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Rank the class stories (no spoilers please)


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In another life, the Imperial Agent could kill Kaliyo Djannis, Raina Temple and shred to bits Scorpio; These I do know for sure.


Worth pointing out.


Sadly, these things will probably not return.

It would be nice if the choices returned, and companion stories got "reset" somehow, so they could be played and decided again.

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Would be funny, the only class where only 2 companions were left. XD


Yes, it would be great, living with the consequences. Or having a mute robot with same skillset as replacement, which would fix the main reason why this was removed (I still do not understand why did nobody think about this solution, or if it was somehow way too complex to realize it)

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They needed an immediate fix, because I am sure the outcry was significant. Taking the options out was easier than creating the replacements, even the voice-set only ones. What I don't understand is why they did not put the options back in once the groundwork was completed. Edited by DomiSotto
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They needed an immediate fix, because I am sure the outcry was significant. Taking the options out was easier than creating the replacements, even the voice-set only ones. What I don't understand is why they did not put the options back in once the groundwork was completed.


that decision happened in very early testing, so it was not something that needed "immediate" fix...

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Many of your complaints are personal, not objective. What do you mean with "MInd Control" Wh? It has been perfectly explained in the story that after chapter one and the AGent dealing with a Darth they wanted to secure him, prevent him from becoming a nuisance to them. What is your problem withMind Control?


The problem with the mind control is that it was mind control, and like many of the "awesome twists", an utterly trite cliche of the genre. At least the MC wasn't blatantly obvious beforehand... so much so that one wonders when it actually happened... :rolleyes:


When the first scene with the MC came up, I hammered the ESC key, went back to my ship, and never played the Agent again until the 12x allowed for me to fly through those levels and spacebar through every conversation, pretty much skipping that entire story of the chapter. If 12x had not happened, that character would still be nothing but an unused crafting monkey sitting on the ship and never progressing again.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Yes, it would be great, living with the consequences. Or having a mute robot with same skillset as replacement, which would fix the main reason why this was removed (I still do not understand why did nobody think about this solution, or if it was somehow way too complex to realize it)


I could be wrong, but I believe their idea was exactly that -- or similar.


In other words, the original game play was to presumably have HK-51 and another companion -- possibly Treek -- replacing the companions that would wind up dead. However, HK-51 failed to be included with the release of the game and Treek was ONLY made available in August 2013, more than 20 months AFTER the game's launch.


The end-result?


Plenty of people would have spent quite a considerable amount of time with no companions whatsoever to fulfill a specific role.



Judging from some early stuff for example, the quest to obtain HK-51 was NOTHING like the stuff we ended up with: originally, it was supposed to be far more story-driven, with full voice-acting and what not.


No idea about Treek though.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It might have already been pointed out here (I haven't read all 9 pages of comments), but there is more to be considered when you're creating your first toon than just the story.


1) The gender choice. Don't choose based on your gender, choose based on the VOICE of the toon. For instance, you'll find many saying the female Sith Inquisitor is a real treat, while the male counterpart is horrible. The gay community, on the other hand, adores the male inquisitor. You need to hear the voices first to decide for yourself what makes you happy.


(Please remember that some classes can use masks that modulate their voices. So while the male Sith Warrior on Korriban sounds meh, the same toon with a voice-modulating mask becomes one of the best voices in the game.)


2) The light/dark side choice. Again, this should be a pragmatic choice, like in the case of gender. You've seen the consensus concerning the consular story: one of the worst in the game. I agree, my light side Jedi Consular was annoyingly dumb. But my predominantly dark side Jedi Knight turned out to be a lot of fun, even though many dismiss the Knight story as schematic, cliche, boring. If you do not follow the stereotype, you'll get more bang for your bucks.


This being said, you may want your first toon to be light side, simply because the LS legacy perk, Unity, is so much better than the DS one, Sacrifice. So, for instance, if you do not want to be a mindless murdering machine, you may consider LS Sith Inquisitor or Warrior to be your first toon...

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i kinda think all the class stories are equally good for chapter 1, then are all equally crappy for the chapters after that B^( Makeb started out good but dragged on and on until i got bored with it and quit.


if i had to choose one i would say for the republic side i would go with Jedi Consular, for the Empire side i would prolly go with bounty hunter.

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I could be wrong, but I believe their idea was exactly that -- or similar.


In other words, the original game play was to presumably have HK-51 and another companion -- possibly Treek -- replacing the companions that would wind up dead. However, HK-51 failed to be included with the release of the game and Treek was ONLY made available in August 2013, more than 20 months AFTER the game's launch.


The end-result?


Plenty of people would have spent quite a considerable amount of time with no companions whatsoever to fulfill a specific role.



Judging from some early stuff for example, the quest to obtain HK-51 was NOTHING like the stuff we ended up with: originally, it was supposed to be far more story-driven, with full voice-acting and what not.


No idea about Treek though.


HK51 was intended to be on Hoth (although I think that there was something on Belsavis with him as well) and on launch or soon after. It got removed for some reason or another. However, I do not know the specifics, it could be easily similar to what it is now, or going around people persuading them to give you the parts...


Not sure about Treek, but I am pretty sure that she was not planned for original game (or at least, I never read anything about her being part of the base game)


However, about getting rid of companions forever (pissing them off enough to leave or airlocking them) was, AFAIK, permanent without any replacement, and basically player had to "deal with it". However, when companion kits got removed, and their trinity roles fixed, this proved to be problematic (read - people whined about their own stupidity)

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If 12x had not happened, that character would still be nothing but an unused crafting monkey sitting on the ship and never progressing again.


Same here, except I gave up the first time after DK conclusion, the second time - after Balmorra. I only managed to play on 12xXP, because it was now or never deal. I did listen to the story though and tried to make choices that made sense to me, but erm... did not work well. It did not feel very natural or interesting at all.


