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How do I counter those stupidly overpowered bomber drone clusters?


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Basicaly what the title says. Had a about 6 games in a row where our team got stomped just because one or two bombers deployed their idiotic drones near a satelite causing it to be immune to any capture attempts from our side. Seriously, when a single ship is capable of immunizing an objective to such a degree where even a coordinated attack by 3 players isnt enough to get the stelite, theres something seriously wrong with that ship class. In my opinion bombers should be limited to having only one drone or mine deployed (i.e. deploy a new drone and the previous drone or mine selfdestructs). Were not playing a "Galactic drone fortress" or "Galactic minefield"......


Sorry for this rant but I cant see any counter to this ship class. Go in in scout, sentry drone kills me due to its 100% hit idiocy, go in with strike fighter and missle drones along with stray mine basicaly rip me apart (who the hell got the brilliant idea that drones will pack damage equall to regular player fighter with moderately upgraded components?) so I really dont how can anyone counter this tactic.

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Get some degree of range and kill the bomber pretty much, GS and Quads/pods scouts and Ion/heavy strikes are kings of bomber hunting. You also have to kill them as they spawn because if they get time to entrench then their chance to survive goes up by an order of magnitude or two.
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Basicaly what the title says. Had a about 6 games in a row where our team got stomped just because one or two bombers deployed their idiotic drones near a satelite causing it to be immune to any capture attempts from our side. Seriously, when a single ship is capable of immunizing an objective to such a degree where even a coordinated attack by 3 players isnt enough to get the stelite, theres something seriously wrong with that ship class. In my opinion bombers should be limited to having only one drone or mine deployed (i.e. deploy a new drone and the previous drone or mine selfdestructs). Were not playing a "Galactic drone fortress" or "Galactic minefield"......


Sorry for this rant but I cant see any counter to this ship class. Go in in scout, sentry drone kills me due to its 100% hit idiocy, go in with strike fighter and missle drones along with stray mine basicaly rip me apart (who the hell got the brilliant idea that drones will pack damage equall to regular player fighter with moderately upgraded components?) so I really dont how can anyone counter this tactic.

I am sorry because nobody likes reading this, but you are quite mistaken on all particulars :) One or two bombers cannot stop three (or more) players from taking a sat, provided that the attackers are experienced, skilled players who have access to an appropriate hangar of at least reasonably upgraded ships and that the attackers can implement a basic level of coordination.


More specifically, most drones only allow one out at a time, and no drone can come close to a player in damage output.


As to how to counter it, there are a number of prime bomber killing builds: Type 1 Strike with Ion/HLC/Concussion Missiles, Type 2 and 3 Strikes with Charged Plating and Protorps/HLC or Thermites/whatever, Type 3 Bomber with HLC and Concussion Missiles, Type 1 Gunship with Ion and Slug Railguns (to an extent, any gunship with Slug Railgun), and even the infamous double torps Type 2 gunship can be effective against bombers (this last one is a bit of a joke and not recommended if the bomber has competent team-mates).


It's absolutely possible to take bombers off a sat in scouts as well, scouts can actually kill bombers faster than any other class but they are also the most vulnerable to drones and mines, so scout bomber-hunting builds are not recommended as easy counters. It is more a matter that a skilled scout pilot does not absolutely need to switch classes.


Bombers do stack very well together if they are defending the same narrow part of space; being able to solo multiple bombers on a sat is not something that should be expected, and I include multiple players going in piecemeal with no coordination as "soloing". However, as a rule, groups of different classes stack even better than groups of the same ship: a gunship and a scout should absolutely beat two bombers, all other things being equal.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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There's also a priority list for taking things out in this sort of situation.


First, get the things that are damaging you enough to be a serious threat.


Railgun drone, Sat defense turrets, missile drone.


Of approximately equal value are strategic/tactical pieces,


Hyperspace beacon, interdiction drone. Hyperspace beacons in particular you might want to prioritize above some of the damaging drones, basically as soon as you've taken out enough of the damage sources that you can survive an attack run on the beacon, take it out.


Then do:


Repair probes.


Finally, take out the bombers.


