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Edited ....Super Queue!!!!


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You should try it it some time. It is like the other white meat and just as tasty. Super Queuing against pugs in regs is:

1. Super easy

2. Super fun killing pugs at spawn point

3. Sure way to farm Super medals

4. Super way to win almost all pugs

5. Boosts the Id, Ego and Super Ego (Freud ref there)

6. Super fast way to win coms to legacy over to other toons

7. And is Super boring to not do it for fear of having to have skill


I'm sure you can see the meaning of my post in that if you are not Super Queing, you are not worthy and lame!!! If you haven't picked up on it yet, if you are not super Queing you are not going to have as much fun. SQ FTW!!!!


P.S.... Had to edit the original because there were innuendos I guess of another guild. So all items that can potentially implicate anyone have been removed thus I am now in full compliance. Please feel free to send me a message if you want the original text. I'll send it in game as to not hurt anyone's feelings here.

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I started reading your post thinking you were a butthurt victim of a guild super queue episode, but by the end of your post I honestly cannot tell if that's the case or you are part of some midbie-star guild that gets their kicks by super queuing in that bravket to beat up on pugs and noobies.


Either way I got a laugh, so thanks for that.

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it's ok matey, some people have a harder time making friends than others, and everyone's totally going to love your kazoo rendition of "Spice up your life" next week! Keep your chin up big guy, just keep plugging away and you'll do something right and have someone want to play with you ANY time now!
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Nah... It isn't either of that. My other reply was deleted so here it is again. If your guild has that many people in it then why not take your two teams and do ranked play? You get a challenge by playing like minded people and pugs get slight chance. Win win. I'm all for a reasonably fair fight and really enjoy close games that are intense till the end (what pvpr doesn't) but most of the time, SQ for the win.


Also I'm all for getting a team of four together as it is in the game mechanics. They should really think about putting back in ranked 8s as the SQ in pugs is all of the above. Fun for some I guess. Different strokes for differnt folks.

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You should try it it some time. It is like the other white meat and just as tasty. Super Queuing against pugs in regs is:

1. Super easy

2. Super fun killing pugs at spawn point

3. Sure way to farm Super medals

4. Super way to win almost all pugs

5. Boosts the Id, Ego and Super Ego (Freud ref there)

6. Super fast way to win coms to legacy over to other toons

7. And is Super boring to not do it for fear of having to have skill


I'm sure you can see the meaning of my post in that if you are not Super Queing, you are not worthy and lame!!! If you haven't picked up on it yet, if you are not super Queing you are not going to have as much fun. SQ FTW!!!!


P.S.... Had to edit the original because there were innuendos I guess of another guild. So all items that can potentially implicate anyone have been removed thus I am now in full compliance. Please feel free to send me a message if you want the original text. I'll send it in game as to not hurt anyone's feelings here.


Insinuating that people who PVP with 7 other friends have less skill than if they only played with 3 other friends is straight up quality.

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Insinuating that people who PVP with 7 other friends have less skill than if they only played with 3 other friends is straight up quality.


No my friend.. You obviously didn't read my second post. Please go back up and LTR. I'll sum it up for you. If BW wanted groups of 2 pre-made at the same time, they would have kept OPS queues. Since it is not and they have REMOVED it from game, it is an exploit to queue synch. Did you get that or shall I use google translate into common speak?

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No my friend.. You obviously didn't read my second post. Please go back up and LTR. I'll sum it up for you. If BW wanted groups of 2 pre-made at the same time, they would have kept OPS queues. Since it is not and they have REMOVED it from game, it is an exploit to queue synch. Did you get that or shall I use google translate into common speak?



I read it all, including the post before... and read between the lines enough to recognize butt hurt when I see it. Queue synching is an exploit now..... That's rich.

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I read it all, including the post before... and read between the lines enough to recognize butt hurt when I see it. Queue synching is an exploit now..... That's rich.


Err... you have me for a loss m8. I honestly don't know if you are trolling or just in a position to take every advantage you have? They removed the queuing of 8 people together all together, gone from the game, as in it wasn't working over all, as in BW didnt want that in game...... And yet you are here now arguing it isn't an exploit to do a count down and sync together? So you can deliberately have 8 man teams? /confused


It is crazy that I'm even considering this by why not. I guess not a single person sees this argument. I guess if you can't beat them join them?

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You should try it it some time. It is like the other white meat and just as tasty. Super Queuing against pugs in regs is:

1. Super easy

2. Super fun killing pugs at spawn point

3. Sure way to farm Super medals

4. Super way to win almost all pugs

5. Boosts the Id, Ego and Super Ego (Freud ref there)

6. Super fast way to win coms to legacy over to other toons

7. And is Super boring to not do it for fear of having to have skill


I'm sure you can see the meaning of my post in that if you are not Super Queing, you are not worthy and lame!!! If you haven't picked up on it yet, if you are not super Queing you are not going to have as much fun. SQ FTW!!!!


