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Is SoR a joke?


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So really what you're saying is - you only want to do it once and be maxed out. Is that the crux of the problem here. You're unhappy that they made new content and don't want to repeat anything in order to hit the level cap?


So say the did a patch, anyone who does SOR is guaranteed to hit 60 first run. Will you be back on the forums complaining that the content was to short and now all you have left to do is dailies and a couple of new ops?


Personally I'd have been happy not to have hit 60 as early as I did, I agree with a lot of folk who say that it is a tad short, however I still very much enjoy Rishi and Yavin. But then I don't seem to have a problem with gaining XP in a game that literally has INFINITE XP to earn.


I guess I'm just never going to understand folk who rush everything and then complain about it :confused:


The irony...once he hits 60, there's nothing to do but repeat content - Ops, FPs, daily missions, WZ's...and less of it at 60 than where he came from.

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This is as simply as I can put it, if you *still* don't understand then I'm at a loss, because I'm not going to draw pictures for you people.


The xpac could last 5 minutes or 200h, it makes NO difference to the point. Which is that new content should be enough to reach the new cap. If it takes a year or a second is irrelevant.


It is. Myself and others are proof it is. You obviously skipped something. FPs? NPCs? Whatever you did, you had to have skipped things to not hit 60. Did you do the Rishi daily missions for the first time?! Yavin'? I think you missed something tbh.

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It is. Myself and others are proof it is. You obviously skipped something. FPs? NPCs? Whatever you did, you had to have skipped things to not hit 60. Did you do the Rishi daily missions for the first time?! Yavin'? I think you missed something tbh.


Yeah, I did not do the Forged Alliance missions at all because, shockingly, I already did them when they came out. That is the *only* thing I didn't do. I even went back and checked today and there isn't a single missions I missed.


If you say "well you should do Forged Alliance" well ok, then why the **** do they release it prior, then punish you for doing it? That makes no *********** sense whatsoever.

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The irony...once he hits 60, there's nothing to do but repeat content - Ops, FPs, daily missions, WZ's...and less of it at 60 than where he came from.


Dude... it's not about not wanting to do fp's/ops/dailies etc. It's about being *forced* to do so. If I was aversed to do those things, how do you imagine I hit the 1k baisc comm cap on multiple chars after 3.0 went live?

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This is as simply as I can put it, if you *still* don't understand then I'm at a loss, because I'm not going to draw pictures for you people.


The xpac could last 5 minutes or 200h, it makes NO difference to the point. Which is that new content should be enough to reach the new cap. If it takes a year or a second is irrelevant.


If you're happy to pay extra to play OLD content, again, good for you.


Not being funny here but the dailies on Rishi and Yavin ARE NEW CONTENT - if you can't be bothered to do those and hit 60 while all the time hollering its unfair that the new content doesn't get you to 60 and all you have left is pre-SOR (I include FA in pre-SOR here) then I'm afraid the problem is entirely on your end.


This is as simply as I can put it to you - there is plenty of new content to get to 60, you just don't want to do the work to get to it.

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Dude... it's not about not wanting to do fp's/ops/dailies etc. It's about being *forced* to do so. If I was aversed to do those things, how do you imagine I hit the 1k baisc comm cap on multiple chars after 3.0 went live?


you could be 65 with all the time spent posting.

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It's about being *forced* to do so.


Since when has doing stuff in SWTOR become "being forced to". I mean they even gave me the choice of doing the Rishi FP's in a group OR solo ........ imagine my surprise at being given a choice and then forced to choose :rolleyes:

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all quests give xp thats just how it is. after you reach cap it's converted into credits instead. that doesnt mean you should count dailies as part of the leveling content.. it's there for another reason.(reputation grinds)


Where did BW (or anybody) promise you that story alone would take you to level 60?

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new content should be enough to reach the new cap.


No, it shouldn't. New expansions should have enough content to get to the max level, and SoR does. I do think that the story line is pretty short, but I think it's too short because it wasn't challenging, I didn't get to do much, and I got too much XP too fast and got to level 60 before completing it even though I wasn't trying.

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Yeah, I did not do the Forged Alliance missions at all because, shockingly, I already did them when they came out. That is the *only* thing I didn't do. I even went back and checked today and there isn't a single missions I missed.