Why didn't I list the mines? Because you should be flying outside of their trigger range or running a charged plating build that lets you pretty much ignore mine damage. With rare exceptions taking out the mines is a waste of time and energy.


You may have to go through the list twice to get all of the bomber's drones on cooldown.


Being quick about all this is important, because you don't want to leave time for the drones to come back off of cooldown and be deployed a third time, or allow time for their team to send reinforcements.


Also worth noting that unless you're in a gunship the bombers are likely to be shooting at you (probably with heavy lasers) the entire time you're doing this. At least if they know what they're doing.


A hint on the drones, they have a targeting delay of 1-2 seconds, and the rail and missile drones have a charge/lock time in addition to that. This makes it possible to start outside of their range, boost in, and blow them up before they fire a single shot.


In cases where there are multiple drone-layers look at the way they set things up before you head in. Often the drones are spaced in ways that they don't provide mutual support if approached at the right angle, and taking them out one at a time is a lot easier than dealing with all of them at once.

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I am sorry because nobody likes reading this, but you are quite mistaken on all particulars :) One or two bombers cannot stop three (or more) players from taking a sat, provided that the attackers are experienced, skilled players who have access to an appropriate hangar of at least reasonably upgraded ships and that the attackers can implement a basic level of coordination.


Eh?? I have to disagree with this. A single experienced skilled stock player can take out a bomber by himself providing that the bomber isn't a good one. Three or four stock experianced players will always win against a bomber that isn't way more skilled than them. A mastered ship (all ship have potential anti-bomber builds, some more effective than others) built to counter bombers will win most of the time against a mastered bomber providing equal skill.


Basicly I'm just saying that you're underestimating skilled pilots, overestimating bombers sturdiness and overestimating average players.

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Eh?? I have to disagree with this. A single experienced skilled stock player can take out a bomber by himself providing that the bomber isn't a good one. Three or four stock experianced players will always win against a bomber that isn't way more skilled than them. A mastered ship (all ship have potential anti-bomber builds, some more effective than others) built to counter bombers will win most of the time against a mastered bomber providing equal skill.


Basicly I'm just saying that you're underestimating skilled pilots, overestimating bombers sturdiness and overestimating average players.


As long as you have access to armor-piercing weapons, countering a single bomber is easy. When they start stacking multiple bombers on a single node, it gets more difficult, but can be done if you have multiple people who know what they are doing. The complaint here is that it takes much less skill to form the bomber swarm (basically just a bunch of people flying around the satellite) than it does to counter it (which requires more coordination).


The biggest issue is when one team rolls out the bomber spam against a bunch of new pilots who lack any sort of armor piercing weapon. Without armor-piercing, countering bombers becomes much more difficult, especially if the players are new. The Imps on Harbinger were doing that the other day, rolling out the full bomber and gunship spam against Pub teams of 75% two-shippers, and I know a few of those new pilots probably won't be coming back. Using a strategy against new players that they simply have no way to counter is just stupid, unnecessary, and bad for the community. Yeah, I get it, people want to have fun, but if you scare away all the new players by slaughtering them mercilessly over and over, have fun sitting in a queue all day long.

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A bomber gives up most of the ability to dogfight in order to defend an area.


There's been plenty of advice in this thread, and it's pretty good. Here's my quick piece:


If your target is literally a drone bomber, then I seriously don't see the issue. A type 2 scout can just boost through all the seekers and press evasion to immune them, then pop cooldowns and blast the bomber to pieces- or, at least, at reasonably equal skill levels, and certainly if you have a three-on-one situation and you are amidst the three. Another great solution is to gunship, a single ion should eliminate all of the seeker mines, and then a partial charge slug should finish off the actual drone. Finally, if you play a minelayer with charged plating, you should be able to effortlessly eat the mines, heavy laser down any drone, and plant your own superior mines. Seismic mine alone will eventually push the dronecarrier off the node or kill it.



And your suggestions are just class nerf begging, unwanted in any forum. If you are getting 1 v 3ed, the issue is not a class balance issue, it's a you issue.

