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Emergency: Mids (30-59) pvp needs fixed


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The only thing that needs fixing in mids are the amount of people who don't know how to play objective based pvp or use tactics...


This doesn't fix the stat disparity between low lvls and higher lvls in mids. Why do higher lvls need added higher stats giving them a greater advantage? Exactly how does that make any sense?


I was just on a team with all 55-59s... I was the only 33 (assassin)


Assassin. This class is by far at the top of the pyramid when it comes to being able to contribute in a wz, even at a low lvl. No offense, but you have every escape available as well as CC abilities that can stop caps without you dying. Not very objective to spout about people doing objectives, when this class truly is THE BEST at doing just that.


Roll a merc healer, a marauder, a sniper, a jugg, a merc dps, actually... Roll anything other than a sin, sorc or PT and then see if your experience in mids "contributing and doing objectives" is quite as successful. I would bet not.


Once again it comes down to skill, smart play and tactics...


Again, "skill, smart play, and tactics" will not beat someone playing a superior class who is also much higher in lvl, gaining a pretty significant health increase as well as a higher damage ceiling just for being a higher lvl.


Yeah, that's right. JUST being a higher level gets the bonus addition of having more health and higher damage, which is counterintuitive regarding the theory behind bolster.


Bolster is supposed to grant statistical balance to EVERYONE so that the PVP field is as fair as they (BW) can make it. Obviously higher lvls will always have more abilities at their disposal, and that always has been the case. In the past that wasn't as much of a big deal, because, why? Oh, because all lvls in the same bracket were granted a very similar amount of health and mainstats via bolster.


In the past, as a newly minted lvl 30, entering mids PVP all I was missing was my end skills/abilities. I still had similar survival and killing power of the higher lvls though. Now, that's not the case.


The easiest way to prove this, is to have two players of the exact same class, with exact same gears fight eachother in a warzone. One would need to be 30, the other 55-59. Noting the statistical difference from the start would be nice to see also.


The fight, as long as both players were similar in skill, would go one way and fast. Higher levels simply melt lower lvls, particularly classes that have NO ESCAPES, like a sin, or a kiting sorc.

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Bolster is supposed to grant statistical balance to EVERYONE so that the PVP field is as fair as they (BW) can make it. Obviously higher lvls will always have more abilities at their disposal, and that always has been the case. In the past that wasn't as much of a big deal, because, why? Oh, because all lvls in the same bracket were granted a very similar amount of health and mainstats via bolster.


Pre 3.0, if the level 50-54's were actually using like, the 140 rating Makeb mods, they'd have less HP than the lower level guys, so it would balance out quite well. Now... well, yeah, not quite so much. I think giving the lower levels more HP than the higher ones while keeping everyone at mostly the same (not including passives from trees) capacity for damage would help out the lower level guys a bit.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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If you really wanna prove your point we can hop on TEH later today Nil and I can have my op fight a level 30 or so that you have, I can record it.


I can't I have to do RL stuffs in morning and afternoon. :confused:


Plus! I think you just want to get me to log in so you can demolish me in a warzone! I don't want to die....! I might make a marauder soon, just to take advantage of the x2 XP still on when I get back. That, or a sin. :D

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They fixed ship parts. FYI. But, you are correct, the old pvp sets don't make a difference really. It's just the matter of higher lvls getting buffed stats that the lower lvls do not. Add that with more abilities from being higher lvl, and it's farming bonanza for the higher lvls in mids!

the disparity in hp is pretty amazing. 30k vs. 40k.

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They fixed ship parts. FYI. But, you are correct, the old pvp sets don't make a difference really. It's just the matter of higher lvls getting buffed stats that the lower lvls do not. Add that with more abilities from being higher lvl, and it's farming bonanza for the higher lvls in mids!


You (accidentally?) necro'd a 1/9/15 reply - when I posted it the ship parts bug was very much not fixed;>

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This coming from the guy who cries about hacks...... LOL


That is your only response to any post I make... Can't you debate a point??... I guess not... Seeing as your a lazy poster... I'll just quote my last response to you and be done with replying to you in this thread too


This will be my last response to you.... Every post you've tried to flame me with illogical arguments... When that didn't work you started calling me out... I responded by agreeing if you come to Harbinger... Now that you've backed down from that... You want to change the topic because you can't hold a proper discussion on the topic of the thread...

You are obviously trolling... Either that or you never learned to debate a point without yelling or calling people names...

My guess is you were one of those school yard bullies who used to harass the smart kids... When they turned your bullying taunts on you with logically retaughts, you would yell some lame insult and storm off... If you are now out of school, you probably realise that sort of behaviour in real life doesn't get you anywhere... So you come here to relive your youth... If you're still in school then it will be a shock to you to know that when you grow up, those sorts of arguments won't get you far in real life

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Pre 3.0, if the level 50-54's were actually using like, the 140 rating Makeb mods, they'd have less HP than the lower level guys, so it would balance out quite well. Now... well, yeah, not quite so much. I think giving the lower levels more HP than the higher ones while keeping everyone at mostly the same (not including passives from trees) capacity for damage would help out the lower level guys a bit.


Maybe not higher than the higher lvls... But boosting everyone's health to the same LVL would help them... But people would still complain about abilities...


