wrong?!

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