Edited by Verain
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Basicaly what the title says. Had a about 6 games in a row where our team got stomped just because one or two bombers deployed their idiotic drones near a satelite causing it to be immune to any capture attempts from our side.


You get 5000 fleet requisitions from the introductory gsf mission, which is enough to buy any bomber. You should buy one and stomp the other team back.


The biggest issue is when one team rolls out the bomber spam against a bunch of new pilots who lack any sort of armor piercing weapon.


Or just one bomber with charged plating. The OP can deal with this without a lot of requisitions.

- upgrade the rocket pods on the NovaDive/Blackbolt/Flashfire/Sting

- buy a Pike/Quell/Clarion/Imperium/Warcarrier/Legion and use its proton torpedo

- etc.

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Use a gunship and put yourself several thousand meters below the satellite and start picking off the mines and turrets with a slug/ion railgun, allowing your teammates to move in and destroy the bomber and capture the satellite.

Idd. If he's stupid, he'll plant all drones and mines close to eachother, making them easy targets for ion railgun AoE. If he isn't, well, his drones and mines are still dead, it'll just take a couple more shots.

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Again had a bunch of games basically dominated by bombers. No matter what I try to do, using flashfire with rocket pods, strike with armor piercing weps, simply nothing I can do with a bomber entrenched near a satellite. I dont have a gunship yet because I used all my fleet reqs to upgrade my current ships but maybe it will work...I just dont know.


I havent seen more idioticaly designed ship class in any space sim or dogfight game. Bombers here are basicaly a total fun killer. Want to ruin the game for both your team and the enemy? Roll a bomber! 100% one-sided match guaranteed! At least give us an AoE weapon thats usable for all ship classes (not just gunships) with big area of effect that can clear all of their freakin mines and drones in one hit.


Seriously, Ihope that BWrealises what they created and introduce a GSFmode where bombers are outright banned. Id like to play fun matches, not "galactic trench wars".....

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Again had a bunch of games basically dominated by bombers. No matter what I try to do, using flashfire with rocket pods, strike with armor piercing weps, simply nothing I can do with a bomber entrenched near a satellite. I dont have a gunship yet because I used all my fleet reqs to upgrade my current ships but maybe it will work...I just dont know.


I havent seen more idioticaly designed ship class in any space sim or dogfight game. Bombers here are basicaly a total fun killer. Want to ruin the game for both your team and the enemy? Roll a bomber! 100% one-sided match guaranteed! At least give us an AoE weapon thats usable for all ship classes (not just gunships) with big area of effect that can clear all of their freakin mines and drones in one hit.


Seriously, Ihope that BWrealises what they created and introduce a GSFmode where bombers are outright banned. Id like to play fun matches, not "galactic trench wars".....

Flashfire pilot complaining of anti-fun ships? Really? "I don't want my opponents to be able to hit me, and if they use any weapon that can hit me, please ban it" :rolleyes:


Also, EMP missiles and EMP pulse are things. You don't need to be a gunship to have AoE. I never said they were good or needed, though:rak_03:

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Again had a bunch of games basically dominated by bombers. No matter what I try to do, using flashfire with rocket pods, strike with armor piercing weps, simply nothing I can do with a bomber entrenched near a satellite. I dont have a gunship yet because I used all my fleet reqs to upgrade my current ships but maybe it will work...I just dont know.


I havent seen more idioticaly designed ship class in any space sim or dogfight game. Bombers here are basicaly a total fun killer. Want to ruin the game for both your team and the enemy? Roll a bomber! 100% one-sided match guaranteed! At least give us an AoE weapon thats usable for all ship classes (not just gunships) with big area of effect that can clear all of their freakin mines and drones in one hit.


Seriously, Ihope that BWrealises what they created and introduce a GSFmode where bombers are outright banned. Id like to play fun matches, not "galactic trench wars".....


You have all these people telling you that they can deal with it. We're not saying these are instant solutions, you're going to have to work to figure out flight patterns that will make you realize how not overpowered they are.

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You have all these people telling you that they can deal with it. We're not saying these are instant solutions, you're going to have to work to figure out flight patterns that will make you realize how not overpowered they are.

Indeed. There's no single universal ship to rule them all. They all have counter-builds and counter-strategies.

