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Is SoR a joke?


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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.

Edited by Jandi
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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


Can I have your stuff?

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I played a Marauder.


That however, is completely besides the point. Even if I played a stealth class, having to grind mobs or having to grind dailies just to level is retarded. It was ok 15 years ago, not today.

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I'm going to go with - you play a class that uses stealth and actively avoid any kind of combat except mission specific and now you're going to complain that the missions don't reward enough XP waaahh


Now I'll say I hit Lvl 60 about half way through yavin soooo


Are you a joke? No seriously can you play?


Apparently I can play better than you, since I don't need to clear the entire planet just to click on things like you apparently.

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I just finished Rishi and am level 59. With guild XP it was easy. But I have to agree the content is very limited and I think they did a good job with the art, they didn't do a great job with the story content.


Overall the art is nice, but whatever texture artist did lana, really should be fired...

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Apparently I can play better than you, since I don't need to clear the entire planet just to click on things like you apparently.


And yet he was lvl 60 halfway through yavin and you are 58. Wouldnt go around bragging how good i am if i were you...

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


I honestly don't get this. I'm on my second toon through SoR, he's only halfway through Rishi, and is level 58. I don't use any buffs or anything aside from Rest XP. I do complete his WZ daily, but that's only one match, maybe two, depending on the day.


Why the disparity in XP gains compared to what some peeps get? I just don't get it.

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For those that think it's IMPOSSIBLE to finish SoR and not be level 60, you obviously didn't complete the forged alliances quest line before you the expansion.


If your toon had already done the 4 tactical quests that made up the forged alliances quest line, it is VERY easy to finish SoR at 58.5. My first toon, a Guardian (NO STEALTH), had to go back to Oricon and Makeb to get to 60, as she was also only 58.5 when she finished SoR (albeit, Revan was broken back then...but that one extra fight wouldn't have accounted for enough xp).

Edited by Kurin
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For those that think it's IMPOSSIBLE to finish SoR and not be level 60, you obviously didn't complete the forged alliances quest line before you the expansion.


If your toon had already done the 4 tactical quests that made up the forged alliances quest line, it is VERY easy to finish SoR at 58.5. My first toon, a Guardian (NO STEALTH), had to go back to Oricon and Makeb to get to 60, as she was also only 58.5 when she finish SoR (albeit, Revan was broken back then...but that one extra fight wouldn't have accounted for enough xp).


Not saying it is impossible, just thinking something got missed.


My characters finished forged alliances prior to the expansion. Now, I'm not going to say I "level better" (really dont think there is such a thing), but from what I experienced (your experience may vary), the content on Rishi and Yavin was sufficient (with room to spare) to get me from 55 to 60. The first character did not thing other than the new content (i.e. no flashpoints (outside of the new ones when it was appropriate to the story line)).


From the OP, they completed it "in an afternoon"... now that is open to interpretation, but seems to me that they rushed through it... mileage may vary of course. So it is possible that they inadvertently missed some side quests that were picked up along the path.


Edit: FWIW; I do agree that I believe the content was a little light in terms of things to do. But that is a seperate issue.

Edited by Drockter
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For those that think it's IMPOSSIBLE to finish SoR and not be level 60, you obviously didn't complete the forged alliances quest line before you the expansion.


If your toon had already done the 4 tactical quests that made up the forged alliances quest line, it is VERY easy to finish SoR at 58.5. My first toon, a Guardian (NO STEALTH), had to go back to Oricon and Makeb to get to 60, as she was also only 58.5 when she finished SoR (albeit, Revan was broken back then...but that one extra fight wouldn't have accounted for enough xp).


Did you do all the bonus quests? Not arguing with you, just curious.

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What. The. ****.


So I'm a bad player because I don't agro every pack of rats I see? Are you *********** serious?


You are not 'bad' but you do have no reason to complain if you take the path of least resistance all the time. Killing NPCs is figured into any estimation of how long it takes to level, it literally has to be that way to avoid people outleveling content many times over.

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What. The. ****.


So I'm a bad player because I don't agro every pack of rats I see? Are you *********** serious?


Dude, you skipped content, plain and simple.


All 4 of my main toons hit 60 on Yavin. The WORST case scenario, was on my commando, who dinged 60 while handing in the last and final regular quest on Yavin...... all others hit it half way through or less.


Gotta admit, your " I play better than you " claim was kinda foolish eh?

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Not saying it is impossible, just thinking something got missed.


My characters finished forged alliances prior to the expansion. Now, I'm not going to say I "level better" (really dont think there is such a thing), but from what I experienced (your experience may vary), the content on Rishi and Yavin was sufficient (with room to spare) to get me from 55 to 60. The first character did not thing other than the new content (i.e. no flashpoints (outside of the new ones when it was appropriate to the story line)).


From the OP, they completed it "in an afternoon"... now that is open to interpretation, but seems to me that they rushed through it... mileage may vary of course. So it is possible that they inadvertently missed some side quests that were picked up along the path.


Edit: FWIW; I do agree that I believe the content was a little light in terms of things to do. But that is a seperate issue.


I did all the optional missions you pick up along the way in Rishi and Yavin. Tagging the animals in cages, the slave thingies, the digging up stuff missions etc. By "an afternoon" I mean it took me like 4h of actual gameplay if you discount the trips to town etc, to go through it. That's pathetic for an "expnasion" they ask money for.


Yes, I had done the Forged Alliance missions prior obviously.

Edited by Jandi
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