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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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I'm so sick of this. Yes, the sentinal is a class that can be learned to play well. The problem with the class is that the learning curve & skill requirement is dramatically skewed as compared to the other class-types.


Go try a different class. If you still "wreck everything" and find that you don't require 36+ memorized keybinds to still do so - then come back and talk.


I honestly dont disagree with you. I have actually played trooper and jedi shadow to very high level, one in beta and the other in live. I can honestly say I "wreck" stuff better on my sentinel. Is the sentinel much much harder to learn and play compared to my shadow or trooper? Absolutely it is, it requires a much higher level of skill, more key bindings and more concentration. Am I rewarded for being able to execute this class well? I personally believe so. If they buff the class then people like me that are absolutely destroying things will be even more Overpowered. No I don't think that a buff is the fix. I think an argument can be made that they might try to make the class a bit simpler, perhaps put some abilities like overload saber into procs or combine some abilities. I don't know but the fix I believe is to simplify the class for the people who are struggling, not buffing the class.


All that being said I would rather play my Sentinel over my shadow or my commando. To me its not even close how much faster I destroy stuff. Again this is just my opinion and I do try to be as biased as I can. I do understand why people are struggling and there is probably things that can be done to help those people. But for some of us the class is extremely powerful and well rounded. I don't believe it is because we are just better players, I think it is probably because we have figured it out. I remember thinking I would never be able to understand computer programming until one day I did, and it was so simple to read. Sentinel was like this for me, harder to learn the other classes, but very rewarding.

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Wait, wait, wait!


Come back and help me with this rotation!


Can you give me like... just a list of what to click in what order? Because I'm writing this down, then I'm going to go change my keybinds and buttons and go forward with this new set up.


Also, what companion do you use? I've heard some suggestions about... what happens at the end... But I won't worry about that now.




Use T7 until you get Doc... Make sure to always keep their gear in the best condition possible (save up for barrel upgrades for their weapons esspecially, from commendations). If you're artifice then level it so that you always have the blue quality hilt of your own level ready.


Always have the best hilt, and make sure you keep your companion (Doc when you get him) well geared, fill his empty gear slots as soon as you can. If you do this then leveling will be much smoother.

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This is an extremely powerful class, but kind of weak in the lower levels. I have found focus spec to be the most effective for both leveling and pvp. Doc is my favorite companion. I reccommend being a couple levels higher then whatever content you are trying to do, to avoid any frustrations. Aside from that, this class is extremely powerful in the later levels when you have more abilities and learn how to use them.
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Wait, wait, wait!


Come back and help me with this rotation!


Can you give me like... just a list of what to click in what order? Because I'm writing this down, then I'm going to go change my keybinds and buttons and go forward with this new set up.


Also, what companion do you use? I've heard some suggestions about... what happens at the end... But I won't worry about that now.




OK :)

First off my companion I use. I personally like Kira, I keep her geared with up to date blue armoring and mods and usually epic hilts every 5 levels or so. This is why I like her because I already have artificing on my shadow and plenty of willpower hilts unlocked so I use her. Some times I will use Doc if I feel like I am going to be soloing a heroic mission and don't want to take chance on dieing when pulling multiple elites or a champion. Doc is just the safe way to go, but mostly I use Kira with her armor pen stance. I am just impressed with her damage output, even at early levels and I feel like there is no need to have any tanking companions so I use her, and still do even at high levels.


My rotation changes slightly depending on how fast I go because sometimes if you are going fast some of your powers will not be back off cool-down, making your rotation more dynamic. Instead focus on some key points you need to always remember. Number one and probably the most important is to never miss a global cool-down. Unlike games that have auto attacks or classes that regen energy on their on, we do not. If you miss a global cool-down for whatever reason you will be losing dps,mitigation and focus generation. So always make sure to be using every global, even if you just using slash.