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because I used all my fleet reqs to upgrade my current ships


I really feel this option should be locked such that new players like yourself don't misplay so hard. You should never convert fleet to ship until you have at least like eight ships unlocked and at 20k req each- it is not at all obvious.


Anyway, I recommend unlocking at least the type 1 gunship for now. The type 3 gunship is also very good, but it costs double the fleet req. The type 2 gunship is fun to play and its own style, but reasonably weak. Stick with just the bargain 2500 req for the type 1 gunship.


I havent seen more idioticaly designed ship class in any space sim or dogfight game. Bombers here are basicaly a total fun killer.


Bombers actually make the game much more fun, IMO. First, they add a lot of strategy. Second, actually being a bomber is a whole new thing that is fun. Third, without bombers, the nodes are mostly held by tightly orbiting largely impossible to hit scouts with K-turn and disto, something that is already probably too tanky on nodes, but becomes The Best Thing.


Want to ruin the game for both your team and the enemy? Roll a bomber!


Or learn to play GSF and stop this kind of QQ!


At least give us an AoE weapon thats usable for all ship classes (not just gunships) with big area of effect that can clear all of their freakin mines and drones in one hit.


So, technically, you have this- EMP missile is on two strikes, a scout, and a gunship, and EMP field is on the default scout (type 1). But you DO have a point here- the general lack of even light aoe, especially on the strike class, is distracting. It wouldn't be reasonable for one concussion to empty a field of mines, but if it did even 50 aoe damage you might see the really slanted matches play out a bit differently.


Seriously, Ihope that BWrealises what they created and introduce a GSFmode where bombers are outright banned. Id like to play fun matches, not "galactic trench wars".....


And then you're back to silly stuff. I would love to see modes pop where you were forced to play certain ship types during custom events, but we won't be getting any of that. Giving you a bomberless queue is bad design, and bombers are a great part of the game. Please listen to the advice in this thread.




Flashfire pilot complaining of anti-fun ships? Really? "I don't want my opponents to be able to hit me, and if they use any weapon that can hit me, please ban it"




I think the actually most infuriating thing about the battle scout isn't the fact that it's a bit imba, it's that for whatever reason so many of the battlescout pilots think that they chose a neutral or underdog ship when they choose to converse, instead of a best in class beast. The strike mains may want to burn down the world with game breaking nerfs, but at least that's because they already live in a world of ash.

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You have all these people telling you that they can deal with it. We're not saying these are instant solutions, you're going to have to work to figure out flight patterns that will make you realize how not overpowered they are.


This is a big part of it, and I agree totally.



Back @OP:


Your easiest solution to girl bombers is a charged plating boy bomber. But please be sure you know WHAT kind of bomber you are fighting- that's the actual reason I said "literal" in the post that launched a discussion of phat beatz / sonnet balance in the emerging meta.


The type 1 bomber has an internal name of "minelayer". It can run charged plating or overcharged shield as defensive options (or, in theory, the aoe shield recharge, but I haven't seen any effective use of that on this ship). The overcharged shield variant should focus on having a lot of shields and should play in that manner, and the extra shielding is largely useful against enemy scouts, and worth a lot less against enemy bombers. The charged plating variant should be played with the damage reduction crewman and the hull that reduces damage. During the charged plating active, you have 99% reduction from effects that don't ignore armor, so you will essentially ignore enemy seismic mine, seeker mine, concussion mine, interdiction drone, missile drone, and any direct fire that doesn't drain energy or ignore armor. The weak part is that you gain a lot of shield bleedthrough, and abilities that ignore armor (or worse, armor and some shields), such as heavy laser, slug railgun, proton torpedo, burst laser cannon, or rocket pods, or vastly worse, thermite torpedo, will hurt you far more than if you were running anything else. This charged plating boy bomber sometimes goes by "SIM" bomber, but the "I", interdiction, isn't really as needed as it used to be. This bomber decimates all other bombers, but it is very weak against enemy scouts and gunships.


