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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

regarding punishment for exploit


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Anyone who makes a conscious decision to use an exploit must accept the consequences of their decision. Using an exploit is a bannable offense, therefore, using an exploit may likely lead to getting your account banned. You break the rules, you pay the consequences. Pretty simple to understand really. For the record, i support full bans for anyone who willingly and willfully uses an exploit. Edited by Xhelis
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Disagree OP


People think its ok to exploit because companies turn a blind eye to it

In this case it would be a much better position for EA to OVERREACT then it is to under react.

Make the penalty so harsh that future players in the same situation stop and say


"no way am I doing that, you remember what happened to those ravager exploiters"


But its pretty clear where you stand OP since you call a known exploit a "glitch"

In your mind you have justified all your actions

but now you worried because those actions carry consequences (as all actions should)


But don't worry, I still expect EA to talk big but ultimately do nothing to the Exploiters

I'd be amazed if the gear and creds were even taken away

much less any REAL punishment happening

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Brain just is starting to shut down from overabundance of stupid in these posts overloading it, this is what i said in the other thread, applies here just as well:



Reading these posts gives you a scary look into the minds of people. The rationalizations, excuses, and butt pulled justifications are off the charts.


" My guild said they would kick me if i didnt cheat"

"I didnt do it, it was my roomate/brother/dog/goldfish." (Account info sharing us also against the ToS just a fyi)

"They didnt give me loot from a failed raid 3 years ago, its retroactive loot!"

"They didnt shut it down immediately so thats their way of saying to go ahead!"


End of the day, cheating is cheating, be it virtual or physical, and assinine backpedaling just emphasises character flaws.

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My personal opinion, if after all these years of exploits in game, bioware steps up and starts stripping gear, credits or banning, then bioware should take a look back and apply the same punishments to prior exploiters. Be it PVP, FP, PVE, ops, crafting, there have been dozens of exploits and its a bit unbalanced to start hitting now.


Let's be honest, those people probably quit by now, lol

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Sure, why not a big huge title saying 'Followed the Rules.' or one for the exploiters that says 'Rule Breaker, Don't Play With Me.'?


If you exploited heavily, you deserve being burned at the stake.


If you were a good boy/girl, you will get nothing and like it.

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Why is is that people nowadays always think they should get a cookie, when they do the right thing?


When I taught my dog proper manners, I'd reward him with a cookie, so he would understand he was doing something right; I didn't realize people playing this game, by doing the same, expected similar treatment. :rolleyes:


depends on the type of cookie...oatmeal raisin???

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So heres my thoughts. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it. So, given that it was a Bioware error that made this possible in the first place, and any heavy punishment will only drive people away from the game, I propose that you give some rare, unobtainable stuff to people who were honest. Do not bite the hand.


But then what would all the neckbeards have to cry about???

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depends on the type of cookie...oatmeal raisin???


Oatmeal raisin? Ewww thats not a cookie thats a muffin your health nut aunt squashes flat and tries to pass off as a cookie...


ಠ_ಠ is the face every kid ive ever seen make when asked if they want a cookie, and are handed an oatmeal raisin one

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What slays me is that the police know who stole the cookies, but some citizens don't even want to make them give the cookies back! That's not punishment, that would be merely restoring society to the status quo before the crime.


Punishment, on the other hand, would be kicking the cookie-stealers out of our polite society after the cookies have been returned.


You don't get out of a bank robbery by giving the money back.

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Nah. This is an exploit, plain and simple. The reason this one got so widespread so fast is twofold.


1) It's easy to do. The cheaters literally have to do nothing in order to get free gear.


2) BioWare has had a long history of doing nothing to cheaters, letting them think that that this behavior is acceptable. And sending the message to the rest of us that BioWare is not going to punish cheaters. Add to the fact that many raid teams were actively kicking people who didn't cheat to get ahead, this created a ommunity that had adopted a philosophy of "cheat to get ahead, or get left behind."


I honestly hope that the only people who get banned for this are those who were responsible for spreading it, selling the lockout, or holding the instance open to enable the cheaters, however, even if every single person who used this cheat even once gets banned for life, they'll get absolutely no sympathy from me.


1) You chose to cheat, either because you wanted to, or because you let your raid team/guild coerce you into it, you get to live with the consequences.


2) Finally taking a strong stance against the cheaters sends the message that this behavior will not be tolerated, and hopefully the next time such a blatently obvious exploit pops up, fewer people will be inclined to use it.


Finally, I find it funny that so many people have come out of the woodworks since BioWare said they would be taking action, either trying to defend their actions, trying to say it's not an exploit, or trying to use BioWare's lack of action in the past as an excuse as to why they should be allowed to get away with it. You made a mistake, live with the consequences, and learn from it.

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Brain just is starting to shut down from overabundance of stupid in these posts overloading it, this is what i said in the other thread, applies here just as well:



Reading these posts gives you a scary look into the minds of people. The rationalizations, excuses, and butt pulled justifications are off the charts.


" My guild said they would kick me if i didnt cheat"

"I didnt do it, it was my roomate/brother/dog/goldfish." (Account info sharing us also against the ToS just a fyi)

"They didnt give me loot from a failed raid 3 years ago, its retroactive loot!"

"They didnt shut it down immediately so thats their way of saying to go ahead!"


End of the day, cheating is cheating, be it virtual or physical, and assinine backpedaling just emphasises character flaws.


You're right about that. The amount of witch huntery and self-righteousness in these posts is an equally scary insight into people's minds. I particularly like the ones who refer to it as "criminal activity".


Let the exploiters take their lumps and move on. Those of you crowing your egocentric blather about how good and pure you are because you would NEVER do such a thing are simply seeking that cookie being talked about in this thread in a different way.

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Yeah well all the crying you idiots are doing ingame and on the forums, Funny I know some of you and I've seen your achievements list and your gear :). Just remember that.


This is the coolest part about the whole thing, the most arrogant condescending players, are the ones getting banned :p

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