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Lenght of Sith Academy "education"


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How long is an acolyte supposed to stay at the Academy? As Darth Baras states to S.W, the first months should be dedicated purely to philosphy. The "education" should then last for about 2 years, give or take? With the death-toll increasing in the second half of the last "semester", when trials are beggining to be really hard.

Anyone know the "real" answer to this?

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It may have no bearing on SWTOR itself, but I do recall that in the first Darth Bane novel Bane spents MONTHS being at the Sith Academy on Korriban, studying, training, etc and even then he had not formally completed his training but was rather elevated to the tank of Sith Lord out of necessity because Kaan needed more Sith for his battle against the Army of Light.


So yeah, the game surely does nothing on that account on establishing a sense of time, not just on the apprenticeship of a character, but in general. Supposedly each chapter in the game (at least the first 3) are supposed to be taking place within a year each, but it might as well be a week.


You can suspect that an Acolyte is supposed to spend several months at the Sith Academy to get the "basics" done and eventually complete the trials and once that is done, said Acolyte has to hope a Sith Lord takes notice of them and takes them as their apprentice, at which point a mere Acolyte can finally consider himself/herself "Sith".

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It may have no bearing on SWTOR itself, but I do recall that in the first Darth Bane novel Bane spents MONTHS being at the Sith Academy on Korriban, studying, training, etc and even then he had not formally completed his training but was rather elevated to the tank of Sith Lord out of necessity because Kaan needed more Sith for his battle against the Army of Light.


So yeah, the game surely does nothing on that account on establishing a sense of time, not just on the apprenticeship of a character, but in general. Supposedly each chapter in the game (at least the first 3) are supposed to be taking place within a year each, but it might as well be a week.


You can suspect that an Acolyte is supposed to spend several months at the Sith Academy to get the "basics" done and eventually complete the trials and once that is done, said Acolyte has to hope a Sith Lord takes notice of them and takes them as their apprentice, at which point a mere Acolyte can finally consider himself/herself "Sith".


It also mentions in the sith warrior storyline that you've been studying for quite some time in order to be sith. Tremmel cuts that training short for an opportunity to raise you as a Sith to get you under Baras. As an inquisitor you're a slave but Faun claims he's been studying his entire life "by the best teachers" to be Sith. I think, aside from slaves, most Sith study probably about as long as Jedi in total. A lot do come in as children and children don't do the trials.


As a BH you are tasked to bring a child to his mother so he could be sent to the academy.

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It is entirely possible that the warrior was given nothing but practical training, though it still seems a bit farfetched that they wouldn't even teach him the most basic of the basics philosophy stuff while doing it.


And, speaking of the Warrior story, didn't Vemrin say something about having been there a year? He is probably a pretty good example of what it is like to go through the academy when you aren't getting an accelerated course because you are teachers pet/the person looking for an apprentice needs one now. That stupid Faun chump in the Inquisitor story somehow managed to be both of those, even.

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It is entirely possible that the warrior was given nothing but practical training, though it still seems a bit farfetched that they wouldn't even teach him the most basic of the basics philosophy stuff while doing it.


And, speaking of the Warrior story, didn't Vemrin say something about having been there a year? He is probably a pretty good example of what it is like to go through the academy when you aren't getting an accelerated course because you are teachers pet/the person looking for an apprentice needs one now. That stupid Faun chump in the Inquisitor story somehow managed to be both of those, even.


Oh, true. So about one year as an acolyte before apprentice-hood. I can't remember Vemrin saying so, but then it's "settled."

Thanks for all answers.

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It is entirely possible that the warrior was given nothing but practical training, though it still seems a bit farfetched that they wouldn't even teach him the most basic of the basics philosophy stuff while doing it.


And, speaking of the Warrior story, didn't Vemrin say something about having been there a year? He is probably a pretty good example of what it is like to go through the academy when you aren't getting an accelerated course because you are teachers pet/the person looking for an apprentice needs one now. That stupid Faun chump in the Inquisitor story somehow managed to be both of those, even.


He talks about Tremel hypothetically making his move a year prior to the Sith Warrior getting to Korriban. He was also with Dolgis on Balmorra apparently, though it is unclear when exactly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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He talks about Tremel hypothetically making his move a year prior to the Sith Warrior getting to Korriban. He was also with Dolgis on Balmorra apparently, though it is unclear when exactly.

How that level 9 scrub survived there is beyond me, really, a Colicoid looking at him in a scary way should kill him.

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How that level 9 scrub survived there is beyond me, really, a Colicoid looking at him in a scary way should kill him.


Assuming they went there for the trial that involves hunting creatures or beasts in the wild, I bet he snatched an egg, and threw it down a ravine or whatever. :p

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The sith academy itself? Probably a year or two.

Complete training to become sith? Considering they do accept force users of any age, i'd say they probably offer a full base education aswell, which could take several years.

Remember that Sith are meant to be Lords of the Empire. It would make sense that the educational system for force sensitives within the empire is quite well funded.

Korriban is where you prepare and partake in the final trials to finally become Sith. Does not mean there isnt a lifetime of study and practice behind the scenes.


All this ofc is only if you're born Imperial citizen.

If you're from some conquered planet, a republic defector, of poor status or whatever, chances are you're just shipped straight to Korriban as fodder. (Like the inquisitor.)

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