The type 2 bomber, internally "dronecarrier", is the one that you claim to have issues with. This one deploys seeker mines (or shoots concussions, or, very rarely, protons), while dropping one of three drones. The short range threat interdiction drone is very hard to fight near, and you need to pull away from it to be effective. The long range railgun drone is very easy to fight near- just make sure you don't stay in LOS of it for more than three seconds without killing it. Note that it will normally ignore armor, so if you see one it can be worth diving off the node to finish. The real change the type 2 bomber has is that it CAN run repair drone (and usually will) but CANNOT run charged plating. This means that if you drop seismic mines near a node, the bomber will either take damage or run away. This support bomber gets generally destroyed in a lot of 1v1 encounters, but is a huge boost to the rest of the team, setting up an area that can't be easily entered.


The type 3 bomber, internally has a name that is shared with too many other ships (something like "fighter", "attack" or "strike" or whatever). It's usually "type 3 bomber" or "baby bomber". This bomber is not really part of this discussion, but if you do play as it, you'll be good or bad versus enemy bombers based on your loadout. Basically, never try to hold a node versus a type 1 bomber, and while you can keep a type 2 bomber from taking your node, it's a long process. This bomber seems intended to defend an area of space that has a lot of LOS features from domination from enemy scouts, and it is actually surprisingly easy to damage as a strike fighter.




The type 1 bomber answers your problems, and you should try it out. The type 1 gunship ALSO answers your problems, and you should try it out. The type 2 scout (and type 1 scout) are very solid versus type 2 bombers, which you claimed your issue was with, especially if you have allies with you. Versus JUST you, a type 2 bomber can run and hide while waiting for backup, but a solid damage run can absolutely kill one in just a couple seconds, and you said you were being 1v3ed. No good flashfire gets 1v3ed.


You can post video and get some feedback on that, or you can take our advice based on what we think you should try.



Do note: solid strategies absolutely involve bombers. And gunships. And scouts. You'll need to know how to play against all of them, and playing some games on each of them is a big way to understand that. If you want to tunnel some ship type that's fine, but do understand you'll be limiting your experience.

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I think Ramalina's advice about ignoring mines is great general advice when playing against any bomber. The drone has a 60 second cooldown so killing that will actually accomplish something. Seeker mines regenerate every 15 seconds so don't even bother going for them. If the bomber is any good he will save his cooldown and pop another drone as soon as you destroy the first one. So essentially you're going to have to kill 2 railgun drones, or 2 missile drones, or 3 interdiction drones (upgrade lets him have 2 on the field at once).


BUT if we're being helpful here we should really be talking about killing the Mine bomber since that is the difficult one. Killing drone bombers is actually super easy and I'll quickly describe a very effective strategy for that -- I personally recommend ignoring the drones and turrets. I think the best and easiest tactic is to pick a Flashfire/Sting with Burst Laser Cannons, Targeting Telemetry, and Concentrated Fire co-pilot ability. Ignore everything and just go straight for the bomber. Pop the buffs when you get in the 500-1000m range and enjoy 1500 damage crits. A few shots should take him out pretty easily. Use your Distortion Field missile break to avoid one seeker mine. You may have to eat the other 1-2 seeker mines but hopefully you should kill the bomber before he can release any more. You do have to be fairly quick. Drones and mines ignore evasion so you may want to choose reinforced armor instead of lightweight armor. However, the lightweight armor helps against the three stationary satellite turrets. This probably isn't the BEST strategy but it is certainly the fastest. It's quick and dirty and gets you that precious satellite as fast as possible.


DISCLAIMER: DO NOT DO THIS AGAINST THE MINE LAYER BOMBER. Seismic mines and concussion mines will kill you almost instantly because they directly damage your hull and you can't use a missile break to stop them. This is a much much much harder bomber to kill and is going to need some team coordination. If you are solo queuing against a decent team, there isn't any super easy strategy to take out a good mine bomber other than picking a charged plating bomber yourself. However, If you can find a buddy and use voice communication it becomes pretty easy. There are 4 main strategies here with some variation.


