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Qutiing premade regs..why it's a good idea.


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Complaint has always been the same, some of you just can't seem to grasp it. Nobody complains about Bob and Joe queueing up together and playing warzones, people complain about stacked groups. Sometimes the reg queue is shut down for hours by these groups, and the only people it's fun for, are those groups.


Personally, I'm pro-premade....against other premades. Most awesome pvp there is, in my opinion. But most premades won't play against other premades. Hence dead ranked queues. I have sat in ranked 4v4 queues for hours while two Republic guild premades ran rampant through solo regs.


If you and some others get more specific than "premades is evil" great but you don't appear to be the majority.


Matchmaking already exists as ranked, so what's left... separate queues? Most premades are casual or trash. What would be gained by putting just them together with the superqueuing death squads?

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If you and some others get more specific than "premades is evil" great but you don't appear to be the majority.


You and I have both made these arguments in other premade threads, so don't act like this is the first time you're seeing it :p


Matchmaking already exists as ranked, so what's left... separate queues? Most premades are casual or trash. What would be gained by putting just them together with the superqueuing death squads?


Trust me, those death squads will disintegrate the moment queues are separated. They'll whine and ***** about it, while desperately trying to queue sync their four man together into regs.

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You and I have both made these arguments in other premade threads, so don't act like this is the first time you're seeing it :p


Maybe so my memory drops the less coffee I drink.


Trust me' date=' those death squads will disintegrate the moment queues are separated. They'll whine and ***** about it, while desperately trying to queue sync their four man together into regs.[/quote']


I'm guessing the opposite, since it could only increase the alpha regstar guild factor. What about the poor schmucks who just want to queue with a few buddies and don't play very well? They'd be eating a **** sandwich with the same result as current state.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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They need to stop encouraging players to rush through pve to get to endgame pvp without experience. Its the trash in pugs that cause imbalance. There needs to be a valor or at least gear limit to entering endgame pvp.


Thats how you fix regs not splitting the tiny pvp population up even more. I solo all the time when the couple of players I group with arent on. Its the trash you have to carry thats the problem. I regularly see players with below 20 valor and greens in endgame regs. This is the problem.

Edited by Tellenn
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There are certain guilds (several on Harbinger) that like to bring perfect team composition (sometimes queue synching also), geared out premades on voice comm into regs and queue repeatedly, over and over, completely wrecking the solo queue for hours. People stop queueing as a result. This happens far more often than most of you will admit, and these are the premades that people complain about, these are the premades that people dont' want in regs, and if that means all of you people on the "play with friends" crusade would have to suffer, who gives a ****, regs have been suffereing for awhile now.

These premades are a small majority and not unbeatable. What are these premades supposed to do if they cant que in regs? Group ranked doesn't pop very often so they would just sit on fleet for a couple hours.

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These premades are a small majority and not unbeatable. What are these premades supposed to do if they cant que in regs? Group ranked doesn't pop very often so they would just sit on fleet for a couple hours.


As I said, I have sat in 4v4 ranked queue for hours while several of these premades owned up regs over and over. They had zero interest in playing against other premades. And, as I said, it happens more often than people like you are willing to admit. And when these groups do get together, they generally shut down regs for an entire night, hence you get these threads.

Edited by Vember
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As I said, I have sat in 4v4 ranked queue for hours while several of these premades owned up regs over and over. They had zero interest in playing against other premades. And, as I said, it happens more often than people like you are willing to admit. And when these groups do get together, they generally shut down regs for an entire night, hence you get these threads.


Or maybe they don't want to do ranked, or limited to only arenas.


We'd get threads about crap here one way or another, this is just another thread that won't accomplish anything but to facilitate QQ. Nothing will change.

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They need to stop encouraging players to rush through pve to get to endgame pvp without experience. Its the trash in pugs that cause imbalance. There needs to be a valor or at least gear limit to entering endgame pvp.


Thats how you fix regs not splitting the tiny pvp population up even more. I solo all the time when the couple of players I group with arent on. Its the trash you have to carry thats the problem. I regularly see players with below 20 valor and greens in endgame regs. This is the problem.


I would like to see a queue where gear, bolster, ect. were negated and everyone had the same level, power, expertise, etc. and we'd let skill, not gear or premades (as much :rolleyes:) decide the outcome. The influx of GREEN gear in PvP due to 12x XP was just a killer in warzones and those teams with the least green gear won as evel 30 greens on a 55 (at the time) in PvP isn't going to get you far and relying on devs getting bolster right is a lesson in years of futility. Ranked, regs, and er... beginner (?) with cross server queues directed to it's OWN server perhaps... but I don't know if this is even poss. I don't want to make queues longer as my right, honorable friend above states.

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No, you said they don't want to play against other premades. That's not the same thing as not liking the arena format.


I have noticed that <imperial guard> runs a pretty consistent and powerful 4m (usually not a trinity iirc, but always with a healer) in regs. the only problem is it's late night, and <vicious>/<shots fired>, although they have ppl on, may not have a trinity to match them? iunno. but I can definitely feel the frustration. it's easy to get the impression (especially with emotional memory being what it is) that they're just there to step on pugs.


to be clear, I'm not saying that's what they do at all. but it's easy to see how it looks like that. not sure I buy the format argument myself. but I'd buy the empty queue one.



