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Is SoR a joke?


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Actually, you get more xp if you do those tacticals in group.


My Guardian finished Rishi at level 59.


- Solo (except Battle of Rishi)

- No Guild

- No XP boosts

- Very little rested xp left after finishing FA in solo mode at level 56




- I like to explore

- I like to do all the bonus quests while leveling


There's that 5 minute side quest for each class halfway through


Can we see a video of you doing JK quest in less than 5 minutes? Please.

Edited by Halinalle
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Can we see a video of you doing JK quest in less than 5 minutes? Please.


Keep in mind there's some variance to it. The Bounty Hunter one takes more like 10 minutes, but the Inquisitor one is definitely 5 minutes of actual questing.

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That's definitely not a good argument for this expansion, since they used the exact same story for every single character this time.


There's that 5 minute side quest for each class halfway through, which are a bit better written, but getting through the same stupid pirate fights and jungle navigation to unlock got old fast, and I ended up just youtubing the last 4 class cutscenes...


Having taken 4 toons through SOR I can say that the story is not the same. Although I would say that the Empire side was better done than the Republic!


If you decide to You Tube rather than play, I can only assume your not interested in playing anyway!

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Having taken 4 toons through SOR I can say that the story is not the same. Although I would say that the Empire side was better done than the Republic!

The differences are so minor that saying that the stories differ is just pedantic, they involve going to meet and fight the exact same people at the exact same places for the exact same reasons, Theran and Lana just seem to slightly modify their dialogue depending on imperial or republic, but it's still the same story for all intents and purposes.


If you decide to You Tube rather than play, I can only assume your not interested in playing anyway!

I was interested in playing, I went through the same bland content 4 times in an effort to get to the actual unique gameplay on each class. I couldn't bring myself to do it 8 times.

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I love it when someone says something like "it's only an afternoons worth of content"...


Because you know, right then, that the person saying that will only consider a small part of the expansion as "true content" and ignore the rest.


So they're most likely only counting the singleplayer playthrough of rishii and yavin 4 and completely discounting the HM FP's, Ops, reputation, dailies and other stuff that came with the expansion.


He's lost down his own rabbit hole at this point and all he has left is insults and flailing madly at people who won't jump on his bandwagon. He's been shown all the ways his original gripe was unfounded, and he's doubled-down instead of backing out.

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He's lost down his own rabbit hole at this point and all he has left is insults and flailing madly at people who won't jump on his bandwagon. He's been shown all the ways his original gripe was unfounded, and he's doubled-down instead of backing out.


If muppets like yourself would actually understand what they are replying to, I wouldn't lose patience. You also keep saying I'm "flailing" as if that's somehow an argument when you've presented NOTHING.


One day, you'll realize that saying something over and over again doens't mean it's true. Not there yet, but you'll get there.

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If muppets like yourself would actually understand what they are replying to,


There you go again, "anyone who doesn't agree with me just doesn't understand what I'm saying".


Your entire complaint comes down to your personal experience that you couldn't get to level 60 with just SoR, and your personal opinion that an expansion that adds levels must provide enough XP to climb through all those levels without a single repeat or sidetrip.


You're conflating too issues -- amount of content and amount of XP -- and raging at anyone who won't jump on your own personal bandwagon.


If you'd stuck to the amount of content, you'd have had a much stronger case to make.


Rushing through content as fast as possible and then calling the content "too small" is classic gamer myopia and lack of self-awareness.


One day, you'll realize that saying something over and over again doens't mean it's true. Not there yet, but you'll get there.


Irony, thy name is internet.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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There you go again, "anyone who doesn't agree with me just doesn't understand what I'm saying".


Quote one post of mine where I've said that. One.


You can't, never could. You just keep repeating yourself without presenting *anything*. All I've seen are people telling me "lolol do forged allaince" without realizing that you *cannot* do them if you did them prior to 3.0. Or they tell me "do pvp or flashpoints" when that is not the point, and never has been.


Here, let's use simple words so *even* you can understand.


There isn't enough content/xp in SoR to reach 60 WITHOUT repeating new dailies, doing old dailies, or repeating the story flashpoints in a group, which I did by the way, that still isn't enough.


And let me also repeat it, for the 13th time in this thread:




Now, if you're cool with that, good for you. *I* think ti's crappy design because doing old stuff just to progress in a new expansion at max level is idiotic, and I have as much freedom to complain about that as you have to praise BW for adding recoloured clothing from launch.

Edited by Jandi
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I'm still waiting for all those examples where I tell people that don't agree with me that they don't understand what I'm saying.


Oh, wait... never happening. I'm tired of you blowing random **** out of your *** so I'll just ingore you, bye.

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I'm still waiting for all those examples where I tell people that don't agree with me that they don't understand what I'm saying.


Oh, wait... never happening. I'm tired of you blowing random **** out of your *** so I'll just ingore you, bye.


Start with this one:


And some people can't read, either.


Or just go back and read most of your thread.

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There you go again, "anyone who doesn't agree with me just doesn't understand what I'm saying".


Your entire complaint comes down to your personal experience that you couldn't get to level 60 with just SoR, and your personal opinion that an expansion that adds levels must provide enough XP to climb through all those levels without a single repeat or sidetrip.


You're conflating too issues -- amount of content and amount of XP -- and raging at anyone who won't jump on your own personal bandwagon.


If you'd stuck to the amount of content, you'd have had a much stronger case to make.


Rushing through content as fast as possible and then calling the content "too small" is classic gamer myopia and lack of self-awareness.




Irony, thy name is internet.