Now a little more about rotation you have to keep in mind the most important thing when fighting elites is to understand how overload saber works. It ticks every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. How much each tick does is based on how many stacks of it you have applied. So the trick is to apply 3 stacks, which will then tick for you guessed it, 3 times as much damage. If you put the stacks on to fast then they will fall off and then guess what? You will have to start over and the third stack will only have ticked 3 times. If you go to slow the dots can also fall off causing you to never have reached the 3 stacks fast enough. So you have to learn how to get your stacks to 3, then maintain them at 3 for as long as possible. If you can get it to 3 stacks while not missing a global and then reapply overload saber you could basically refresh the dots duration so that it is constantly ticking every 2 seconds with 3 stacks applied.


So understanding this is one thing, but executing this is another totally. Only melee abilities will apply overload saber stacks on your target, force powers will not. Force powers are abilities that give yellow numbers when you attack. So the trick is to learn to use every global while alternating force powers and melee powers.


An example rotation would be like this Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, Cauterize, Force Sweep, Merciless Slash, Force Stasis, Master Strike. Delaying the overload saber here allows you to use that first global and generate some focus without putting up your dot too early, causing them to fall off. Cauterize will give you your first stack, then force sweep using a global and doesn't apply a stack, allowing it to run down a bit before your slash/merciless slash refreshes it. Then you can force stasis which is a great way to mitigate damage while damaging the target and letting those dots tick down some. Careful not to let them fall off and start your master strike right as the dot is fixing to fall off. Close to the end of your master strike use your overload saber then slash/merciless slash to renew the stacks back to 3. You can also throw in blade rush or any other ability that does not apply stacks of overload saber. Throw in damage reduction abilities also during the free globals which will also prevent the dots from refreshing. As cool-downs come off your rotation will change and become more dynamic. But try to keep this in mind and play around with all your abilities so that you learn which ones apply stacks of overload saber and which ones do not. Obvious abilities like saber ward or debuffs don't apply or refresh and are perfect for filler abilities. This is one of the keys to mowing down elites. Combine this with a proper zen at 3 stacks and you will get a full 6 ticks of overload saber crits at 3 stacks on each tic.


Some things I love to throw in on non strong or elite mobs is using opportune strike every-time I force leap when its available, and before i user overload saber. Also when you throw in a force sweep to use as a filler ability you can throw in a pommel strike for free. It can take some practice , and yes its allot of things to think about and consider but once you get used to it, it can be very rewarding and fun. You will start destroying mobs with ease and taking hardly no damage. I hope this helps, please feel free to pm me or post if you need any more advice. Good Luck!

Edited by Lancerx
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How is it a bad thing to have 1-2 classes in the game harder to play than others, but with a greater reward for mastering it? Why do you absolutely want to dumb down the Sentinel to suit your selfish needs, completely ignoring the people who chose the class for what it is and not some dream they had about it?


Once again, it's not the people enjoying the class who should be trying something else, it should be you and all others complaining all day long how much Sentinel sucks. So please, do us a favor and go play those "easy" classes and leave us alone.


The people enjoying the class as aren't the bad guys. You are.


The problem is that it's not a "greater reward" for mastering it. Your reward for mastering Sentinel is simply being able to kill an elite solo+companion.


Sentinel absolutely does not need to be "dumbed down", I absolutely agree there. What it does need though, is some fine tuning on is the difference between "adequate" and "mastery".


Currently, Sentinel has two speeds:


1. Killing ALL the things!



There's really no in between. Either you absolutely rock your micromanagement or you fail to kill the gold star. That, is the problem. What I believe the Sentinel needs is a re-tune so that average Sentinel players do "good enough" and excellent players do "amazing", instead of what it is now...excellent players do "amazing", average players faceplant in the dirt.

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OK :)

First off my companion I use. I personally like Kira, I keep her geared with up to date blue armoring and mods and usually epic hilts every 5 levels or so. This is why I like her because I already have artificing on my shadow and plenty of willpower hilts unlocked so I use her. Some times I will use Doc if I feel like I am going to be soloing a heroic mission and don't want to take chance on dieing when pulling multiple elites or a champion. Doc is just the safe way to go, but mostly I use Kira with her armor pen stance. I am just impressed with her damage output, even at early levels and I feel like there is no need to have any tanking companions so I use her, and still do even at high levels.