P.S.... Had to edit the original because there were innuendos I guess of another guild. So all items that can potentially implicate anyone have been removed thus I am now in full compliance. Please feel free to send me a message if you want the original text. I'll send it in game as to not hurt anyone's feelings here.


I'm kind of with some of the other peeps here. It's always been for me that if it's a group of 8 of super casuals or super starts I will just leave the warzone and those that are with me. Unicorn Stampede LD-50 and a few other guilds have done this. It's those same ones that once there are 4 of them and say 2 of you that you can anihilate them or in a 4v4 with good teammates. I do believe they should bring back the 8v8 que's for the super casual guilds and the hard up PvP guilds (since those are the only people that seem to do this). If that's what you want you should get it, but any PUG shouldn't have to come in and see 8 peeps with the same tag knowing they're going to get curbed stomped.

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Okay okay.


So yes, the art of syncing your queue with another group is not cool. That said, I don't really know of any groups that are doing this. There are plenty of groups that have two groups in queue for PvP and just might happen to get in a group together.


But you have to see it from all perspectives. Sometimes people just want to queue with their friends and all be in the same match together and have some laughs be it against each other or on the same team. Are they exploiting because they want to have more than 4 people in the PvP queue? Idk. I don't really think so. If they're doing it time and time again and they're just ****** the opposition then maybe they should stop or split their team up because we all have to realize that this game is as successful as we let it be in some instances. If we make the game not fun for other players then the game will be not fun for us because other people will stop playing.


Anyway. Enough of this BS.



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If it were friends just wanting to play together and willing to go against each other if that were the case it'd be fine. It becomes an issue when two groups refuse to play against each other, and drop matches specifically until they get grouped together, screwing over the pugs who are now down people at the start of warzones, and the pugs they are facing since they have the advantage of a stacked team.


Its been my experience when I have tried to queue at the same time as guildies, that more often than not, we get placed against each other. So if that isn't happening with this group/groups, then its safe to say they are dropping to only play with each other, which is weak sauce.


Anyways I haven't pvp'd barely since 3.0 so I don't know who you're talking about and don't really care.

Edited by wadecounty
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LMAO. IKR? That's like at least half of the games against imps that I play, and yet no one cries about that...


As long as teams aren't dumping games because they got into different warzones or put against each other (which I've seen no evidence of), it's not any different than going up against the same two perfect composition min/maxed imp teams who get queued in together over and over and over...

Edited by Prisoner
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So yes, I was being a little cheeky and slightly sarcastic on my initial post. I guess my real intent is for guild leaders to take a serious look at the SQ. If I'm up against two separate guild perfectly made groups of four then so be it as that is the game mechanics. I just get miffed when the same guild does a deliberate countdown to make every effort to ensure the perfect 8 man team.


Just throwing it out there for discussion. I guess most people that live in the pvp world don't care well so be it. Like I said in an earlier post... What fun is it to roflstomp pugs? If I'm with a group of friends I'll stay in game but any more because of the limited time I have to play because of RL, if I'm playing solo I'll just leave before it really starts to ensure a timely replacement is had.


P.S. The game allows me to leave with no penalty (only do this if I'm solo now..I can count on one hand the times I've solo queued in two weeks so it isn't that often). It is in the game mechanics. So now watch me get flamed for not wanting to be farmed against two Qsynced groups of the same guild usually in team speak with great coordination vs the random game group generator. I've said my piece. Take it or leave it. My guess is nothing will change and thus if I can't beat them, join them. Now, I need to take some time to max my space ship parts so I can take advantage of that exploit as well. See you on the battlefield!!

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I have a hard time with the term Exploit. Nothing you've mentioned is really an exploit since everyone has equal ability to take advantage of everything you're "upset" about. The Ship parts, like the broken relic before, are Bioware issues and as with every mistake they make, it's taken far to long to fix. Do I like it? No, but fighting it is like farting up wind..
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I have a hard time with the term Exploit. Nothing you've mentioned is really an exploit since everyone has equal ability to take advantage of everything you're "upset" about. The Ship parts, like the broken relic before, are Bioware issues and as with every mistake they make, it's taken far to long to fix. Do I like it? No, but fighting it is like farting up wind..


The Game mechanic ability to queue as an ops group was removed from game (if you recal from way back when).. People found away around the intended deliberate action of BW to prevent ops queuing to find a way to do it anyway. If that isn't the very definition of an exploit, than I don't know what is.


Don't really care anymore. I'll deal with it like my above post. I just hope BW gives you guys that want to SQ 8s the ability to do soon as to give the rest of the random generator pvp bunch a chance at a fair fight. Good day to you Sir.

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