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If you expect to win games by just going in solo then I suspect the one with the ego is you.


I work hard in PVP and there have been many times my effort has help bring about wins. You correctly assume it's also about teamwork, but when you are put into an unfair situation where no amount of teamwork or individual effort will afford you a win then the game becomes pointless. The current meta of the game support certain ideal combination that then working together provide an unfair advantage in warzones. If you fail to see this then you might as well put blinders on and continue about your business because even when reality slaps you across the face you still will not see it.

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I work hard in PVP and there have been many times my effort has help bring about wins. You correctly assume it's also about teamwork, but when you are put into an unfair situation where no amount of teamwork or individual effort will afford you a win then the game becomes pointless. The current meta of the game support certain ideal combination that then working together provide an unfair advantage in warzones. If you fail to see this then you might as well put blinders on and continue about your business because even when reality slaps you across the face you still will not see it.


The game has always been this way and always will be. Why? Because small-scale, instanced PvP is all this lame game engine can (barely) handle. If there were real open world conflicts no one would care about running into perfect defensive comps because they wouldn't be able to just stand together at a node, they would have to move and split up or else simply be ignored altogether.

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@OP :


Are you even aware that you are playing a MMO ?


What is the point of playing a MMO if it is to play alone with 7 other alone guys ?


What is the point of playing a MMO if you can only go with 3 guild mates or friends in a reg WZ, and even this makes pugs ranting because this is an advantage ?


MMO : Massively Multiplayer Online (just saying)


Stop acting like a child, it's not the premade fault but BW's one (or even yours).


If they knew how to code a good matchmaking program, there wouldn't be the problem of 4 premade + 4 pugs against full pugs or full premade against full pugs.


They removed the possibility to go in v8 WZ full premade, and this is the worst thing they have done, period.


They should have kept v8 WZ for reg.


If matchmaking system were correctly coded, there would always be 4 premade + 4 pugs against 4 premade + 4 pugs or full pugs agains full pugs or full premade against full permade.


Just make friends and start doing premade, you don't even have to be with guild mates.


Playing only with random pugs without anything more than the chat to communicate and to apply some "strategy" that nobody will care about is just not incentive and annoying.


I wanna play with good players that I like (I consider my guild mates like friends, we are like a family), not with random guys not even knowing what they are doing with their char and only trying to frag without giving a **** about the objectives and trolling that it's other players fault at the end.


My friend, you made some joke about me saying i killed 2 guys alone. Its possible. Even if they wear PvP.

Of course it depends on LOT of circunstances, aside from skill; LUCK, enthusiasms, classes, gear, trying and failing, etc.. i never said the contrary.

The important thing is to show might, have fun, and get better. I consider the "job" is done, when i take 1 with me.


About me being Ganker.. I do memorize the names, under 3 circusntances :

They are very good >> To begin battles "prepared", and avoid bad tactical circunstances.

They are weak >> To give them freepasses, because there is no fun hitting the same guys. Worse, if they are not match.

They kill me >> because i will strive for revenge :)


Yes, i was on guild since i begin to play, until some weeks ago. I have to say i enjoyed fo quite a time. They were comarades. But when a guild becomes large, normally politics come with rules and obligations, that spoils the fun for some.


I am in another one now. A PvP focused one, now. Alredy doing some premades, and still seeing the difference (now at my advantage) and wishing BW revise some aspects of the game.


Nonethless, i have to admit; BW will probably not change anything so soon. So..


Good Hunting to all.

Edited by leonlotus
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On Pot5 from Pub perspective every morning eastern time there are several imp guilds that premade in regs and it's easy mode. Then late afternoon, early evening same thing. Because of this happening most of the WZ's that do pop for pub are often 3 capped so fast that many of the players just drop out which puts us further behind. The main reason according to them? They don't want to waste there time fighting premades that should be in ranked.


If I switch at the same time to my Imp toons it's just pathetic as now as a solo queue player I'm in with the premades and the results are the same. Quick and easy and boring match. This is a dieing game as a Imp it's mostly against Imp and as a Pub it's mostly against premades as our pop is so low and always half that or better than the imps. Usually I just log in on monday get my weekly accomplished in 7 or 8 matches. Then go to Pub for rest of week trying to stomach the long haul of 14 or 15 matches just to accomplish m weekly.


Now on my Pub toons I have started to attack these same individuals that queue in the solo as a premade in OPvP. Turns out they suck alone without the perfect comp or coordination that TS provides. Gotta find my fun somewhere.

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  • 5 months later...

Now on my Pub toons I have started to attack these same individuals that queue in the solo as a premade in OPvP. Turns out they suck alone without the perfect comp or coordination that TS provides. Gotta find my fun somewhere.

I know the feeling, but the problem is that most of the losers doesn't bother to queue without their pocket healer. Too embarrasing I guess ... :D

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