My rotation changes slightly depending on how fast I go because sometimes if you are going fast some of your powers will not be back off cool-down, making your rotation more dynamic. Instead focus on some key points you need to always remember. Number one and probably the most important is to never miss a global cool-down. Unlike games that have auto attacks or classes that regen energy on their on, we do not. If you miss a global cool-down for whatever reason you will be losing dps,mitigation and focus generation. So always make sure to be using every global, even if you just using slash.


Now a little more about rotation you have to keep in mind the most important thing when fighting elites is to understand how overload saber works. It ticks every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. How much each tick does is based on how many stacks of it you have applied. So the trick is to apply 3 stacks, which will then tick for you guessed it, 3 times as much damage. If you put the stacks on to fast then they will fall off and then guess what? You will have to start over and the third stack will only have ticked 3 times. If you go to slow the dots can also fall off causing you to never have reached the 3 stacks fast enough. So you have to learn how to get your stacks to 3, then maintain them at 3 for as long as possible. If you can get it to 3 stacks while not missing a global and then reapply overload saber you could basically refresh the dots duration so that it is constantly ticking every 2 seconds with 3 stacks applied.


So understanding this is one thing, but executing this is another totally. Only melee abilities will apply overload saber stacks on your target, force powers will not. Force powers are abilities that give yellow numbers when you attack. So the trick is to learn to use every global while alternating force powers and melee powers.


An example rotation would be like this Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, Cauterize, Force Sweep, Merciless Slash, Force Stasis, Master Strike. Delaying the overload saber here allows you to use that first global and generate some focus without putting up your dot too early, causing them to fall off. Cauterize will give you your first stack, then force sweep using a global and doesn't apply a stack, allowing it to run down a bit before your slash/merciless slash refreshes it. Then you can force stasis which is a great way to mitigate damage while damaging the target and letting those dots tick down some. Careful not to let them fall off and start your master strike right as the dot is fixing to fall off. Close to the end of your master strike use your overload saber then slash/merciless slash to renew the stacks back to 3. You can also throw in blade rush or any other ability that does not apply stacks of overload saber. Throw in damage reduction abilities also during the free globals which will also prevent the dots from refreshing. As cool-downs come off your rotation will change and become more dynamic. But try to keep this in mind and play around with all your abilities so that you learn which ones apply stacks of overload saber and which ones do not. Obvious abilities like saber ward or debuffs don't apply or refresh and are perfect for filler abilities. This is one of the keys to mowing down elites. Combine this with a proper zen at 3 stacks and you will get a full 6 ticks of overload saber crits at 3 stacks on each tic.


Some things I love to throw in on non strong or elite mobs is using opportune strike every-time I force leap when its available, and before i user overload saber. Also when you throw in a force sweep to use as a filler ability you can throw in a pommel strike for free. It can take some practice , and yes its allot of things to think about and consider but once you get used to it, it can be very rewarding and fun. You will start destroying mobs with ease and taking hardly no damage. I hope this helps, please feel free to pm me or post if you need any more advice. Good Luck!


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all this to me. I am so grateful you're being kind enough to help me out, as I'm really frustrated and about to give up entirely. I just have a few small questions before I run off to kill Gamorreans over by the Sarlacc pit. Good place, spread out silver and gold mobs of 3. Figured it was a good place to practice, practice, practice.


Just a few questions before I go:


1) What do you recommend in place of Merciless Slash? I'm only level 30 and I don't think I have that one just yet.


2) When should I use things like Saber Ward and Rebuke? I see a lot of suggestions for using Saber Ward before the Force Leap in. Then Rebuke when Saber Ward's CD ends. Then Saber Ward again when it comes back up. What do you recommend? I know, use Zen when it becomes available and Kick as soon as possible.