@whoever said the voices matter a lot: yes to that! I started with creating female toons, because I prefer to play in gender, but I switched to all males with the later characters because the voices and the looks are far more pleasing to my ears & eyes (I am with the gay community on the Inquisitor's voices, lol, hate the F!Inq, love the M!Inq), and the romantic content is far better.


However, about getting rid of companions forever (pissing them off enough to leave or airlocking them) was, AFAIK, permanent without any replacement, and basically player had to "deal with it". However, when companion kits got removed, and their trinity roles fixed, this proved to be problematic (read - people whined about their own stupidity)


Well, if the roles were restricted after the choice was made, then it's hardly fair to the player, who used to have Vette as a healer to suddenly be left without.


EDIT (the last one!) I think the best way to know is to start a class story. A sub can start all of them simultaneously, tbh. Play each class a little and to see which one feels like "OMG, THIS ONE!" Because I think most of us had had this experience and it is awesome.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Many of your complaints are personal, not objective.


Objective analysis has no place here, this thread is about ranking stories, and that is purely subjective, always. People who try to analyse subjective issues objectively really irk me. People's preferences are different. That puts stories solely into realm of subjective (dependant on person).


For example you cannot justify that one story is better than the other because you talk to more people. Such criteria for "what is better" is personal preference and thus subjective.

Edited by Karkais
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It might have already been pointed out here (I haven't read all 9 pages of comments), but there is more to be considered when you're creating your first toon than just the story.


1) The gender choice. Don't choose based on your gender, choose based on the VOICE of the toon. For instance, you'll find many saying the female Sith Inquisitor is a real treat, while the male counterpart is horrible. The gay community, on the other hand, adores the male inquisitor. You need to hear the voices first to decide for yourself what makes you happy.


(Please remember that some classes can use masks that modulate their voices. So while the male Sith Warrior on Korriban sounds meh, the same toon with a voice-modulating mask becomes one of the best voices in the game.)


2) The light/dark side choice. Again, this should be a pragmatic choice, like in the case of gender. You've seen the consensus concerning the consular story: one of the worst in the game. I agree, my light side Jedi Consular was annoyingly dumb. But my predominantly dark side Jedi Knight turned out to be a lot of fun, even though many dismiss the Knight story as schematic, cliche, boring. If you do not follow the stereotype, you'll get more bang for your bucks.


This being said, you may want your first toon to be light side, simply because the LS legacy perk, Unity, is so much better than the DS one, Sacrifice. So, for instance, if you do not want to be a mindless murdering machine, you may consider LS Sith Inquisitor or Warrior to be your first toon...


IMO, Fem!Quisitor fits the story much better, as well as having much more awesome voice. the male one is not bad, but female voice just sound better...


And personally, I am looking forward to trying to play a "Lawful Evil" Inquisitor on my reroll of the character, meaning trying to play Dark Side, but without being a psychopathic maniac...

Edited by Aries_cz
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Well, if the roles were restricted after the choice was made, then it's hardly fair to the player, who used to have Vette as a healer to suddenly be left without.


EDIT (the last one!) I think the best way to know is to start a class story. A sub can start all of them simultaneously, tbh. Play each class a little and to see which one feels like "OMG, THIS ONE!" Because I think most of us had had this experience and it is awesome.


Not sure what came first, if removing of choices or companion kits


And if people are not subscribers, they can always get a glimpse of story on YouTube </shameless self-promotion>

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HK51 was intended to be on Hoth (although I think that there was something on Belsavis with him as well) and on launch or soon after.


I am aware of that...


Plus, there's dialogue where this one character and astromech droid talk as if they were on Hoth. And no, there was nothing on Belsavis pertaining HK-51, aside from the fact they changed the crash of the Fatality to Section X.


It got removed for some reason or another.


It wasn't removed, but rather altered. The original Section X is accessible from the real Belsavis.


Same with the Black Hole on Labor Valley.


However, I do not know the specifics, it could be easily similar to what it is now, or going around people persuading them to give you the parts...


I already commented on that earlier... There's always Google.


Not sure about Treek, but I am pretty sure that she was not planned for original game (or at least, I never read anything about her being part of the base game)


I never said she was planned for the original release.


What I said is that it is likely they -- presumably -- planned for a companion such as Treek, if not her, in addition to HK-51 at launch, further down the road, NOT the faceless alternative you alluded to earlier.


Not sure what came first, if removing of choices or companion kits


And if people are not subscribers, they can always get a glimpse of story on YouTube </shameless self-promotion>


I believe the kits were removed afterwards. Killing off companions was ditched fairly early on.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 4 months later...

Anyway, for me personally:


  1. Bounty Hunter - theme for me permeates throughout and the end of chapter 1 is Epic - feels like a solo flashpoint done right.
  2. Sith Warrior
  3. Agent (although I can see how it could be #1 for some)
  4. Sith Inquisitor (Would be better if Act 2 and 3 Villain had better motivation to kill you than "I hated your master")
  5. Smuggler (Act 1 is HILARIOUS through Tatooine, but then loses its way and the smuggler feel throughout acts 2 and 3)
  6. Trooper - Consistent with some good moments but nothing jawdropping or stellar.
  7. Jedi Knight
  8. Consular - Doesn't really pick up until Act 3



Note that the only reason I have smuggler so high is because the wry humor quotient is so high in chapter 1. The issue is Smuggler is mostly humorless in chapters 2 or 3.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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Best for me =


Jedi Knight = Epic story

Operative = best scenario

Bounty hunter = most fun


Inquisitor - warrior sith - smuggler = interessting


Jedi consular - trooper = borring


I must quote this. That's exactly what I felt after finishing all 8 stories. Just like that.

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