If you say "well you should do Forged Alliance" well ok, then why the **** do they release it prior, then punish you for doing it? That makes no *********** sense whatsoever.


The NEW ones, not Foraged Alliances, the 2 on Rishi...Yavin may even have one for all I know, but I didn't need it on Yavin.

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No, it shouldn't. New expansions should have enough content to get to the max level, and SoR does. I do think that the story line is pretty short, but I think it's too short because it wasn't challenging, I didn't get to do much, and I got too much XP too fast and got to level 60 before completing it even though I wasn't trying.


With your brilliant logic, in the next "expansion" they can just add one daily quest and have you do that for a week and you'd be overjoyed.



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With your brilliant logic, in the next "expansion" they can just add one daily quest and have you do that for a week and you'd be overjoyed.




You keep saying that, and yet no one you're responding is actually saying anything that leads to that conclusion.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You keep saying that, and yet no one you're responding is actually saying anything that leads to that conclusion.


What? Did you really miss all the "do dailies lolol" posts?


Do Oircon dailies

Do CZ dailies

Do Rishi dailies

Do Yavin dailies


If I just wanted to do some *********** dailies, I would have skipped buying this joke of an expansion, and simply CONTINUED to do the same dailies.

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What? Did you really miss all the "do dailies lolol" posts?

Do Oircon dailies

Do CZ dailies

Do Rishi dailies

Do Yavin dailies


No -- it's that your conclusion does not logically follow from those posts.


Engaging in non sequitur, hyperbole, and strawman arguments doesn't aide your case.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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What? Did you really miss all the "do dailies lolol" posts?


Do Oircon dailies

Do CZ dailies

Do Rishi dailies

Do Yavin dailies


If I just wanted to do some *********** dailies, I would have skipped buying this joke of an expansion, and simply CONTINUED to do the same dailies.


And you'd probably be the first person in a queue to complain that "all I have is dailies to do, there should be more content".


I like how you're still banging the drum that there is only old content and you still list NEW dailies in your list above.


TBH I'm beginning to think that the xpac is not the problem here. I'm beginning to think that you're burned out playing the game. You're complaining you don't want to do dailies but you'd be happy to do old dailies if the new dailies weren't available cause you understand that there needs to be dailies.


From all the discussions had here, you still haven't once stated anything that could be construed as constructive as far as I can tell. Only flogging the "there ain't enough XP" horse for all it's worth despite folk who had already done FA pre launch saying they hit level cap no problem.


I don't think that any amount of content would have kept you happy and you can sit there throwing snippy comments about how we'd all be happy paying money for "one daily quest" ,which no-one would be but you are being childish and probably feeling ganged up on so I'm really not sure there is any point trying to discuss it any further

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No -- it's that your conclusion does not logically follow from those posts.


Engaging in non sequitur, hyperbole, and strawman arguments doesn't aide your case.


If doing old dailies and flashppints is "ok" as mechanic for leveling then why add anything at all? None of these people will care, as long as they get new CM items they can buy, they're happy to sit on fleet on their mounts and compare clothing.


Also, there is no "case". BioWare doesn't care, they already made their money off of this.

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If doing old dailies and flashppints is "ok" as mechanic for leveling then why add anything at all?.


It's ok in the sense that if you want to level that way, it's your character, do what you want. It's not necessary. I played a couple hours a day for a few days, and just did the Dailies and killed random mobs that were around me while I was there. I didn't make any special trips or feel like I had to go out of my way to get XP.


If you wanted to get enough XP to go from level 55 to level 60 all within one "Day" doing only new content without a group and not killing anything for which you didn't have a quest, I can see where you'd have a problem, but (imo) wanting to do that in the first place is the problem.

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If doing old dailies and flashppints is "ok" as mechanic for leveling then why add anything at all? None of these people will care, as long as they get new CM items they can buy, they're happy to sit on fleet on their mounts and compare clothing.


Also, there is no "case". BioWare doesn't care, they already made their money off of this.

You're not looking at this logically.


When you did the FA storyline, you were level capped at 55. You COULDN'T gain xp.


The xp gains for 55-60 were tuned to include FA. Those that did FA already can simply use an xp boost and be fine.