3) Tree points. I'm a Watchman spec. How am I looking? Current build here and planned build here


That's all I can think of for this moment. Thank you so much again for everything, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. You're so kind!

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The problem is that it's not a "greater reward" for mastering it. Your reward for mastering Sentinel is simply being able to kill an elite solo+companion.


Sentinel absolutely does not need to be "dumbed down", I absolutely agree there. What it does need though, is some fine tuning on is the difference between "adequate" and "mastery".


Currently, Sentinel has two speeds:


1. Killing ALL the things!



There's really no in between. Either you absolutely rock your micromanagement or you fail to kill the gold star. That, is the problem. What I believe the Sentinel needs is a re-tune so that average Sentinel players do "good enough" and excellent players do "amazing", instead of what it is now...excellent players do "amazing", average players faceplant in the dirt.



This is exactly true. As I've said in other posts about this topic, I haven't had any major issues with the Sentinel in PvE, but I have to be on 100% of the time, and there isn't any room for error. Miss a kick or waste Stasis at the wrong time, and you're done. This is the problem I have with the Sentinel, and it doesn't get any better at Level 50 either.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all this to me. I am so grateful you're being kind enough to help me out, as I'm really frustrated and about to give up entirely. I just have a few small questions before I run off to kill Gamorreans over by the Sarlacc pit. Good place, spread out silver and gold mobs of 3. Figured it was a good place to practice, practice, practice.


Just a few questions before I go:


1) What do you recommend in place of Merciless Slash? I'm only level 30 and I don't think I have that one just yet.


2) When should I use things like Saber Ward and Rebuke? I see a lot of suggestions for using Saber Ward before the Force Leap in. Then Rebuke when Saber Ward's CD ends. Then Saber Ward again when it comes back up. What do you recommend? I know, use Zen when it becomes available and Kick as soon as possible.


3) Tree points. I'm a Watchman spec. How am I looking? Current build here and planned build here


That's all I can think of for this moment. Thank you so much again for everything, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. You're so kind!


To answer your first question, you can use any ability that procs overload saber, i.e. slash,strike zealot strike.


To answer your second question I would say this. I know allot of people like to use rebuke before going into combat and if your pulling more then one mob then it is good also. You can use it before combat or you can use it on a free global cool-down. I like to use all my defensive cool-downs in order of their cool-down from least to greatest. So I would use rebuke first, since it only has a 30 second downtime, followed by a pacify then maybe force camo for the 4 seconds 100% damage reduction. Then I would use rebuke again and if I needed to I would use saber ward, then after saber ward is done use one with the force which makes saber ward come right back up. I can honestly say though I rarely ever use saber ward except for on champions or really really tough fights.


So when using these defensive cool-downs always use them on free globals. Remember your rotation is like this melee, free global, melee, free global, melee , free global, overload saber , repeat. So you can use defensive cool-downs during free globals to make sure you keep your dots rolling correctly. You can use it ahead of time. I personally use it ahead of battle usually so that every global I can I use some sort of offensive ability. Like force sweep, force stasis, blade storm, pommel strike, opportune strike and so forth. I try not to every use my strike unless i absolutely have to. If you have 1 focus and you can use a force sweep then go for it, it does more damage then strike and it may allow you to use a pommel strike or buy enough time to use force leap or zealot strike. It just takes some time but keep at it, you will master it. Also if at all possible really try to get a full set of orange gear that you can upgrade to mods. Try to buy blue mods with commendations if you can or make them, or have friend hook ya up. More important try to keep an up to date hilt. And epic hilt can be an extra 100-200 damage on every global. It is quite ok to use a guardian hilt, might hilt or even a willpower hilt if you had no other choice. Its all about the power rating, but try to use might hilts or guardian hilts.