Strategy 1 - Long Range: Player A kills bomber and Player B guards player A

Player A picks a Quarrel and uses AOE ion railgun on any target around the bomber. Hitting the bomber itself is preferable but not necessary. This will not only damage the bomber and drain his energy but it will also clear most of the crap around the area and allow your random PUG allies to actually get in there and do something. However, even if the rest of your team is useless you can switch to slug railgun and kill the bomber with that. Player B's job is to make sure that Player A can do this without being counter attacked by enemy scouts or gunships. Usually the best choice for Player B is a BLC scout with cluster missiles so that it can deal with both Scouts and Gunships fairly effectively. A lot of different ships will do the job for Player B though.


Strategy 2 - Short Range: Player A eats the mines and Player B rushes the bomber

Player A uses a Strike Fighter charged plating build, pops his cooldown, and rushes into the satellite and purposely runs into seismic, concussion, and interdiction mines. After the mines are clear, Player A follows the bomber by 1500-2000m, pops the servo jammer, concentrated fire, or wingman co-pilot ability, and continues to eat mines while shooting Light Laser Cannons at the bomber. Once the area is relatively safe, Player B rushes in with the aforementioned anti bomber Flashfire BLC/Targeting Telemetry/Concentrated Fire build (reinforced armor for sure this time) and kills the bomber with a few BLC crits. The timing is pretty important here and will take some coordination to pull off properly.


Strategy 3 - Mid Range: Player A pulls the bomber off the satellite and Player A and B kill the bomber

Player A uses a NovaDive with Sabotage probe set to 5500m, locks the bomber, and causes the bomber to drift away from the Satellite. Player B can use anything, but a Quarrel is probably the best. If the bomber is using charged plating then the Quarrel uses slug railgun to get insane 48% shield piercing. If the bomber is using Overcharged shield then the Quarrel first clears the shields with Ion Railgun and then finishes the hull with Slug Railgun. Meanwhile player A uses his EMP blast to clear seismic/concussion/interdiction mines, pops DF, and kills turrets to cap the node.


Strategy 4 - Bomber Bums

Player A and B pick Charged Plating Ramparts with seismic mines, interdiction mines, and interdiction drive. One player can choose hyperspace beacon instead if you actually have some halfway decent teammates. Player A and B charge in, drop mines, pop interdiction drive, and then kill the stationary bomber with HLCs set to armor penetration.



I'm sure there are lots of variation to these, but these are the ones I've had success with. Other than that I suggest learning the range and damage of each of the mines and drones as there is quite a lot of variation. Heavy Laser Cannons set with range capacitors and ignore enemy armor can be very effective at helping your teammates take a node.

Edited by RickDagles
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Again had a bunch of games basically dominated by bombers. No matter what I try to do, using flashfire with rocket pods, strike with armor piercing weps, simply nothing I can do with a bomber entrenched near a satellite. I dont have a gunship yet because I used all my fleet reqs to upgrade my current ships but maybe it will work...I just dont know.


I havent seen more idioticaly designed ship class in any space sim or dogfight game. Bombers here are basicaly a total fun killer. Want to ruin the game for both your team and the enemy? Roll a bomber! 100% one-sided match guaranteed! At least give us an AoE weapon thats usable for all ship classes (not just gunships) with big area of effect that can clear all of their freakin mines and drones in one hit.


Seriously, Ihope that BWrealises what they created and introduce a GSFmode where bombers are outright banned. Id like to play fun matches, not "galactic trench wars".....


Many of the people who responded in this thread are capable of dislodging a bomber in a stock or near-stock ship.


Most are also happy to share GSF skills if asked politely, so if you let it be known when and where you could use some help, there's a decent chance that the cavalry will arrive (eventually). Or just make an alt on TEH, Bastion, or Shadowlands, and ask for help. You'll almost always get a good response on those servers if their native aces are online and flying, though they're certainly not the only servers with healthy and helpful GSF populations.


Oh, and the way to ask for help is by using the

 /cjoin GSF 

command to get into the GSF chat channel and make your request there. If there's someone on that can help you, they're very likely to be in that channel.

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I always thought seismic mines are basically proton torpedos with area damage. Don't they ignore armor?


No mine in the whole game ignores any amount of armor at all, ever.


The only deployable that ignores armor is a T4 talented railgun sentry drone.

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