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If doing old dailies and flashppints is "ok" as mechanic for leveling then why add anything at all?


If we were just interested in leveling, we wouldn't need any new content, you're right.


However -- and here's the important part -- the point of that new content isn't "XP source", it's that it's new and different and interesting stuff to do that continues the stories of the world and of our characters.


You have "stuff to do" and "adding levels" so conflated that you don't see the difference.

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It's ok in the sense that if you want to level that way, it's your character, do what you want. It's not necessary. I played a couple hours a day for a few days, and just did the Dailies and killed random mobs that were around me while I was there. I didn't make any special trips or feel like I had to go out of my way to get XP.


If you wanted to get enough XP to go from level 55 to level 60 all within one "Day" doing only new content without a group and not killing anything for which you didn't have a quest, I can see where you'd have a problem, but (imo) wanting to do that in the first place is the problem.


The journey could have taken a week and only be doable in a group for all I care as long as:


A) I don't have to repeat missions in the form of dailies while doing it

B) I don't have to do content that was released prior to the release of SoR


Currently, this is simply not the case.


Why is this so complex a concept the understand? They are charging 17€ for 6h worth of playing, half of which is either cut scenes or running back and forth. They brag how well the CM is doing yet *this* is what they can deliver?

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If we were just interested in leveling, we wouldn't need any new content, you're right.


However -- and here's the important part -- the point of that new content isn't "XP source", it's that it's new and different and interesting stuff to do that continues the stories of the world and of our characters.


You have "stuff to do" and "adding levels" so conflated that you don't see the difference.


No, it's you who don't understand the point of contention at all.


Selling an expansion and then telling you to do already existing content or repeat new one simply to level is the problem.


If you're fine with that, good for you. I'm not, and I'm voicing my disdain for this practise. I could start to rant about everything else that is wrong with SoR but to be honest, I can't be bothered because BW could release nothing but CM stuff for 6 years and people would be happy with that.

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The xp gains for 55-60 were tuned to include FA. Those that did FA already can simply use an xp boost and be fine.




Yeah, thanks for playing our game priror to this, go pay for an xp boost now, as a thank you.


You people are insane.

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Dude... it's not about not wanting to do fp's/ops/dailies etc. It's about being *forced* to do so. If I was aversed to do those things, how do you imagine I hit the 1k baisc comm cap on multiple chars after 3.0 went live?


If you don't want to hit 60 no one's forcing you to. Where's the "new xpac has to get you to max level via questing no matter what" come from? That only works in one or two mmos - but not most (before wow you were expected to kill mobs over and over to level up). You're ranting about this seems extremely petty and pointless.

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Lol Wow is better you say :) Here is 'one' of the daily quitting posts due to NOTHING to do at level 100. Don't believe me, Eu wow and Na wow general and pvp forums are pretty much identical, angry and very bored.


First off, I'm a much maligned casual player. I haven't had a lot of time to play this expansion especially recently, but I finally had a few days to myself to really sit down and sink my teeth into some end game content after just messing around in my garrison for the last month or two. What I found was just frustration: a grindy daily quest for shards, massive pvp queues, LFRs where I need toothpicks to keep my eyes open, and heroics where as a healer I'm penalized because the majority of DPS are mouth breathers who don't do mechanics.


After about an hour yesterday I turned off the game in disgust and cancelled my sub. For the first time, I really don't think I'm coming back. I feel a little sad, since I've played the game since Vanilla, but overall I feel relieved. I'm finally free from this time sink and I owe it all to the current blizzard staff.



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If you don't want to hit 60 no one's forcing you to. Where's the "new xpac has to get you to max level via questing no matter what" come from? That only works in one or two mmos - but not most (before wow you were expected to kill mobs over and over to level up). You're ranting about this seems extremely petty and pointless.


Considering that they are selling this as a story driven MMO, it kinda should be like that no? I mean, you didn't need to do flashpoints or dailies while leveling from 1-50, even at launch.


If it's petty and pointless then why bother even responding? It's not like I'm making 95842905893 threads about it, am I? If you're happy to give BW 17€ so you can do more dailies then GOOD FOR YOU.

Edited by Jandi
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