To answer your last question, I kinda like your build now. I actually didn't start playing watchman until i was like 32 so I had more talents when I first switched over. I might consider taking close quarters 2/2 right away because focus is so much more important then the 30% damage on cauterize or the centering built. Don't get me wrong, all those things are great, but you want to be able to use force leap at 0 range as a focus builder every time its available, this allows you to use opportune strike every time its up also. And keep in mind that force leap and overload saber share a cool-down and it just say happens that they offset each other with focus generation and focus cost. Force leap does damage and stuns mob allowing opportune strike, then you can use overload saber for the same focus you just generated. Letting you basically use a few global cool-downs with no cost to you and great damage output. I hope this helps, keep at it as I am sure you will get it figured out and as your micro management skills improve you will start destroying stuff. You can't imagine how many times iv done quests with people and had them tell me they wanted to go roll a sentinel right then. Its very rewarding and exciting. Good luck.

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You might also want to check out combat around level 40, with final talent(it changes whole way this tree plays), since then killing groups of mobs(and that's wat you're killing 90% of time while leveling) goes smoother and easier than watchman - don't get me wrong, watchamn is good, maybe even better in potential sustained dps, but it also takes lot of attention, always. That is also why you should stick with watchman until 4x - this way you'll know how to make it work if you were to spec to pve dps, but also got hang of other tree.


As for Lancerx rotation, there is one thing he forgot. Most of the time, you jump from one fight to another, and therefore have at least some focus lefovers. It's good idea to use overload saber before leaping, and even wait a while for it cd to tick a bit

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You know, I'm honestly unsure what the complaining is about. I've died a few times, but that's to be expected. My Sentinel is currently lvl 39.


For the most part, I have no problems with my Sentinel. She's a blast to play, it does take a lot of concentration to beat elites and champions, but I can do it. I don't really use any of the proper rotations that are floating around the board. I simply do everything I can to keep all my attacks on CD at all times.


I started as Focus spec, looking for more survivability. That lasted me until about lvl 30, then decided to give Combat a try. That didn't last long, so I went Watchman. I waited to go Watchman because I hate the idea of DoT's doing all my DPS for me. But, as soon as I went Watchman, everything became much simpler.


I have to say, though, I'm used to playing easy-to-play, hard-to-master classes. The priority system is actually nothing new to me, my main in the-game-that-shall-not-be-mentioned used a priority system as well, instead of a fixed rotation. I think having previous experience with a priority based combat system helped me a lot.


Once I realized that I had to keep all my damage dealing abilities with CD's on them on CD as often as possible, it became MUCH simpler for me. Now I can and have solo'd several things with ease.


Hope this helps people who are having issues. I honestly don't believe it's the class.

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You know, I'm honestly unsure what the complaining is about. I've died a few times, but that's to be expected. My Sentinel is currently lvl 39.


For the most part, I have no problems with my Sentinel. She's a blast to play, it does take a lot of concentration to beat elites and champions, but I can do it. I don't really use any of the proper rotations that are floating around the board. I simply do everything I can to keep all my attacks on CD at all times.


I started as Focus spec, looking for more survivability. That lasted me until about lvl 30, then decided to give Combat a try. That didn't last long, so I went Watchman. I waited to go Watchman because I hate the idea of DoT's doing all my DPS for me. But, as soon as I went Watchman, everything became much simpler.


I have to say, though, I'm used to playing easy-to-play, hard-to-master classes. The priority system is actually nothing new to me, my main in the-game-that-shall-not-be-mentioned used a priority system as well, instead of a fixed rotation. I think having previous experience with a priority based combat system helped me a lot.


Once I realized that I had to keep all my damage dealing abilities with CD's on them on CD as often as possible, it became MUCH simpler for me. Now I can and have solo'd several things with ease.


Hope this helps people who are having issues. I honestly don't believe it's the class.


You are one of the people who have gotten the wrong idea from posts on these forums. It's not that people can't play sentinel, or can't beat things as a sentinel. It's that every other class does it twice as easy.

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You are one of the people who have gotten the wrong idea from posts on these forums. It's not that people can't play sentinel, or can't beat things as a sentinel. It's that every other class does it twice as easy.