Well, he does throw an insult or two out every so often to mix it up. Either way I'm done troll feeding in this useless thread.

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There isn't enough content/xp in SoR to reach 60 WITHOUT repeating new dailies, doing old dailies, or repeating the story flashpoints in a group, which I did by the way, that still isn't enough.


There isn't enough content/xp in SoR to reach 60 WITHOUT repeating new dailies


WITHOUT repeating new dailies


new dailies


I can't believe I'm actually posting again in this thread. This here just proves to me you are incapable of understanding my point. That you refuse to listen to anyone and just insult folk who disagree ( deleted posts, while deleted, still count).


You are a "one and done" player, you want all the rewards with as little as effort as possible. I may have hit 60 half way through yavin, I've never included FA in my arguements, but you stubbornly stick to FA as the sole reason to prop up your half assed comments. If and I stress IF here, i got to the end of Yavin and I wasn't level 60 I wouldn't come onto the forums and subject folk to insults and whine that it's not fair. I'd have just continued on and done dailies and leveled up and carried on playing.


So after all this time and all these comments - have you even hit 60 yet?

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Pretty much on the day of release this was known and many posts about it made.


I'm not going to read through 24 pages of people squabbling, but the simple fact is: you are looking at it from your position, i.e.: a level capped 55 main character that has completed most end game content.


Whether we (level capped 55's) are the majority or not, I don't think the remaining content was ever meant to take us to level 60... was this stated somewhere that a single run through of the content would level you to 60?


Now, of course the level 1 to 60 journey is rammed with content already and I suspect a guilded and buffed (i.e.: max xp boosts) would hit level 60 waaaaaay before Rishi ever comes into focus... my guess is somewhere between the start of Makeb and Oricon is where most thorough players would hit their level cap.


That said, MMO's are and have always been and always will be about multiple run throughs of the same content... we (MMO players) have a far higher thresh-hold for content repetition... if you don't, then you are simply playing the wrong format of game. My main char has THOUSANDS of hours of game time.. and that is one of 18 characters (they are not all like that... but it will all add up) and yes that means I have repeated all content dozens and dozens of times, 99% of which gave me no xp at all.


You HAVE to view the 0-60 from a starting player perspective, not a 55-60 game experience... THAT is the game path that has been developed for and when you think about it, you will understand why. As others have said there was a lot of content... imho, the way I view SOR: it was the utility and level 60 upgrade - we got some new content to help us level and gear up somewhat... that's it.


And yes, it is a bit of a pain in the ***, I am 11 chars through, most of my mains are still grinding the content as characters that had already completed the Forged Alliance thread - but it does mean those lesser used character have had a bit of attention.

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That, to me is an interesting point, I'll be honest - never even looked it at that way, just from the 55-60 stand point


Indeed... when you have a bunch of people complaining about too much content (read as 12x xp buff demanders) and a bunch of people complaining about not enough content (ie: this one)... I think the balance is probably about right.


It's like the political bias argument that gets thrown at the BBC newsroom often... too right wing, too left wing... when both are being shouted, you've got balance!


And NEVER forget... MMO's are a bus not a taxi... we go where the bus is going, you get off when you are where you wanna be.

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Indeed... when you have a bunch of people complaining about too much content (read as 12x xp buff demanders) and a bunch of people complaining about not enough content (ie: this one)... I think the balance is probably about right.


Judging by the amount of complaining on both sides I'd have to agree with you. Ironically I actually agree that the main quest in SOR is shorter than I'd like but to me that is a separate issue from leveling and gaining XP. But even though it is shorter than I liked I quite enjoyed it and I know it's my opinion and while others share it, others do not. There was just something about the OPs original post that just ..... well no use going over it again.


Appreciate your insight there though, I was so narrowly focused on the OPs complaint I really did forget to look at a wider picture. Classic example of not seeing the woods for the trees for me there.

Edited by SneezC
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I can't believe I'm actually posting again in this thread. This here just proves to me you are incapable of understanding my point. That you refuse to listen to anyone and just insult folk who disagree ( deleted posts, while deleted, still count).


You are a "one and done" player, you want all the rewards with as little as effort as possible. I may have hit 60 half way through yavin, I've never included FA in my arguements, but you stubbornly stick to FA as the sole reason to prop up your half assed comments. If and I stress IF here, i got to the end of Yavin and I wasn't level 60 I wouldn't come onto the forums and subject folk to insults and whine that it's not fair. I'd have just continued on and done dailies and leveled up and carried on playing.


So after all this time and all these comments - have you even hit 60 yet?


On 4 chars so far. My latest one took 5h total cause I knew where everything was.


Started leveling my lowbie jugger though cause it's actually fun again without the 12x boost.

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If you want to level faster you always have the option of using exp boost consumables. I always use them while leveling. and have been level 59 on every toon by the time they reach Yavin IV. Are you skipping quests?


oh my - I'll spare the OP here - no he didn't use them, he thought he wouldn't need to because he thought the base content for SOR would get him to 60. After 20 odd pages of discussion there are still differing schools of thought on whether that was right or wrong.

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LOL... Oh look everybody! It's a cry thread. Let's all get in here, and bump this PoS thread, so more can flock in to comfort the OP, and wipe away his tears. :rolleyes:


It's not a big deal. You came up a few levels short on your first try. I did too, but I was using a stealth class, unguilded with no exp buffs. I think I was like lvl 59-and-a-half by the time I finished Yavin.


There, there. Just do some dailies, or jump in a tactical, and you'll get there soon enough.

Edited by PifferPuff
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