It's obvious in this thread that a majority feel it's broken... Some of us do not... It will always be this way even if Bio added the extra health, it would not be enough for some people.. Because as I have said multiple times... Skill is a major factor... Higher lvls should always be higher skilled than lower lvls... While there are still people who haven't purchased the expansion or people lvling Alts from 55... There will be a skill imbalance


I am seeing more and more lower LVL people in teams... It seems the higher skilled lvls are finally starting to get to 60... Or they are all playing their other LVL 60s in Ranked... Either way I think you will start to see the bracket start to normalise more the same as the 30-54 bracket was


I did propse a small change in the brackets in another thread as a compromise... Moving the bracket lvls... Move lowbies to 35 cap because you get new abilities and Utilites between 30-35... Then when they go from 36-39 they have more survivability

Edited by Icykill_
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Let's face it in both ways, then,


50+ are OP to 50-, while 55+ are OP to 55-... Top tree powers/utilities anybody ? Top 1/3 more HP on this, and you're done.


Unless they just levelled, most 55+ wear 55 stuff, while most ppl under are in levelling gear, and surely 90% of them not having a single relic (1800 is good, but it's still 7% on heals/dps/def)


Lots of people can't play, but hell, I'm middle skilled, and only to OP classes or players I can't compete (read, not being wiped), the funniest part being the shadows/sins I kill 75% time just because they're FOTM rerolls/respecs. So, no, being mid doesn't mean 100% you're doomed and/or you don't have a clue what you're doing, and reverse.


To me the real problem is the mix of levels... How many times did we get a 40ish team facing a 55ish... NO WAY you can win, and worse, NO WAY you can actually PLAY. You can be on the verge, all those little things they have and you don't will get you down before they even smell the dust coming, and while you must repop again and again they're full and outnumber/power you.


Mid is not broken, it's not perfect that's all, you'll see literally anything in there, but, at least, you'll see something, get your b u m kicked or burn the others to hell, you'll be r a p e d by a 59 and 2mn later you'll rip a 58 to pieces... Hell I barely don't end up in top 5 (overall, not side) with my pyro merc (teh ubahl33t broken class I read somewhere...), with sometimes up to 50% of my dps in heals... Mids is PVE mostly, not hard PVP, where 55+ are Elites, 50+ silvers, and we 50- weakies. BUT, at least we're not run by an IA, and we don't get wiped by the tank/dps while we shall focus on the heal. Or... do we ?... :eek: How many sharpshooters I saw not being focused once or only by hard DPS 90% of which they'll absorb (and bumps on covered ones omg...) and getting a whole assault group down ?...


Whether you're 10 or 60 your interrupts will do the same, your heals will heals, and so on.


I suck cause I shall only concentrate on dps ? I suck cuz I must be chasing medals ? Well, people whose life I saved so they kept on fighting/healing won't complain, targets I kited while healing myself will, that's all I care about. I like being targetted (hunted) because of my actions and not my class :D


It's just SWtor PVP, as other MMOs', and the one thing you all forgot is we'd get many pops less if we had to get, say, 50/59s zones on top of 10/29 and 30/49. This I don't wanna face again, hours of waiting for a pop, and I think most of you would not.


And, well, the joy when 2 40s take a 59, so the fact you need to up your game, your teamplay (ok, carebear inside...) and your ability to wipe up your tears and go back to fighting. It's not all about having fun, since some games can be really frustrating, but in the end you don't need to wait for the very last hour of the week to AT LAST get your weekly done ( those times when you could'nt even do your daily in less than 3 days since no ZG would pop on some servers)

Edited by galaadswtor
poor english
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I changed my mind... Mids is broken...

So today I lvled from 33-36 playing in about 20 WZs ... Let me just say that just because you are a higher LVL doesn't mean you can pvp and kill lower lvls... I'm guessing out of the 30 or so people in the imp queue... Only about 5 of us new how to play... And the 5 of us were between 32-50... The rest of the people ranged from mid 30s-59...

When lower LVL dps and even a tank can beat lvl 51-59s dps classes like snipers, Sorc and even other Sins in how much dps we put out, die less and use tactics and communication... How can anyone say skill isn't the main factor..

I kept popping in randomly with one or 2 of the other good players... We got to know each other and would coordinate our attacks... Usually beating any LVL... What we couldn't believe was the stupidity of our team mates... Especially the LVL 55-59s (even ones from supposed good pvp guilds)... Who didn't know how to defend or even cap a node... Didn't know how to pass the Hutt Ball or support the ball carriers... And God forbid, communicate and call incs... Then they would rage quit near the end after telling everyone how bad we were and we would then see their stats... LoL... They shouldn't have even bothered queuing

In one Void Star, myself LVL 33 at the time and another Sin lvl 49 out dps'd the whole of our team by more than half... When a LVL 33 can put out twice as much dps as what the LVL 55-59 main dps classes do, there is a problem... But when a LVL 49 Sin tank puts out a quarter more than those classes there is a major issue... Obviously mids is broken... There are now too many LVL 55-59 people who cant play ... Please buff them with skill and brains and please nerf the lower LVL stats more... We are obviously to OP...

Edited by Icykill_
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Bumping this!

It gotten to the point i cringe going in.. and I LOVE pvp.

feel like i need to just keep remaking characters and keeping them below 30 to even enjoy the best part of the game for me. Sure i can enjoy class quests, world pvp while leveling - but on the side! i hope they fix this! PVP should be equal to pve and get as much concideration.

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Bumping this!

It gotten to the point i cringe going in.. and I LOVE pvp.

feel like i need to just keep remaking characters and keeping them below 30 to even enjoy the best part of the game for me. Sure i can enjoy class quests, world pvp while leveling - but on the side! i hope they fix this! PVP should be equal to pve and get as much concideration.


please DO NOT bump this. BW has already acknowledged the problem and stated that they are currently working on a bolster fix to address it. NOTHING you say here is going to make them work any faster. but it will necro an old thread.

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