I am sorry to absolutely disagree. Your either trolling or being very biased. I have played two other classes to very high level. I kill stuff much easier on my sentinel then I do on my shadow and my commando. When I was 37 I solo'd some 4+ level 35 heroics on Balmorra, and took out the Apprentice Champion solo which had 85k health. I could never have done that with my shadow or my commando. Coming in saying something like other classes kill twice as fast or twice as easy is not only false, but not even realistic. The problem is not class balance at all. The problem is how hard it is to learn to play this class well. The learning curve is very steep for this class. People say they are weak but they are not. If they buffed the class then people who are doing very well, like myself would be really over powered. The problem is maybe they could make some abilities combined together or make it a bit simpler. As it is now you either destroy stuff and roll through content, or you seem to fall down and die allot.

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You know. Been playing and have had a few problems. The main thing is GCD on some abilities that have to be fast pace or you get screwed. If your attacking and you see the channel bar where you have to interrupt. but cant cuz of global cool down. Your screwed If you stun someone you have to wait for the GCD to use pommel in that breif oppening that Pommel strike works. same thing with opportune strike. Cant even get it to work.


I only have 3 maybe 4 changes to sentinel. Going from what i want the most to least


1. Force Camo buffed to last 8 to 10 secs. Even a upgrade to boost it. Cuz as it stands now its almost useless except for when you gain fleetfooted to break out of stuns. I would actaully like to stealth and creep up or past someone especially since i cant close the gap and easily out DPS them.


2. No GCD for Pommel and opportune strike. Since it already rare to be in range, and effectively stun the person. We should be able to activate it instantly if reflex allows use to be able to use that technique. Especially since its slow to get off. I hit it before they break stun yet if they dont complete the animation. No damage is done and the animation is slow considering that you only have a breif second to actually use it cuz of the GCD makes the technique nearly not worth even having cuz you cant even get it off half of the time.


3. Minor Damage increase. As close range combatant we should definetly have a damage bonus for having to close distance and keep the distance close. Especially since its nothng to run away in the chaos of pvp. Force pull for sentinel would have been perfect. for sentinel to use while Force leap was on CD. But higher damage would aid things against the battle against ranged opponents


4. Least thing im worried about is more health. While I wont argue against it. im not really arguing for it. The same with The damage increase. I cant find ways around it. But I will agree for more health and abit more damage. For the pure fact that we have to fight for the close range encounters and fight through ranged fire.


Conclusion. Despite 3 and 4. I would be greatly satisfied with A longer force camo. Because the sentinel stealth is damn near pointless as it is.



P.S. Sent class it great. But i have very few issues with it. But I understand and do agree with other classes seem to be easier to use. Only cuz of the range situation. with balanced damage and health points. And do the darth angral thing. Dying 10 to 15 times. Completely shows that your not good at using the class. I died twice. And the first time is because I had a brain fart and was messing up my buffs and sent kira in to initiate the fight before i was done and sat still for 30 secs. 2nd Time I mopped the floor with Angral and Kira was still alive.

Edited by Csdabest
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LOL Beat Darth Angral first try. Level 34 using Kira. You people make me laugh. Really?


Not very nice or productive :) Anyway 34 is pretty high, I think i beat him at 29 first try. But yea I thought the trash pulls up to him was actually tougher then he was.

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I have a level 48 sentinel right now. I personally love the challenge it provides, and when doing world pvp on a server, I do OK. I usually get ganked while fighting a group of NPCs, but sometimes I kill the idiot empire player. I agree that we need a buff though, there are some points where I just get wrecked on certain pulls even when I pop every CD. I will keep on playing my sentinel into raiding content/ level 50 pvp. Hopefully we get a buff, but until then, just suck it up :)
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Not very nice or productive :) Anyway 34 is pretty high, I think i beat him at 29 first try. But yea I thought the trash pulls up to him was actually tougher then he was.


I PVP a lot I tend to be overleveled. If being nice or productive was a prerequisite to post these would be some empty forums. (Alderaan is 28-32 so it's not that high. Angral himself is level 33)

Edited by Derian
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I have a level 48 sentinel right now. I personally love the challenge it provides, and when doing world pvp on a server, I do OK. I usually get ganked while fighting a group of NPCs, but sometimes I kill the idiot empire player. I agree that we need a buff though, there are some points where I just get wrecked on certain pulls even when I pop every CD. I will keep on playing my sentinel into raiding content/ level 50 pvp. Hopefully we get a buff, but until then, just suck it up :)


I really think improvements can be made without buffing the class. The class is powerful like it is. The problem is how hard it is to execute the class well. It requires allot of skill with no room for error, meaning that you have great micro management skills and you love the class , or you seem to hate it because you keep dieing. There is not much middle ground, no room for error. If they buffed the class then players that play well now would be overpowered, but they could definitely do some things to improve it for everyone struggling.

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I think the class is curved towards the beginning, but as you level it's much better. I'm currently lvl 39 on Balmorra and I'm able to take down the mobs and champions no problem (as long as I use T-7 as my companion)


I use a watchman spec and have T-7 fully geared, using him as a tank. However, I'm not sure how well I'd fare against enemies my exact level, but I couldnt imagine it'd be that much more difficult.

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I really think improvements can be made without buffing the class. The class is powerful like it is. The problem is how hard it is to execute the class well. It requires allot of skill with no room for error, meaning that you have great micro management skills and you love the class , or you seem to hate it because you keep dieing. There is not much middle ground, no room for error. If they buffed the class then players that play well now would be overpowered, but they could definitely do some things to improve it for everyone struggling.


The more of your posts that I read, the more I think we agree more or less in principle. I don't think we need a buff per se... but something is definitely off somewhere. The other guy who mentioned sentinel is binary had it right too: It's kill-kill-kill or faceplant for sure.


Personally, I think an adjustment of move-set or CD's would probably solve it. I liked the idea someone else mentioned about making pomel/opportune instant - though realistically they could probably be merged into one move too; They're pretty similar and rare usage.


Or maybe just give us some CC... that would probably fix everything.

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I think the class is curved towards the beginning, but as you level it's much better. I'm currently lvl 39 on Balmorra and I'm able to take down the mobs and champions no problem (as long as I use T-7 as my companion)


I use a watchman spec and have T-7 fully geared, using him as a tank. However, I'm not sure how well I'd fare against enemies my exact level, but I couldnt imagine it'd be that much more difficult.


Just a few levels back I solo'd a heroic 4+ on Balmorra and solo'd the last boss which was a champion one level lower, which had 88k Health. I finished the fight with 80% my life, with doc healing as companion, and I had doc set offensive stance. If I am not using Doc, I find myself using Kira because of her nice dps. I have never used t7 since I was able to use Kira, and found it really easy to tank/dps and let companion heal/dps. This however is just my play style and it is cool to see how successful you have been using t7 as tank and you as dps.



I thought sents were fine until I acually played one .. I am 22 and want to re-roll a RDPS class or Scoundrel ... I mean hell why should I suffer 28 more lvls when I can have easy mode?


Sentinels are fine actually, I am sorry you struggled with them. There is allot of information available here to help you improve and get better. Sentinel learning curve is very steep but once you learn to play them well, you can really roll through stuff. I am now in the 40's and I will admit it is getting easier to mow through mobs. That being said, I thought it was less then a challenge from levels 1-35, and at some points I felt like sentinels was just ridiculously sick at dispatching enemies. If you are interested in perhaps posting what sort of problems you encountered or were struggling with then I am sure that there would be plenty of people who are having great success, myself included, that would be willing to offer some help or advice. I find myself constantly learning new tricks to improve, but unlike other classes Sentinel learning curve is so steep that you find yourself falling way behind until you really get good at the micro management part of the class. I hope you give them another chance, they really are good, and very playable, even at lower levels. Good Luck.

Edited by Lancerx
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